VL/HCC 2023: IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing
**Call for Research Papers**
- Abstracts only: April 21, 2023
- Submission deadline: April 28, 2023
- Rebuttal phase: June 5 - 9, 2023
- Notification: June 23, 2023
- Camera-ready: July 14, 2023
The IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing is the
premier international forum for research on this topic. Established in
1984, the mission of the conference is to support the design, theory,
application, and evaluation of computing technologies and languages for
programming, modeling, and communicating, which are easier to learn, use,
and understand by people.
The 2023 symposium is scheduled to take place October 2-6 in Washington,
DC, USA. VL/HCC 2023 is 100% Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society Technical
Committee on Multimedia Computing (TCMC).
We solicit original, unpublished research papers on computing technologies
for modeling, programming, communicating, and reasoning, which are easier
to learn, use or understand by humans than the current state-of-the-art.
Papers should focus on efforts to design, formalize, implement, or evaluate
those technologies and languages. This includes technologies intended for
general audiences (e.g., professional or novice programmers, or the public)
or domain-specific audiences (e.g., people working in business
administration, production environments, healthcare, urban design or
scientific domains). Empirical papers that validate current proposed
solutions with rigorous scientific means (i.e., empirical studies,
controlled experiments, rigorous case studies, etc.) are also welcome.
Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Visual languages: Novel visual languages, Design, evaluation, and theory
of visual languages and applications, Development of systems for
manipulating and interacting with diagrammatic representations
- Human aspects and psychology of software development and language design,
such as supporting inclusion and diversity in programming
- End-user development: End-user development, adaptation and programming,
Creation and evaluation of technologies and infrastructures for end-user
- Crowdsourcing design and development work
- Representations: Novel representations and user interfaces for expressing
computation, Software, algorithm and data visualization
- Modeling: Model-driven development, Domain-specific languages, including
modeling languages, Visual modeling of human behavior and socio-technical
- Thinking more deeply about code: Computational thinking and Computer
Science education, Debugging and program understanding, Explainable ML/AI
If you are not sure if your paper is a good fit for VL/HCC, feel free to
email the PC Co-chairs (see “Contact” below). We welcome those new to the
VL/HCC community to submit!
SPECIAL EMPHASIS FOR 2023: Low-Code / No-Code Development
This year’s special topic is “Low-Code / No-Code Development”. This
development paradigm enables the creation and deployment of fully
functional applications using visual abstractions and interfaces and
requiring little or no procedural code. This way, users are empowered to
create software applications for constrained domains, even if they lack a
programming background. This year, we especially welcome papers at VL/HCC
that design, build, or evaluate any aspects of low-code and no-code
We invite two kinds of papers:
- full-length research papers, up to 8 pages - plus unlimited additional
pages containing only references and/or acknowledgements
- short research papers, up to 4 pages - plus unlimited additional pages
containing only references and/or acknowledgements
Papers must be submitted using the IEEE two-column conference paper format.
Be sure to use the current IEEE conference paper format (which was updated
in 2019), and to select the “US letter” template:
Papers should be submitted via the EasyChair system (
To facilitate the assigning of papers to reviewers, we require paper
abstracts to be submitted via EasyChair at least 1 week prior to the paper
submission deadline (see Important Dates below). The abstract must be kept
up to date such that it matches exactly the abstract in the submitted
paper. The abstract must be no longer than 250 words.
All accepted papers, whether full or short, should be complete,
self-contained, archival contributions. Contributions from full papers are
more extensive than those from short papers. Note that some full paper
submissions may be accepted as short papers if reviewers deem contributions
to be comparable in size to a short paper. Work-in-progress, which has not
yet yielded an archival contribution, should be submitted to the
Posters/Showpieces category. All submissions will be reviewed by members of
the Program Committee in a double-blind review process. Authors will then
receive the reviews for their submissions and will be able to answer them
in a rebuttal phase. Only after this step the PC will make a final decision
about the acceptance of the submissions. Submissions and reviews for the
technical program are managed with EasyChair. At least one author of each
accepted paper is required to register for VL/HCC 2023 and present the
paper at the conference. There will be a virtual presentation option in
case of travel restrictions. IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper
from distribution after the conference, including IEEE Xplore Digital
Library, if the paper is not presented by the author at the conference.
The proceedings of IEEE VL/HCC are published in digital form by the IEEE
Computer Science Society and archived in the IEEE Digital Library with an
official ISBN number. Accepted papers will be available to conference
attendees via the IEEE Open Preview program in the IEEE Xplore Digital
Library (http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/).
We follow a double-blind reviewing process. Both authors and reviewers are
expected to make every effort to honor the double-blind reviewing process.
In case of questions, please contact the Program Chairs. Authors should
ensure that the submission can be evaluated without it being obvious who
wrote the paper. This means leaving author names off the paper and using
terms like “previous research” rather than “our previous research” when
describing background. However, do not hide previous work – papers must
still reference all relevant research using full (non-anonymized)
citations, including the author’s own prior work, so that reviewers can
evaluate novelty. Please reference your own prior work in the third-person
just like you would do for any other related work (e.g., avoid “As
described in our previous work [10], … ” and instead write something like
“As described by [10], …”). It is also important that authors specify all
conflicts of interest with potential reviewers during the submission phase.
Reviewers should not undertake any investigation that might lead to the
revealing of authors’ identity. If identities are inadvertently revealed,
please contact the Program Chairs.
The Program Chairs will check all submissions for obvious signs of lack of
anonymity and may ask authors to make changes and resubmit the paper within
three days of the submission deadline. Only changes to resolve anonymity
issues will be permitted.
Papers are expected to support their claims with appropriate evidence. For
example, a paper that claims to improve programmer productivity is expected
to demonstrate improved productivity; a paper that claims to be easier to
use should demonstrate increased ease of use.
However, not all claims necessarily need to be supported with empirical
evidence or studies with people. For example, a paper that claims to make
something feasible that was clearly infeasible might substantiate its claim
through the existence of a functioning prototype.
Moreover, there are many alternatives to empirical evidence that may be
appropriate for justifying claims, including analytical methods, formal
arguments or case studies. Given this criterion, we encourage potential
authors to think carefully about what claims their submission makes and
what evidence would adequately support these claims. In addition, we expect
short papers to have less comprehensive evaluation than long papers.
PC Co-Chairs:
- Philip Guo (University of California San Diego, United States)
- Esther Guerra (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain)
- Contact email: vlhcc2023(a)googlegroups.com
*** Final Combo Call for Workshop Papers ***
UMAP ’23: 31st ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization
June 26 - 29, 2023, St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus
ACM UMAP 2023, the premier international conference for researchers and
practitioners working on systems that adapt to individual users or to groups of users,
and which collect, represent, and model user information, is organising a number of
workshops to be held in conjunction with the conference. The workshops provide a
venue to discuss and explore emerging areas of User Modeling and Adaptive
Hypermedia research with a group of like-minded researchers and
practitioners from industry and academia. There will be a conference adjunct
proceedings published by ACM where all the workshop papers will be published.
● CRUM 2023: The first edition of the workshop on Context Representation in
User Modelling
● ExUM 2023: 5th Workshop on Explainable User Models and Personalised
● GMAP 2023: 2nd Workshop on Group Modelling, Adaptation and
● HAAPIE 2023: 8th International Workshop on Human Aspects in Adaptive and
Personalised Interactive Environments
● PATCH 2023: The 14th International Workshop on Personalised Access to
Cultural Heritage
● FairUMAP: 6th UMAP Workshop on Fairness in Uder Modelling, Adaptation, and
● ADAPPT: Adaptive and Personalised Persuasive Technologies Workshop
● Workshop papers submission deadline: Defined per workshop, not before April 20
● Notification of acceptance: Defined per workshop, around May 8, 2023
● Adjunct proceedings camera ready: May 18, 2023
● Workshop day: June 26, 2023
Deadlines refer to 23:59 in the AoE (Anywhere on Earth) time zone.
● Veronika Bogina, Haifa University, Israel
sveron AT gmail.com
● Antonela Tommasel, ISISTAN, CONICET-UNICEN
antonela.tommasel AT isistan.unicen.edu.ar
Sorry for multiple posting!
Dear colleague,
this year we are organizing the 14th edition of the
Int. Workshop on
Interactive Environments and Emerging Technologies for eLearning,
IEETeL2023 https://sites.google.com/view/ieetel2023/
It will be held in the framework of the conference
MIS4TEL, 13th Int Conference on Methodologies and Intelligent Systems
for Technology Enhanced Learning
Guimarães (Portugal), 12th-14th July, 2023
The workshop papers will be published in the MIS4TEL proceedings.
Important Dates
Submission deadline: April 29th, 2023 (extended)
Notification of acceptance: May 13th, 2023
Camera-Ready papers due: 19th May, 2023
The Call for papers is summarized below.
We hope you will find topics of your interest in our workshop, and will
like the idea of submitting a paper.
Please, if you think this call might interest some of your colleagues,
be so kind to forward this message.
Many thanks!
Best wishes and regards
The Workshop Organizers
Malinka Ivanova,
Minoru Nakayama,
Marco Temperini (writing)
14th workshop on
Interactive Environments and Emerging Technologies for eLearning
eLearning is a dynamic research area reflecting on the current
requirements of all participants in the educational process for
innovative teaching and meaningful learning combining existing knowledge
with future perspectives.
The aim of IEETeL is to connect researchers, educators and technology
experts giving them an opportunity to share and discuss new solutions,
trends and realizations of eLearning environments and the adoption of
emerging technologies in educational settings. These will draw the
challenging problems in information gathering, processing and usage;
development of web-based and mobile services; building intelligent and
social-oriented applications in support of flexible, personalized,
adaptable, in-demand learning.
This forum invites research, technical papers, and report of work in
progress, investigating eLearning environment development, information
processing/management for education in local/small settings and in
global/large scale ones, practices of implementation in education to
facilitate high school and university students' learning, and to help
then train to become self-organized life-long learners.
Special Topics for IEETeL2023
- Intelligent Environments and Sensor Networks for Education
- eLearning in Support of Students with Disabilities
Topics of interest
- 3D Virtual Environments
- Adaptive and intuitive environments
- Assessment in education
- Assistive Technologies
- Augmented Reality Implementation
- Educational Data Mining
- Intelligent and smart applications
- Internet of things in Technology Enhanced Learning
- Education with the Internet of things
- Learning Analytics
- Mobile Learning Environments and Applications
- Peer Learning and Peer Evaluation
- Personal Learning Environments
- Security and Privacy
- Semantic Web
- Social-Collaborative Learning
- Virtual Reality for education
- Visual aspects of Technology Enhanced Learning
Papers (max 10 pages) are prepared and submitted according to the
instructions in the submission page of the conference:
*** Look for IEETeL!
Organization Committee
Malinka Ivanova, Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria,
Minoru Nakayama, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan,
Marco Temperini, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, marte(a)diag.uniroma1.it
Maria De Marsico
Full Professor
Co-Editor-in-Chief of Pattern Recognition Letters
Associate Editor of Pattern Recognition
Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity
Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Biometrics Newsletter
IEEE Senior member
Sapienza University of Rome
Department of Computer Science
Via Salaria 113 - 00198 Rome - Italy
email: demarsico(a)di.uniroma1.it
tel: +39 06 49918312
Workshop: Sustainable Human-Work Interaction Designs (SHWID)
Organized by WG13.6 on Human Work Interaction Design and WG13.10 on Human-Centred Technology for Sustainability
Co-located with INTERACT 2023: 19th International Conference of Technical Committee 13 (Human-Computer Interaction) of IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing)
28 August - 1 September 2023 - York, UK
Sustainable HCI explores ways to design interactive systems in a more sustainable way and to make user behavior more sustainable. Social justice and equity aspects became emergent domains in HCI during the last decade.
This workshop proposes to explore how HWID design methods and exemplary HWID designs can contribute to the implementation of environmental practices in the workplace, sustainable manufacturing processes, or socially fair systems and processes.
This workshop aims to (a) investigate processes and methods for creating sustainable designs and workplaces, (b) collect case studies that analyze experiences with introducing and learning from sustainability at work, and (c) formulate a research agenda for future work on sustainable human-work interaction designs.
Participants are asked to submit a position paper describing work on processes, methods, or results and evaluation of these to support (but not limited to):
- Digital sobriety
- Green IT
- Slow design, craft design
- Sustainable digitalization
- Users' experience in sustainable environment
- Engagement in environmental behavior
- System-organization fit, organizational implementation, or benefits realization
Participation and submission:
Papers must be two- to four-page position paper formatted according to the INTERACT proceedings format (https://www.springer.com/gp/computer-science/lncs/conference-proceedings-gu…). We encourage both senior and early-stage researchers to submit position papers describing work in progress or completed research.
Position papers must be submitted in PDF format (non-anonymized) in EasyChair system: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=shwid2023.
Submissions will be reviewed by two reviewers based on relevance, originality, significance, and quality. Upon acceptance, at least one author of each accepted position paper must attend the workshop. In agreement with the authors, revised version of accepted position papers will be published in INTERACT Workshop Proceedings volume.
Important dates:
Paper submission deadline: May 8th, 2023
Paper notification of acceptance: May 29th, 2023
Workshop organizers:
- Elodie Bouzekri (contact: elodie.bouzekri(a)estia.fr<mailto:elodie.bouzekri@estia.fr>)
- Barbara Rita Barricelli
- Torkil Clemmensen
- Morten Hertzum
- Masoodian Masood
1st International Workshop on Cyber Security Education for Industry and Academia (CSE4IA)
Co-located with the 9th International Symposium on End User Development (IS-EUD) 2023
06-08 June 2023, Cagliari, Italy
More info: https://sites.google.com/view/cse4ia-23
The aim of this workshop is to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss current challenges in cybersecurity education to train future cybersecurity professionals but also to be able to train employees of private and public industries on real-world cybersecurity scenarios.
We expect that the workshop will help with:
- the adoption of methodologies, techniques, and tools that support cybersecurity education and the design of cybersecurity-related training programs;
- the identification of methods and tools to support Industry and Academia to collaborate in cybersecurity education;
- the identification of new processes, methods, and techniques to empower end-users' development, to set, modify, and increase the security of their technological solutions;
- the proposition of reference taxonomies to characterize the common understanding of the relevant roles, competencies, skills, and knowledge required;
- the design of new techniques to develop cybersecurity competencies for professionals aligned with the European Cybersecurity Skills Framework.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to, the following:
- Technology-Enhanced Learning for Cyber Security;
- Artificial Intelligence for Cyber Security Education;
- Virtual reality environments for Cyber Security Education;
- Game-based approaches for Cyber Security Education;
- Quantum solutions for Cyber Security Education;
- Artworks for Cyber Security Education;
- Design and implementation of tools, frameworks, and methodologies for Cyber Security Education;
- Methodologies for Cyber Security Education in formal and informal contexts;
- Innovative technologies to support the identification and articulation of tasks, competencies, skills, and knowledge for professionals' cybersecurity;
- Explainable Security in Public Administration;
- Human, Economics, Ethical, and Legal Aspects in Cyber Security Education;
- Innovative programs and training for Cyber Security Education;
- Processes, methods, and techniques for empowering users to create, modify and tailor technology artifacts taking into account Cyber Security issue;
- Case studies and design implications on Cyber Security challenges and practices of end-user development.
We are looking for three different types of submissions:
- Regular papers (up to 6 pages) will report original research on how cybersecurity and education can support Academia and Industry to reduce the gap between demand (workplace, recruitment) and supply (qualification, training).
- Vision papers (up to 4 pages) will report novel ideas about the application of the role of cybersecurity education in Academia and Industry.
- Presentation abstracts (up to 2 pages) will report experiences from Industry or previously accepted papers that are relevant to the workshop.
Regular and vision papers will be part of the proceedings, while presentation abstracts will not be included in the proceedings.
All papers should be submitted through Easychair in PDF format, using the “CEUR Template”: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-XXX/CEURART.zip
An Overleaf page for LaTeX users is also available at: https://www.overleaf.com/read/gwhxnqcghhdt
All papers will be subjected to a thorough peer-review process, focusing on originality, quality, soundness, and relevance. The workshop will use a double-blind review process, with three members of the program committee reviewing each submitted paper.
Authors can submit and update their submissions through the EasyChair system (https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=cse4ia).
Selected submissions will be considered for publication in a Special Issue of the Multimedia Tools and Applications Journal (https://www.springer.com/journal/11042/).
- Papers submission: April 24th, 2023
- Papers notification: May 8th, 2023
- Papers camera-ready: May 15th, 2023
- Vita Santa Barletta, University of Bari (vita.barletta(a)uniba.it)
- Danilo Caivano, University of Bari (danilo.caivano(a)uniba.it)
- Federica Caruso, University of L’Aquila (federica.caruso1(a)univaq.it)
- Sara Peretti, University of L’Aquila (sara.peretti(a)guest.univaq.it)
- Veronica Rossano, University of Bari (veronica.rossano(a)uniba.it)
The 14th International Workshop on Personalized Access to Cultural Heritage
(PATCH 2023)
Held in conjunction with ACM UMAP 2023 - Limassol, Cyprus.
Important dates:
April 20, 2023: paper submission
May 8, 2023: notification to authors
May 18, 2023: camera-ready due
The workshop will be in person. However, in very exceptional circumstances
we might accept a remote participation, to be discussed with us at paper
submission time.
Abstract and Topics
Following the successful series of PATCH workshops, PATCH 2023 will again
be the meeting point between state-of-the-art cultural heritage (CH)
research and personalization research. Focused on those using different
types of technology, with emphasis on ubiquitous and adaptive scenarios,
used to enhance the personal experience in CH sites. The workshop is aimed
at bringing together researchers and practitioners who are working on
various aspects of CH and are interested in exploring the potential of
state-of-the-art mobile and personalized technology (onsite as well as
online) to enhance the CH visiting experience. The expected result of the
workshop is a multidisciplinary research agenda that will inform future
research directions and, hopefully, forge some research collaborations.
Cultural heritage (CH) has traditionally been a primary area for
personalization research. Visitors come to cultural heritage sites willing
to experience and learn new things, with expectations but possibly without
a clear idea of what they will find there. The Museum Experience Revisited,
by John Falk and Lynn Dierking (2013), argues that the visitor’s experience
is constructed by the intertwining of the personal, the social, and the
physical context. The experience begins before the visit, when one starts
to think about it, and lasts well after leaving the building. Indeed CH is
rich in objects and information and offers much more than the visitor can
absorb during their limited time in situ. Hence, visitors may benefit from
individualized support that takes into account contextual and personal
We invite cultural heritage professionals and researchers to join us to
discuss findings and trends on personalisation of cultural heritage in the
broadest sense, from online and remote cultural access to onsite visit,
from individuals to groups, from tangible to virtual and robotic mediation.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Adaptive navigation and personalized browsing in digital and physical
cultural heritage collections and in CH sites
Ambient Cultural Heritage
Personalization for group of visitors to CH sites
Personalization for collective CH information authoring and management
Creativity and collaboration support in CH
Personalized mobile museum guides & personal museum assistants
Personalization by Citizen Curation
Recommendation strategies for CH
Adaptation strategies for text and non-verbal content in CH
NLG techniques and conversational agents for CH
(User Interaction with) Integration of virtual and physical collections
Analysis of behavior patterns to improve CH recommendation
Personalization across the whole of a person's digital ecosystem
(including CH)
Long-term personalization in CH
IoT and Cultural Heritage
Human-Robots adaptation in museums
3D, Virtual and Augmented Reality for Cultural Heritage
Context-aware information presentation in CH
Interactive user interfaces for CH applications
Use of personality for guiding Cultural Heritage Experiences
Participatory CH including multiple viewpoints and perspectives
Community mapping for CH information sharing
Multiple viewpoints and perspectives for CH
Remote access to CH
Personalized support to the exploration of Cultural and Natural Heritage
Full papers: up to 14 pages excluding references.
Short papers/Position papers/Demo papers: up to 7 pages excluding
Papers that exceed the page limits or formatting guidelines will be
returned without review.
Submissions should be single-blinded, i.e., authors’ names should be
included in the submissions.
Papers must be formatted according to the new workflow for ACM
publications. The templates and instructions are available here:
https://patch2023.di.unito.it/submission.html .
All papers should be submitted in PDF format via the online submission
system by selecting the track "The 14th International Workshop on
Personalized Access to Cultural Heritage (PATCH 2023)":
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=umap23 .
An international panel of experts will review all submissions.
Work that has already been published should not be submitted unless it
introduces a significant addition to the previously published work.
There will be a conference adjunct proceedings published by ACM where all
the workshop papers will be published.
Workshop organizers
Liliana Ardissono, University of Torino, Italy, liliana.ardissono(a)unito.it
Noemi Mauro, University of Torino, Italy, noemi.mauro(a)unito.it
Daniela Petrelli, Sheffield Hallam University, UK, d.petrelli(a)shu.ac.uk
George E. Raptis, Human Opsis, Greece, graptis(a)humanopsis.com
Alan J. Wecker, The University of Haifa, Israel, ajwecker(a)gmail.com
13th International Conference on Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning<https://www.mis4tel-conference.net>
Guimarães (Portugal) | 12th-14th July, 2023<https://www.mis4tel-conference.net>
Education is the cornerstone of any society, and it serves as one of the foundations for many of its social values and characteristics. State-of-the-art, new interactive technologies and novel methodologies allow researchers, designers, and domain experts to pursue Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) solutions targeting not only cognitive and social processes but also motivational, personality, or emotional factors. Nowadays, we can identify two main strands, providing necessary and complementary strengths to a TEL-oriented design process: appropriate technologies should be applied, and appropriate methods should guide the design and implementation of such applications. Technologies in TEL are capable of delivering smart, personalized, tailored, and motivating learning solutions. Methods are coming from different fields, such as education, psychology, sociology, computer science, and from diverse communities, where collaboration and co-working are used, such as maker communities and participatory design communities. In addition, current trends concerning the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Learning Analytics (LA) can help manage available (big) data and augment learning opportunities for learners (for instance by supporting self-regulated learning or adaptation of the learning material) and educators (for example, providing information about learners progression or facilitating reflections about teaching approaches and experiences).
As to these topics, the annual appointment of MIS4TEL established itself as a consolidated fertile forum where scholars and professionals from the international community, with a broad range of expertise in the TEL field, share results and compare experiences. The 13th edition of the conference calls for novel research in TEL and expands the topics of the previous editions, highlighting the role of the most recent methods and technological opportunities. As in the tradition of MIS4TEL, this edition aims at offering the different perspectives, and complementary voices, coming from the multidisciplinary field of TEL.
We invite contributions relevant to the following topics, without being limited to them, across approaches, methods, theories, implementations, and applications:
* Technologies and technology-based solutions for TEL
* Methodologies and experiences for TEL
* Learning analytics and AI for TEL
#1 Digital Technologies integration in the classroom
Schools and higher education institutions are gradually implementing the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the classrooms. Consequently, the teaching -and learning- processes are still to be reinvented and teachers relentlessly face new ways of dealing with their profession. The purpose of this track is to provide a forum to discuss the challenges posed by these technologies in the teaching profession and to offer practical answers for teachers to better make use of them (i.e., not only the technical mastery but also the application of pedagogical strategies to promote students’ learning).
It has been demonstrated that transferring existing programs or traditional lectures does not represent authentic ways of technology integration. The move from teacher-centered instruction to student based learning using interactive environments requires more complex solutions. It is therefore crucial for teachers (both pre-service and in-service) to be able to efficiently use these new tools. Teacher education programmes must then provide the means, models and frameworks to cope with the needs for the new forms of teaching and learning.
The main topics regarding this track are related but not limited to the following ones:
* Pre-service and in-service professional development education.
* Teacher Mentoring and coaching.
* Online and blended teaching
* Self-study to make sense of new ways of online teaching
* Promotion of web based learning, e-learning, and learning objects in classroom.
* Teachers’ technological competences and skills in classroom.
* Teachers’ practical knowledge (content, pedagogical and technological)
* Teachers’ Collaborative Learning and Teachers’ beliefs.
* New teaching methodologies (e.g., gamification).
* Action research and reflection processes for ICT.
* Educational inclusion (Challenges, accessibility, awareness and tools).
* María Cruz Sánchez-Gómez, University of Salamanca (Spain)
* Juan José Mena, University of Salamanca (Spain)
#2 AI for education
In recent years, there has been a great development in Technology Enhanced Learning, caused greatly by the distance learning exponential growth due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, many applications of data analysis and modeling of learning processes, based on emergent AI techniques and method such as machine learning and deep learning, have been proposed. In line with this trend, the main goal of this track, connected to the MIS4Tel 2023 conference, is to discuss and evaluate the contribution that AI, as one of the Technology Enhanced Learning approaches, is bringing to the educational field, especially in the last years. This track is intended to be a great opportunity for researchers and practitioners in the field, both to discuss new ideas and to explore some important aspects regarding the close relationship between AI from an application and theoretical point of view.
The topics of interest for this special session include, but are not limited to:
* Deep Learning and education
* IoT applications in education
* Peer Assessment
* Learning Analytics
* Intelligent Adaptive Learning Environment
* Affective Computing in Education
* Artificial Intelligence algorithms in Education
* Artificial Neural Networks in Education
* Human-Computer Interaction in Teaching System
* Artificial Intelligence in Student Evaluation
* Assessing Student Performance using Artificial Intelligence
* Educational Robotics
* Data Mining, Text Mining and Web Mining in Education
* Intelligent Agent-based Learning Environments
* Smart Chatbots in Education
* Intelligent Tutoring Systems
* Virtual reality and Augmented Reality based Learning Systems
* Pedagogical Artificial Agents
* Digital Assistants
* Metaverse and education
* Dalila Durães, University of Minho (Portugal)
* Filippo Sciarrone, Universitas Mercatorum (Italy)
Mike Sharples
The Open University
Julien Bourgeois
University of Bourgogne Franche-Comté, FEMTO-ST Institute, CNRS (France)
Tuomo Kujala
University of Jyväskylä (Finland)
Ana Paiva
University of Lisbon (Portugal)
Authors of selected papers from MIS4TEL will be invited to submit an
extended and improved version to special issue in different journals.
Special issue "Frontiers of Agents and Multiagent Systems" MDPI Sensors JCR (2021): 3.847 (Q2)<https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sensors/special_issues/paams_sensors>
Special issue "Edge Computing in IoT Networks Based on Artificial Intelligence" MDPI Sensors JCR (2021): 3.847 (Q2)<https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sensors/special_issues/M541OYZ1I5>
Special issue "Advanced Architectures for Hybrid Edge Analytics Models on Adaptive Smart Areas" MDPI Electronics JCR (2021): 2.690 (Q3)<https://www.mdpi.com/journal/electronics/special_issues/ZQTH4DY449>
Special issue "Trends in Practical Applications of Agents, Multi-Agent Systems and Simulating Cognitive Mimetics" MDPI Systems JCR (2021): 2.895 (Q2)<https://www.mdpi.com/journal/systems/special_issues/11932FU9BF>
Special issue ADCAIJ
JCI (2021): 0,05 (Q4)<http://revistas.usal.es/index.php/2255-2863/index>
LIST OF WORKSHOPS IN MIS4TEL 2023<https://www.mis4tel-conference.net/tracks/workshops>
* ETELT: Workshop on Integration of emerging technologies into education and training<https://www.mis4tel-conference.net/tracks/workshops/etelt>
IEETeL: Workshop on Interactive Environments and Emerging Technologies for eLearning<https://www.mis4tel-conference.net/tracks/workshops/ieetel>
NURSING: Workshop on Technology Enhanced Learning in Nursing Education<https://www.mis4tel-conference.net/tracks/workshops/nursing>
TEL4FC: Workshop on Technology - Enhanced Learning for Future Citizens<https://www.mis4tel-conference.net/tracks/workshops/tel4fc>
[List of Workshops]<https://www.mis4tel-conference.net/tracks/workshops>
Marcelo Milrad
Linnaeus University
Nuno Otero
University of Greenwich
United Kingdom
María Cruz Sánchez-Gómez
University of Salamanca
Juan José Mena
University of Salamanca
Dalila Durães
University of Minho
Filippo Sciarrone
Universitas Mercatorum
Claudio Álvarez Gómez
University of Los Andes
Manuel Rodrigues
University of Minho
Zuzana Kubincova
Comenius University of Bratislava
Federica Caruso
University of L'Aquila
Accepted papers will be included in MIS4TEL 2023 Proceedings, published by Springer. At least one of the authors will be required to register and attend the symposium to present the paper in order to include the paper in the conference proceedings.
All accepted papers will be published by LNNS Springer Verlag.
** Indexing: The books of this series are submitted to DBLP<https://dblp.org>, INSPEC<https://www.theiet.org/publishing/inspec>, Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals and Series<https://kanalregister.hkdir.no/publiseringskanaler/Forside?request_locale=en>, SCImago<https://www.scimagojr.com>, SCOPUS<https://www.scopus.com/search/form.uri?display=basic#basic>, WTI Frankfurt eG<https://www.wti-ag.com/en/home>, zbMATH<https://zbmath.org>, Google Scholar<https://scholar.google.es>, Springerlink<https://link.springer.com>. **
Submission date
Notification date
Camera-ready deadline
Conference dates
24th March, 2023
14th April, 2023
24th April, 2023
(last extension)
3rd May, 2023
11th May, 2023
19th May, 2023
12th-14th July, 2023
Unsubscribe: info(a)mis4tel-conference.net<mailto:info@mis4tel-conference.net>
*** Call for Workshop Papers ***
29th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing
(Euro-Par 2023)
August 28 - September 1, 2023, St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus
Euro-Par is the prime European conference covering all aspects of parallel and distributed
processing, ranging from theory to practice, from small to the largest parallel and distributed
systems and infrastructures, from fundamental computational problems to applications, from
architecture, compiler, language and interface design and implementation, to tools, support
infrastructures, and application performance aspects. To provide a meeting point for
researchers to discuss and exchange new ideas and hot topics related to parallel and
distributed computing and their applications, Euro-Par 2023 will co-locate workshops that will
be held on August 28 - August 29, 2023, the first two days of the conference. Accepted papers
are published by Springer in LNCS.
• AMTE 2023 The 3rd International Asynchronous Many-Task systems for Exascale 2023
• HETEROPAR 2023 The 21st International Workshop on Algorithms, Models and Tools for Parallel Computing on
Heterogeneous Platforms
• PECS 2023 The 3rd International Workshop on Performance and Energy-efficiency in Concurrent and Distributed
• QUICKPAR 2023 The 1st International Workshop on Urgent Analytics for Distributed Computing
• RAW 2023 The 2nd International Workshop on Resource AWareness of Systems and Society https://www.cerciras.org/action-events/raw-workshop/raw-2023/call-for-paper…
• TDLPP 2023 The 1st International Workshop on Tools for Data Locality, Power and Performance
• WSCC 2023 The 1st International Workshop on Scalable Compute Continuum
• Demetris Zeinalipour, University of Cyprus, Cyprus (dzeina-AT-ucy.ac.cy)
• Dora Blanco Heras, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain (dora.blanco-AT-
Call for Papers
CoPDA 2023 - 7th International Workshop on Cultures of Participation in the Digital Age: Artificial and/or Human Intelligence: Nurturing Computational Fluency in the Digital Age
June 6th, 2023 - Cagliari, Italy
In conjunction with IS-EUD 2023 (https://cg3hci.dmi.unica.it/iseud2023/)
In the Middle Ages, most people were dependent on “scribes”, who helped them to write down their thoughts, ideas, and stories, as well as to read the material written by other people. Many people today are in the same situation concerning digital media: they are unable to express themselves, explore problem spaces, and appropriate tools, and act as designers in personally meaningful activities. They must rely on “high-tech scribes”.
This 7th edition of the CoPDA workshop series will explore new conceptual frameworks and innovative computational environments for supporting computational fluency allowing people to become independent of “high-tech scribes”. The workshop will be in continuity with the edition held in 2022 in Frascati (Rome) focused on the relationship between AI and Human-Centered Design. An important challenge for the researchers getting together in the workshop this year will be to explore the foundational idea(s) that these workshops have pursued and how they are related to each other. A particular objective of all previous CoPDA workshops has been to collectively identify important and interesting themes for future workshops and our hope and expectation is that this will happen again this year by exploring conceptual frameworks and socio-technical environments making Computational Fluency a desirable and reachable goal for all citizens.
A student who has proficient skills in computational fluency would be able to use strategies together with the facts he or she knows how to identify a more challenging problem or another representation of the solution. This is a step beyond Digital Literacy, which focuses on mastering the tool in use (e.g.: keyboarding, surfing the internet, proficiency with digital environments for reading, writing, calculating, and communication), and beyond Computational Literacy, which focuses on solving known problems in efficient ways, including the use of coding. Digital Literacy and Computational Literacy (at least some parts) are a prerequisite for Computational Fluency, which emphasizes pursuing personal meaningful problems and shared meaningful activities. Computational Fluency shows mastery and appropriation of computational concepts by allowing one to address new and wicked problems in a creative manner. These abilities cannot be formally taught but can be nurtured, encouraged, and supported with socio-technical environments and education programs that foster reflection, creativity, and sharing.
The workshop aims to discuss Computational Fluency in the Digital Age by considering several topics including (but not limited to):
- Computational Thinking
- Design Thinking
- Printed Fluency
- Digital Fluency
- Human-centered AI (HCAI)
- Explainability of AI-based decisions
- Evaluation of AI-based systems
- AI support in everyday work
- ChatGPT: Promises and Pitfalls
- Big data and privacy
- Adaptive, Adaptable, and Context-Aware Systems
- End-User Development and Meta-Design
- End-User Development for AI-based systems
- Design Trade-offs between AI and EUD
- Distributed cognition
- Cultures of participation
- Multi-dimensional aspects of learning
- Collaborative learning
- Educational nurturing
Authors are invited to submit a 6-page position paper using the 1-column CEUR template available at http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-XXX/CEURART.zip. An Overleaf page for LaTeX users is also available at https://www.overleaf.com/read/gwhxnqcghhdt
The papers can be submitted at: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=copda2023
All papers will be peer-reviewed by at least two members of the Program Committee.
Accepted papers will be collected and submitted for publication on CEUR-WS proceedings.
Important dates
- Apr 30th, 2023: Submission deadline (Extended)
- May 10th, 2023: Notification of acceptance (Extended)
- May 17th, 2023: Camera ready (Extended)
- Jun 6th, 2023: CoPDA 2023 workshop
Organizing Committee
Barbara Rita Barricelli (Università degli Studi di Brescia, Italy)
Gerhard Fischer (University of Colorado, Boulder, USA)
Daniela Fogli (Università degli Studi di Brescia, Italy)
Anders Mørch (University of Oslo, Norway)
Antonio Piccinno (Università degli Studi di Bari, Italy)
Stefano Valtolina (Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy)
For any further information, please contact copda2023(a)easychair.org
Informativa sulla Privacy: https://www.unibs.it/it/node/1452
*** Last Call for Late-Breaking Results and Demos ***
UMAP ’23: 31st ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and
June 26 - 29, 2023, St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus
Submissions due: April 24, 2023
Submission site: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=umap23
● Submission of papers: April 24, 2023
● Notification of acceptance: May 10, 2023
● Camera-ready versions of accepted papers: May 18, 2023
● Conference: June 26-29, 2023
Note: The submission times are 11:59 pm AoE time (Anywhere on Earth)
● Max. 5 pages + max. 1 additional page for references;
● (Optional) video or external material demonstrating the system;
● Publication in ACM UMAP 2023 Adjunct Proceedings;
● Presentation as a demo + poster at the conference.
Description: Demonstrations will showcase research prototypes and
commercially available products in a dedicated session. Demo submissions must
be based on an implemented and tested system that pursues one or more
innovative ideas in the interest areas of the conference.
Demonstrations are an excellent and exciting way to showcase implementations
and get valuable feedback from the community. Each demo submission must
make clear which aspects of the system will be demonstrated, and how these will
be demonstrated on-site as well as online.
To better identify the value of demos, we also encourage authors to submit a
pointer to a screencast (max. 5 minutes on Vimeo or YouTube) or any
external material related to the demo (e.g., shared code on GitHub).
Descriptions of demonstrations should have a length of max. 5 pages + 1 page
of references in the new ACM single-column style. On an extra page (not to
be published), submissions should include a specification of the
technical requirements for demonstrating the system at UMAP 2023.
Late-Breaking Results
● Max. 7 pages + max. 2 additional pages for references;
● (Required) unpublished page with a list of questions the authors aim to get
feedback on;
● Publication in ACM UMAP 2023 Adjunct Proceedings;
● Presentation as a poster at the conference.
Description: Late-Breaking Results (LBR) are research-in-progress that must
contain original and unpublished accounts of innovative research ideas,
preliminary results, industry showcases, and system prototypes, addressing both
the theory and practice of User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization. In
addition, papers introducing recently started research projects or summarizing
project results are welcome as well.
We encourage researchers and practitioners to submit late-breaking work as
it provides a unique opportunity for sharing valuable ideas, eliciting useful
feedback on early-stage work, and fostering discussions and collaborations
among colleagues.
Late-Breaking Results papers have a length of up to 7 pages + 2 pages of
references in the new ACM single-column style and will be presented to
the conference as posters. On an extra page (not to be published),
submissions should include a list of questions that the authors aim to get feedback
on during the poster session at UMAP 2023.
Papers will be reviewed single-blind and do not need to be anonymised before
Papers must be formatted according to the new workflow for ACM publications. The
templates and instructions are available here:
Authors should submit their papers as single-column. The templates are
available here (we strongly recommend the usage of LaTeX for the
camera-ready papers to minimize the extent of reformatting):
● LaTeX (use \documentclass[manuscript,review]{acmart} in the sample-
authordraft.tex file for single-column):
◦ https://www.acm.org/binaries/content/assets/publications/consolidated-tex-t…
● Overleaf (use \documentclass[manuscript,review]{acmart} for single-column):
◦ https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/acm-conference-proceedings-master-…
● MS Word:
◦ https://www.acm.org/binaries/content/assets/publications/taps/acm_submissio…
Note: Accepted papers will require further revision to meet the requirements and
page limits of the camera-ready format required by ACM. Instructions for
the preparation of the camera-ready versions of the papers will be provided
after acceptance.
The ACM Code of Ethics gives the UMAP program committee the right to (desk-)
reject papers that perpetuate harmful stereotypes, employ unethical
research practices, or uncritically present outcomes/implications that
clearly disadvantage minority communities.
Submit your papers in PDF format via EasyChair for ACM UMAP 2023 Demos and
Late-Breaking Results at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=umap23
(choose “New Submission” and make sure to select “UMAP'23 - LBR and
Demos” track).
The review process will be single-blind, i.e., authors’ names should be included in
the papers. Submissions will be reviewed by at least two independent reviewers.
They will be assessed based on their originality and novelty, potential contribution
to the research field, potential impact in particular use cases, and the usefulness
of presented experiences, as well as their overall readability.
Papers that exceed the page limits or do not adhere to the formatting guidelines
will be returned without review.
UMAP has a *no dual submission* policy, which is why full paper submissions should
not be currently under review at another publication venue. Further, UMAP operates
under the ACM Conference Code of Conduct
as well as the ACM Publication Policies and Procedures
Accepted Demo and Late-Breaking Results papers will be published in the ACM UMAP
2023 Adjunct Proceedings in the ACM Digital Library. Papers will be accessible from
the UMAP 2023 website through ACM OpenToc Service for one year after publication
in the ACM Digital Library. All categories will be presented at the poster reception of
the conference, in the form of a poster and/or a software demonstration following
poster format. This form of presentation will provide presenters with an opportunity
to obtain direct feedback about their work from a wide audience during the
To be included in the Proceedings, at least one author of each accepted paper
must register for the conference and present the paper there.
● Ludovico Boratto, University of Cagliari, Italy
● Alisa Rieger, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
● Shaghayegh (Sherry) Sahebi, University at Albany – SUNY, USA
● Contact: umap2023-lbr(a)um.org