*[Apologies for cross-posting]*
We kindly remind you of the upcoming submission deadline and invite you to share with interested colleagues!
SYNERGY 2025: Workshop on Designing and Building Hybrid Human-AI Systems
Co-located with HHAI 2025 (Hybrid Human-AI Intelligence Conference)
June 9, 2025 – Pisa, Italy
- Submission Deadline: April 11, 2025 (AoE) – **One month remaining!**
- Notification: May 2, 2025
- Camera Ready: May 16, 2025
Inspired by Joseph Licklider's vision of human-computer symbiosis, SYNERGY 2025 explores the design, implementation, and evaluation of human-AI collaborative systems. Following our successful first edition at AVI 2024, this workshop gathers leading researchers and practitioners, featuring consortium partners from the EU TANGO project "It takes two to tango: a synergistic approach to human-machine decision making".
- Interactive Decision-Making Systems: Real-time collaboration, task allocation, uncertainty handling
- Adaptive Collaboration Frameworks: Systems adapting to cognitive load, learning from human interactions
- Evaluation Methods: Innovative metrics for human-AI effectiveness
- Implementation Architectures: Practical patterns for building robust human-AI systems
We encourage submissions showcasing practical implementations, empirical studies, innovative interactions, and novel theoretical insights clearly related to human-AI collaboration.
- Minimum 5 pages, CEUR-WS single column format
- Submit via Microsoft CMT: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/SYNERGY2025
- Selected papers invited for submission to a Special Issue on Hybrid Human-AI Systems in a leading journal
- Tommaso Turchi, University of Pisa, Italy
- Alan Dix, Swansea University & Cardiff Metropolitan University, UK
- Matt Roach, Swansea University, UK
- Alessio Malizia, University of Pisa, Italy
- Ben Wilson, Swansea University, UK
More info: https://synergy.trx.li/
Contact: tommaso.turchi(a)unipi.it
Supported by the HORIZON Europe project TANGO (Grant Agreement n. 101120763).
We are pleased to announce the *1st Workshop on C3AI: Child-centered
Interaction and Trust in Conversational AI
C3AI [1] will be held as part of IDC2025 [2]: 24th annual ACM
Interaction Design and Children (IDC) Conference, scheduled from June
23-26, 2025 IDC_ACM 2025, at Reykjavík University in Iceland.
_What human factors shape children's feelings of trust and distrust
towards AI? How can we create trustworthy AI systems that not only build
positive relationships with children but also help them understand AI's
limitations and manage expectations?_
The C3AI workshop invites researchers, practitioners, educators,
designers, and professionals to come together and explore the human
factors involved in building trust in children toward AI, while also
exploring how to encourage critical thinking and awareness of AI's
limitations. This workshop offers participants a hands-on opportunity to
analyse child-CAI interactions, with pre-recorded examples from five
countries provided by the organisers. Depending on time constraints,
additional case studies submitted by participants may also be analysed
during the workshop. We seek submissions on topics such as:
* Reviewing and improving existing human-centred AI design
frameworks for children;
* Assessing AI's impact on children's development;
* Mental model formation in children;
* Tailoring AI explanations to children's cognitive models;
* Participatory design with children;
* Involving children in creating explainable, transparent systems;
* Developing metrics for trust, explainability, and reliability in
child-AI interactions;
* Designing AI systems that encourage critical thinking and
awareness of AI's limitations;
* Ethical considerations for AI systems;
We encourage you to submit a concise position paper (which could be
considered for future publication) under the 'Short papers' category.
Position statements should be non-anonymous, and formatted according to
the ACM Standard Template [2 [2]].
These should be submitted as PDF files to EasyChair [3 [3]]under one of
the following submission types:
a) Short papers (2-3 pages)
b) Design examples (600-800 words)
c) Case Study including an Abstract (300-500 words) and supporting
visuals (e.g., video/images)
Case Study submissions will be analysed within the group activity as
part of the workshop, subject to time constraints.
d) Abstracts (300-500 words)
Submission deadline: (on or before) April 15th, 2025
Notification of acceptance: (on or before) May 1st, 2025
Submission of camera-ready workshop proposal: May 6th, 2025
Workshop Day: June 23rd, 2025
Grazia Ragone, University of Bari (IT)
Zhen Bai, University of Rochester (US)
Judith Good, University of Amsterdam (NL)
Arzu Güneysu, Umeå University (SE)
Elmira Yadollahi, Lancaster University (UK)
Post-Doc in Human-Computer Interaction
Department of Computer Science
Università degli Studi di Bari "Aldo Moro"
via Orabona, 4 - 70125 Bari, Italy
https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=Q1TkLzMAAAAJ&hl=en [3]
Sostieni la formazione e la ricerca universitaria con il tuo 5 per mille
all'Università di Bari.
Firma la casella "Finanziamento della ricerca scientifica e della
indicando il codice fiscale 80002170720.
Il tuo contributo può fare la differenza: oggi più che mai!
[1] https://c3ai.di.uniba.it/call-for-participation
[2] https://idc.acm.org/2025/
[3] https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=Q1TkLzMAAAAJ&hl=en
The 16th International Workshop on Personalized Access to Cultural Heritage
(PATCH 2025)
Held in conjunction with ACM UMAP 2025 - New York City, New York, USA
Important dates:
April 9, 2025 - Paper Submission
April 28, 2025 - Notification
May 5, 2025 - Papers Camera-ready Submission (TAPS system)
The workshop will be in person or hybrid.
Abstract and Topics
Following the successful series of PATCH workshops, PATCH 2025 will be
again the meeting point between state-of-the-art cultural heritage research
and personalization – using any kind of technology, while focusing on
ubiquitous and adaptive scenarios, to enhance the personal experience in
cultural heritage sites. The workshop is aimed at bringing together,
physically and/or virtually, researchers and practitioners who are working
on various aspects of cultural heritage and are interested in exploring the
potential of state of the art mobile technology (onsite as well as online)
to enhance the CH visit experience. The expected result of the workshop is
a sharing and discussing novel ideas and creating a multidisciplinary
research agenda that will inform future research directions and hopefully,
forge some research collaborations.
We invite cultural heritage professionals and researchers to join us to
discuss findings and trends on personalisation of cultural heritage in the
broadest sense, from online and remote cultural access to onsite visit,
from individuals to groups, from tangible to virtual and robotic mediation.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Navigation and personalized browsing in digital and physical cultural
heritage collections
Recommendation strategies for natural and cultural heritage
Adaptation strategies for text and non-verbal content in CH/NH
NLG techniques for mobile user modeling in natural and cultural heritage
Integration of virtual and physical collections
Immersive cultural and natural heritage
Mobile museum guides and personal museum assistants
Context-aware information presentation in natural and cultural heritage
Adaptive navigation and browsing in CH/NH sites
Intelligent user interfaces for natural and cultural heritage
Personalization for group of visitors to natural and cultural heritage
Personalization for collective CH information authoring and management
Creativity and collaboration support in CH
Personalization across the whole of a person's digital ecosystem
Long-term personalization
IoT and Cultural Heritage
Living lab in museum
Robots in museums
3D, Augmented, and Virtual Reality for cultural and natural heritage
Gestural interfaces for Cultural Heritage applications
Analysis of behavior patterns to improve CH/NH recommendation
Conversational agents for cultural and natural heritage
The use of personality for guiding CH/NH experiences
Multiple viewpoints and perspectives for CH
Remote access to CH/NH
Intelligent agents to interact with CH/NH
Large Language Models for CH/NH
Shaping Personalization and FATE (Fairness, Accountability,
Transparency, and Ethics) in Human-Centered Generative AI
Also papers connected to the UMAP 2025 main theme: “Shaping Personalization
and FATE (Fairness, Accountability, Transparency, and Ethics) in
Human-Centered Generative AI” and Cultural Heritage are of interest.
Full papers: up to 14 pages excluding references.
Short papers/Position papers/Demo papers: up to 7 pages excluding
Papers that exceed the page limits or formatting guidelines will be
returned without review.
Submissions should be single-blinded, i.e., authors’ names should be
included in the submissions.
Papers must be formatted according to the new workflow for ACM
publications. The templates and instructions are available here:
All papers should be submitted in PDF format via the online submission
system by selecting the track "UMAP 25 Workshop PATCH":
An international panel of experts will review all submissions.
Work that has already been published should not be submitted unless it
introduces a significant addition to the previously published work.
There will be a conference adjunct proceedings published by ACM where all
the workshop papers will be published.
Workshop organizers
Liliana Ardissono, University of Torino, Italy, liliana.ardissono(a)unito.it
Tsvi Kuflik, The University of Haifa, Israel, tsvikak(a)is.haifa.ac.il
Noemi Mauro, University of Torino, Italy, noemi.mauro(a)unito.it
Alan J. Wecker, The University of Haifa, Israel, ajwecker(a)gmail.com
[Apologies for Multiple Postings]
CHItaly 2025 <https://chitaly2025.di.unisa.it> - Technologies and
Methodologies of Human-Computer Interaction in the Third Millennium
The International Biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter
6–10 October 2025
Location: Salerno, Italy
We invite researchers and practitioners to submit workshop proposals to
CHItaly 2025.
Submission: March 22, 2025 AoE (extended deadline)
Review notification: April 1, 2025 AoE
Initial Camera-ready: July 31, 2025 AoE
Workshop co-Chairs:
Massimo Zancanaro, University of Trento massimo.zancanaro(a)unitn.it
Pietro Battistoni, University of Salerno pbattistoni(a)unisa.it
Fabio Buttussi, University of Udine fabio.buttussi(a)uniud.it
How to submit:
Proposals must be submitted through easychair. On this page you will find
further information and the button to access the EasyChair submission page.
The theme of the 16th Biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter
(CHItaly 2025) is “Technologies and Methodologies of Human-Computer
Interaction in the Third Millennium”. It invites us to reflect on how
technological advances continue to redefine our interactions with the
digital world.
Over the last two decades, the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
has evolved rapidly, adapting to innovations that have transformed everyday
life. Integrating Artificial Intelligence, Augmented and Virtual Reality,
Robotics, voice interfaces, wearable devices, and the Internet of Things
has brought HCI to the forefront of scientific inquiry, offering novel
possibilities and complex challenges. These technologies are not only
changing how we use digital systems but also influencing the ways we think,
learn, communicate, and interact on a personal, social, and organizational
This year’s conference aims to inspire a comprehensive dialogue on how
these technologies are reshaping the landscape of HCI and redefining the
boundaries of human capabilities. Participants will be invited to engage
with questions surrounding ethical implications, accessibility,
inclusivity, user experience, and the sustainability of emerging
technologies. The theme encourages contributors to share insights on
methodologies that adapt to these changes, from user-centred design
practices to innovative evaluation methods for complex, adaptive systems.
We invite submissions of workshops that contribute to the field of
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI).
Emanuele Panizzi and Maria Menendez-Blanco
Publicity Chairs
On behalf of the Chitaly 2025 Organizing Committee
* Apologies for multiple copies. Please forward to anybody who might be
interested, thanks *
Riva del Sole Resort & SPA - Tuscany, Italy, June 9-13, 2025
Oral Presentation Submission Deadline: by March 23 (AoE)
LECTURERS: https://acdl2025.icas.events/lecturers/
Each Lecturer will hold up to four lectures on one or more research topics.
Sanjeev Arora, Princeton University & Institute for Advanced Study, USA
Sander Dieleman, Google DeepMind London, UK
Caglar Gulcehre, EPFL, Switzerland
Tatsu Hashimoto, Stanford University & Institute for Human-Centered
Artificial Intelligence, USA
Thomas Hofmann, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Subbarao Kambhampati, Arizona State University, USA
Joel Z. Leibo, Google DeepMind London & The Alan Turing Institute, UK
Lei Li, Language Technology Institute - Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Panos Pardalos, University of Florida, USA
Bryan Perozzi, Google Research, New York, USA
Raniero Romagnoli, Almawave, Italy
Liubov Tupikina, Bell Labs Paris, France
More Lecturers TBA
Lecturers: https://acdl2025.icas.events/lecturers/
Lectures: https://acdl2025.icas.events/lectures/
ACDL Schedule:
Riva del Sole Resort & SPA
Località Riva del Sole‚ Castiglione della Pescaia (Grosseto)
CAP 58043‚ Tuscany‚ Italy
p: +39-0564-928111
e: booking.events(a)rivadelsole.it
w: https://www.rivadelsole.it/en/
PAST EDITIONS: https://acdl2025.icas.events/past-editions/
REGISTRATION: https://acdl2025.icas.events/registration/
The 8th Advanced Course on Data Science & Machine Learning – ACDL 2025 is a
full-immersion five-day Course at the Riva del Sole Resort & SPA
(Castiglione della Pescaia – Grosseto – Tuscany, Italy) on cutting-edge
advances in Deep Learning, Data Science and Generative AI with lectures
delivered by world-renowned experts. The Course provides a stimulating
environment for PhD students, Post-Docs, junior academics (only up to
assistant professors), early career researchers, and industry leaders (and
highly motivated, promising and brilliant Master students / BSc students).
Participants will also have the chance to present their results with talks,
and to interact with their colleagues, in a convivial, professional and
productive environment.
PhD students, PostDocs, Industry Practitioners and Junior Academics (only
up to assistant professors) will be typical profiles of the ACDL
attendants. The Course will involve a total of 36–40 hours of lectures,
according to the academic system the final achievement will be equivalent
to 8 ECTS points for the PhD Students (and some strongly motivated Master
Student – BSc Student) attending the Course.
Please check the FAQ: https://acdl2025.icas.events/faq/
Language: English.
To participate in the ACDL 2025, all attendants must
(1/2) register for the course (by March 23, 2025) and
(2/2) book accommodation at the course venue, “Riva del Sole Resort & SPA”
(by April 23, 2025); all attendants must stay at the “Riva del Sole Resort
& SPA”. Booking accommodation at the Riva del Sole must be made exclusively
using the accommodation form attached to the registration confirmation
email. No other methods must be used (if you use other booking methods the
hotel will cancel the reservation). Finally, it is not possible to extend
the stay, the special accommodation rates are valid only for the period of
the course, no exceptions will be made. To contact the Riva del Sole Resort
& SPA (the course venue) use the following email:
Once accommodation has been booked at “Riva del Sole Resort & SPA“, the
participant must send this information (including the Booking Number) to
the ACDL organizing committee (acdl(a)icas.cc).
ACDL is a residential course, so all lecturers and participants must reside
in the same Hotel (Riva del Sole Resort & SPA). No exceptions are made.
For privacy reasons, the Hotel cannot match people. If you have someone to
share the apartment with (or a double room in Hotel), please send to the
Hotel ( booking.events(a)rivadelsole.it ) the name, surname and email
address. Otherwise the solution is to book a hotel room in single use.
Please note that only ACDL registered participants can book a room (in
hotel or apartment) at the Riva del Sole Resort & SPA with the
accommodation form attached in the registration email and with the ACDL
Discounted Rates. The Booking Office of the Riva del Sole Resort & SPA will
verify the names of the participants and the corresponding registration
number to confirm the booking.
Anyone interested in participating in ACDL 2025 should register as soon as
See you in Riva del Sole & SPA - Tuscany in June!
ACDL 2025 Organizing Committees.
Obviously, this is only a Call for Participation, to have complete and
updated information we recommend you access the relevant website:
* Apologies for multiple copies. Please forward to anybody who might be
interested, thanks *
*** CALL FOR PAPERS - Mensch und Computer (MUC) 2025 ***
31. Aug – 3. Sep 2025, at the Chemnitz University of Technology in
Chemnitz, Germany
Deadline for Full Papers: Thursday, April 10th, 2025, AoE
* We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CfP *
*For the online version of this Call, please visit:
https://muc2025.mensch-und-computer.de/en/full-paper/ *
*Important Dates*
All deadlines are set to Anywhere on Earth (AoE). In contrast to
previous years, the deadline will not be extended at a later point.
Please consider all dates and times final.
- Paper Submission: Thu, April 10th, 2025 AoE (Fri, April 11th, 2025,
- Decision Notification: Tue, May 27th, 2025 AoE (Wed, May 28th, 2025,
14:00 CEST)
- Camera-Ready Deadline: Tue, June 10th, 2025 AoE (Wed, June 11th, 2025,
14:00 CEST)
The “Mensch und Computer” (MuC) conference, launched in 2001, is the
largest conference series on human-computer interaction in Europe. MuC
offers participants from science and industry a platform for
contributions and discussions on innovative forms of interaction between
people and digital technology, on human-centered development methods,
interactive applications, and other topics in the field between users,
teams and communities on the one hand and information and communication
technologies used on the other hand. The aim of the conference is to
discuss innovative research results, to promote the exchange of
information between academia and practitioners, to stimulate research
activities and training, and to sensitize science, practice, and the
public to the relevance of human- and task-oriented technology design.
Call for Full Papers – Theme “Digital Diversity”
The “Mensch und Computer” (MuC) conference, launched in 2001, is the
largest conference series on human-computer interaction in Europe. The
theme for 2025 is “Digital Diversity”. Nonetheless, it is not required
for contributions to relate to this theme.
*Info at a Glance*
- Submissions are due on Thursday, April 10th, 2025, AoE (Friday, April
11th, 2025, 14:00 CEST) (NO EXTENSIONS).
- Submission length should reflect the contribution and typically range
between 4000 and 9000 words. Excessively long papers (more than 12,000
words) may be desk rejected.
- Submissions will be reviewed in a double-anonymous fashion.
- Submissions can be submitted in English or German.
- Submissions are handled through Precision Conference.
*Contribution Types*
- Empirical-Qualitative, e.g., ethnography, qualitative user studies.
- Empirical-Quantitative, e.g., quantitative user studies, statistical
methods, data modeling.
- Empirical-Mixed Methods, e.g., combined qualitative and quantitative
empirical research.
- Technical, e.g., building novel systems, algorithms, visualizations,
architectures, and implementing novel features in existing systems.
- Artifact-Design, e.g., research through design, envisionments,
guidelines, methods, and techniques.
- Theoretical, e.g., conceptual frameworks, theoretical analysis, and
- Meta-Research, e.g., meta-analyses, systematic reviews.
* Technical Program Chair *
Jasmin Niess
* Full Paper Chairs *
Eleonora Mencarini
Fiona Draxler
Tilman Dingler
Dear Colleagues,
Last days to submit your contribution to our thematic session on "Shaping
the Future of Interaction: Integrating AI, Human Factors, and Immersive
Technologies in HCI" (https://metroxraine.org/special-session-6) at the
2025 IEEE International Conference on Metrology for eXtended Reality,
Artificial Intelligence, and Neural Engineering (IEEE MetroXRAINE 2025),
scheduled for October 22-24, 2025, in Ancona, Italy..
I want to remind you that the deadline of March 15 is for the submission of
a 1-2 page Abstract or a Graphical Abstract to show the idea you are
proposing. You will have time to finalize your work by the deadline of May
Please see the CfP below for details and forward it to colleagues who might
be interested in contributing to this special session.
I look forward to meeting you at IEEE MetroXRAINE 2025. Please feel free to
reach out if you need more time.
I apologize if you have received this CFP more than once.
Best wishes,
Giuseppe Caggianese
Call for Papers - Thematic Session on: "Shaping the Future of Interaction:
Integrating AI, Human Factors, and Immersive Technologies in HCI"
2025 IEEE International Conference on Metrology for eXtended Reality,
Artificial Intelligence, and Neural Engineering (IEEE MetroXRAINE 2025)
October 22-24, 2025 - Ancona, Italy.
Nowadays the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with modern
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) technologies and eXtended Reality (XR),
offers unprecedented opportunities for innovation. This thematic session
aims to explore how AI while acting as a catalyst, interacts with broader
HCI methods to enhance user experiences, foster engagement, and address
critical Human Factors. The session will examine the synergies between XR,
AI-driven personalization, and adaptive systems, alongside non-AI-based
approaches to ensure inclusivity. By addressing measurement techniques and
methodologies, the session will highlight how HCI researchers and
practitioners can advance the field through rigorous evaluation strategies
that support various applications in different immersive environments
scenarios such as Rehabilitation, Special Education, Cultural Heritage, and
emerging platforms like Metaverse. This dialogue aims to create a roadmap
for designing, implementing, and assessing next-generation HCI systems that
balance technological possibilities with user-centric considerations.
The authors of the paper selected as the “Best Paper” at this session will
receive an invitation to submit an extended version of their work to IEEE
Computer Graphics & Applications (https://www.computer.org/csdl/magazine/cg
More information can be found here:
The list of topics includes (but it is not limited to) the following:
- AI-Driven Personalization in Human-Computer Interaction.
- Measuring User Experience (UX) in Immersive Environments and AI-enhanced
- Cognitive Load Evaluation in Augmented HCI Systems.
- Human Factors in Immersive Technologies: Metrological Approaches.
- Human Factors in the Design of AI-Powered Interfaces.
- Evaluation Frameworks for Usability Assessment.
- Real-Time Feedback Systems in Human-AI Interaction.
- Emotional, Cognitive and Behavioral Responses in Immersive
Human-Computer Interaction.
- Measuring Trust, Ethics, and Acceptance in AI-Augmented Interaction.
- Multimodal Interaction and Performance Measurement.
- Designing for Accessibility in Next-Generation HCI Systems.
- Data-Driven Insights for HCI Design and Optimization.
- Metrics and Validation Protocols in AI-Enhanced HCI.
- Adaptive Interfaces in XR.
- Next-Generation Tools for Immersive UX Design and Testing.
- Social Interactions and Collaboration in AI-enhanced XR.
Short Abstract Submission Deadline: March 15, 2025.
Full Paper Submission Deadline: May 15, 2025.
Full Paper Acceptance Notification: June 15, 2025
Final Paper Submission Deadline: July 31, 2025
Authors should prepare an Abstract (1 - 2 pages) that clearly indicates the
originality of the contribution and the relevance of the work. The Abstract
should include the title of the paper, names and affiliations of the
authors, an abstract, keywords, an introduction describing the nature of
the problem, a description of the contribution, the results achieved and
their applicability.
As an alternative to the traditional abstract, it is possible to submit a
Graphical Abstract. Read the paragraph below for further information.
When the first review process has been completed, authors receive a
notification of either acceptance or rejection of the submission. If the
abstract has been accepted, the authors can prepare a full paper.
The format for the full paper is identical to the format for the abstract
except for the number of pages: the full paper has a required minimum
length of five (5) pages and a maximum of six (6) pages.
Full Papers will be reviewed by the Technical Program Committee. All
contributions will be peer-reviewed and acceptance will be based on
quality, originality and relevance. Authors of accepted full papers must
submit the final paper version according to the deadline, register for the
workshop, and attend to present their papers. The maximum length for final
papers is 6 pages.
More information can be found here::
All contributions will be peer-reviewed, and acceptance will be based on
quality, originality, and relevance. Accepted papers will be submitted for
inclusion into the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
Marta Mondellini
STIIMA, National Research Council, Italy
Nicola Capece
University of Basilicata, Italy
Mario Covarrubias
Politecnico di Milano, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Italy
Giuseppe Caggianese
ICAR, National Research Council, Italy
For any questions related to the thematic session, please feel free to
contact us via email.
(Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this call)
Second Workshop on Stimulating Cognitive Engagement in Hybrid Decision-Making: Friction, Reliance, and Biases
Co-located with the 4th International Conference on Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence (HHAI25)
June 10, 2025 | Pisa, Italy (in-person)
https://sites.google.com/view/frictional-ai/home <https://sites.google.com/view/frictional-ai/home>
**Workshop Overview**
Building on the success of its first edition at HHAI 2024, the full-day workshop on "Stimulating Cognitive Engagement in Hybrid Decision-Making: Friction, Reliance, and Biases" advances the exploration of over-reliance and biases in Human-AI Interaction. Central to this discussion are approaches that intentionally introduce moments of cognitive effort and reflection into AI interactions to prevent passive or automatic reliance. While conventional AI design prioritises efficiency and seamlessness, this workshop invites participants to examine AI systems that strategically slow down decision-making when necessary to mitigate automation bias, cognitive offloading, and over-trust, ultimately fostering accuracy, responsibility, and human oversight.
Such friction-in-design encompasses strategies that encourage users to reflect before acting, such as requiring justification before accepting AI recommendations, displaying confidence scores with uncertainty visualisations, or using explainability mechanisms that slow decision-making to reinforce human oversight.
This workshop fosters interdisciplinary dialogue across AI research, cognitive science, HCI, and governance to ensure AI systems empower users rather than encourage unchecked reliance. The program will feature keynote presentations by leading experts in academia and industry, author presentations, and interactive discussions to advance the discourse on cognitively engaging and responsible AI design.
Keynote speakers include:
• Prof. Federico Cabitza (University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy) – Expert in AI-assisted decision-making and medical AI.
• Bart Van Leeuwen (Fire Services Expert, Netherlands) – Expert in human factors and situational awareness in high-risk environments.
**Topics of Interest**
We welcome contributions from researchers, practitioners, and policymakers on topics including, but not limited to:
• Design Principles for Cognitive Engagement
• Measuring and mitigating automation bias, algorithmic aversion, and cognitive offloading
• Ethical and Governance Perspectives on Friction-in-Design
• Applications, Case Studies and Experimental Findings
We encourage submissions from a variety of disciplines, including AI, HCI, cognitive science, law, philosophy, and beyond.
**Submission Details**
• Types of Submissions: Extended Abstracts (500-1,000 words)
• Format: CEURART-WS style preferred
• Submission Portal: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/FrictionalAIWorkshop2025 <https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/FrictionalAIWorkshop2025>
• Proceedings: All accepted papers will be published in the HHAI 2025 Workshop Proceedings on CEUR-WS.
Authors of accepted contributions are required to attend the workshop in-person and register to the HHAI25 conference (single-day registration available, details TBA).
**Important Dates**
• Paper Submission Deadline: April 4, 2025 (AoE)
• Notification of Acceptance: May 2, 2025
• Camera-Ready Submission: TBD (authors will be invited to expand their contributions following workshop discussions)
• Workshop Date: June 10, 2025
**Beyond the Workshop**
Our aim is to foster a research network. Authors from all editions, if desired, will be invited to participate in future initiatives, including knowledge exchanges, collaborative publications, special journal issues, and online lecture series.
**Organising & Programme Committee**
• Chiara Natali (University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy & IDSIA, SUPSI, Switzerland)
• Mohammad Naiseh (Bournemouth University, UK)
• Brett Frischmann (Villanova University, USA)
• Programme Committee: full list available at https://sites.google.com/view/frictional-ai/home <https://sites.google.com/view/frictional-ai/home>
For more information, visit our website: https://sites.google.com/view/frictional-ai/home <https://sites.google.com/view/frictional-ai/home>
Dear Colleagues,
At HES-SO Fribourg, we have an open post-doc position in HCI, in the context of the Dorian Gray<https://www.linkedin.com/company/doarian-gray-horizon-eu/> European project that just started.
Please share the following job offer with people who might be interested in this position.
Leonardo Angelini
PostDoc in human-computer interaction
We are looking for a PostDoc scientific collaborator in the field of human-computer interaction in Fribourg (Switzerland). The selected candidate will be responsible for coordinating a European project within the Digital Business Center, aimed at improving the health condition of seniors with cardiovascular disorders.
Mission and Field of Activity
· Contribute to advancing knowledge on silver tech and its impact on individuals aged 65 and over. Study the desirability, usage, and acceptance of new technologies by older adults.
· Conduct in-depth literature reviews and engage in field research activities to gather valuable insights and data related to the silver economy and technology acceptance among seniors.
· Coordinate and implement activities related to the European project on the Swiss side.
· Utilize qualitative and quantitative research methods to analyze and interpret data, providing valuable conclusions and recommendations.
· Prepare high-quality scientific articles to disseminate research findings, contributing to knowledge advancement in the field.
· Lead the development of project proposals focused on the silver economy and technology acceptance, ensuring alignment with research objectives and societal needs.
Your profile
· PhD in management, design, computer science, psychology, or a related field considered equivalent in terms of relevance and expertise.
· Proficiency in qualitative and quantitative research methods, enabling the rigorous collection and analysis of data. Familiarity with emerging digital technologies and a genuine interest in them, particularly in prototyping and mock-up development.
· Ability to work in an interdisciplinary team, especially in collaboration with the fields of healthcare or social work.
· Previous experience in research projects is an asset, demonstrating the ability to conduct independent research, collaborate within a team, and produce high-quality results.
· A track record of publications in prestigious academic journals or conferences will be considered a major advantage.
· Proficiency in English with a good command of French. Knowledge of other official Swiss languages (German and Italian) is a plus.
Additional information
· Contract Type: Fixed-term contract of 12 or 18 months, renewable.
· Workload: 80% to 100%.
· Equal Opportunity Policy: HEG-FR is committed to promoting equal opportunities in recruitment.
· Contact for Inquiries: Maurizio Caon, Head of the Digital Business Center, Phone: +41 26 429 67 44
· Start Date: May 1, 2025.
· Application Deadline: March 31, 2025.
Interested? We look forward to receiving your complete application file. Please submit your application here: https://www.hefr.ch/fr/emploi/collaborateur-trice-scientifique-hes-interact…
█ Leonardo Angelini ▪ PhD ▪ Assistant Professor
HEG ▪ Haute école de gestion ▪ Chemin du Musée 4 ▪ 1700 Fribourg
HEIA ▪ Haute école d’ingénierie et d’architecture ▪ Perolles 80 ▪ CH-1705 Fribourg
HES-SO ▪ University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Western Switzerland
+41 (0)26 429 67 45 (landline) ▪ Digital Business Center<https://www.heg-fr.ch/en/research-and-mandates/center/digital-business-cent…> ▪ HumanTech<http://humantech.institute/> ▪ Silver&Home<http://www.silverhome.ch/> ▪ Leonardo Angelini<http://leonardo.angelini.home.hefr.ch/>