Dear colleagues,
we are starting a new activity at the IFIP WG 2.7/13.4: the UI-Engineering
Live Talks. The group will organize a bimonthly webinar given by a group
member or by an invited expert. Group members will participate in the
online meetings, while the live stream on YouTube will be publicly
Our group member Célia Martinie will give the inaugural talk on the 26th of
May at 14:00 CET. We would be delighted by your participation.
Title: Considering modelling techniques in HCI engineering education
Speaker: Célia Martinie, IRIT, France
Teaching HCI requires to take into account the field’s diverse perspectives
(e.g. interaction design, human factors, software development…), as well as
its constant state of change (e.g. new contexts, new devices, new
programming languages…). Teaching HCI engineering particularly focuses on
preparing students to the design, development and implementation of usable
and effective interactive computing systems.
Amongst the engineering approaches that can be taught for that purpose,
model-based techniques are interesting because they match the industry
needs for techniques to develop usable and reliable interactive computing
systems. Beyond this concrete motivation for teaching students how to build
and use models, models are also interesting because they help students to
reason and understand problems, and can even make them better at
identifying and solving problems. However, students do not always
understand the benefits of using modelling techniques, and can find them
abstract, cumbersome and worthless to use. The purpose of this presentation
is to discuss the importance of teaching modelling for HCI engineering,
especially in a context where new technologies and new methodology trends
are continuously emerging. Several strategies can be envisioned to increase
the involvement of students with modelling techniques and I will detail one
possible strategy.
[image: photo]
Prof. Lucio Davide Spano
Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica
Università di Cagliari
Via Ospedale 72, 09124, Cagliari, Italy
Tel: +39 070 675 8760
Website <> | RG
*** Combo Call for Workshop Papers ***
19th IEEE eScience Conference (eScience 2023)
October 9-13, 2023, St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus
The 19th IEEE eScience Conference will be held in Limassol, Cyprus on October 9-13, 2023.
eScience 2023 will host a number of workshops which will be co-located with the main
conference on Monday, October 9 and Tuesday, October 10, 2023.
The eScience conference has a long history of hosting well-attended workshops. These
workshops share the goal of bringing together international and interdisciplinary research
communities, developers, and users of eScience applications and enabling IT technologies.
Workshops play a crucial role in the conference by providing an opportunity for researchers
and practitioners to present their work in a more focused way than the conference itself and
to have in-depth discussions of particular topics of interest to the community.
eScience 2023 will host the following workshops:
● 1st Workshop on cItizeN Science engagemenT based on Ict soLutions (INSTIL 2023)
● 3rd Workshop on E-science ReseaRch leading tO negative Results (ERROR 2023)
● 3rd Workshop on Reproducible Workflows, Data Management, and Security
(ReWorDS 2023)
● 4th Global Research Platform (4GRP) Workshop
● IEEE International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Health (AI4Health 2023)
● Research Software Engineers in eScience: Sustainable RSE Ecosystems within eScience
● Workshop papers submission deadline: Defined per workshop, not before end June 2023
● Notification of acceptance: Defined per workshop
● IEEE proceedings camera ready: July 21, 2023
● Workshop days: October 9-10, 2023
Deadlines refer to 23:59 in the AoE (Anywhere on Earth) time zone.
General Chair
• George Angelos Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Technical Program Co-Chairs
• Rafael Ferreira da Silva, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
• Rosa Filgueira, University of St Andrews, UK
Organisation Committee
Steering Committee
***Apologies for cross-postings***
Last Call for Tutorials for MobileHCI 2023 in Athens, 26-29 September
Deadline: May, 26
MobileHCI tutorials are in-depth presentations of fundamental or state-of-the-art topics presented by researchers or practitioners within the field of MobileHCI, which is about effective interaction with and through mobile devices, applications, and services. The tutorials empower attendees to learn new skills and offer possibilities to meet new people and discuss topics of shared interest. The scope for tutorials is broad and includes topics, such as new technologies, research approaches and methodologies, design practices, user/consumer insights, investigations into new services/applications/interfaces, statistics, and much more. Virtual or Augmented Reality, wearable computing, and generally applications with technology on the go in mind are highly recommended.
The overall conference theme in 2023 is "Beyond morality: Ethics and action in MobileHCI"<>, so we invite tutorials to discuss ethical aspects in their work, as part of their problem definitions, system design, experiment design, instrument and metric adoption and conclusions.
In your proposal please include:
* The title of the tutorial
* Length of the tutorial (recommended at least one hour, three hours maximum)
* Learning goals of the tutorial
* The intended audience(s) of the tutorial
* The covered topics and the depths to which you will cover them
* Overview of the materials provided to the participants
* A brief biography of the instructor(s)
* Information on the delivery model of the tutorial (e.g., in presence or hybrid). A tutorial with physical presenter(s) is highly recommended.
More information at:
Feel free to contact us for any questions and share this call with your network!
Kind regards from Tutorial Organizers,
Dr. Dimitra Anastasiou | Senior R&T Associate
Project coordinator of ENRICH4ALL<>
(+352) 275 888 2838 | LinkedIn<>
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)
5, avenue des Hauts-Fourneaux | L-4362 Esch-sur-Alzette
[cid:image001.png@01D98A4E.D91F9C70]<…> [cid:image002.png@01D98A4E.D91F9C70] <> [signature_1608235888] <> [cid:image004.png@01D98A4E.D91F9C70] <>
[signature_347910317] <>
Posters and demos provide a unique opportunity to share valuable new ideas,
elicit feedback on early-stage work, and foster discussions and
collaborations among colleagues. Demos also provide a space for researchers
and practitioners to bring hands-on experiences to conference attendees.
A poster is a concise report of recent findings or other innovative or
thought-provoking work relevant to the CHItaly community. Appropriate
submissions should be complete enough to contribute to the HCI knowledge
and inspire future works, and must not have been presented elsewhere.
Besides presenting the poster during the posters & demos session, authors
will have the possibility to:
preview their poster in a 1-minute slot within the plenary session;
present their poster within the Metaverse session.
Posters will be published in the conference proceedings. Furthermore, a
special jury will check all the accepted contributions and the best posters
will be awarded with a best-poster certificate.
A demo is an interactive demonstration of a completed or ongoing research
effort, in the form of software or any working prototype or technical
solution of direct relevance to HCI. We welcome demos from students and
researchers in all stages of their careers. We particularly encourage
undergraduate students and authors of accepted full and short papers to
contribute their demos. An appealing and innovative demonstration presents
an opportunity to display further and disseminate your research and attract
attendees’ participation. Note that demos must be about research: the track
is not meant for presenting commercial products. Business-related
visibility is achieved via sponsorship. Demos can have been presented
Posters and demos will be reviewed by at least two members of the Program
In particular, but not exclusively, we solicit submissions related to the
conference’s main topics:
methods, approaches, and systems relating to the Human and the AI;
innovative AI-based interfaces and interactions empowering humans, and;
experiences in good and bad practices in applying AI to the interaction.
You may refer to the main call for papers for a more detailed list of
topics of interest.
Poster submissions must be up to 2 pages (+1 for references), not
anonymized. The poster should have “Poster:” at the beginning of the
manuscript’s title.
Demo submissions must be up to 2 pages (+1 for references), not anonymized.
The demo should have “Demo:” at the beginning of the manuscript’s title.
The submission must also outline how the authors plan to present their
work, with a description of any special equipment for setup that will be
All submissions must be formatted according to the ACM single column
submission template, available for Word and LaTeX.
Word template. Download and use the most recent Submission Template (…)
from the ACM website (…
LaTeX template. There are two alternatives:
Download the Primary Article Template – LaTeX folder from the ACM website.
The correct template for submission is single-column LaTeX.
Go to Overleaf and use ACM Conference Proceedings Primary Article Template (…).
The correct template for submission is single-column LaTeX (
For further specifications concerning the ACM format for manuscripts,
please, refer to the ACM website.
Manuscripts, in PDF format, must be uploaded via Easy Chair ( by selecting the
proper track (“posters and demos” submissions).
At least one author of a demo or a poster must register to the conference.
Authors will be assigned a time and location to present their posters and
demos to CHItaly.
Posters should include (1) the title, authors’ names, and affiliations, (2)
a concise overview of the research, (3) clear illustrations of key aspects
of the poster, and (4) a compelling visual design. Posters might also
include QR codes to link to online materials (e.g., scenario videos,
interactive prototypes).
Demos will be presented according to the plan included in the related
Posters and demos will also have a 1-minute presentation at the plenary
session in addition to the dedicated sessions. The presentation must be
supported by 2 slides: a title-slide and a slide with the content.
Submission deadline: June 20th, 2023
Notification: July 15th, 2023
Camera-ready deadline: July 31st, 2023
Deadline for sending the slides for the 1-minute presentation: September
15th, 2023
Anna Spagnolli (Università di Padova)
Alberto Monge Roffarello (Politecnico di Torino)
email: demo_poster(a)
Submit on EasyChair by selecting the “posters and demos” track:
CHItaly 2023, the biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter, will
be held from 20th to 22nd of September 2023 in Torino.
Beyond all other sessions, there will be an Industry session, in which are
very welcome contributions from industry stakeholders, experts,
professionals on topics that include but are not limited to:
Human Computer Artificial Intelligence (HCAI) effect on industry
decision making and smart solutions deployment
Impact of HCAI on learning and organizational transformation
HCAI and automated processes and products
HCAI & User Experience
HCAI impact on industry sustainable and green innovation and growth
Long term impact of HCAI on manufacturing, mobility, tourism, health,
security, and safety
Effects of economic/energetic crisis on HCAI activities in industries
and vice versa
Quantification of Return of Investment of HCAI contributions into
industry process and activities
Industry needs toward HCAI research
New ways of collaboration between industry and HCAI academic / research
Needed human competences and digital/non digital assets to optimally
integrate HCAI activities into industry processes
HCAI training needs & modalities in industry environment
HCAI experts’ professional growth opportunities within companies
Current industry process and needed changes to deeply integrating HCAI
into product/process design and development
New perspectives of integration of HCAI activities into the product
design & development
The required format for submissions are posters and demos.
A poster is a concise report of recent findings or other innovative or
thought-provoking work relevant to the CHItaly community. Appropriate
submissions should be complete enough to contribute to the HCI knowledge
and inspire future works, and must not have been presented elsewhere.
Besides presenting the poster during the posters & demos session, authors
will have the possibility to:
preview their poster in a 1-minute slot within the plenary session;
present their poster within the Metaverse session.
Poster papers will be published in the conference proceedings.
A demo is an interactive demonstration of a completed or ongoing research
effort, in the form of software or any working prototype or technical
solution of direct relevance to HCI. An appealing and innovative
demonstration presents an opportunity to display further and disseminate
your research and attract attendees’ participation. Demos can have been
presented elsewhere.
Poster paper submissions must be up to 2 pages (+1 for references), not
anonymized. The paper should have “Poster:” at the beginning of the
manuscript’s title.
Demo paper submissions must be up to 2 pages (+1 for references), not
anonymized. The demo should have “Demo:” at the beginning of the
manuscript’s title. The submission must also outline how the authors plan
to present their work, with a description of any special equipment for
setup that will be required.
Demo papers will be published in the conference proceedings.
All submissions must be formatted according to the ACM single column
submission template, available for Word and LaTeX.
Word template. Download and use the most recent Submission Template
the ACM website
LaTeX template. There are two alternatives:
Download the Primary Article Template – LaTeX
from the ACM website
The correct template for submission is single-column LaTeX.
Go to Overleaf and use ACM Conference Proceedings Primary Article
The correct template for submission is single-column LaTeX.
For further specifications concerning the ACM format for manuscripts,
please, refer to the ACM website
Manuscripts, in PDF format, must be uploaded via Easy Chair
<> by selecting the
proper track (“Industry” submissions).
At least one author of a demo or a poster must register to the conference.
Authors will be assigned a time and location to present their papers and
demos to CHItaly.
Poster should include (1) the title, authors’ names, and affiliations, (2)
a concise overview of the research, (3) clear illustrations of key aspects
of the poster, and (4) a compelling visual design. Poster papers might
also include QR codes to link to online materials (e.g., scenario videos,
interactive prototypes).
Demos will be presented according to the plan included in the related
Paper/Demo submission deadline: July 1st 2023
Notification: July 15th, 2023
Camera-ready deadline (strict): July 31st, 2023
Deadline for sending the slides for the 1-minute presentation: September
15th, 2023
*** Fifth Call for Papers ***
19th IEEE eScience Conference (eScience 2023)
October 9-13, 2023, St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus
eScience 2023 provides an interdisciplinary forum for researchers, developers, and users of
eScience applications and enabling IT technologies. Its objective is to promote and encourage
all aspects of eScience and its associated technologies, applications, algorithms, and tools,
with a strong focus on practical solutions and open challenges. The conference welcomes
conceptualization, implementation, and experience contributions enabling and driving
innovation in data- and compute-intensive research across all disciplines, from the physical
and biological sciences to the social sciences, arts, and humanities; encompassing artificial
intelligence and machine learning methods; and targeting a broad spectrum of architectures,
including HPC, Cloud, and IoT.
The overarching theme of the eScience 2023 conference is “open eScience”. This year, the
conference is promoting four additional key topics:
• Computational Science for sustainable development
• Research Infrastructures for eScience
• Continuum Computing: Convergence between Cloud Computing and the Internet of Things
The conference is soliciting two types of contributions:
• Full papers (10 pages) presenting previously unpublished research achievements or
eScience experiences and solutions
• Posters (2 pages) showcasing early-stage results and innovations
Submitted papers should use the IEEE 8.5×11 manuscript guidelines: double-column text
using single-spaced 10-point font on 8.5×11-inch pages. Templates are available from .
Submissions should be made via the Easy Chair system using the submission link: .
All submissions will be single-blind peer reviewed. Selected full papers will receive a slot for
an oral presentation. Accepted posters will be presented during a poster reception. Accepted
full papers and poster papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Rejected full
papers can be re-submitted for a poster presentation. At least one author of each accepted
paper or poster must register as an author at the full registration rate. Each author registration
can be applied to only one accepted submission.
eScience 2023 will host the following awards, which will be announced at the conference.
• Best Paper Award
• Best Student Paper Award
• Best Poster Award
• Best Student Poster Award
• Outstanding Early Career Contribution – this award is associated with poster submissions
and short presentations of attendees in their early career phase (i.e., postdoctoral researchers
and junior scientists).
• Paper Submissions Due: Friday, May 26, 2023 (AoE)
• Notification of Paper Acceptance: Friday, June 30, 2023
• Poster Submissions due: Friday, July 7, 2023 (AoE)
• Poster Acceptance Notification: Monday, July 24, 2023
• All Camera-ready Submissions due: Monday, August 14, 2023
• Author Registration Deadline: Monday, August 14, 2023
General Chair
• George Angelos Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Technical Program Co-Chairs
• Rafael Ferreira da Silva, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
• Rosa Filgueira, University of St Andrews, UK
Organisation Committee
Steering Committee
Email contact: Technical-Program(a)
* Please accept our apologies if you have received multiple copies. *
Call for Papers
IEEE PICom 2023
The 21st IEEE International Conference on
Pervasive Intelligence and Computing (PICom 2023)
Nov 13-17, 2023, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Sponsored by IEEE, IEEE Computer Society
Over the last fifty years, computational intelligence has evolved from
artificial intelligence, nature-inspired computing, and social-oriented
technology to cyber-physical integrated ubiquitous intelligence towards
Pervasive Intelligence (PI). The IEEE International Conference on
Pervasive Intelligence and Computing is intended to cover all kinds of
these intelligent paradigms as well as their applications in various
pervasive computing domains. PICom-2023 is the conference on Pervasive
Intelligence and Computing. It aims to bring together computer
scientists and engineers, to discuss and exchange experimental and
theoretical results, work-in-progress, novel designs, and
test-environments or testbeds in the important areas of Pervasive
Intelligence and Computing. PICom 2023 invites original papers
addressing all aspects related to Pervasive Intelligence and Computing.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:
- Deep Learning and Deep Computation
- Big Data and Smart Data
- Brain-inspired Computing
- Crowdsourcing and Social Computing
- Collective Intelligence
- Agent-based Computing
- Ubiquitous Intelligence
- Cyber-Physical Computing
- The Internet of Things
- Edge Intelligence
- Embedded HW, SW and Systems
- Pervasive Devices and RFIDs
- Wearable Devices and Applications
- Sensor Technology and Networks
- Pervasive Networks/Communications
- Edge and Fog Computing
- Device Virtualization
- Privacy, Security and Trust
- Context-Aware Computing
- Mobile Data Mining
- Ubiquitous Data Mining
- Activity Recognition
- Intelligent Cloud Computing
- Services for Pervasive Computing
- Smart Cities and Smart Homes
- Intelligent Social Networking
- Pervasive Technologies for ITS
- HCI for Pervasive Computing
- Middleware for Pervasive Computing
- Intelligent/Smart IoT
- Programming Abstractions for IoT
=====================RESEARCH TRACKS=============================
The 2023 edition of IEEE PICom will be organized in research tracks.
Therefore, papers should be submitted to a single track, the one that
better fits their subject, from the following:
Track 1: Computational Intelligence
Track 2: Intelligent Networks, Middleware and Applications
Track 3: Pervasive Computing and Activity/Affect Recognition
Track 4: Smart Object, Environment, System and City
=====================IMPORTANT DATES=============================
Main Conference Papers
Paper Submission Due: 1 July, 2023
Authors Notification: 15 September, 2023
Camera-ready Submission: 30 September, 2023
Submission Link :
General Chair
Flavia C. Delicato, Fluminense Federal University, Brazil
Program Co-Chairs
Antonio Liotta, University of Bolzano, Italy
Deepak Puthal, Khalifa University, UAE
*** Apologies for cross postings ***
*BehavRec Workshop @RecSys 2023 - Call For Papers - *** DEADLINE July, 18
International Workshop on Behavior Change and Persuasive Recommender Systems
co-located with the 17th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys ’23)
Singapore, 18th-22nd September 2023
Submission site:
For any information: amon.rapp(a)
For solving a variety of personal and societal problems, changing human
behavior is crucial. Persuasive and behavior change recommender systems are
intentionally designed to provide users with suggestions on how to modify
their behavior, habits, beliefs and opinions. Research in this area has
advanced over the years attracting interest from both practitioners and
researchers also due to the increasing availability of personal data, like
medical records, physiological parameters, and psychological states, which
may enable novel forms of tailored suggestions that can be delivered
anywhere at any time, leveraging multiple technologies (e.g., natural
language processing) and different devices (e.g., ambient, wearable and
mobile devices).
The BehavRec workshop aims to provide a forum for discussing open problems
and innovative research approaches in this area. Some questions that
motivate the workshop are: What kind of data should be used to design
“persuasive” recommendations? How should they be delivered? What kind of
strategies should be implemented to design timely and contextualized
persuasive recommendations? What kind of theories should we rely on to
design effective persuasive recommendations? How to support the user’s
motivation and help them sustain the desired behavior in the long term?
What contextual factors may affect the effectiveness of behavior change
recommender systems and should be considered in design?
This workshop will deepen the discussion of novel approaches and
applications of recommender systems that might want to persuade users into
taking beneficial actions in domains as diverse as health and wellness,
safety and security, food and environmental sustainability, education and
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
– Persuasive and Behavior change recommender systems
– Health recommender systems
– Food recommender systems
– Recommender systems for education
– Persuasive conversational recommender systems
– Visual interfaces
– Context-aware interfaces
– Ubiquitous, wearable and mobile interfaces
– Conversational interfaces
– Controllability, transparency, and explainability
– Persuasive recommendation (e.g., argumentation-aware recommendation)
– Cultural differences (e.g., culture-aware recommendation)
– Context-aware recommendation
– How to balance the cost and benefit of behavior change recommender systems
– Challenges and limitations of implementing behavior change recommender
– Theories of behavior change and persuasion
– How to develop ethical and privacy-sensitive behavior change recommender
– Frameworks and models for developing personalized persuasive technology
– Objective and subjective approaches to behavior change recommendations
– Empirical studies and evaluations of recommender systems for behavior
– Evaluation methods and metrics (e.g., evaluation questionnaire design)
– Case studies and examples of behavior change recommender systems
– Success and failure stories with regard to behavior change recommender
– Long-term evaluation and evidence of long-term effects of behavior change
recommender systems.
We accept four kinds of submissions:
(A) Regular papers (5-12 pages + references - single-column CEURART style)
(B) Position papers, Ongoing projects and Demos (5-8 pages + references -
single-column CEURART style);
(C) Journal papers (already published - 2 pages including abstract,
highlights, and a pointer to the complete paper single-column CEURART
(D) Manifestations of interest (max 2 pages including a bio of the
participant and a brief statement about why they are interest in the
Submission site:
All submitted papers will be evaluated by two members of the program
committee, based on originality, significance, relevance, and technical
quality. Note that the references do not count toward page limits.
Submissions should be single-blinded, i.e. authors’ names should be
included in the submissions.
We aim to publish all accepted papers, except from the (C-D) submission
type in CEUR WS Proceedings, as a joint volume. At least one author of each
accepted paper must register for the workshop.
The templates and format instructions are available here:
Early submission are strongly encouraged. We adopt a rolling review system:
early submissions will be immediately reviewed and the notification will be
sent out approximately two weeks after the submission.
* Paper submission final deadline: July 18, 2023 (GMT)
* Paper notification: August 18, 2023 (GMT)
* Camera-ready version deadline: September 10, 2023
Amon Rapp
University of Torino, Torino, Italy
Federica Cena
University of Torino, Torino, Italy
Christoph Trattner
University of Bergen, Norway
Rita Orji
Dalhousie University, Canada
Julita Vassileva
University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Alain Starke
University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Dear list members,
please find below the call for papers of the 4th International Symposium on
the Internet of Sounds.
We are happy to announce that the program will include not only paper,
poster, demo and tutorial presentations, but also two satellite events:
- the 1st International Workshop on Networked Immersive Audio
- the 2nd International Workshop on Multilayer Music Representation and
For both of them a separate call for papers will be circulated soon.
The conference will be held in hybrid form.
Best wishes
[Apologies for cross-posting, please distribute]
*4th International Symposium on the Internet of Sounds*
Pisa, October 26-27, 2023
*Call for papers and demos*
We are pleased to invite the community to submit to the 4th International
Symposium on the Internet of Sounds (IS2 2023). The Internet of Sounds is
an emerging research field positioned at the intersection of the Internet
of Things and the Sound and Music Computing domains. The symposium will be
hosted at the congress center “Ex Monastero delle Benedettine” in the city
of Pisa, Italy, and will take place on the 26 and 27 of October 2023.
The aim of the symposium is to bring together academics and industry to
investigate and advance the development of Internet of Sounds technologies
by using cutting-edge tools and processes. The event will consist of oral
presentations, keynotes, poster presentations, demonstrations, as well as
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following areas:
- Wireless acoustic sensor networks
- Networked music performances
- Web Audio
- Networked Musical XR
- Detection and classification of sounds in acoustic sensor networks
- Sound-based anomaly detection and sound-based predictive maintenance
in networked settings
- Spatial audio for the Internet of Sounds
- Cloud-based services for musical and audio applications
- Ecoacoustics
- Embedded audio
- Privacy and security in acoustic sensor networks
- Smart Musical Instruments
- Musical haptics for the Internet of Musical Things
- Participatory live music performances
- Music education applications for the Internet of Musical Things
- Intelligent music production in Internet of Musical Things contexts
- Ubiquitous music
- Sonification for Internet of Sounds applications
- Protocols and exchange formats for the Internet of Sounds
- Improving accessibility and inclusiveness within the Internet of Sounds
- Open audio databases for Deep Learning and Data Mining
- Challenges in the management and delivery of large audio databases
- Visualization and Sonification of acoustic sensor networks
- Sustainability and ethical aspects of the Internet of Sounds
We consider contributions in the form of a full paper (min 5 pages, max 10
pages), a poster paper (4 pages), or a demo proposal (max 2 pages). Authors
are welcome to submit to all three tracks. We encourage the submission of
work in progress as well as more mature work. LaTeX and Word templates are
available: IEEE conference templates.
*Important dates*
- Papers and demos submission deadline: July 15, 2023
- Author notification: September 1, 2023
- Camera ready due: October 1, 2023
- Registration deadline: October 1, 2023
- Symposium dates: October 26-27, 2023
*Satellite events*
The program will include two satellite events:
- the 1st International Workshop on Networked Immersive Audio
- the 2nd International Workshop on Multilayer Music Representation and
The IS2 2023 proceedings will be submitted to the IEEE for publication.
The Organizing Committee will select the winners for the Best Paper, Best
Student Paper and Best Demo awards. To be eligible for the best student
paper award, the presenting and first author of the paper must be a
full-time student.
*Organizing Committee*
- Stefano Giordano (University of Pisa)
- Gregorio Procissi (University of Pisa)
- Nils Peters (University of Erlangen-Nürnberg and Fraunhofer IIS)
- Sacha Krstulovic (Music Tribe)
- Claudia Rinaldi (University of L’Aquila)
- Benjamin Matuszewski (IRCAM)
- Chrisoula Alexandraki (Hellenic Mediterranean University)
- Luca Borgianni (University of Pisa)
- Luca Turchet (University of Trento)
- ZTE - Italia <>
- Vianova <>
- Italtel <>
- Cubitlab <>
*Luca Turchet*, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Head of the *Creative, Intelligent & Multisensory Interactions Laboratory*
Chair of the *IEEE Emerging Technology Initiative on the Internet of Sounds*
Founder and President of the* Internet of Sounds Research Network
Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science
University of Trento
Via Sommarive 9 - 38123 Trento - Italy
E-mail: luca.turchet(a)
Tel: +39 0461 283792
*** Apologies for cross-posting ***
=== ACM GoodIt 2023 Call for Papers ===
ACM GoodIT 2023 will focus on the application of IT technologies to social good. Social good is typically defined as an action that provides some sort of benefit to the general public.
### Important Dates
-> All tracks Submission extended deadline: June 1
-> Notification of acceptance: July 7th, 2023
### Link
### Scope
The ACM GoodIT conference seeks papers describing significant research contributions related to the application of information technologies (IT) to social good. The latter is defined as something that provides a benefit to the general public, such as clean air, clean water, internet access, education, or healthcare. However, new media innovations and the proliferation of online communities have added new meaning to the term. Social good can now reflect global citizens uniting to unlock the potential of individuals, technology, and collaboration towards a positive societal impact.
The conference will feature regular and special tracks papers, work-in-progress and PhD papers.
### Papers length
* Full papers (main track and special tracks): papers must not exceed twelve (12) single-column pages, excluding references. Papers with a length disproportionate to their contribution will likely be rejected.
Work in Progress Tracks Papers: papers must not exceed eight (8) single-column pages, excluding references.
* PhD Tracks Papers: papers must not exceed five (5) single-column pages, excluding references.
### Publication of papers
Submitted papers (in each of the special tracks) must be original works and must not have been previously published. They will be peer-reviewed (three reviews). All accepted and presented papers will be included in the conference proceedings published in ACM Digital Library. At least one of the authors of all accepted papers must register and present the work in presence at the conference; otherwise, the paper will not be published in the proceedings.
Catia Prandi, PhD.
Senior Assistant professor (RTD B),
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
University of Bologna