One fully-funded PhD position is available at the Creative, Intelligent &
Multisensory Interactions Laboratory of University of Trento, Italy (
The topic concerns* "Musician-AI partnership mediated by smart musical
instruments"*. We are looking for candidates with a background in
artificial intelligence and knowledge of music.
Deadline: *12th of July*
For further information please visit:
Do not hesitate to contact me in case of questions: luca.turchet(a)
*Luca Turchet*, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Head of the *Creative, Intelligent & Multisensory Interactions Laboratory*
Chair of the *IEEE Emerging Technology Initiative on the Internet of Sounds*
Founder and President of the* Internet of Sounds Research Network
Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science
University of Trento
Via Sommarive 9 - 38123 Trento - Italy
E-mail: luca.turchet(a)
Tel: +39 0461 283792
*** Apologies for cross postings ***
GENERAL Workshop @CHITALY 2023 - Call For Papers - !!! EXTENDED DEADLINE
June, 30 !!!
1st International Workshop on GENerative, Explainable and Reasonable
Artificial Learning
co-located with the CHITALY 2023, Italy
Submission site:
For any information: federico.torrielli(a)
The GENERAL workshop explores advances in General and Generative
Artificial Intelligence (GGAI), including breakthroughs in areas like
natural language processing (NLP) and computer vision (CV). It
emphasizes the emerging capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) and
Latent Diffusion Models (LDMs) and promotes Human-Centered AIs with
applications like ChatGPT and Midjourney. The workshop delves into
generating human-like content across text and images, highlighting the
creative, coherent, and unexpected properties of these AI models. A key
aspect is AI explainability, focusing on understanding, explaining, and
controlling the complexities of these AI systems in terms of fairness,
accountability, and transparency. Additionally, it encourages
interdisciplinary collaboration between fields like HCI, psychology,
social studies, and the arts to enrich the understanding of AI's
societal and cultural impacts.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
– Users perceptions of images, texts and sounds generated by Generative AIs
– Machine Psychology
– AI Assistants, Chatbots and Virtual Agents
– Emerging properties of human-like intelligence in Large Language
Models (LLMs) and Latent Diffusion Models (LDMs)
– Interfaces and techniques for interacting with Generative AIs
– User studies on systems leveraging Generative AI
– AI explainability, transparency, and accountability in large-scale models
– Human-machine cooperation
– Ethical issues in Generative AI
– Consequences of Generative AIs on individuals and societies
– Safety and control mechanisms for large language models: analyzing and
mitigating harms from generative AI like misinformation, biases, or
synthetic media
– Emerging applications of AI and interdisciplinary research
– Communicating the potential of AI to the general public and fostering
public understanding.
We accept two kinds of submissions:
(A) Regular papers (up to 12 pages, including references)
(B) Position Papers, Ongoing projects and Demos (5-8 pages + references)
Submission site:
All submitted papers will be evaluated by two members of the program
committee, based on originality, significance, relevance, and technical
quality. Note that the references do not count toward page limits.
Submissions should be single-blinded, i.e. authors’ names should be
included in the submissions.
We aim to publish all accepted papers in CEUR WS Proceedings, as a joint
volume. At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the
Early submissions are strongly encouraged. We adopt a rolling review
system: early submissions will be immediately reviewed and the
notification will be sent out approximately two weeks after the submission.
* Paper submissionfinal deadline: !!! EXTENDED TO June 30, 2023 !!!
* Notifications to authors: July 14, 2023
* Camera-ready version deadline: July 21, 2023.
Federico Torrielli
University of Torino, Italy
Amon Rapp
University of Torino, Italy
Luigi Di Caro
University of Torino, Italy
Dear students,
We are very excited that at the Media Interaction Lab (<>) and at the Electronic Materials Devices & Systems Group ( of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy, we are looking for two PhD candidates with a focus on Sensing, Human Computer Interaction, Unobtrusive Electronics, and the Design and Development of Next-Generation Interfaces. Both positions are supported by amazing partners, namely by the BMW Group and by Tratter Engineering.
The topics are as follows:
1) Smart Surfaces for the Automotive (in collaboration with Tratter Engineering, supervisor Prof. Michael Haller)
2) Unobtrusive physiological sensors for a car seat (in collaboration with BMW Group, supervisors Prof. Michael Haller/Prof. Niko Münzenrieder)
More information about the PhD programme can be found at:…
Details about the call and application can be extracted from:… and…
The application needs to be submitted online via:
Application deadline: July 18, 2023, 12pm (Rome time)
Our university has a strong international outlook, as testified by its multilingual courses (English, Italian, German) and a high number of students and teaching staff from abroad. The PhD programme will be in English.
The candidate must fulfil the following conditions to be eligible for employment:
- a Master's (MSc) degree in Electronics, (Textile-) Design, Computer Science, HCI, Physics, or a related area,
- fluency in written/spoken English,
The positions are available for 3 years starting in fall 2023 (or as soon as possible thereafter).
If you are interested, please contact us in advance to get additional infos
michael.haller(a) <> & niko.muenzenrieder(a)<>
Prof. Dr. Michael Haller
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
NOI Techpark
Via Volta 13
39100 Bolzano | ITALY |
/Apologize for unintended cross-mailing/
*International Journal on Interaction Design & Architecture(s) - IxD&A
- a SCOPUS and Web of Science - Emerging Sources (Thomson Reuters)
indexed Journal -*
that implements also video presentations of the published contributions.
CireScore 2022 = 2.0
(Q1: Design (/Architecture); Q2: Education, Media Technology and Social
Science (SRJ); Q3: Human Computer Interaction)
*Videos of the on-line event are now avilable*
*Special issue N. 54
*Regular papers*
and a focus section on
*Online Social Environments for Active Ageing
*/Ana Isabel Veloso, Carlos Santos, Sonia Ferreira, Liliana Vale Costa/
*Meet the authors *
authors list <>
Videos can be accessed from the IxD&A Journal website ->
from the IxD&A Youtube Channel -> link
(play list issue 54: link
To keep updated join IxD&A Linkedin group -> link
/IxD&A implements the Gold Open Access road to its contents with no
charge to the authors
If you wish to help us in improving the quality of the journal, please
IxD&A Privacy Policy <>
CHItaly 2023, the biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter, will
be held from 20th to 22nd of September 2023 in Torino.
Beyond all other sessions, there will be an Industry session, in which are
very welcome contributions from industry stakeholders, experts,
professionals on topics that include but are not limited to:
Human Computer Artificial Intelligence (HCAI) effect on industry
decision making and smart solutions deployment
Impact of HCAI on learning and organizational transformation
HCAI and automated processes and products
HCAI & User Experience
HCAI impact on industry sustainable and green innovation and growth
Long term impact of HCAI on manufacturing, mobility, tourism, health,
security, and safety
Effects of economic/energetic crisis on HCAI activities in industries
and vice versa
Quantification of Return of Investment of HCAI contributions into
industry process and activities
Industry needs toward HCAI research
New ways of collaboration between industry and HCAI academic / research
Needed human competences and digital/non digital assets to optimally
integrate HCAI activities into industry processes
HCAI training needs & modalities in industry environment
HCAI experts’ professional growth opportunities within companies
Current industry process and needed changes to deeply integrating HCAI
into product/process design and development
New perspectives of integration of HCAI activities into the product
design & development
The required format for submissions are posters and demos.
A poster is a concise report of recent findings or other innovative or
thought-provoking work relevant to the CHItaly community. Appropriate
submissions should be complete enough to contribute to the HCI knowledge
and inspire future works, and must not have been presented elsewhere.
Besides presenting the poster during the posters & demos session, authors
will have the possibility to:
preview their poster in a 1-minute slot within the plenary session;
present their poster within the Metaverse session.
Poster papers will be published in the conference proceedings.
A demo is an interactive demonstration of a completed or ongoing research
effort, in the form of software or any working prototype or technical
solution of direct relevance to HCI. An appealing and innovative
demonstration presents an opportunity to display further and disseminate
your research and attract attendees’ participation. Demos can have been
presented elsewhere.
Poster paper submissions must be up to 2 pages (+1 for references), not
anonymized. The paper should have “Poster:” at the beginning of the
manuscript’s title.
Demo paper submissions must be up to 2 pages (+1 for references), not
anonymized. The demo should have “Demo:” at the beginning of the
manuscript’s title. The submission must also outline how the authors plan
to present their work, with a description of any special equipment for
setup that will be required.
Demo papers will be published in the conference proceedings.
All submissions must be formatted according to the ACM single column
submission template, available for Word and LaTeX.
Word template. Download and use the most recent Submission Template
the ACM website
LaTeX template. There are two alternatives:
Download the Primary Article Template – LaTeX
from the ACM website
The correct template for submission is single-column LaTeX.
Go to Overleaf and use ACM Conference Proceedings Primary Article
The correct template for submission is single-column LaTeX.
For further specifications concerning the ACM format for manuscripts,
please, refer to the ACM website
Manuscripts, in PDF format, must be uploaded via Easy Chair
<> by selecting the
proper track (“Industry” submissions).
At least one author of a demo or a poster must register to the conference.
Authors will be assigned a time and location to present their papers and
demos to CHItaly.
Poster should include (1) the title, authors’ names, and affiliations, (2)
a concise overview of the research, (3) clear illustrations of key aspects
of the poster, and (4) a compelling visual design. Poster papers might
also include QR codes to link to online materials (e.g., scenario videos,
interactive prototypes).
Demos will be presented according to the plan included in the related
Paper/Demo submission deadline: July 1st 2023
Notification: July 15th, 2023
Camera-ready deadline (strict): July 31st, 2023
Deadline for sending the slides for the 1-minute presentation: September
15th, 2023
*** Last Mile for Paper Submission ***
10th European Conference On Service-Oriented And Cloud Computing (ESOCC 2023)
October 24-26, 2023, Golden Bay Beach Hotel, Larnaca, Cyprus
(Proceedings to be published in Springer LNCS;
Journal Special Issue with Springer Computing)
Submission Deadline: Abstracts by June 25, 2023; Full Papers by July 2, 2023
Nowadays, Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing are the primary approaches to build
large-scale distributed systems and deliver software services to end users. Cloud-native
software is pervading the delivery of enterprise applications, as they are composed of
(micro)services that can be independently developed and deployed by exploiting multiple
heterogeneous technologies. Resulting applications are polyglot service compositions that can
then be shipped in serverful or serverless platforms (e.g., using virtualization technologies).
These characteristics make Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing the natural answers for
fulfilling the industry’s need for flexibly scalable and maintainable enterprise applications, to
be delivered through state-of-the-art methodologies, like DevOps. To further support this,
researchers and practitioners need to create methods, tools and techniques to support
cost-effective and secure development as well as use of dependable devices, platforms,
services and service-oriented applications in the Cloud, now also considering the Cloud-IoT
computing continuum to exploit widespread adoption of smart connected things and the
increasing growth of their computing capabilities.
The European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC) is the premier
conference on advances in the state-of-the-art and practice of Service-Oriented Computing
and Cloud Computing in Europe. ESOCC aims to facilitate the exchange between researchers
and practitioners in the areas of Service-Oriented Computing and Cloud Computing, as well as
to explore the new trends in those areas and foster future collaborations in Europe and beyond.
ESOCC 2023 seeks original, high-quality contributions related to all aspects of Service-Oriented
and Cloud computing. Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
• Applications for Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, e.g., big data, commerce, energy,
finance, health, scientific computing, smart cities
• Blockchains for Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing • Business aspects of Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, e.g., business models,
brokerage, marketplaces, costs, pricing
• Business processes, e.g., service-based workflow deployment and management
• Cloud interoperability, service and Cloud standards
• Cloud-IoT computing continuum, e.g., edge computing, fog computing, mobility computing,
next generation services/IoT
• Cloud-native architectures and paradigms, e.g., microservices and DevOps
• Cloud service models, e.g., IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, DBaaS, FaaS, etc.
• Deployment, composition, and management of applications in Service-Oriented and Cloud
• Foundations and formal methods for Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing
• Enablers for Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, e.g., service discovery, orchestration,
matchmaking, monitoring, and analytics
• Model-Driven Engineering for Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing
• Multi-Cloud, cross-Cloud, and federated Cloud solutions
• Requirements engineering, design, development, and testing of applications in
Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing
• Semantic services and service mining
• Service and Cloud middlewares and platforms
• Software/service adaptation and evolution in Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing
• Storage, computation and network Clouds
• Sustainability and energy issues in Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing
• Quality aspects (e.g., governance, privacy, security, and trust) of Service-Oriented and Cloud
• Quality of Service (QoS) and Service-Level Agreement (SLA) for Service-Oriented and Cloud
• Social aspects of Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, e.g., crowdsourcing services, social
and crowd-based Clouds
• Virtualization for Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, e.g., serverless, container-based
virtualization, VMs
• Submission of abstracts: June 25th, 2023 (AoE)
• Submission of full papers: July 2nd, 2023 (AoE)
• Notification to authors: August 4th, 2023 (AoE)
• Camera-ready versions due: August 21st, 2023 (AoE)
• Author registration due: August 21st, 2023 (AoE)
ESOCC 2023 invites submissions of the following kinds:
• Regular Research Papers (15 pages including references)
• PhD Symposium (12 pages including references)
• Projects and Industry Reports (Projects and Industry Reports (1 to 6 pages including
references, describing an ongoing EU or national project, or providing industrial perspectives
on innovative applications, technologies, or methods in ESOCC’s scope)
We only accept original papers, not submitted for publication elsewhere. The papers must be
formatted according to the proceedings guidelines of Springer’s Lecture Notes in Computer
Science (LNCS) series (
They must be submitted to the EasyChair site at: by selecting the right track.
Accepted papers from all tracks will be published in the main conference proceedings by
Springer in the LNCS series. For publication to happen, at least one author of each accepted
paper is expected to register and present the work at the conference.
The best papers accepted will be invited to submit extended versions for a Journal Special
Issue to be published by Springer Computing.
General Chair
• George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, CY
(george at
Program Chairs
• Florian Rademacher, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund, DE
(florian.rademacher at
• Jacopo Soldani, University of Pisa, IT
(jacopo.soldani at
Steering and Program Committee
*** Combo Call for Workshop Papers ***
19th IEEE eScience Conference (eScience 2023)
October 9-13, 2023, St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus
The 19th IEEE eScience Conference will be held in Limassol, Cyprus on October 9-13, 2023.
eScience 2023 will host a number of workshops which will be co-located with the main
conference on Monday, October 9 and Tuesday, October 10, 2023.
The eScience conference has a long history of hosting well-attended workshops. These
workshops share the goal of bringing together international and interdisciplinary research
communities, developers, and users of eScience applications and enabling IT technologies.
Workshops play a crucial role in the conference by providing an opportunity for researchers
and practitioners to present their work in a more focused way than the conference itself and
to have in-depth discussions of particular topics of interest to the community.
eScience 2023 will host the following workshops:
● 1st Workshop on cItizeN Science engagemenT based on Ict soLutions (INSTIL 2023)
● 3rd Workshop on E-science ReseaRch leading tO negative Results (ERROR 2023)
● 3rd Workshop on Reproducible Workflows, Data Management, and Security
(ReWorDS 2023)
● 4th Global Research Platform (4GRP) Workshop
● IEEE International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Health (AI4Health 2023)
● Research Software Engineers in eScience: Sustainable RSE Ecosystems within eScience
● Workshop papers submission deadline: Defined per workshop, not before end June 2023
● Notification of acceptance: Defined per workshop
● IEEE proceedings camera ready: July 21, 2023
● Workshop days: October 9-10, 2023
Deadlines refer to 23:59 in the AoE (Anywhere on Earth) time zone.
General Chair
• George Angelos Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Technical Program Co-Chairs
• Rafael Ferreira da Silva, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
• Rosa Filgueira, University of St Andrews, UK
Organisation Committee
Steering Committee
VL/HCC 2023: IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing
The IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing is the
premier international forum for research on this topic. Established in
1984, the mission of the conference is to support the design, theory,
application, and evaluation of computing technologies and languages for
programming, modeling, and communicating, which are easier to learn, use,
and understand by people.
The 2023 symposium is scheduled to take place October 2-6 in Washington,
DC, USA. VL/HCC 2023 is 100% Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society Technical
Committee on Multimedia Computing (TCMC).
We invite you to consider submitting work to our posters/showpieces,
tutorials, and graduate consortium tracks:
(due June 28 AoE) Posters and Showpieces
(due June 30 AoE) Tutorials ***NEW***
(due July 7 AoE) Graduate Consortium
Posters and Showpieces
Submission deadline: June 28, 2023 AoE
The Posters and Showpieces track (called the “showpieces track” for short)
offers an interactive opportunity to discuss recent research, experiences,
challenges, ideas, prototypes, and accomplishments with the VL/HCC
community. Formerly called “posters and demonstrations”, the category now
includes posters, videos, downloadable apps, handouts, electronic devices,
physical prototypes, or any other artifacts that facilitate meaningful
interactions with other conference attendees.
A broad range of topics are appropriate for showpieces. The following
non-exhaustive list illustrates the possibilities:
Current research in progress. This might include:
Original or innovative technologies or prototypes that may or may not
be accompanied by an evaluation
Short qualitative or quantitative studies
Reflections, provocations, or proposals about theory or methods
Results presented in the main VL/HCC conference
Results already presented at another conference or published in a journal
Existing commercial products and/or services
Efforts aimed at integrating research into education
Efforts aimed at commercializing research
Showpieces can help accomplish many goals, such as:
Helping graduate student presenters to meet faculty from other
Building community interest in a novel way of approaching a research
Starting conversations that could lead to new collaborations
Demonstrating to industry sponsors that a specific line of research has
practical applications
Showcasing products or services available for sale
More details:…
Submission deadline: June 30, 2023 AoE
The 2023 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing
(VL/HCC) invites proposals for tutorials to be held in conjunction with the
symposium. Tutorials allow conference attendees to expand their knowledge
by introducing researchers to emerging areas or new technologies, or
providing an overview of the state of the art in an existing research area.
Tutorials should be on topics related to the conference, such as (but not
limited to) end-user programming, visual programming, domain-specific
languages, software visualization, and CS education.
Tutorial organizers must submit a proposal package and may either be
accepted or rejected. The preferred format for tutorials is either a half
day or full-day standalone session. However, we are also happy to consider
alternative or experimental topics and formats. If the tutorial is
accepted, then both the symposium organizers and the tutorial organizers
will publicize the event to help ensure that it draws a sufficient number
of attendees. Please note that a tutorial may be cancelled due to low
registration if the number of participants (including the organizers) is
less than fifteen.
Please submit proposals via email by June 30, 2023. Decision notifications
will be sent by Friday, July 7, 2023 at the latest.
More details:
Graduate Consortium
Submission deadline: July 7, 2023 AoE
The primary goal of this year’s event is to stimulate graduate students’
and other researchers’ thinking about “Low-Code / No-Code Development”.
This development paradigm enables the creation and deployment of fully
functional applications using visual abstractions and interfaces and
requiring little or no procedural code to empower users in creating
software applications for constrained domains, even if they lack a
programming background. This goal aligns with the theme of the 2023 VL/HCC
main conference. Other areas within the remit of VL/HCC are also welcome.
Why You Should Participate
Present your work to a smaller, more attentive audience
Get detailed, critical, constructive feedback from a diverse panel of
Meet other students working on similar problems
Travel funding may be available to help cover your cost of attending
VL/HCC (details below).
Who Can Participate?
The consortium is open to both Master’s and PhD students worldwide.
Participation is particularly encouraged from PhD students who are close to
proposing a thesis, as well as from members of groups identified by NSF as
underrepresented in the sciences and engineering. If multiple applicants
from a particular university apply for the consortium this year, then no
more than two per university will be selected to participate. To be
eligible, each applicant may have participated no more than once in the
VL/HCC graduate consortia of past years.
More details:
/Apologize for unintended cross-mailing/
/Note: //*Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal has migrated to*//
//The old website is no longer updated from 5 March 2023 onwards./
D*EADLINE EXTENSION -> September 15th 2023* (hard deadline)
Special Issue on
*AI for Humans and Humans for AI: Towards Cultures of Participation in
the Digital Age
*Call for Papers -> link
to be published at the
/*Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal (IxD&A)*/
(ISSN 1826-9745, eISSN 2283-2998)
**** Since 2012 also in Scopus ****
**** *Since 2015 also* in *Emerging Sources Citation Index* and *Web of
Science* ***
IxD&A implements the Gold Open Access (OA) road to its contents
with no charge to the authors (submission & paper processing)
Help us in improving the quality of the editorial process and of the
journal, please donate: -> link
*Guest Editors:*
--------------------------------------------------------- --
• Renate Andersen, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway
• Vita Santa Barletta, University of Bari, Italy
• Anders Mørch, University of Oslo, Norway
• Alessandro Pagano, University of Bari, Italy
*Important dates:*
• Extended deadline: *September 15th, 2023 (new hard deadline)*
• Notification to the authors: November 10th, 2023
• Camera ready paper: November 30th, 2023
• Publication of the special issue: December 2023/January 2024 (tentatively)
This special issue is intended to explore the assumption (and to provide
at least partial evidence) that the most successful Artificial
Intelligence (AI) systems out there today are dependent on teams of
humans, just as humans depend on these systems to gain access to
information, provide insights and perform tasks beyond their own
capabilities. An assumption that implies a confrontation between AI,
Human-Centered AI and HCD and a reflection on the role of HCD in the AI age.
The issue, thus, is not intended to be focalized on the design of user
interfaces of systems containing embedded AI features, per se; rather,
it is expected to be grounded in research activities involving a broad
spectrum of academic disciplines – from computer science to social
science – that will critically analyze the interplay between
AI, Human-Centered AI and HCD, in order to investigate the impact on
individuals, social groups, and society as a whole.
In particular this special issue wish to explore the relationship
between AI, aimed at replacing human beings, and Intelligence
Augmentation (IA), focused on empowering human beings in their daily
life and work. Balancing between these two perspectives means changing
the research paradigm from traditional human-computer interaction, to
designing the collaboration between humans and computers. This will
foster creativity, meaningful work, intersubjectivity, and learning, and
eventually improve the quality of life of individuals. However, a
variety of issues and ethical problems need to be addressed in this new
age – e.g., privacy intrusions, massive unemployment, knowledge and
competence loss, lack of control, autonomous weapons, new research
methods, etc.
The guest editors encourage researchers to submit articles that will
consider these aspects.
*Topics of Interest*
Topics of interest for this special issue include, but not limited to:
* AI and Human control: privacy and ethical issues
* AI support in everyday work
* Collaborative human-centered design
* End-User Development for AI-based systems
* Empirical evaluation of AI-based systems
* Explainable AI through meta design
* Human-centred AI
* Learning analytics for teachers participation and learning effectiveness
* Research methods in Human-Centered AI and Design
/*Submission guidelines and procedure*/
All submissions (abstracts and later final manuscripts) must be original
and may not be under review by another publication.
The manuscripts should be submitted either in .doc or in .rtf format.
All papers will be blindly peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers.
Authors are invited to submit 8-20 pages paper (including authors'
information, abstract, all tables, figures, references, etc.).
The paper should be written according to the IxD&A authors' guidelines
*Authors' guidelines*
Paper submission page:
-> link <>
(Please upload all submissions using the Submission page.
When submitting the paper, please, choose the section:
"SI: AI for Humans and Humans for AI")
More information on the submission procedure and on the characteristics
of the paper format can be found on the website of the IxD&A Journal
where information on the copyright policy and responsibility of authors,
publication ethics and malpractice are published.
For scientific advice and queries, please contact the IxD&A scientific
editor marking the subject as:
/IxD&A special issue on AI for Humans and Humans for AI/
• renatea [at] oslomet [dot] no
• vita [dot] barletta [at] uniba [dot] it
• anders [dot] morch [at] iped [dot] uio [dot] no
• alessandro [dot] pagano [at] uniba [dot] it
Doctoral Consortium
Submission June 23, 2023
Notifications July 7, 2023
Camera-Ready July 21, 2023
Web(Doctoral Consortium):
* All deadlines are AoE
CALL FOR Doctoral Consortium
The Mobile HCI 2023 Doctoral Consortium (DC) is a forum for PhD students working on Mobile HCI topics to discuss their research goals, methods, and results at an early stage in their research. It aims to provide useful guidance for completion of the doctoral research and the initiation of a research career in a constructive way. The DC provides an opportunity for student participants to interact with other students, established researchers, and the broader Mobile HCI community.
The Doctoral Consortium will be held on Tuesday, 26th of September 2023. The Consortium will be a closed event, open only to the selected participants and other invited attendees.
ACM MobileHCI 2023
The ACM International Conference on Mobile Human-Computer Interaction Athens, Greece September 26 29, 2023
If you have any inquiries, please feel free to send an email to the organizing committee
We hope to see you this year in Athens!