The goal of the Doctoral Consortium is to provide a setting for PhD
students to present their work and receive feedback on their doctoral
research plan and progress. Students will be offered the opportunity to
articulate and discuss their problem statement, goals, methods, and
results. The Doctoral Consortium also aims at providing students with
guidance on various aspects of their research from established researchers
and the other students participating in the sessions. Finally, the Doctoral
Consortium seeks to motivate students in the development of their
scientific curiosity and facilitate their networking within the research
The topics of the Doctoral Consortium are the same as CHItaly’s. A
particular focus will be on Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HCAI)
and its applications to support humans, improve their performance as well
as increase safety and trustworthiness. The main scope of the consortium is
to enable PhD students to interact with their peers, as well as with more
senior researchers, on a wide range of Human-Computer Interaction related
topics, and related to the conference theme.
The consortium is open to PhD students worldwide at any stage in their
research. Students at an initial stage should be able to challenge their
ideas and current research directions. Students at a more mature stage
should be able to present their thesis and get advice on ways to further
improve and better communicate their contributions and findings.
Participation is particularly encouraged from PhD students who are close to
proposing a thesis.
Students will be connected with a mentor that will provide more specific
feedback on their research.
Submitted papers must be in English and single-author, but the name of the
supervisor could be mentioned within the paper. Papers must be 5-page long
using the 1-column CEUR template (
An Overleaf page for LaTeX users (
is also available.
Papers must:
Identify a significant research problem in the field of HCI.
Outline the current status of the problem domain and related solutions.
Describe the contribution of the student by presenting the proposed
approach and the results achieved so far.
Accepted papers will be collected and published in CEUR-WS proceedings.
Each author of an accepted paper will present orally their contribution
during the conference.
Submission deadline: May 31st, 2023
Notifications to contributors: June 30th, 2023
Camera-ready/final version deadline: July 15th, 2023
Giovanna Varni, University of Trento, Italy
Gualtiero Volpe, University of Genova, Italy
email: dc(a)
Submit on EasyChair:
=== ACM GoodIt 2023 Call for Papers ===
ACM GoodIT 2023 will focus on the application of IT technologies to social good. Social good is typically defined as an action that provides some sort of benefit to the general public.
### Important Dates
-> All tracks Submission deadline: May 15th, 2023
-> Notification of acceptance: July 7th, 2023
### Link
### Scope
The ACM GoodIT conference seeks papers describing significant research contributions related to the application of information technologies (IT) to social good. The latter is defined as something that provides a benefit to the general public, such as clean air, clean water, internet access, education, or healthcare. However, new media innovations and the proliferation of online communities have added new meaning to the term. Social good can now reflect global citizens uniting to unlock the potential of individuals, technology, and collaboration towards a positive societal impact.
The conference will feature regular and special tracks papers, work-in-progress and PhD papers.
### Papers length
* Full papers (main track and special tracks): papers must not exceed twelve (12) single-column pages, excluding references. Papers with a length disproportionate to their contribution will likely be rejected.
Work in Progress Tracks Papers: papers must not exceed eight (8) single-column pages, excluding references.
* PhD Tracks Papers: papers must not exceed five (5) single-column pages, excluding references.
### Publication of papers
Submitted papers (in each of the special tracks) must be original works and must not have been previously published. They will be peer-reviewed (three reviews). All accepted and presented papers will be included in the conference proceedings published in ACM Digital Library. At least one of the authors of all accepted papers must register and present the work in presence at the conference; otherwise, the paper will not be published in the proceedings.
Catia Prandi, PhD.
Senior Assistant professor (RTD B),
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
University of Bologna
*CHItaly 2023 - Crossing HCI and AI* *- ***
The International Biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter
Date: 20 September, 2023
Location: Turin, Piedmont, Italy
In cooperation with SIGCHI Italy and ACM-SIGCHI
We are pleased to invite you to contribute to the 15th Edition of the
Biannual Conference ( of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter (, whose main theme is “Crossing HCI
and AI”. CHItaly2023 welcomes proposals for workshops to be held in
conjunction with the main conference. The goal of the workshops is to
provide additional venues for discussing and exploring emerging areas of
research in HCI, in general, and HCAI (Human-Centered AI), in particular,
with a group of like-minded researchers and practitioners from industry and
academia. Besides the special theme of CHItaly 2023, the workshop proposal
can focus on all aspects of HCI:
* Crossing HCI and AI
* Fundamentals of HCI
* Interactive Environments
* Interaction Techniques, Modalities and Devices
* Applications of HCI
Workshops in CHItaly are co-located events that are held the day before the
main conference starts. They represent forums where specific topics
relevant to CHItaly get discussed.
Workshop proposals will be reviewed according to quality criteria, which
consider the relevance of workshop proposals for CHItaly 2023, their
potential of gathering quality contributions, and their review
process. All workshops will be half-day.
>Structure of the Proposal
The workshop proposal should be organized as follows:
- Workshop title
- Workshop acronym (if any)
- Workshop edition and, if not on the first one, previous venues, number of
attendees, and links to the websites
- List of organizers (with a short bio) and main contact person
- Motivation and objectives
- List of topics
- Target audience and expected number of attendees
- Papers Review process (if any): the strategy used to collect
contributions (such as online conference management systems or submitting
by emails to the workshop chairs, etc.), minimum numbers of reviews, ...
- Workshop setting (paper presentations, discussions, group works, …)
- Dedicated proceedings (if any): type of papers, reviewing process, venue
(Journal special issue, CEUR-WS, …)
- PC tentative list
>Important dates for workshop proposals
Submission deadline: May, 8 EXTENDED
Review notification: May 16, 2023
Camera-ready for workshop summary: July 31, 2023
> TENTATIVE dates of the workshop review cycle
Submission deadline for workshop papers: June 23, 2023
Report workshop status to chairs: June 26, 2023
Go/No-go Decision on Workshops: June 30, 2023
Notifications to authors: July 14, 2023
Camera-ready/final version deadline: 28 July 21, 2023
Workshop held: September 20, 2023
Workshop proposals, in PDF format (no specific template is required), must
be uploaded via Easy Chair ( by selecting the Track
“Workshop Proposals”.
We encourage both researchers and industry practitioners to submit workshop
proposals and suggest involving organizers from different institutions,
bringing different perspectives to the workshop topic. We welcome workshops
with a creative structure that may attract various types of contributions
and may ensure rich interactions.
The organizers of accepted workshops will prepare a workshop website
containing the call for papers and detailed information about the workshop
organization and timeline. They will be responsible for their own publicity
and reviewing processes.
Finally, a paper describing each accepted workshop will be included in the
main conference Proceedings (submission deadline, format and requirements
will be defined later).
Berardina Nadja De Carolis, Università di Bari, Italy (
Giuseppe Sansonetti, Università Roma Tre, Italy (
*** Fifth Call for Submissions ***
10th European Conference On Service-Oriented And Cloud Computing (ESOCC 2023)
October 24-26, 2023, Golden Bay Beach Hotel, Larnaca, Cyprus
(Proceedings to be published in Springer LNCS;
Journal Special Issue with Springer Computing)
Nowadays, Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing are the primary approaches to build
large-scale distributed systems and deliver software services to end users. Cloud-native
software is pervading the delivery of enterprise applications, as they are composed of
(micro)services that can be independently developed and deployed by exploiting multiple
heterogeneous technologies. Resulting applications are polyglot service compositions that can
then be shipped in serverful or serverless platforms (e.g., using virtualization technologies).
These characteristics make Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing the natural answers for
fulfilling the industry’s need for flexibly scalable and maintainable enterprise applications, to
be delivered through state-of-the-art methodologies, like DevOps. To further support this,
researchers and practitioners need to create methods, tools and techniques to support
cost-effective and secure development as well as use of dependable devices, platforms,
services and service-oriented applications in the Cloud, now also considering the Cloud-IoT
computing continuum to exploit widespread adoption of smart connected things and the
increasing growth of their computing capabilities.
The European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC) is the premier
conference on advances in the state-of-the-art and practice of Service-Oriented Computing
and Cloud Computing in Europe. ESOCC aims to facilitate the exchange between researchers
and practitioners in the areas of Service-Oriented Computing and Cloud Computing, as well as
to explore the new trends in those areas and foster future collaborations in Europe and beyond.
ESOCC 2023 seeks original, high-quality contributions related to all aspects of Service-Oriented
and Cloud computing. Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to: • Applications for Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, e.g., big data, commerce, energy,
finance, health, scientific computing, smart cities • Blockchains for Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing • Business aspects of Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, e.g., business models,
brokerage, marketplaces, costs, pricing • Business processes, e.g., service-based workflow deployment and management • Cloud interoperability, service and Cloud standards, • Cloud-IoT computing continuum, e.g., edge computing, fog computing, mobility computing,
next generation services/IoT • Cloud-native architectures and paradigms, e.g., microservices and DevOps • Cloud service models, e.g., IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, DBaaS, FaaS, etc. • Deployment, composition, and management of applications in Service-Oriented and Cloud
Computing • Foundations and formal methods for Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing • Enablers for Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, e.g., service discovery, orchestration,
matchmaking, monitoring, and analytics • Model-Driven Engineering for Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing • Multi-Cloud, cross-Cloud, and federated Cloud solutions • Requirements engineering, design, development, and testing of applications in
Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing • Semantic services and service mining • Service and Cloud middlewares and platforms • Software/service adaptation and evolution in Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing • Storage, computation and network Clouds • Sustainability and energy issues in Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing • Quality aspects (e.g., governance, privacy, security, and trust) of Service-Oriented and Cloud
Computing • Quality of Service (QoS) and Service-Level Agreement (SLA) for Service-Oriented and Cloud
Computing • Social aspects of Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, e.g., crowdsourcing services, social
and crowd-based Clouds • Virtualization for Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, e.g., serverless, container-based
virtualization, VMs
• Submission of abstracts: June 4th, 2023 (AoE) • Submission of full papers: June 11th, 2023 (AoE) • Notification to authors: July 14th, 2023 (AoE) • Camera-ready versions due: July 31st, 2023 (AoE)
ESOCC 2023 invites submissions of the following kinds: • Regular Research Papers (15 pages including references, for the technical and special tracks) • PhD Symposium (12 pages including references) • Projects and Industry Reports (Projects and Industry Reports (1 to 6 pages including
references, describing an ongoing EU or national project, or providing industrial perspectives
on innovative applications, technologies, or methods in ESOCC’s scope)
We only accept original papers, not submitted for publication elsewhere. The papers must be
formatted according to the proceedings guidelines of Springer’s Lecture Notes in Computer
Science (LNCS) series (
They must be submitted to the EasyChair site at: by selecting the right track.
Accepted papers from all tracks will be published in the main conference proceedings by
Springer in the LNCS series. For publication to happen, at least one author of each accepted
paper is expected to register and present the work at the conference.
The best papers accepted will be invited to submit extended versions for a Journal Special
Issue to be published by Springer Computing.
General Chair
• George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, CY
(george at
Program Chairs
• Florian Rademacher, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund, DE
(florian.rademacher at • Jacopo Soldani, University of Pisa, IT
(jacopo.soldani at
Steering and Program Committee
Cari tutti,
segnalo una posizione aperta per Professore di II fascia nel SSD ING-INF/05
presso la Facoltà di Ingegneria e Architettura dell'Università degli Studi
di Enna "Kore".
Le attività di ricerca attualmente in corso riguardano applicazioni di IA,
Speech Recognition, Cybersecurity e Human-Centered Design.
Dal punto di vista didattico, la Facoltà eroga un corso di laurea triennale
in Ingegneria Informatica (classe L-8), un corso di laurea magistrale in
Ingegneria dell'Intelligenza Artificiale e della Sicurezza Informatica
(classe LM-32), e un corso di dottorato di ricerca in Sistemi Intelligenti
per l'Ingegneria (XXXVIII ciclo).
A breve (entro luglio 2023) verrà inoltre realizzato un laboratorio
scientifico-didattico di Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HC-AI) da
50 postazioni, con attrezzature all'avanguardia a supporto della ricerca
sperimentale negli ambiti di cui sopra.
Link al bando:
Link didattica UKE:
Link ricerca e laboratori UKE:
Contatti per ulteriori dettagli:
- Marco Siniscalchi, marco.siniscalchi(a)
- Salvatore Sorce, salvatore.sorce(a)
Prego voler fare circolare l'informazione a chiunque ritenete possa essere
Salvatore Sorce, PhD
Professore Associato
Università degli Studi di Enna "Kore"
Facoltà di Ingegneria e Architettura
Cittadella Universitaria - 94100 Enna
*** Sixth Call for Papers ***
7th International Conference on Internet Science (INSCI 2023)
September 13-15, 2023, 5* St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus
Submissions due: May 15, 2023 (AoE)
(Proceedings to be published by Springer in LNCS; Best Paper Award
sponsored by Springer with 300 EUR; Special Journal Issue in the
Future Internet journal)
“Internet for Survival”: How the effective and democratic evolution of the
Internet towards an infrastructure/ecosystem supporting resilience and
equality depends on deeply intertwined considerations rooted in technological,
social and economic sciences.
INSCI is a multidisciplinary conference that brings together scholars and practitioners
at the intersection of technological, social and economic sciences seeking to learn
how the Internet can be used to make our world a better place. Its insights are
expected to create a better understanding of this complex socio-technical system we
call “Internet”, for instance to inform political decisions on the technological priorities
for public funding and to drive a more sustainable and equitable development of the
innovation and social ecosystems it supports.
INSCI welcomes fundamental and applied multidisciplinary research, including policy-
oriented studies and works offering technological solutions, that investigate the role
of Internet for sustainable development, social and economic resilience, collective
intelligence, reliable information processing and protection, and, more generally, for
a holistic understanding of societal transformations, governance shifts and innovation
INSCI welcomes works done in interdisciplinary teams that may include computer
scientists, sociologists, policy makers, economists, designers and artists, or complex
system scholars, among others, preferably uniting expertise from social, economic
and technical sciences. This kind of work is expected to close the gap between
societal / economic impact and requirements and technological developments, seen
as both drivers and consequences of each other.
Thus, INSCI 2023 welcomes submissions to a wide range of topics including but not
limited to the following list.
Green, Sustainability, and Innovation
• The challenges of Responsible Research and Innovation on Internet solution
• The technological, social and economic benefits of Transnational and Inter-Cultural
• Internet solutions supporting Environmental policies related to Climate Change
• Green Computing in a holistic perspective: trade-offs of computing power, social
benefits, economic and environmental impacts (e.g. blockchains)
• Design, Implementation, and Analysis of Novel Platforms for alternative distributed
economic models
• Distributed environmental awareness: creating a collective consciousness of
environmental issues and possible solutions at individual and collective level.
Collective intelligence, sensing and action
• Energy optimisation from from networked production to shared consumption,
relying on top-down and bottom-up approaches
• Networks for circular economy models: conceiving and putting in place platforms
and solutions effectively supporting circular and social economy models,
collaborative making, art and creativity.
Enabling Technologies, Applications and Infrastructures
• Social implications of Reinforcement Algorithms, Machine Learning and Intelligent
• Feasibility and social /economic aspects of Algorithms for mediation content
• Data Sovereignty and inclusion aspects of Cloud, Grid and Cluster Computing
• Recommender, Adaptive and Context Aware Systems: design, social and inclusion
aspects, feasibility and adoption
• Networking and Wireless Systems as enablers: inclusion, health, privacy and
pervasiveness aspects
• People-driven Internet Technologies and Applications, including Collaborative
Platforms & Social Search, Open Data and New Interfaces
Societal Structures
• How will Internet of Things change Society and interaction models
• Digital Competences and Participation
• Virtual Communities and Behavioural Patterns: how are they affected by the
technological platforms being used
• Knowledge, Education, Technology Enhanced Learning, and Societal Web Impact on
Internet Evolution
• Offline and Online Human Behaviour with Emphasis on Social Media and Online/ER/
VR Interactions
Digital Politics and Governance
• Internet and Political Participation
• Online Political Freedoms in Policing and in Effect: Regional and Local Perspectives,
technological impacts and requirements
• Citizen Involvement into Decision-Making: Platforms, Actors, and Experiences
• Political Discussions Online: Issues and Groups Behind Them, technical and
collaborative solutions to moderate them
• E-governance Practices of Today’s Authorities across the world
• Internet regulation: Security vs. Openness
Free Communication Patterns and Democracy
• Freedom of Speech Online: a Contested Area of Policing
• Algorithms as New Total Communicative Power
• Extremist and Radical Talk Online and Policies or socio-Technical solutions to
counteract it
• Universal Internet Freedoms vs. Dark Web
• Participatory Democracy and Budgeting: citizens’ involvement in democratic
processes, for more equal and inclusive resource allocation
• Cognitive, Psychological Aspects and Incentive Mechanisms for online Engagement,
Collaboration and Participation (smart citizenship, e-literacy, participation skills,
decision support and recommendations for informed citizens and collective actions)
• E-Democracy and E-Participation: risks and opportunities, lessons learnt from
currently deployed solutions (e.g. e-voting, Decidim)
• Reliable online information: collaborative models and processes to produce/qualify
online information (e.g. post-truth Practices Online, filter bubble and fact checking),
for health (e.g. vaccination), democracy (international decision-making, political
campaigns, opinion and sentiment modelling, governmental censure and influence),
economy (product labelling, ethical marketing), safety of online ecosystems (children
protection, fake news, digital rebels)
• Crowdsourcing: implications, enablers
Sustainable Network Economy
• Legal, economic, technological and innovation hurdles related to Intellectual
Property and the Digital Commons
• New Collaborative Markets Analytics
• Economic Power of Online Platforms: Expropriation of Digital Labour, Open Data
solutions and their applicability
• Digital Corporations: World Leaders and Regional Alternatives
• Analogous Elites, Technological Precariat
• Digital Professions and Reshaping of Online Labour Markets
• New decentralised economic models: enabling and sustaining a distributed
ecosystem of platforms and solutions intrinsically respectful of privacy, self-
disclosure and digital sovereignty
• The consumer perspective: unlawful profiling, discrimination and lock-in,
automated contracts and warranties
Global Access Opportunities
• Internet Resilience: Defining/Comparing non-disconnection Technologies,
Monitoring Approaches and Internet Governance Models ensuring resiliency and
citizens’ empowerment and sovereignty
• Global and Local Faces of Today’s Digital Divide
• Comparing existing and future Open Distance Education and Life-long Learning
Environments on online/Virtual Reality Platforms, Practices Around the World
• Global Media Online: Translation and Language Divide
• Empowerment of Disabled with New Body Extensions
• Post-human and Tech-human Individuals and Societies
Data Sharing and Protection
• Data Openness vs. User Protection: tech and social aspects of open data policies
• Limits of Privacy and Anonymization, their dependance on technological solutions
and intended applications
• Clouds, Big Data and Data Protection Regulation vs. knowledge sharing and open
• Global Tech Powers and Alternative Solutions based on decentralisation
• Open Science and Access to Scientific Production: technological enablers, platform
governance, economic and innovation aspects
• Submission of Papers: May 15, 2023 (AoE)
• Notification of Decision: July 1, 2023
• Camera-Ready Submission: July 15, 2023
• Author Registration Deadline: July 15. 2023
All submitted papers must:
• Describe original results that have not been accepted or submitted for publication
• Be written in English and be submitted in PDF format
• Contain author names, affiliations, and email addresses
• Be formatted according to the Springer’s LNCS format Proceedings template:
• Contain three to seven keywords characterizing the paper, to be indicated at the
end of the abstract
• Be submitted via the conference system in EasyChair, using the submission link:
Full paper submissions should not exceed 15 pages (including all text, figures,
references and appendices). We encourage a length of 12 pages for full papers. The
Program Committee reserves the right to accept a submission as a short paper.
Submissions not conforming to the LNCS format, exceeding the submission page
limits or being obviously out of the scope of the conference, will be rejected without
All submissions will be evaluated by at least three members of the international
Program Committee, with a mix of social, economic and technological expertise.
The review process will be single-blind.
Selection will be based on:
• Degree of interdisciplinarity (between social, economic and/or technical sciences)
• Novelty and technical merit
• Relevance of the generated insights for the future Internet development
The best paper will be sponsored with 300 EUR by Springer.
Camera-ready submissions should be corrected by following the remarks of the
reviewers and submitted using the same submission link in zip format including:
• The camera-ready version of the authors’ work in pdf format
• The camera-ready version of the authors’ work in editable sources format
• The Consent to Publish signed in ink and scanned to image file
Accepted papers will be presented at INSCI2023 and published in the conference
proceedings volume, which will be published in the Springer Lecture Notes in
Computer Science (LNCS). Authors of selected best papers from the conference will
be contacted in order to consider submission of an expanded version of their papers
for publication in a special issue to be organised with the international journal
Future Internet (, published by
General Chair
• George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Program Chairs
• Vasileios Mezaris, Information Technologies Institute, Greece
• Fabrizio Sestini, European Commission DG CONNECT, Belgium
Steering & Program Committees
4th International Forum of Cyber Security, Privacy, and Trust (NEMESIS’23)
Warsaw, Poland, 17–20 September, 2023
Organized within FedCSIS 2023 (IEEE: #57573)
Strict submission deadline: May 23, 2023, 23:59:59 AOE (no extensions)
KEY FACTS: Proceedings: submitted to IEEE Digital Library; indexing: DBLP,
Scopus and Web of Science; 70 punktów parametrycznych MEiN
Please feel free to forward this announcement to your colleagues and
associates who could be interested in it.
********************* Statement concerning LLMs *********************
Recognizing developing issue that affects all academic disciplines, we
would like to state that, in principle, papers that include text generated
from a large-scale language model (LLM) are prohibited, unless the produced
text is used within the experimental part of the work.
Nowadays, information security works as a backbone for protecting both user
data and electronic transactions. Protecting communications and data
infrastructures of an increasingly inter-connected world have become vital
nowadays. Security has emerged as an important scientific discipline whose
many multifaceted complexities deserve the attention and synergy of
computer science, engineering, and information systems communities.
Information security has some well-founded technical research directions
which encompass access level (user authentication and authorization),
protocol security, software security, and data cryptography. Moreover, some
other emerging topics related to organizational security aspects have
appeared beyond the long-standing research directions.
The International Forum of Cyber Security, Privacy, and Trust (NEMESIS’23)
as a successor of International Conference on Cyber Security, Privacy, and
Trust (INSERT’19) focuses on the diversity of the cyber information
security developments and deployments in order to highlight the most recent
challenges and report the most recent researches. The session is an
umbrella for all cyber security technical aspects, user privacy techniques,
and trust. In addition, it goes beyond the technicalities and covers some
emerging topics like social and organizational security research
directions. NEMESIS’23 serves as a forum of presentation of theoretical,
applied research papers, case studies, implementation experiences as well
as work-in-progress results in cyber security. NEMESIS’23 is intended to
attract researchers and practitioners from academia and industry and
provides an international discussion forum in order to share their
experiences and their ideas concerning emerging aspects in information
security met in different application domains. This opens doors for
highlighting unknown research directions and tackling modern research
challenges. The objectives of the NEMESIS’23 can be summarized as follows:
To review and conclude research findings in cyber security and other
security domains, focused on the protection of different kinds of assets
and processes, and to identify approaches that may be useful in the
application domains of information security.
To find synergy between different approaches, allowing elaborating
integrated security solutions, e.g. integrate different risk-based
management systems.
To exchange security-related knowledge and experience between experts
to improve existing methods and tools and adopt them to new application
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- Biometric technologies
- Cryptography and cryptanalysis
- Critical infrastructure protection
- Security of wireless sensor networks
- Hardware-oriented information security
- Organization- related information security
- Social engineering and human aspects in cyber security
- Individuals identification and privacy protection methods
- Pedagogical approaches for information security education
- Information security and business continuity management
- Tools supporting security management and development
- Decision support systems for information security
- Trust in emerging technologies and applications
- Digital right management and data protection
- Threats and countermeasures for cybercrimes
- Ethical challenges in user privacy and trust
- Cyber and physical security infrastructures
- Risk assessment and management
- Steganography and watermarking
- Digital forensics and crime science
- Security knowledge management
- Security of cyber-physical systems
- Privacy enhancing technologies
- Trust and reputation models
- Misuse and intrusion detection
- Data hide and watermarking
- Cloud and big data security
- Computer network security
- Assurance methods
- Security statistics
The session will also solicit papers about current implementation efforts,
research results, as well as position statements from industry and academia
regarding applications of networking technology.
Submission rules:
- Authors should submit their papers as Postscript, PDF or MSWord files.
- The total length of a paper should not exceed 10 pages IEEE style
(including tables, figures and references). IEEE style templates are
available here.
- Papers will be refereed and accepted on the basis of their scientific
merit and relevance to the workshop.
- Preprints containing accepted papers will be published on a USB memory
stick provided to the FedCSIS participants.
- Only papers presented at the conference will be published in
Conference Proceedings and submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore®
- Conference proceedings will be published in a volume with ISBN, ISSN
and DOI numbers and posted at the conference WWW site.
- Conference proceedings will be submitted for indexation according to
information here.
- Organizers reserve right to move accepted papers between FedCSIS
technical sessions.
Important dates:
+ Paper submission (strict deadline): May 23, 2023, 23:59:59 (AoE; there
will be no extension)
+ Position paper submission: June 7, 2023
+ Author notification: July 11, 2023
+ Final paper submission and registration: July 31, 2023
+ Payment (early fee deadline): July 26, 2023
NEMESIS Committee:
Cari tutti,
Come di consueto, ci fa piacere fissare un momento di incontro con i
partecipanti del capitolo italiano a CHI2023.
Ci incontreremo tutti nella hall del centro congressi, vicino al
registration desk, per il coffee break delle 16 di mercoledì 26 aprile.
Vi aspettiamo!
Prof. Giuliana Vitiello, PhD
Director HCI-UsE Lab
Department of Computer Science
University of Salerno
phone +39 089 963317
cell +39 3666758965
https:// <>
*** Third Call for Papers ***
10th International Conference on Behavioural and Social Computing (BESC 2023)
October 30 - November 1, 2023, 5* Golden Bay Beach Hotel, Larnaca, Cyprus
The International Conference on Behavioural and Social Computing (BESC) is a major
international forum that brings together academic researchers and industry practitioners from
artificial intelligence, computational social sciences, natural language processing, business
and marketing, and behavioural and psychological sciences to present updated research
efforts and progresses on foundational and emerging interdisciplinary topics of BESC,
exchange new ideas and identify future research directions.
The BESC series of conferences are technically sponsored by IEEE SMC (Systems, Man and
Cybernetics) Society as well as IEEE CIS (Computational Intelligence Society) and the
proceedings are published by IEEE
BESC 2023 invites submissions of original, high-quality research papers addressing
cutting-edge developments from all areas of behavioural and social computing. The
conference aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to
share their knowledge, experience, and perspectives on the latest trends, challenges, and
opportunities in this rapidly evolving field. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Social Computing, Computational Social Science and Applications
• Computational models of social phenomena
• Social behaviour
• Social network analysis
• Semantic web
• Collective intelligence
• Security, privacy, trust in social contexts
• Social recommendation
• Social influence and social contagions
• Quantifying offline phenomena through online data
• Forecasting of social phenomena
• Science and technology studies approaches to computational social science
• Social media and health behaviours
• Social psychology and personality
• New theories, methods, and objectives in computational social science
Digital Humanities
• Digital media
• Digital humanities
• Digital games and learning
• Digital footprints and privacy
• Crowd dynamics
• Digital arts
• Digital healthcare
• Activity streams and experience design
• Virtual communities (e.g., open-source, multiplayer gaming, etc.)
Information Management and Information Systems (IS)
• Decision analytics
• E-Business
• Decision analytics
• Computational finance
• Societal impacts of IS
• Human behaviour and IS
• IS in healthcare
• IS security and privacy
• IS strategy, structure and organizational impacts
• Service science and IS
Natural Language Processing
• Web mining and its social interpretations
• Sentiment Analysis, Stylistic Analysis, and Argument Mining
• Opinion mining and social media analytics
• Credibility of online content
• Computational Linguistics
• Mining big social data
• Cognitive Modelling and Psycholinguistics
Behaviour and User Modelling, Privacy, and Ethics
• Behaviour change
• Positive technology
• Personalization for individuals, groups and populations
• Large scale personalization, adaptation and recommendation
• Web dynamics and personalization
• Privacy, perceived security and trust
• Technology and Wellbeing
• Ethics of computational research on human behaviour
Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL)
• E-Learning and M-Learning
• Open and Distance Learning
• User modeling and personalization in TEL
• TEL in secondary and in higher education
• New tools for TEL
BESC 2023 will also host the following Special Sessions. Papers accepted in any of the Special
Sessions will be included in the same IEEE conference proceedings with the papers accepted
for the general technical program.
● Computational Social Psychology in Post Covid-19 Period
● Artificial Intelligence for Mental Health, Mental Illness, Psychiatic Diagnosis, and
● Intelligent E-Learning at Post Covid-19 Era
● Big Data and AI-Powered Decision Support Systems in Business
● Understanding the Citizen's Behavior in Cognitive Cities
● Nudges and Behavioural Computing Models for a Sustainable and Equitable
The paper submission system is using Easy Chair and the submission link is: .
All papers will be reviewed by the Program Committee on the basis of technical quality,
relevance to BESC 2023, originality, significance and clarity.
Please note:
• All submissions should use IEEE two-column style. Templates are available here:
• All papers must be submitted electronically through the paper submission system in PDF
format only. BESC 2023 accepts research papers (6 pages), special session papers (6 pages)
and Doctoral Symposium papers (4 pages).
• The page count above excludes the references (but includes any appendices).
• Paper review will be double-blind, and submissions not properly anonymized will be
desk-rejected without review.
• Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers that have been published or
that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference with proceedings.
• Papers must be clearly submitted in English and will be selected based on their originality,
timeliness, significance, relevance, and clarity of presentation.
• Submission of a paper should be regarded as a commitment that, should the paper be
accepted, at least one of the authors will register and attend the conference to present the
• The use of artificial intelligence (AI)–generated text in an article shall be disclosed in the
acknowledgements section of any paper submitted to an IEEE Conference or Periodical. The
sections of the paper that use AI-generated text shall have a citation to the AI system used to
generate the text.
• All accepted papers will be included in IEEE Xplore and indexed by EI. Top quality papers
after presented in the conference will be selected for extension and publication in several
special issues of international journals, e.g., World Wide Web Journal (Springer), Web
Intelligence (IOS Press), and Social Network Analysis and Mining (Springer), Human-Centric
Intelligent Systems (Springer), Information Discovery and Delivery (Emerald Publishing).
• Submission of all papers: 15 July 2023
• Notification of acceptance for submitted papers: 15 September 2023
• Camera-Ready Submission: 1 October 2023
• Author Registration: 1 October 2023
Steering Committee Chair
• Guandong Xu, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
General Chair
• George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Program Chairs
• Georgia Kapitsaki, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
• Ji Zhang, University of Southern Queensland, Australia
Special Session Chairs
• Taotao Cai, University of Southern Queensland, Australia
• Ting Yu, Zhejiang Lab, China
Doctoral Symposium Chair
• Barbara Caci, University of Palermo, Italy
Panel and Tutorial Chair
• Philippe Fournier-Viger, Shenzhen University, China
Proceedings Chair
• Md Rafiqul Islam, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Publicity Chairs
• Chandan Gautam, Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), A*STAR, Singapore
• Thanveer Shaik, University of Southern Queensland, Australia
• Sanjay Sonbhadra, ITER, Siksha 'O' Anusandhan, India
• Shiqing Wu, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
*(Apologies if you receive multiple e-mails on this subject via different
*Call for Papers*
International Workshop on
Human-Centered Software Engineering
Rethinking the Interplay of
Human–Computer Interaction and Software Engineering
in the Age of Digital Transformation
organized by IFIP Working Group 13.2 onMethodologies for User-Centered Systems
atINTERACT 2023 <>
The 19th IFIP TC.13 International Conference on Human–Computer Interaction
August 28/29, 2023
York, United Kingdom
The Fourth Industrial Revolution is characterized by a process of technological
transformation that is affecting the social structure across the globe. It has
changed the way of shopping, of relating to others, of living. At the core of
the process are technologies that generate important cultural impacts in our
lives. In Europe, this process is differently named, depending on the different
countries: digitisation, digital transformation, digital transition, etc. Here
we call it digital transformation, but no matter how you name it, it has in fact
revolutionized every market and company, as well as our life.
We follow the definition by Gong & Ribiere (2020) that states that Digital
transformation is “A fundamental change process, enabled by the innovative use
of digital technologies accompanied by the strategic leverage of key resources
and capabilities, aiming to radically improve an entity* and redefine its value
proposition for its stakeholders.” (*An entity could be: an organization, a
business network, an industry, or society.).
Various technologies enable the digital transformation process: mobile and
wearable devices, Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, Big Data, Blockchain,
Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality, Artificial Intelligence and Machine
Learning, Digital Twin, Cybersecurity. However, while introducing undeniable
benefits, they also bring some important issues.
This workshop is looking for contributions from various fields, with a focus on:
the domain of Internet of Things (IoT) and IoT devices that are becoming
more pervasive and social
IoT also introduces issues from the cybersecurity perspective
The impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on human lives and the
economywith the problem thatthe required computing power is high, there are
worriesof how AI models predict the output, data privacy and securityetc
Digital Twin (DT) is another protagonist of the digital transformation
process. It is a virtual replica of a real-world object that is run in a
simulation environment to mirror its physical pendant, with digital and
physical twins influencing each other including the ability to perform
benefits and issues of other technologies: usability of mobile and wearable
devices, as well as of Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality; user awareness
about the usage and the security of Cloud Computing, Big Data, Blockchain.
What emerges is that Human-Centered Software Engineering (HCSE) is more relevant
than ever. The interplay between Human–Computer Interaction and Software
Engineering needs to be rethought and fortified for a rapid response to the
evolution of technologies, while also considering aspects such as greater
agility in service development, sustainability, ethical considerations,
cybersecurity, user mindset and awareness, to name just a few. But also the
approaches for addressing them have to be carefully considered. For example,
some software development companies show an increasing interest in low-code
development platforms to facilitate application development by domain experts
without sophisticated software development knowledge, as a possible solution to
the need of more agile, fast and also sustainable service development. Domain
experts are, however, not trained in software development methods. This
introduces a risk of domain experts creating unusable applications or exceeding
the designated time frame of a project (or both).
In this workshop, we aim to broaden the traditional scope of the workshop series
of IFIP Working Group 13.2beyond the traditional themes of IFIP 13.2 workshops.
Particularly, this edition promotes sharing of knowledge and experiences that
address how to deal with the challenges of the digital transformation and its
influence on human-centered socio-technical system design and development
This workshop is a follow-up of the successful workshops organized atINTERACT
2015 in Bamberg, Germany
2017 in Mumbai, India
<>,INTERACT 2019 in
Paphos, Cyprus
2021 in Bari, Italy <>.
Target Audience and Expected Outcomes
This workshop is open to everyone who is interested in aspects of human–computer
interaction from a user-centered perspective. Typical contributions to this
workshop focus on methods, processes and approaches for designing, building and
testing interactive systems. We expect a high participation of IFIP Working
Group 13.2 members. We particularly invite participants to present position
papers describing real-life case studies that illustrate how they rethought
HCI’s and SE’s interplay in order to address aspects such as agile development,
sustainability, ethical considerations, and cybersecurity. Any perspective and
related aspects of user interface design are welcome. We are especially
interested in work that deals with current trends that change the way humans
use, interact and collaborate with technical components in socio-technical
systems. We are also interested in methods, theories and tools that combine
human-centered design and software engineering practices. Position papers will
be made available through the workshop website. Furthermore, an extended version
of selected papers will be considered for inclusion in a Springer LNCS
post-proceedings volume published in conjunction with the other INTERACT
workshops organized by the IFIP TC13 Working Groups.
Workshop Format
This full-day workshopisin person only. Itisorganized around presentation of
position papers and working activities in small groups. From the set of
contributions, a subset of selected case studies will be invited to be presented
at the beginning of the workshop and will be used to support the discussion that
follows. The morning session will be dedicated to welcoming participants and
presenting case studies. Participants will be invited to comment on the case
studies and to report similar experiences. The afternoon sessions will be
devoted to interactive sessions, where participants will be engaged to work in
small groups and propose solutions to the problems of the case st udies seen in
the morning. Solutions proposed by the participants will be compiled and
compared. Based on the lessons learned, participants will be incited to draft an
agenda of future work that can be accomplished. We plan to run the
workshoponsite in person only. If circumstances require it, we intend to switch
to a completely digital format that will be run online. We will continuously
adapt to any decision regarding the conference format by the INTERACT 2023
Submission Instructions
In order to attend the workshop, participants are invited to submit position
papers reporting original academic or industrial research relevant to the
workshop's theme. These position papers (PDF files, 6-10 pages
including abstract) shall report(practical) experiences related to research
challenges and results on human-centered software engineering or user-centered
development processes for interactive systems with a particular focus on
digital-transformation aspects and technologies (such as mobile and wearable
devices, Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, Big Data, Blockchain, Augmented,
Virtual and Mixed Reality, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Digital
Twin, Cybersecurity) and their impact on software properties or software
development practices.Submissions are not anonymous and should include all
author names, affiliations, and contact information.Authors should also provide
in their submission a short summary of their experience in the field and their
motivation to participate in this workshop. Submissions will be processed via
the workshop web pages that will be managed by the workshop organizers at IFIP
WG 13.2.Papers are submitted through theEasyChair website
Submitted position paperswill be reviewed byan international program committee
comprisingthe organizers and selected members of IFIP Working Group 13.2 who are
experts in the field. Participants will be invited to attend the workshop based
on the result of the reviewing process. Accepted position paperswill be made
available through the workshop website.Upon acceptance, at least one author of
each accepted position paper must register and attend the workshop.Furthermore,
an extended version of selected papers will be considered for inclusion in a
Springer LNCS post-proceedings volume published in conjunction with the other
INTERACT 2023 workshops organized by the IFIP TC13 Working Groups.
Important Dates
Deadline for submission: May8, 2023
Acceptance notification:May 31, 2023
Final version of position paper: June30, 2023
Workshop date: August28 or 29, 2023
Carmelo Ardito, UniversityLUM Giuseppe Degennaro, Italy
Regina Bernhaupt, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Stefan Sauer, Paderborn University, Germany
Please write toorganizers(a)
<>if you have any question.
The workshop will be hosted in the frame of the 19th IFIP TC13 International
Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, August28– September1, 2023, inYork,
United Kingdom. Look at the main conference web site for further information
( <>).