On behalf of the Association of Cyber Forensics and Threat
Investigators (ACFTI), I am pleased to invite you to the new DFIR
stream lecture/seminar series.
The presentation is a maximum of 1 hour in length, with an audience of
about 60+, made up of undergraduate and postgraduate students plus
cybersecurity students from developing countries. Our goal is to shine
a spotlight on the broad array of new advances in cybersecurity
science and operations currently adopted in the industry. This session
will be conducted online. It will be fantastic to have any hands-on
topics related to cyber forensics.
Your discussion on this topic will be a great addition to our event.
Expressions of interest to present from anyone doing research or
applying cybersecurity techniques to practical or theoretical
applications related to the interactions between cyber forensics and
threat investigations can be sent as a summary of your work (c.200
words) to acfti (at) acfti (dot) org by February 15, 2024
Thank you in advance for your consideration, and we are very much
looking forward to hearing from you.
To get more news about our events, please join our low-traffic
announcement group @ https://groups.google.com/g/acfti
Association of Cyber Forensics and Threat Investigators
Twitter: @acfti
*** Last Call for Workshop Papers ***
36th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering
June 3-7, 2024, 5* St. Raphael Resort and Marina, Limassol, Cyprus
(*** Submission Deadline: 26th February, 2024 AoE ***)
CAiSE is a well-established, highly visible conference series on Advanced Information Systems
(IS) Engineering. It covers all relevant topics in the area, including methodologies and
approaches for IS engineering, innovative platforms, architectures and technologies, and
engineering of specific kinds of IS. CAiSE conferences also have the tradition of hosting
workshops in related fields. Workshops are intended to focus on particular topics and provide
ample room for discussions of new ideas and developments.
CAiSE'24, the 36th edition of the CAiSE series, will host the following workshops. For more
information for each workshop please visit the workshops' web sites.
• 3rd International Workshop on Agile Methods for Information Systems Engineering (Agil-ISE)
• International Workshop on Blockchain for Information Systems (BC4IS24) and Blockchain for
Trusted Data Sharing (B4TDS)
• 2nd International Workshop on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence and Enterprise Modelling for
Intelligent Information Systems (HybridAIMS)
• 2nd Workshop on Knowledge Graphs for Semantics-driven Systems Engineering
• 16th International Workshop on Enterprise & Organizational Modeling and Simulation
(EOMAS 2024)
• Digital Transformation with Business Process Mining (DigPro2024)
• Paper Submission Deadline: 26th February, 2024 (AoE)
• Notification of Acceptance: 27th March, 2024
• Camera-ready Deadline: 5th April, 2024
• Author Registration Deadline: 5th April, 2024
• João Paulo A. Almeida, Federal University of Espírito Santo, Brazil
• Claudio di Ciccio, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
• Christos Kalloniatis, University of the Aegean, Greece
*** Apologies for cross-posting ***
We are pleased to announce the call for papers for the SYNERGY Workshop, to be held in conjunction with ACM AVI 2024. This workshop is dedicated to designing and building Hybrid Human-AI Systems. We invite researchers and practitioners to contribute to this evolving field, where human intelligence synergizes with artificial intelligence.
== Important Dates ==
* Submission Deadline: April 2, 2024
* Notification: April 16, 2024
* Camera Ready: May 3, 2024
* Workshop Date: Afternoon of June 3rd or 4th, 2024
== Submission Guidelines ==
* Length: 5-10 pages
* Format: CEUR-ART 1-column Template
* Selected papers may be invited to submit an extended version to a dedicated Special Issue of Springer's "Personal and Ubiquitous Computing"
* Submission Website: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/SYNERGY2024
== Topics Include ==
The workshop seeks contributions on, but not limited to, the following themes:
1. Human-AI Collaboration Models
2. Augmenting Human Cognition with AI
3. Design Principles for Synergistic Systems
4. Ethics and Trust in Human-AI Interaction
5. Philosophical and Theoretical Approaches
6. Adaptive Interfaces for Human-AI Synergy
7. Software Architectures and Tools
8. Case Studies of Human-AI Synergy
== Organizers ==
* Alan Dix, Swansea University & Cardiff Metropolitan University
* Matt Roach, Swansea University
* Tommaso Turchi, University of Pisa
* Alessio Malizia, University of Pisa
For more information, please visit our website at https://synergy.trx.li or contact Tommaso Turchi (tommaso.turchi(a)unipi.it).
Join us in Arenzano, Genoa, Italy for an insightful workshop that aims to explore and shape the future of hybrid human-AI systems!
Tommaso Turchi
Department of Computer Science
University of Pisa
<-- Apologies for cross-posting, please distribute widely -->
*5th International Symposium on the Internet of Sounds*
International Audio Laboratories Erlangen
30 September - 2 October 2024
We are pleased to invite you to the 5th International Symposium on the
Internet of Sounds (IS2 2024). The Internet of Sounds is an emerging
research field at the intersection of the Sound and Music Computing and the
Internet of Things domains.
The symposium will be hosted at the International Audio Laboratories
Erlangen <https://www.audiolabs-erlangen.de/>, Germany, a joint institution
of the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
(FAU) and Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS.
The aim is to bring together academics and industry to investigate and
advance the development of Internet of Sounds technologies by using novel
tools and processes. The event will consist of presentations, keynotes,
panels, poster presentations, demonstrations, tutorials, music
performances, and installations.
*Keynote Speakers*
The program will include three keynotes:
- Toon van Waterschoot, KU Leuven
- Georg Hajdu, Hamburg University of Music and Theatre
- Hanna Lukashevich, Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology
*Satellite Events*
The program will include two satellite events:
- The 1st International Workshop on the Musical Metaverse
- The 2nd International Workshop on Networked Immersive Audio
For the topics addressed in each workshop please visit the respective
*Call for Papers and Demos*
Topics of interest include and are not limited to:
- Networked immersive audio for the Internet of Sounds
- Web Audio for the Internet of Sounds
- Networked Musical XR
- Semantic Audio applications for the Internet of Sounds
- Embedded audio
- Smart musical instruments
- Ubiquitous music
- Networked music performances
- Participatory live music performances
- Musical haptics for the Internet of Musical Things
- Music education applications for the Internet of Musical Things
- Intelligent music production in Internet of Musical Things contexts
- Protocols and exchange formats for the Internet of Sounds
- Ecoacoustics
- Wireless acoustic sensor networks
- Privacy and security in acoustic sensor networks
- Detection and classification of sounds in acoustic sensor networks
- Visualization and Sonification of acoustic sensor networks
- Sonification for Internet of Sounds applications
- Audio datasets for Deep Learning and Data Mining
- Challenges in the management and delivery of large audio databases
- Visualization, access, and indexing of audio databases
- Cloud-based services for musical and audio applications
- Improving accessibility and inclusiveness within the Internet of Sounds
- Sustainability and ethical aspects of the Internet of Sounds
- Music information retrieval in networked applications
We consider submissions in the form of:
- Full paper (min 5 pages, max 10 pages)
- Poster paper (min 2 pages, max 4 pages)
- Demo proposal (max 2 pages)
Authors are welcome to submit to all three tracks. We encourage the
submission of work in progress as well as more mature work. However, only
the contributions of at least 4 pages will be included in the Proceedings
to be submitted to IEEE.
*Paper Submission*
All submissions will be fully, single-blind peer-reviewed. The expected
number of pages for contribution should not exceed 10 pages for paper.
Authors must follow IEEE ethical and writing guidelines.
LaTeX and Word template:
Submission portal: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=is22024paper
*Call for Internet of Sounds Performances and Installations*
We invite submissions that showcase the internet of sounds in performance
and sound installations. Proposed works should have a clear connection to
the conference and may relate to a technical paper or demo submission. We
particularly invite pieces that last 5-12 minutes, however, shorter and
longer performance proposals will be considered.
*Performances and Installations Submission*
A proposal (compiled in a single pdf) should include:
- One-page project description
- One-page description of technical requirements
- Short program notes
- Artist bio(s)
- URL to any performance/installation audio or
audio-visual documentation (if available). The documentation link should
use streaming-only services, e.g., SoundCloud, Vimeo, YouTube.
Please keep in mind the following when preparing performance and
installation submissions:
- Space requirements: Indicate whether the work would be more suitable
for a university environment (hallways, staircases, indoor and outdoor
plazas), club, traditional concert stage, gallery, public space, or other
venue. For questions regarding equipment and venue descriptions, please
contact the Music & Installations Co-chairs
- Performer(s): List all performers that would need to be involved.
Please note that the organizers cannot provide funding to support
performers' travel or accommodation.
- Feasibility: Provide evidence of the feasibility of the performance or
installation. Include documentation and list of previous performances of
the submitted or related work that demonstrate the submitter's capacity to
implement the proposal.
Submission portal: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=is22024music
*Important Dates*
- All submission deadlines: July 10, 2024
- Author notification: August 15, 2024
- Camera-ready due: September 9, 2024
- Early registration deadline: August 26, 2024
- Late registration deadline: September 23, 2024
- Symposium dates: September 30 – Oct 2, 2024
The Organizing Committee will select the winners for the Best Paper, Best
Student Paper, and Best Demo awards. To be eligible for the Best Student
Paper award, the presenting and first author of the paper must be a
full-time student.
*Organizing Committee*
- Local Chair: Nils Peters – International Audio Laboratories Erlangen,
University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
- Paper Co-chair: Jakob Abeßer – Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media
Technology IDMT
- Paper Co-chair: Joseph Malloch – Dalhousie University
- Music & Installations Co-chair: Esther Fee Feichtner – University of
Music and Performing Arts Munich
- Music & Installations Co-chair: Marlon Schumacher – Institute for
Music informatics and Musicology Karlsruhe
- Demo Chair: Robert Hupke – Sennheiser
- Diversity Chair: Claudia Rinaldi – University of L'Aquila
- Industry Liaison Chair: Jan Dürre – Sennheiser
- Communication Chair: Birgit Popp – Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated
Circuits IIS
- Web Chair: Alberto Boem – University of Trento
- Facility Chair: Stefan Turowski – International Audio Laboratories
Erlangen, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
- General Chair: Luca Turchet – University of Trento
*General Contact*
Enquiries can be addressed to conference-is2-2024(a)fau.de
*Luca Turchet*, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Head of the *Creative, Intelligent & Multisensory Interactions Laboratory*
Chair of the *IEEE Emerging Technology Initiative on the Internet of Sounds*
Founder and President of the* Internet of Sounds Research Network
Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science
University of Trento
Via Sommarive 9 - 38123 Trento - Italy
E-mail: luca.turchet(a)unitn.it
Tel: +39 0461 283792
Call for Participation & Call for Papers (apologies for multiple copies)
The 4th International Advanced Course & Symposium on Artificial
Intelligence & Neuroscience,
September 22-25, 2024, Riva del Sole Resort & SPA, Castiglione della
Pescaia (Grosseto) Tuscany, Italy
W: https://acain2024.icas.events
E: acain(a)icas.cc
FB: https://www.facebook.com/ACAIN.LakeDistrict/
Symposium Deadlines
Paper Submission (Symposium): by Saturday March 23, 2024 (AoE).
Notification of Decision for Papers (Symposium): by Wednesday July 10, 2024.
Camera Ready Submission (Symposium): by Monday July 20, 2024.
Author Registration (Symposium): by July 20, 2024.
Regular Registration (Symposium): by Saturday March 23, 2024.
Late Registration (Symposium): from Sunday March 24, 2024.
Course Deadlines
Regular Registration (Course): by Saturday March 23, 2024.
Late Registration (Course): from Sunday March 24, 2024.
Oral Presentation Submission (Course): by Saturday March 23, 2024.
Notification of Decision for Oral Presentation (Course): by August 31, 2024.
ACAIN 2024: AI meets Computational Neuroscience and Cognitive Science
The ACAIN 2024 symposium and course is an interdisciplinary event featuring
leading scientists from AI and Neuroscience, providing a special
opportunity to learn about cutting-edge research in the fields of AI,
Neuroscience, Neuroscience-Inspired AI, Human-Level AI, and Cognitive
The 4th Advanced Course and Symposium on Artificial Intelligence &
Neuroscience (ACAIN) is a full-immersion four-day Course and Symposium in
Tuscany on cutting-edge advances in Artificial Intelligence and
Neuroscience with lectures delivered by world-renowned experts. The Course
provides a stimulating environment for academics, early career researchers,
Post-Docs, PhD students and industry leaders. Participants will also have
the chance to present their results with oral talks or posters, and to
interact with their colleagues, in a convivial and productive environment.
Two days of keynote talks and oral presentations, the ACAIN Symposium,
(September 24-25), will be preceded by lectures of leading scientists, the
ACAIN Course, (September 22-23).
Bringing together AI and neuroscience promises to yield benefits for both
fields. The future impact and progress in both AI and Neuroscience will
strongly depend on continuous synergy, exchange, collaboration and
efficient cooperation between the two research communities. These are the
goals of the International Course and Symposium - ACAIN 2024, which is
aimed both at AI experts with interests in Neuroscience and at
neuroscientists with an interest in AI. ACAIN 2024 accepts rigorous
research that promotes and fosters multidisciplinary interactions between
artificial intelligence and neuroscience.
The Advanced Course is suited for scholars, academics, early career
researchers, Post-Docs, PhD students and industry leaders.
The Event (Course and Symposium) will involve a total of 36-40 hours of
Academically, this will be equivalent to 8 ECTS points for the PhD Students
the Master Students attending the Event.
* Auke Jan Ijspeert, EPFL, Switzerland
* Zeb Kurth-Nelson, DeepMind & UCL, London, UK
* Kevin J Miller, DeepMind & UCL, London, UK
* Thomas Parr, Oxford University, UK
* Eric Schulz, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tuebingen,
More Lecturers TBA
SYMPOSIUM PROGRAM COMMITTEE (partial list, confirmed members):
ACAIN 2024 is a *Residential Conference*, all participants (invited
speakers, authors, organizers, chairs, participants)
must book and stay at the Riva del Sole Resort and Spa. No exceptions are
Riva del Sole Resort & SPA
a: Località Riva del Sole - Castiglione della Pescaia (Grosseto) CAP 58043,
Tuscany - Italy
p: +39-0564-928111
f: +39-0564-935607
e: booking.events(a)rivadelsole.it
w: www.rivadelsole.it/en
See you in Tuscany in September!
ACAIN 2024 Organizing Committee.
E: acain(a)icas.cc
W: https://acain2024.icas.events
FB: https://www.facebook.com/ACAIN.LakeDistrict
*7th Advanced Course on Data Science & Machine Learning - ACDL 2024,* 10-14
Riva del Sole Resort & SPA, Castiglione della Pescaia (Grosseto) – Tuscany,
An Interdisciplinary Course: Big Data, Deep Learning & AI without Borders
*Early Registration: by February 23, 2024 (AoE)*
The Course is equivalent to 8 ECTS points for the PhD Students and the
Master Students attending the Course.
*10th International Conference on Learning, Optimization and Data – LOD
2024, *22–25 September
Riva del Sole Resort & SPA, Castiglione della Pescaia (Grosseto) Tuscany,
*Submission Deadline: March 23*
*4th Advanced Course ** and Symposium **on Artificial Intelligence and
Neuroscience – ACAIN 2024,* 22–25 September
Riva del Sole Resort & SPA, Castiglione della Pescaia (Grosseto) Tuscany,
*Symposium Submission Deadline: March 23 *
*Early Registration Deadline for the Course: March 23*
The Course is equivalent to 8 ECTS points for the PhD Students and the
Master Students attending the Course.
*ICAS* *-* *The Interdisciplinary Centre of Advanced Studies*
*1st workshop on Information Retrieval for Understudied Users*
*March 24th, co-located at ECIR2024 - Glasgow*
Since January was Deadline Madness, we have agreed to one final extension
to submit your research work or interest form to join us at the 1st #IR4U2
workshop to discuss #IR & #Understudied #users, as well as build community.
For contribution types, submission deadlines, and extended deadlines,
please visit the workshop website: *https://ir4u2workshop.wixsite.com/ir4u2*
We look forward to seeing you there!
Noemi Mauro, Monica Landoni, Federica Cena,
Theo Huibers, Emiliana Murgia, & Sole Pera
Noemi Mauro, Ph.D.
Researcher and Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science, University of Torino
ACM GOODIT Conference Call for Special Tracks Proposals
4-6 September 2024, Bremen, Germany
GoodIT 2024 will feature special tracks whose aim is to focus on a specific topic of interest related to the overall scope of the conference.
We solicit proposals for special tracks to be held within the main conference and whose publications will be included in conference proceedings. Tracks proposals can focus on any contemporary themes that highlight social good aspects in the design, implementation, deployment, securing, and evaluation of IT technologies.
Special Track Proposal Format
A special track proposal must contain the following information:
Title of the special track
The names of the organizers (indicatively, two) with affiliations, contact information, and a single paragraph of a brief bio.
A short description of the scope and topics of the track (max 1/2 page) and a brief explanation of: (1) why the topic is timely and important; (2) why the topic is related to the conference’s main theme; (3) why the track may attract a significant number of submissions of good quality.
Indication if a journal special issue is associated with the track, possibly with information on the process of selecting papers.
The plan to disseminate the call for papers of the special track for achieving a reasonable number of paper submissions (a list of emailing lists will help).
An outline of the foreseen reviewing process to ensure the scientific quality of the accepted papers including a tentative list of program committee members.
A draft call for papers (max 1 page).
Selection of Special Tracks
Accepted Special Tracks will be curated by the Special Track Chairs, possibly involving other members of the conference’s organizing committee, and possibly discussing details with the Track Proposers.
Papers submitted to each particular track have to satisfy the same criteria as for the main conference. They must be original works and must not have been previously published. They have to be peer-reviewed by the track’s Program Committee (at least three reviews per submitted paper are required). The final version of papers must follow the formatting instructions of the main conference. At least one of the authors of all accepted papers must register and present the work at the conference on site; otherwise, the paper will not be published in the proceedings. All accepted and presented papers will be included in the conference proceedings published in ACM Digital Library. The special track may provide an option for publishing the extended versions of selected papers in a special issue of a journal.
Special Track Proposal Submission Guidelines
The proposal should be submitted as a single PDF file to the special track chairs (see below) via email to: ombretta.gaggi(a)unipd.it and jochen.meyer(a)offis.de. The subject of the e-mail must be: “GoodIT 2024 – special track proposal”. The special tracks chairs may ask proposers for supplying additional information during the review period.
Important Dates
Proposal Submission Deadline: March 3rd, 2024
Notification of Selection: March 8th, 2024
Paper submission deadlines must be the same as for the main conference (indicative: submission May 19th; NoA July 7th; camera-ready July 21st)
Contact (Special Tracks Chairs)
Ombretta Gaggi (University of Padua, Italy) – ombretta.gaggi(a)unipd.it
Jochen Meyer (OFFIS - Institute for Information Technology, Germany) – jochen.meyer(a)offis.de
CfP AVI 2024 Advanced Visual Interfaces - 3rd Call for Posters and Demos
ACM in-cooperation Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces
3-7 June 2024
Genoa, Italy
Posters and Demo papers:
· Friday, March 8, 2024 (23:59, AoE)
Submission webpage: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=avi2024
International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI)
Since 1992, AVI has been a biennial appointment for a vast international community of experts with a broad range of backgrounds. Throughout three decades, the Conference has attracted leading researchers of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) from all over the world, offering a forum to present and disseminate new technological results, paradigms, and visions for HCI and user interfaces.
Because of advanced technology and new possibilities for user interaction, AVI has broadened the topics it covers, still keeping its primary focus on the conception, design, implementation, and evaluation of novel visual interfaces.
AVI 2024 is under the patronage of University of Genoa, Department of Informatics, Bioengineering, Robotics and Systems Engineering, Italy and is held in-cooperation with ACM, SIGCHI, SIGMM, SIGWEB.
Ilaria Torre (AVI 2024 Program Chair)
AVI 2024 General Chairs
.Cristina Conati, University of British Columbia, Vancouver
.Gualtiero Volpe, University of Genoa
For information or requests, please contact avi2024(a)easychair.org<mailto:avi2024@easychair.org>
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to) the following:
Adaptive and Context-Aware Interfaces
Affective Interfaces and Interaction
Computer Supported Cooperative Work
Embodied Conversational Interfaces
Full-body Interaction and Nonverbal Behavior
Human-AI Interaction
Information Visualization
Intelligent Interfaces
Engineering of Visual Interfaces and Interaction
Interaction Design Tools
Building Interactions: Hardware, Materials, and Fabrication
Interaction for the environment and environmental awareness
Interface Metaphors
Interfaces for Automotive
Interfaces for Big Data
Interfaces for e-Commerce and e-Branding
Interfaces for e-Culture and e-Tourism
Interfaces for End-User Development
Interfaces for entertainment
Interfaces for Recommender Systems
Interfaces for Social Interaction and Cooperation
Interfaces and Interactions for Persuasion and Behaviour Change
Interfaces and Interactions for Inclusion, Accessibility and Aging
Interfaces and interactions for usable security
Interfaces for Children
Interfaces for well-being and flourishing
Interfaces for Learning, Education, and Families
Mobile Interaction
Motion-based Interaction
Multimodal Interfaces
(Multi)Sensory Interfaces
(Multi)Touch Interaction
Search Interfaces
Shape-Changing Devices
User Interfaces for the Internet of Things
Usability and Accessibility
Virtual and Augmented Reality
Visual Analytics
Technical demonstrations developed in context of artistic/cultural activities (e.g., elements of museum exhibits or dance performances)
The AVI 2024 Poster Track provides researchers and practitioners with the opportunity of presenting contributions which are work-in-progress and obtaining precious feedback from their peers in an informal setting. Poster submissions must be up to 2 pages (with one additional page for references), not anonymized.
The demo track is intended to provide a forum to showcase innovative implementations, systems and technologies demonstrating new ideas about interactive visual interfaces. We are looking for implementations of novel and exciting concepts or systems related to the main topics of AVI.
We are especially keen to welcome innovative demonstrations from industry and startups that are closely aligned with the conference core themes. We encourage the emergent innovators interested to demonstrate their solutions even at an early stage of development to submit the papers to this call.
Demo papers must be up to 2 pages (with one additional page for references), not anonymized.
Demo submissions need to be complemented by a document that describes technical requirements (the template can be downloaded from the website<https://avi2024.dibris.unige.it/calls/posters-demos>). Please notice that:
· The committee reserves the right to reject proposals whose hardware and/or space requirements cannot be met by organizers (if you have any doubt please contact the demo chairs<mailto:avi2024demos@easychair.org> before submitting the paper). The organizers cannot provide any specific equipment (e.g., sound or lighting systems).
· In no case does a demonstration involve any remuneration from conference organizers.
All the papers mentioned above, i.e., posters and demos, require online submission. Authors must format submissions according to the ACM SIGCONF template. Please find the templates below:
· Latex for Overleaf: https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/association-for-computing-machiner…
· Word Template: https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template
Papers must be submitted online on EasyChair
Since 1994, accepted long and short research papers are included in the Proceedings published by ACM Press and available in the ACM Digital Library.
For each accepted paper, at least one author must register to AVI 2024 by the early registration deadline for authors, pay the registration fee and present the paper at the Conference.
General Chairs
Cristina Conati, University of British Columbia, Vancouver
Gualtiero Volpe, University of Genoa
Program Chair
Ilaria Torre, University of Genoa
Long Papers Chairs
Giuseppe Desolda, University of Bari
Michail Giannakos, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Short Papers Chairs
Elisabetta Bevacqua, National Engineering School of Brest
Maurizio Mancini, Sapienza University of Rome
Workshop & Tutorial Chairs
Ignacio Aedo, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Rosella Gennari, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
Poster Chairs
Masood Masoodian, Aalto University
Giovanna Varni, University of Trento
Demo Chairs
Radoslaw Niewiadomski, University of Genoa
Fabiana Vernero, University of Turin
Doctoral Consortium Chair
Fabio Paternò, CNR ISTI
Giuliana Vitiello, University of Salerno
Publicity Chairs
Beatrice Biancardi, LINEACT CESI
Federica Delprino, University of Genoa
Proceedings Chairs
Eleonora Ceccaldi, University of Genoa
Cigdem Beyan, University of Trento
Web Chair
Paola Barra, University of Naples Parthenope
Paolo Bottoni,
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Paolo Buono
University of Bari, Italy
Tiziana Catarci
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Maria Francesca Costabile
University of Bari, Italy
Maristella Matera
Polytechnic of Milan, Italy
Massimo Mecella
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Kent Norman
University of Maryland, USA
Emanuele Panizzi,
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Genny Tortora
University of Salerno, Italy
Giuliana Vitiello
University of Salerno, Italy
Marco Winckler
Université Côte d'Azur, France )
@avi2024conference (https://www.facebook.com/avi2024conference/)
@avi2024conference (https://www.instagram.com/avi2024conference/)
@avi2024conf (https://twitter.com/avi2024conf)
@avi2024conference https://www.linkedin.com/company/avi2024conference/)
Tel : +33 (0)6 71 62 50 45
93 boulevard de La Seine
CS 40177 - 92006 Nanterre cedex
* We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this email *
* Online version: https://iui.acm.org/2024/registration.html
ACM IUI 2024 - Call For Early Registration
29th International ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (ACM IUI 2024)
Greenville, South Carolina, USA,
March 18-21, 2024 https://iui.acm.org/2024/https://iui.acm.org/2024/index.html
ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (ACM IUI) 2024 is the 29th annual premiere venue, where researchers and practitioners will meet and discuss state-of-the-art advances at the intersection of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). Ideal IUI submissions should address practical HCI challenges using machine intelligence and discuss both computational and human-centric aspects of such methodologies, techniques, and systems.
The theme for this year will be Resilience, covering a wide variety of topics, such as COVID-19 recovery, organizational cyber resilience, economic growth and stability, climate change recovery, intelligent user interface resilience, and similar. While we encourage submissions related to this theme, the scope of the conference is not limited to the theme only.
Thanks for your interest in IUI 2024!
Please read the information link below carefully regarding costs and deadlines.
* Registration information: https://iui.acm.org/2024/registration.html
- Early Registration until Feb 12, 2024
- Standard Registration until Mar 7, 2024
- Onsite Registration after Mar 7, 2024
* Registration Link: https://web.cvent.com/event/9865c85a-e052-4e7e-9947-cf19114283eb/summary
Registration for the IUI 2024 full conference includes access to all sessions and workshops. Payment and registration is being handled through a 3rd party provider.
If you have questions, please email the registration chair at registration2024(a)iui.acm.org<mailto:registration2024@iui.acm.org>.
* We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this email *
* Online version: https://iui.acm.org/2024/call_for_student_volunteers.html
ACM IUI 2024 - Call For Student Volunteers
29th International ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (ACM IUI 2024)
Greenville, South Carolina, USA,
March 18-21, 2024 https://iui.acm.org/2024/
The conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI) is calling for student volunteers to help us for the 2024 conference.
** Benefits of the Student Volunteer Position **
As a student volunteer, you will
* receive a complimentary conference registration and the same benefits as other conference attendees.
* have the unique opportunity to network with local and international researchers and world leaders in intelligent interfaces.
* gain valuable experience for future scientific conferences and grow your connection with the IUI community.
* Social events and engagement opportunities
** Eligibility and Selection criteria **
Volunteer positions are competitive due to their limited availability. Applications are open to all undergraduate and postgraduate students interested in intelligent user interfaces and related areas. To join the team as a volunteer, you must be enrolled as a PhD, Masters, or full-time undergraduate student in a related program at the time of the conference, and have good written and spoken English communication skills.
Previous experience in conference organization is desired but not required, and the number of volunteers from each region, and institution, may be balanced to ensure broad participation. Underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply.
Students who have a Doctoral Consortium paper or other paper accepted are given priorities for SV positions. However, a limited number of SV positions are available for local students who are not presenting a paper at the conference.
** Responsibilities **
As a student volunteer, you are expected to
* provide up to 20 hours of service during the conference (max 4 hours a day)
* show up on time for their assigned tasks
* be responsible for assigned tasks
* be responsive to timely communication
* responsibilities include managing the registration desk, helping set up demo sessions, providing on-site support to the organizing committee, assisting speakers during presentations, supporting as virtual event moderators, providing session support to virtual attendees, and other required activities.
** How to Apply **
To apply to be a student volunteer, please fill out the form<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfngXWIrjNOnXQNL99puETp88-EgQbukgx…>
** Travel Grants and Awards Available for SVs **
Gary Marsden Travel Awards (GMTA)<https://sigchi.org/resources/gary-marsden-travel-awards/>: The Gary Marsden Travel Awards invite applications from undergraduate and graduate students, early-career researchers (such as those who are ≤ 5 years post-graduation), and those experiencing financial hardship or lacking institutional support, to attend ACM SIGCHI conferences, including ACM UMAP.
Who is eligible to apply?
You must be a SIGCHI member at the time of application to be eligible. Read about membership and how to sign up on the SIGCHI website. Please note, ACM membership and SIGCHI membership are not the same. You can check which one you have via MyACM.
We will consider no more than one presenter per submission. Also, we will consider no more than one student per advisor, per submission cycle. If we have a large number of applicants, we will prioritize first-time attendees and presenters. Acceptances can include papers, posters/extended abstracts, works in progress, demos, case studies, etc., though we may consider the type of submission if we have many applicants. If you do not have a submission or it has not been accepted yet, however, you can still apply. Overall, we will prioritize applications that demonstrate financial need and compelling benefit to the applicant in attending the conference.
For physical travel, each applicant can only receive support once every three years. There are seven deadlines: the 9th of January, February, March, May, July, September, and November at 11:59 PM AoE.
** Important Deadlines **
Application Deadline: February 6th, 2024
** Contact Information**
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us through email sv2024(a)iui.acm.org<mailto:sv2024@iui.acm.org>. We look forward to meeting and working with you!
** IUI 2024 Student Travels and SV Chairs **
Nina Hubig, Clemson University, USA
Wen Duan, Clemson University, USA
Subhasree Sengupta, Clemson University, USA