(Apologies for multiple postings)
Workshop on Reflections and Dialogues around Smart Technology (ResiSTo)
--- Proceedings in Springer Verlag; indexing in Scopus; fast review process ---
Co-located with 12th International Conference on Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning (MIS4TEL), L'Aquila, Italy | 13th-15th July, 2022
Workshop papers submission deadline: 8th May, 2022 (extended)
Workshop camera-ready papers: 17th June, 2022
Accepted workshop papers will be included in the MIS4TEL Proceedings published in the LNNS series of Springer Verlag (https://www.springer.com/series/15179), and will be Scopus indexed.
Smart technologies include, but are not limited to, AI-based devices for digital education, smart things, smart art-work, smart environments, smart cities and smart artefacts, in general. The workshop focuses on the role which reflections, as in design thinking, and dialogues, as in ethnographic research, play in imagining, conceptualising, using, assessing smart technologies for different contexts and people, with a preference for learning contexts and learners.
Workshop papers are expected to describe frameworks, methods, toolkits, experiences, studies or provocations with reflections and dialogues around smart technologies. Examples are toolkits which enable young generations to design smart things and reflect across their design (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2212868921000660). Other examples are studies concerning design as a means for reflecting on stereotypes (http://www.research.lancs.ac.uk/portal/en/publications/-(448ba68b-ca74-4b06…).
The workshop is intended as a forum to share provocations concerning past research work, novel ideas grounded in the literature, work-in-progress prototypes, as well as preliminary results which intercept the theme of the workshop. In other words, workshop papers are expected to report on early or ongoing research activities, which have not yet got the maturity expected for the main-conference submissions.
Suggested topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
-Reflections in the creation, usage or evaluation of smart technologies
-Responsibility or other critical reflections in technology enhanced learning
-The role of dialogue in digital education
-Field studies and ecological studies for reflecting with/around smart technologies
-Playfulness, gamification and critical reflections with/around smart technologies
-Responsibility in the design of smart solutions
-Critical thinking in the design of smart cities, environments, things, artwork, artefacts
-Dialogue and reflections in designing smart technologies at a distance
-Dialogue and reflections in using smart technologies at a distance
-Dialogue and reflections in assessing smart technologies at a distance
-Dialogues and reflections in making or physical computing
-Creativity, dialogues, reflections and smart technologies
-Biases in smart technologies
-Unveiling ethics concerns with/around smart technologies
Workshop contributions should be 10-page papers or exceptionally 6-page papers, including references; papers must be formatted according to the Springer LNNS template, available on the main-conference website of MIS4TEL.
Papers should be submitted as PDF via Easychair. The Easychair submission page can be accessed at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=mis4tel22. Please take care in selecting the correct track i.e., “Workshop on Reflections and Dialogues around Smart Technology (ResiSTo)” when submitting.
All submissions will undergo a fast yet careful peer review process by at least two members of the program committee.
Publication of an accepted paper in the proceedings requires that at least one author of the paper registers for and participates in the conference.
Rosella Gennari, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
Maristella Matera, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Alessandra Melonio, Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Italy
Mehdi Rizvi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Elisa Rubegni, Lancaster University, United Kingdom
For more information, contact us at resisto.workshop(a)gmail.com
or check out our webpage at https://www.mis4tel-conference.net/tracks/workshops/resisto
*** Fourth Call for Contributions ***
8th IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2 2022)
"Community Smartification and towards ZERO emission Smart Cities
for a Green New Era"
September 26-29, 2022, Aliathon Resort, Paphos, Cyprus
The Call-for-Contributions for the 8th IEEE International Smart Cities Conference
(ISC2 2022) is OPEN!
The IEEE ISC2 2022 Organizing Committee is glad to announce that it is currently
accepting papers for the 8th edition of the IEEE International Smart Cities
This year, the IEEE ISC2 will be held in-person on September 26-29, 2022, in
Paphos, Cyprus and the theme of the conference is “Community Smartification and
towards ZERO emission Smart Cities for a Green New Era.”
The IEEE ISC2 is the flagship conference sponsored by the IEEE Smart Cities
Technical Community, a coalition of eight IEEE technical societies and organizations.
Besides contributions addressing the conference theme, authors are welcome to
submit their original research results in traditional topics across broad application
and functional domains, within the context of smart urban infrastructure systems.
The technical areas include, but are not limited to:
• Smart city theory, modelling and simulation • Intelligent infrastructure • Sensors and actuators • Open data and big data analytics • AI powered smart cities services • Safety and security systems • Smart healthcare • Smart emergency management • IoT and Smart X services
• Data security and privacy • Connected Vehicle (CV) technologies • Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) • Smart mobility and transportation • Smart energy systems • Smart buildings and Smart grid • Digital city and smart growth • Smart traffic system operations • Environmental monitoring technologies
The complete list of technical areas can be found here:
https://attend.ieee.org/isc2-2022/call-for-papers/ .
Should you need further clarifications or have any inquiries, please do not hesitate
to contact us at: isc22022(a)easychair.org .
Paper Submission Guidelines
Prospective authors are invited to submit high quality original (Full or Short) papers
via the EasyChair submission site at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=isc22022 .
Full papers should describe novel research contributions with evaluation results
and are limited to seven (7) pages. Short papers, limited in length to four (4) pages,
should be more visionary in nature and are meant to discuss new challenges and
visions, highlight early research results, and explore novel research directions.
All submitted papers must be unpublished and not considered elsewhere for
publication, should be written in English and formatted according to the IEEE
Template ( https://www.ieee.org/conferences/publishing/templates.html ).
Each submitted paper will pass through the standard IEEE peer-review process. If
accepted and presented at the conference, it will appear in the conference
proceedings and be submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
The conference organisers are currently negotiating a number of special issues
with high quality journals. More information is available on the conference
web site (https://attend.ieee.org/isc2-2022/journal-special-issues/ ).
The best papers will be awarded in the conference Best Paper Award and a Best
Student Paper Award contests.
For more information, please visit the conference website:
https://attend.ieee.org/isc2-2022 .
Special Sessions Proposals
Please refer to the web site for further details:
https://attend.ieee.org/isc2-2022/call-for-special-sessions/ .
Workshops Proposals
Please refer to the web site for further details:
https://attend.ieee.org/isc2-2022/call-for-workshop-proposals/ .
Tutorials Proposals
Please refer to the web site for further details:
https://attend.ieee.org/isc2-2022/call-for-tutorial-proposals/ .
Sponsorship Opportunities
Please refer to the web site for further details:
https://attend.ieee.org/isc2-2022/sponsorships/ .
Important Dates
• Conference Paper Submission Deadline: May 15, 2022
• Conference Acceptance Notification: July 15, 2022
• Conference Camera-ready Deadline: July 31, 2022
• Special Sessions and Workshops Proposals Submission Deadline: April 25, 2022
• Special Sessions and Workshops Proposals Selection: April 29, 2022
• Tutorial Proposals Submission Deadline: May 27, 2022
• Tutorial Proposals Selection: June 3, 2022
• Conference Dates: September 26-29, 2022
Organizing Committee
Special Track Chairs Committee
IEEE Smart Cities
*** Third Call for Papers ***
Second International Conference on ICT for Health, Accessibility and
Wellbeing (IHAW 2022)
December 5-7, 2022, Golden Bay Beach Hotel 5*, Larnaca, Cyprus
(Proceedings to be published by Springer in CCIS; Journal Special Issues
with SN Computer Science (Springer) and Smart Health (Elsevier); Best
Paper Award sponsored by MDPI "Sensors" with 300 CHF)
ICT for Health, Accessibility and Wellbeing (IHAW 2022) is the second of the
series of International Conferences on "ICT for Societal Challenges". It is a
showcase for high quality oral and poster presentations and demonstrations
sessions. This conference aims to be a platform for multi and interdisciplinary
research at the interplay between Information and Communication
Technologies, Biomedical, Neuro-cognitive, and Experimental research.
This research includes the design, experimental evaluation and
standardization of new ICT scalable systems and in-silico systems for new
and future inclusive and sustainable technologies that benefit all: healthy
people, people with disabilities or other impairments, people having chronic
diseases, etc. User-centered design and innovation, new intuitive ways of
human -computer interaction, and user acceptance are the topics of
particular interest.
Conference Topics
Relevant topics include (but are not limited to) the following:
Artificial Intelligence, Computation and Data Analytics
• Artificial Intelligence methods for medical device testing.
• Algorithms, methods and services for condition-specific intervention (e.g.,
diabetes, obesity, dementia, post cancer treatment, allergies, mental health).
• Algorithms, methods and services for predicting and monitoring infectious disease.
• Crowd-sourcing and social media analysis for predicting and monitoring infectious
• Medical Data and/or Medical Image Analysis.
• Electronic Medical Records Analysis.
• Computational methods for medical devices.
Human Computer Interaction and Cognition
• Human-Machine Interaction for healthcare and well-being.
• Cognitive Mechatronics for healthcare and well-being.
• Models for human-device interaction for medicine.
• Cobotics for healthcare and well-being.
• Model-based design and configuration tools for healthcare and well-being.
Assistive Devices
• Precision medicine.
• ICT for in-silicon trials.
• Implantable medical devices.
• Multimodal assistive ICT devices to empower people with sensory, cognitive,
motor, balance and spatial impairments.
ICT & Wellbeing
• Age-friendly systems for active and healthy ageing (telepresence, robotics
solutions, innovative solutions for independent living, innovative elderly care,
integrated care, age-related risks prevention/detection).
• ICT systems to improve the quality of life and for daily life activities assistance
(education, recreation, and nutrition).
• Smart living homes and wearables (Intelligent and personalized digital solutions
for sustaining and extending healthy and independent living; personalized early risk
detection and intervention).
• Smart Systems and services promoting access to the socio-economical and cultural
• IoT and smart real-time surveillance systems for monitoring, auditing and control
to prevent the spread of the pandemic.
• eHealth smart solutions in the fight against a COVID-19 like pandemic.
• IoT and Smart Healthcare systems with an environmentally friendly and sustainable
Health Infrastructure and Healthcare Operation Services
• Distributed and connected digital healthcare services.
• IoT services for real-time monitoring of health data and status of patients and/or
older adults.
• Wearable devices and IoT systems for remote monitoring of health data and status
of patients and/or older adults.
• mHealth services and applications using mobile and wearable devices to collect
community and clinical health data, and deliver healthcare information to
practitioners, researchers and patients.
• Sustainable city environments for emergency health management.
• 5G and beyond for healthcare in sustainable smart cities.
• Wireless Sensor Networks for advanced smart healthcare in sustainable cities.
Quality in Healthcare Systems
• New experimental validation methods with end-users.
• Systems and services for ensuring patient’s commitment to the medication
• Digital health systems and tools for health care professional training and
workforce development.
• Communication systems and services improving the quality of patient and
healthcare provider contact before, during and after admission.
• Methods and Technology for Improving the quality of services-oriented care
delivery systems.
• Methods, Digital Tools and/or Services for inclusive-for-all healthcare systems.
• Co-Creation of healthcare systems for social well being of people with special
needs, older adults and/or deprivileged or disadvantaged people.
• Systems for management of health and care (mental health, pain, neurological
disorders, sight, hearing, balance, space awareness; sensory based physiological
and psychological non-invasive measurements, preventive healthcare, m-healthcare,
e-healthcare, integrated care, serious games, electronic health record, self-
management, patient-centered systems for survivorship, palliation and/or
end-of-life care).
Privacy, Security & Standardization
• Standardization, certification, labelling, and communication issues (related to
ageing well, to sensory impairment).
• Privacy and Security/Regulation compliant services in health care systems (e.g.,
• Security and privacy of digital health systems and service.
• Socio-economic issues of smart healthcare in sustainable societies.
• Privacy, security and ethics in eHealth smart solutions and surveillance at scale in
the fight against a COVID-19 pandemic.
High-quality original submissions that address such future issues, show the
design and evaluation in (near-) real scenarios, explain how to benchmark
systems, and outline the education and training procedures for acquiring new
perceptual skills while using such systems are welcome. Research and technical
papers are expected to present significant and original contributions validated with
the targeted end-users.
Submissions should clearly state the progress beyond the existing state-of-
the-art and the expected societal benefits of the developed technology. When
possible, validate scenarios with the target user groups and well-identified
technology readiness levels
should be at least outlined.
We invite Research and Technical papers, up to 15 pages, describing original
unpublished research, making a substantial contribution to the research field.
All submissions will be reviewed by the Program Committee. As was the case for
IHAW 2021, the proceedings of IHAW 2022 will be published by Springer in the
Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series
(https://www.springer.com/series/7899) and will be presented in the technical
sessions of the conference.
The Best Paper Award is sponsored by MDPI "Sensors" with 300 CHF.
The authors of the best papers accepted and presented at IHAW2022 will be invited
to submit extended versions of their papers for further review and possible inclusion
in either of two Journal Special Issues that will be organised with SN Computer
Science (Springer) and Smart Health (Elsevier).
Submissions of all types should be carefully formatted according to the
Springer format for conference proceedings:
https://www.springer.com/gp/computer-science/lncs/conference-proceedings-gu… .
The submission process will be handled through Easy Chair and the
submission link is: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=icihaw2022 .
Important Dates
• Submission Deadline: July 18, 2022 (AoE)
• Notification: September 26, 2022
• Camera-Ready Submission Deadline: October 10, 2022
• Author Registration Deadline: October 10, 2022
Honorary General Chair
• Edwige Pissaloux, University of Rouen Normandy, France
General Chair
• George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Scientific Chair
• Achilleas Achilleos, Frederick University, Cyprus
Scientific Vice-Chair
• Ramiro Velazquez, Universidad Panamericana, Mexico
Publicity Chair
• Jessica Allingham, Lakehead University, Canada
Finance Chair
• Petros Stratis, Easy Conferences LTD, Cyprus
dato che queste mail rivolte a tutti i membri SIGCHI non sembrano arrivare proprio a tutti, mi permetto di inoltrare quella che ho appena inviato a proposito del 40esimo anniversario di SIGCHI e delle iniziative che si vogliono portare avanti per il futuro dell’organizzazione.
Credo che soprattutto il secondo punto della mail possa essere interessante per i più giovani della comunità italiana!
Rimango a disposizione in caso di curiosità o domande.
A presto e buona Pasqua!
Luigi De Russis
Assistant Professor (RTDb)
Department of Control and Computer Engineering
Politecnico di Torino, Italy
ACM SIGCHI EC's Adjunct Chair for Community Support
phone: +39 011 0907170
email: luigi.derussis(a)polito.it <mailto:luigi.derussis@polito.it>
web: http://elite.polito.it/people/derussis
twitter: @luigidr
> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Luigi De Russis <luigi.derussis(a)POLITO.IT>
> Subject: SIGCHI Futures: Reflection and Action
> Date: 14 April 2022 at 17:37:41 CEST
> Resent-From: <d025734(a)polito.it>
> Reply-To: Luigi De Russis <luigi.derussis(a)POLITO.IT>
> Dear SIGCHI members,
> We would like to share some upcoming events and updates in celebration of SIGCHI’s 40th anniversary!
> 1. Open Session: Imagining SIGCHI Futures
> SIGCHI is turning 40 this year! This milestone gives us an opportunity to not only celebrate and reflect on how far HCI has come as a field but also imagine potential future trajectories. In this online open session, we will take stock of SIGCHI’s past and present and envision how it might evolve over the next few decades along the dimensions the community cares about most, such as infrastructures for mentorship, sustainability, accessibility, among others. This will be a precursor to our SIGCHI Turns 40 SIG at CHI 2022, where we will continue to develop aspirations and, importantly, concrete avenues towards a thriving SIGCHI community.
> Friday, April 22 @12pm UTC (in your time zone <https://dateful.com/eventlink/3195715725>) Zoom <https://acm-org.zoom.us/j/92741561141?pwd=a25paExZZktrQVM5MGw0S0xaREZBUT09>
> Monday, April 25 @11:59pm UTC (in your time zone <https://dateful.com/eventlink/2818649841>) Zoom <https://acm-org.zoom.us/j/97683167594?pwd=a1BLYmg1aWhkNjJzVE5PVGVtMy9uUT09>
> 2. Futuring SIGCHI Committee
> To sustain discussions around SIGCHI’s 40th, the open session and the SIG will inform the workings of the new Futuring SIGCHI Committee. This committee aims to be a sandbox for (those who self-identify as) early-career professionals to create creative, well-motivated, public-facing pilot projects that help address community challenges and set SIGCHI up for better, stronger futures. Members will be able to iterate on and expand successful pilots to eventually integrate them into SIGCHI structures and long-term practices. You can read more about the committee on our Medium blog post <https://medium.com/sigchi/imagining-sigchi-futures-3ada9218ab01>.
> If you are interested in joining the Futuring SIGCHI Committee, let us know by completing the open call on our Submittable form <https://sigchi.submittable.com/submit/209146/open-call-for-volunteering>.
> Feel free to reach out to sigchi-4all(a)acm.org <mailto:sigchi-4all@acm.org> if you have any questions or suggestions!
> All the best,
> Luigi De Russis (Adjunct Chair for SIGCHI Community Support)
> Naveena Karusala (Chair, Futuring SIGCHI Committee)
> On behalf of the SIGCHI Executive Committee
> You can unsubscribe at any time through this link:
> Unsubscribe <https://optout.acm.org/unsubscribe.cfm?rl=SIGCHI-MEMBERS&RE=LUIGI.DERUSSIS@…>
***Submission deadline for Technical Full Papers and Late Breaking Results is
extended until April 25, 2022!***
** *
**** Apologies for cross postings ****
HCSE 2022
9th International Working Conference on Human-Centered Software Engineering
24th to 26th of August, 2022, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
HCSE is a bi-annual, single-track, working conference organized by the IFIP
Working Group 13.2 on Methodology for User-Centred System Design
(http://ifip-tc13.org/working-groups/working-group-13-2/). We aim at bringing
together researchers and practitioners interested in strengthening the
scientific foundations of user interface design, examining the relationship
between software engineering and human-computer interaction and on how to
strengthen human-centered design as an essential part of software engineering
processes. Other topics of interest include:
* contributions to the theory and best practices of user-centered design
* involvement of end-users, clients and stakeholders in the design and
development process of interactive systems
* innovative methods for identifying end-user requirements for interactive systems
* integration of user experience (and any other user interface property) in
development processes
* methods for designing, building and assessing interactive systems beyond the
desktop (e.g. the living room, ubiquitous and multi-display, cockpits, etc.)
* models and model-based approaches for building interactive systems
* methods and tools for low-code and no-code development paradigms
* integration of multiple properties (e.g. usability, (cyber)security,
reliability, user experience, privacy, accessibility, etc.) in software
development and making them more accessible to developers and users
* context-aware and adaptive interactive systems (e.g. in areas such as digital
collaboration, digital and worker assistance)
* design and integration of novel interaction techniques such as augmented,
virtual, and mixed reality
* support for new kinds of human-machine interaction (HMI) for increasingly
autonomous systems and systems that use or provide artificial intelligence (e.g.
autonomous driving or human-robot collaboration)
* socio-technical aspects of interactive software development
* artificial intelligence and machine learning to support the development of
interactive systems
* software architectures and architectural patterns for interactive systems
* rational design, design patterns and traceability of design choices.
HCSE 2022 welcomes contributions as technical full papers, late breaking
results, demonstrations and posters. All papers are peer-reviewed and selected
contributions will appear in the proceedings published by Springer in the LNCS
In the present edition of HCSE 2022 we are particularly interested in studies
focused on multi-stakeholder concepts and how to cope with multi-stakeholders
taking into account not only micro perspective, but on the systemic change
level. This research area is central to the host of the current edition of the
conference, the Eindhoven University of Technology, Industrial Design, Systemic
Change group.
In addition, building on the activities carried out by the WG13.2 during the
workshop held at the INTERACT 2021 IFIP TC-13 conference, special consideration
will be given to issues related to “changing the context of use”, which has
significant impact on how to design and develop with a user-centered perspective
and how usage of these systems changed for example in the current pandemic
As in past editions, the focus of the working group is on user interface
properties (such as usability, ux, privacy, trust, security, reliability,
adaptability, among others) and how to design, develop and evaluate based on a
user-centered development process. We are interested in understanding how
different stakeholders and developers value diverse user interface properties
and how they manage conflicts between them (when one property might degrade the
value of another) on a systemic change level. Our aim is to cover a large set of
user interface properties and try to reveal their inner dependencies. We are
particularly interested in the development of theories, methods, tools and
approaches for dealing with multiple properties that should be taken into
account when developing interactive systems.
HCSE welcomes the following types of contributions:
* Technical full papers (up to 20 pages) should describe substantial research
contributions of novel work that has produced advanced results including
validation of results.
* Late-breaking results (up to 12 pages) are short papers that present work in
progress, new practice and experience reports containing good (and bad)
practices and/or recent practical evaluations of methods, techniques and tools.
* Demonstrations and posters (5–8 pages, plus poster design draft) should
present ongoing work and/or late-breaking results related to the use of
innovative tools and cutting-edge systems not described in other paper
submissions. Demonstration papers should provide description of tools including
user tasks and evidence of use to end-users. Demo submissions should summarize
the system’s significance and its performance and should either include
screenshots or link to an online-accessible resource. The poster design draft
should show the planned design and content of the poster that will be presented
at the conference. Industry contributions to demos and posters are particularly
welcome and highly encouraged.
All contributions should be submitted via the EasyChair system
(https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=hcse2022conference). All submissions
will be peer-reviewed for their topical relevance, originality, technical
contribution, and presentation quality by the members of the international
program committee.
Technical full papers and late-breaking results short papers will be reviewed
double-blind, demonstrations and posters single-blind. Authors must prepare
their submission files accordingly!
For poster submissions, both paper and poster design draft will be assessed for
It will be possible for the program committee to suggest accepting submissions
in other than their original submission categories.
If we hold a physical conference, under the current circumstances, all accepted
submissions will be presented at the conference in technical sessions. It will
be possible for authors of accepted technical full papers and late-breaking
results short papers to give tool demos as well without submitting additional
demo papers.
The conference will NOT enable hybrid participation.
Accepted contributions must be formatted according to the guidelines of the
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series of Springer
(http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-12-73062-0). Authors are
requested to prepare submissions as close as possible to final camera-ready
Technical full papers, late breaking results
* Submission: Friday, April 25th, 2022 (*NEW!*)
* Notification to authors: Monday, May 16th, 2022
* Camera-ready due: Monday, June 13th, 2022
Demos, posters
* Submission: Monday, May 30th, 2022
* Notification to authors: Monday, June 13th, 2022
* Camera-ready due: Monday, June 27th, 2022
CONFERENCE DATES: August 24th – 26th, 2022
General Conference Chairs:
Regina Bernhaupt, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Carmelo Ardito, Politecnico di Bari, Italy
Stefan Sauer, Paderborn University, Germany
/Apologize for unintended cross-mailing/
*International Journal on Interaction Design & Architecture(s) - IxD&A
- a SCOPUS and Web of Science - Emerging Sources (Thomson Reuters)
indexed Journal -
*Special issue N. 51
Speculative and Critical Design: approaches and influences in education**
*/guest editors: Ingi Helgason, Enrique Encinas, Ivica Mitrovic, Michael
is now available for free downloading
/IxD&A implements the Gold Open Access road to its contents with no
charge to the authors
If you wish to help us in improving the quality of the journal, please
*IxD&A Journal, issue N. 51 - ToC*/**
/Ingi Helgason, Enrique Encinas, Ivica Mitrovic, Michael Smyth/
p. 5 - 7
/Alma Leora Culén and Nicholas Sebastian Stevens/
*Speculative and Critical Approach to Designing Technological Futures
through HCI Education*
pp. 8 - 31
/Joseph Lindley and David Philip Green/
*The Ultimate Measure of Success for Speculative Design is to Disappear
pp. 32 - 51
/Inês Veiga/
*Transistórias: how a critical and speculative perspective contributes
to rethink sustainability education in product design*
pp. 52 - 80
/Jordi Tost, Paula L. Schuster, Frank Heidmann/
*Prototyping Inconvenience: A pedagogical experiment on designing for
debate in design education*
pp. 81 - 110
/Michael W. Beach and Tyler Fox/
*Value Sensitive Speculative Design: Exploring More-Than-Human Relations
in the Age of Climate Catastrophe*
pp. 111 - 131
/Eva Eriksson, Anne-Marie Hansen, Elisabet M. Nilsson/
*Envisioning Future Scenarios: Teaching and Assessing Values-based
Design Approaches*
pp. 132 - 151
/Natalia Pérez-Orrego, John Arango-Flórez, Claudia Fernandez-Silva, Juan
David Mira-Duque/
*Be provoking. Schooling critical and speculative designers*
pp. 152 - 171
/Lenneke Kuijer and Holly Robbins/
*Teaching alternative Paradigms through Critical Design*
pp. 172 - 201
/Eva Durall Gazulla/
*Exploring Education Techno-Monitoring Futures: A Participatory
Speculative Critical Design Case*
pp. 202 - 218
/Sumita Sharma, Heidi Hartikainen, Leena Ventä-Olkkonen, Netta Iivari,
Grace Eden, Essi Kinnunen, Jenni Holappa, Marianne Kinnula, Tonja
Molin-Juustila, Jussi Okkonen, Sirkku Kotilainen, Ole Sejer Iversen,
Rocío Fatás Arana/
*In Pursuit of Inclusive and Diverse Digital Futures: Exploring the
Potential of Design Fiction in Education of Children*
pp. 219 - 248
/Kay Kender and Peter Purgathofer/
*Insights for Educational Practice from a Thematic Analysis of Student
Experiences with Speculative Design Mini-Projects about Personal Issues*
pp. 249 - 269
/Laurens Boer and Tom Jenkins/
*Fostering Creative Confidence with SCD in Interaction Design Education*
pp. 270 - 302
*To keep updated join the IxD&A groups @:
IxD&A Linkedin -> link <https://www.linkedin.com/groups/3785204/>
IxD&A Facebook -> link <https://www.facebook.com/groups/528301461963022>
Enjoy the videos of the "Meeting the Authors" events @:
IxD&A Youtube channel -> link
IxD&A Privacy Policy
[apologies for double posting]
QUARE 2022: The 1st workshop on Measuring the Quality of Explanations in Recommender Systems, co-located with SIGIR 2022 (https://sigir.org/sigir2022/), July 11-15, 2022, in Madrid, Spain and Online
Workshop website: https://sites.google.com/view/quare-2022/home
Location: Hybrid - Madrid, Spain and Online
Paper submission: 3 May 2022
Author notification: 15 May 2022
Final version deadline: 15 June 2022
Workshop date: 15 July 2022
- Alessandro Piscopo (BBC, UK) <alessandro.piscopo(a)bbc.co.uk<mailto:alessandro.piscopo@bbc.co.uk>>
- Oana Inel (University of Zurich, CH) <inel(a)ifi.uzh.ch<mailto:inel@ifi.uzh.ch>>
- Sanne Vrijenhoek (University of Amsterdam, NL) <s.vrijenhoek(a)uva.nl<mailto:s.vrijenhoek@uva.nl>>
- Martijn Millecamp (AE NV, BE) <martijn.millecamp(a)hotmail.com<mailto:martijn.millecamp@hotmail.com>>
- Krisztian Balog (Google Research) <krisztianb(a)google.com<mailto:krisztianb@google.com>>
Recommendations are ubiquitous in many contexts and domains due to a continuously growing adoption of decision-support systems. Explanations may be provided along with recommendations with the reasoning behind suggesting a particular item. However, explanations may also significantly affect a user's decision-making process by serving a number of different goals, such as transparency, persuasiveness, scrutability, among others. While there is a growing body of research studying the effect of explanations, the relationship between their quality and their effect has not been investigated in depth yet.
For instance, at an institutional level, organisational values may require a different combination of explanation goals; also, within the same organisation some combinations of goals may be more appropriate for some use cases and less for others. Conversely, end-users of a recommender system may be bearers of different values, and explanations can affect them differently. Therefore, understanding whether explanations are fit for their intended goals is key to subsequently implementing them in a production stage.
Furthermore, the lack of established, actionable methodologies to evaluate explanations for recommendations, as well as evaluation datasets, hinders cross-comparison between different explainable recommendations approaches, and is one of the issues hampering widespread adoption of explanations in industry settings.
This workshop aims to extend existing work in the field by bringing together and facilitating the exchange of perspectives and solutions from industry and academia, and aims to bridge the gap between academic design guidelines and the best practices in the industry regarding the implementation and evaluation of explanations in recommender systems, with respect to their goals, impact, potential biases, and informativeness. With this workshop, we provide a platform for discussion among scholars, practitioners, and other interested parties.
The motivation of the workshop is to promote discussion upon future research and practice directions of evaluating explainable recommendations, by bringing together academic and industry researchers and practitioners in the area. We focus in particular on real-world use cases, diverse organisational values and purposes, and different target users. We encourage submissions that study different explanation goals and combinations of those, how they fit various organisation values and different use cases. Furthermore, we welcome submissions that propose and make available for the community high-quality datasets and benchmarks.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
* Evaluation
* Relevance of explanation goals for different use cases;
* Soliciting user feedback on explanations;
* Implicit vs. explicit evaluation of explanations and goals;
* Reproducible and replicable evaluation methodologies;
* Online vs. offline evaluations.
* Personalisation
* User-modelling for explanation generation;
* Evaluation approaches for personalised explanations (e.g., content, style);
* Evaluation approaches for context-aware explanations (e.g., place, time, alone/group setting, exploratory/transaction mode).
* Presentation
* Evaluation of different explanation modalities (e.g., text, graphics, audio, hybrid);
* Evaluation of interactive explanations.
* Datasets
* Generation of datasets for evaluation of explanations;
* Evaluation benchmarks.
* Values
* Evaluation of explanations in relation to organisational values;
* Evaluation of explanations in relation to personal values.
We welcome three types of submissions:
* position or perspective papers (up to 4 pages in length, plus unlimited pages for references): original ideas, perspectives, research vision, and open challenges in the area of evaluation approaches for explainable recommender systems;
* featured papers (title and abstract of the paper, plus the original paper): already published papers or papers summarizing existing publications in leading conferences and high-impact journals that are relevant for the topic of the workshop
* demonstration papers (up to 2 pages in length, plus unlimited pages for references): original or already published prototypes and operational evaluation approaches in the area of explainable recommender systems.
Page limits include diagrams and appendices. Submissions should be single-blind, written in English, and formatted according to the current ACM two-column conference format. Suitable LaTeX, Word, and Overleaf<https://www.overleaf.com/gallery/tagged/acm-official> templates are available from the ACM Website<https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template> (use “sigconf” proceedings template for LaTeX and the Interim Template for Word).
Submit papers electronically via EasyChair: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=quare22.
All submissions will be peer-reviewed by the program committee and accepted papers will be published on the website of our workshop: https://sites.google.com/view/quare-2022/home.
At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register for the workshop and present the work.
Dr Alessandro Piscopo
Principal Data Scientist
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*** Apologies for cross-postings ***
*PATCH Workshop @UMAP 2022 - Final Call For Papers - **** EXTENDED DEADLINE
APRIL, 22 ****
The 13th International Workshop on Personalized Access to Cultural Heritage
(PATCH 2022) - Towards Hybrid CH Experience co-located with ACM UMAP 2022 -
Online and Barcelona, Spain.
Abstract and Topics
Following the successful series of PATCH workshops, PATCH 2022 will be
again the meeting point between state of the art cultural heritage (CH)
research and personalization research. For those using any kind of
technology, while focusing on ubiquitous and adaptive scenarios, to enhance
the personal experience in CH sites. The workshop is aimed at bringing
together researchers and practitioners who are working on various aspects
of CH and are interested in exploring the potential of state of the art of
mobile and personalized technology (onsite as well as online) to enhance
the CH visit experience. The expected result of the workshop is a
multidisciplinary research agenda that will inform future research
directions and hopefully, forge some research collaborations.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Adaptive navigation and personalized browsing in digital and physical
cultural heritage collections and in CH sites
Ambient Cultural Heritage
Personalization for group of visitors to CH sites
Personalization for collective CH information authoring and management
Creativity and collaboration support in CH
Personalized mobile museum guides & personal museum assistants
Recommendation strategies for CH
Adaptation strategies for text and non-verbal content in CH
NLG techniques and conversational agents for CH
(User Interaction with) Integration of virtual and physical collections
Analysis of behavior patterns to improve CH recommendation
Personalization across the whole of a person's digital ecosystem
(including CH)
Long term personalization in CH
IoT and Cultural Heritage
Human-Robots adaptation in museums
3D, Virtual and Augmented Reality for Cultural Heritage
Context-aware information presentation in CH
Interactive user interfaces for CH applications
Gestural interfaces for Cultural Heritage applications
Use of personality for guiding Cultural Heritage Experiences
Participatory CH including multiple viewpoints and perspectives
Community mapping for CH information sharing
Multiple viewpoints and perspectives for CH
Remote access to CH
Personalized support to the exploration of Cultural and Natural Heritage
Cultural heritage (CH) has traditionally been a privileged area for
personalization research, as highlighted by the many H2020 calls on this
topic. Visitors come to cultural heritage sites willing to experience and
learn new things, usually without a clear idea of what to expect. CH sites
are typically rich in objects and information; much more than the visitor
can absorb during the limited time of a visit. As discussed by Falk (2009),
visitors to CH sites differ and their visit experience involves a
combination of the physical, the personal, and the socio-cultural context
and identity-related aspects. Hence, they may benefit from individualized
support that takes into account contextual and personal attributes.
However, personalization brings two main challenges:
Firstly, can we support CH exploration for first-time and anonymous
visitors, taking into account that many people access cultural sites only
once, or they interact with digital services anonymously?
Secondly, when it is possible to track users along time, can we provide
an engaging experience for the ‘digital’, ‘mobile’ and ‘traditional’ CH
visitors before, during and after a visit by exploiting information from
previous interactions on CH sites and elsewhere on the ubiquitous Web?
Further, an interesting problem to explore is whether this kind of support
can be a basis for maintaining a lifelong chain of personalized CH
experiences. This is true, not only in “traditional” CH sites, but also in
urban environments, which reflect the varied history of mankind and offer
places and objects representing shared values for the population, to be
preserved and valued.
Full papers: up to 14 pages excluding references;
Short papers/Position papers/Demo papers: up to 7 pages excluding
Papers that exceed the page limits or formatting guidelines will be
returned without review.
Submissions should be single-blinded, i.e. authors names should be included
in the submissions.
Papers must be formatted according to the new workflow for ACM
publications. The templates and instructions are available here:
https://patch2022.di.unito.it/submission.html .
All papers should be submitted in PDF format via the online submission
system by selecting the track "workshop PATCH":
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=umap22 .
An international panel of experts will review all submissions.
Work that has already been published should not be submitted unless it
introduces a significant addition to the previously published work.
There will be a conference adjunct proceedings published by ACM where all
the workshop papers will be published.
Important dates:
April 22, 2022: EXTENDED Submission deadline (23:59 PM Hawaiian time)
April 15, 2022: Submission deadline (23:59 PM Hawaiian time)
May 11, 2022: Notification deadline (23:59 PM Hawaiian time)
May 18, 2022: Camera-Ready deadline (23:59 PM Hawaiian time)
Workshop organizers
Tsvi (Tsvika) Kuflik, The University of Haifa, Israel,
Noemi Mauro, University of Torino, Italy, noemi.mauro(a)unito.it
George E. Raptis, Human Opsis, Greece, raptisg(a)upnet.gr
Alan Wecker, The University of Haifa, Israel, ajwecker(a)gmail.com
*** Scadenza per l'invio delle proposte: 9 Maggio 2022 ***
a nome dello Steering Committee della conferenza CHItaly, comunico che accogliamo ora le proposte per l'organizzazione della prossima edizione della conferenza.
CHItaly è la conferenza di ACM SIGCHI Italy, il capitolo italiano del gruppo speciale di interesse su HCI dell'ACM. Si svolge ogni due anni e accoglie contributi da membri e non membri della nostra comunità, dall'Italia e dall'estero. La lingua ufficiale della conferenza è l'Inglese. Gli atti della conferenza sono pubblicati nella Digital Library dell'ACM. L'ultima edizione del 2021 si è svolta a Bolzano (https://chitaly2021.inf.unibz.it/).
Se siete interessati a organizzare la prossima edizione del 2023, inviate la vostra proposta rispondendo a questo messaggio entro e non oltre il 9 Maggio. Trovate in allegato una guida alla preparazione della proposta, con indicazioni sulle informazioni più rilevanti che guideranno il processo di selezione. Non esitate a contattarci in caso abbiate bisogno di ulteriori informazioni.
Cari saluti,
Maristella Matera (per lo Steering Committee di CHItaly)
*Apologies for cross-posting*
*Final call for papers*
*Submission deadline extended to April 16th*
EMPATHY: Empowering People in Dealing with Internet of Things Ecosystems
- 3rd Edition
June 6th, 2022
Rome, Italy
Workshop co-located with AVI 2022
In the last decade, the spreading of low-cost technologies integrating
sensors and actuators has favored the development of the so-called smart
objects. This trend has been further fostered by the Internet of Things
(IoT), which connects the physical world with Internet via ubiquitous
sensors and actuators. The opportunities offered by the IoT are
amplified by the use of new approaches that, based on novel interaction
paradigms, involve directly non-technical users in configuring the joint
behavior of their smart objects, among them and with online services.
Existing solutions to define the behavior of such “IoT ecosystems” range
from systems that leave the users complete control for establishing the
joint behavior of smart objects, to solutions that automatically define
smart objects behavior exploiting intelligent techniques. In this
continuum, different technologies, frameworks, and approaches present
different levels of user control and automation. In this perspective it
is also important to consider the emerging role played by social and
humanoid robots, which are integrated sets of sensors and actuators with
human-like behaviours.
April 16th: Paper submission deadline (extended)
April 22th: Paper acceptance notice
April 29th: Camera-ready submission
June 6th: Workshop
This workshop aims to serve as a venue for discussing ongoing research
and sharing ideas for researchers and practitioners working on solutions
to personalize the behavior of IoT ecosystems. We aim to encourage
participation in order to have stimulating discussion from various
perspectives. Topics include, but are not limited, to:
- End-User Development (EUD) for IoT;
- Interaction Paradigms for IoT;
- Usability of IoT Systems;
- Interface Design for IoT;
- Intelligent Interface for IoT Systems;
- Accessibility for IoT Systems;
- Virtual and Augmented Reality for EUD in IoT settings;
- Conversational User Interfaces for EUD;
- Usable Privacy and Security in IoT systems;
- Personalisation and Recommendations for IoT;
- IoT for Cultural Heritage;
- Personalization of humanoid robots;
- Ubiquitous computing and mobile human-computer interaction;
- Human-centered artificial intelligence in IoT contexts;
- Industry case studies.
This will be a one-day workshop, oriented towards discussions, hands-on
sessions, and presentations. We invite submissions of two types: short
papers (3-4 pages) and position papers (1-2 pages). Participants are
asked to submit their paper describing their recent or future work in
one of the areas indicated in the topics of interest. All submissions
must be in the new ACM master article template
Papers should be submitted in PDF to Easychair
(https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=empathy2022). All papers will
be reviewed by the organizers and by the program committee based on
relevance and significance in order to provide constructive comments to
the submitters. Reviewing will be double blind (i.e. the submissions
must be anonymized). If accepted, at least one of the authors must
register and attend the workshop. Final versions of the accepted papers
will be published in the CEUR Workshop Proceedings, which is indexed by
- Fabrizio Balducci, University of Bari “Aldo Moro”
- Bernardo Breve, University of Salerno
- Federica Cena, University of Torino
- Andrea Mattioli, CNR-ISTI
- Mehdi Rizvi, Politecnico of Milano
For more information, check our website at
https://empathy-ws.github.io/2022/ or contact us at