*** Second Call for PhD Symposium Applications ***
29th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing
(Euro-Par 2023)
August 28 - September 1, 2023, St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus
The Euro-Par PhD Symposium is a welcoming and supportive forum for PhD students to
present their work, meet and interact with peers, and to receive constructive feedback about
their work from experts in the Euro-Par community. The program will feature technical
presentations by PhD students, and discussions in panel and open formats.
Contributions accepted to the PhD Symposium will appear in the Euro-Par companion
We invite submissions from PhD students at any stage of their doctoral studies. Applicants
must be officially enrolled in a PhD Program at the time of submission, and each submission
MUST be backed by an endorsement from the official PhD adviser(s). Required submission files
are as follows:
1. Proposal (in Springer LNCS format, no longer than 6 pages with references) including: • Title of work, author and affiliation • Abstract of the work • Brief description of work being/planned to be done, including the problem being addressed,
the research methodology, and preliminary results (if any)
2. Adviser Statement of Support on institutional letterhead (no longer than 2 pages),
including: • Declaration that the applicant is their PhD student, and the length of time of this relationship • Confirmation of support for applicant’s participation • The applicant's expected academic contributions • The level of work that has been achieved by the student (in the course of or before the PhD
work) • How the student will prepare for the event • How the student plans to attend the event (i.e. in person or online) • How travel and accommodation costs are to be met, if planning to attend in person • The expected impact of attending the event on the student's work
We are happy to announce that we can cover the registration fees of 15 student attendees; 15
awards will be funded by the Euro-Par Foundation. To qualify, you should be a PhD student
studying Informatics and Computing Science at the time of the event.
On top of the above specific criteria for each studentship, the following criteria will be used:
• Explicit recommendation by the advisor(s) is paramount, as awards will be given based on
the strength of the advisor(s) letter
• Priority will be given to in-person attendees
Successful applicants may be asked to undertake some tasks to assist the running of
Euro-Par 2023.
The submission consists of:
• Proposal: A manuscript that address item 1 of the call -- see above.
• Adviser letter: A statement of support from the applicant's adviser(s) as described in the call.
Both elements are to be submitted together as a single PDF to EasyChair:
The symposium committee members will review the submitted applications based on
originality, technical strength, quality of presentation, and relevance to the conference.
Submitted documents that do not meet the above requirements might be rejected without a
review. All submitted proposals will be checked for originality by Springer iThenticate
(proposals which show an insufficient originality might be rejected without a review).
• Submission: May 20, 2023 (AoE)
• Notification: July 1, 2023
• Camera-Ready: July 15, 2023
• Herodotos Herodotou, University of Cyprus. Cyprus
• Demetris Thrihinas, University of Cyprus. Cyprus
Io ho fatto lesperienza interessante di far parte del GEV 01 nellultima
VQR (ed anche in quella precedente), per la parte informatica. Qualche
collega mi aveva chiesto informazioni su quanti prodotti sono stati
sottomessi nelle varie tematiche ERC relative a computer science,
informazione che non avevamo messo nella relazione finale.
Mi sono anche detto che probabilmente questi sarebbero dati interessanti a
tutta la comunità informatica per capire come sta evolvendo, magari si
potrebbero comparare con simili dati nei paesi in cui la ricerca in
informatica è avanzata, anche per capire se vi sono aree sovra o sotto
Comunque, lANVUR mi ha gentilmente concesso i dati e lautorizzazione a
condividerli con la comunità scientifica di riferimento.
Li potete trovare a https://giove.isti.cnr.it/Users/Fabio/vqr.png
In fase di conferimento dei prodotti alla VQR, ciascuno prodotto poteva
essere associato fino a un massimo di tre codici ERC. Le tabelle, pertanto,
riportano la distribuzione dei suddetti prodotti in base a tale ordinamento.
Come da richiesta, il dato è fornito sia per il SSD INF/01 che per lintero
GEV01, con riferimento alla VQR 2011-2014 e alla VQR 2015-2019.
Buona lettura ed analisi !
*** Second Call for Doctoral Consortium Papers ***
UMAP ’23: 31st ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and
June 26 - 29, 2023, St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus
Submissions due: March 31, 2023
Submission site: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=umap23
ACM UMAP 2023 is the premier international conference on systems that adapt to
users and user models for adaptation. The UMAP 2023 Doctoral Consortium (DC) will
take place as part of the 31st International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation,
and Personalization. The DC provides an opportunity for doctoral students to explore
and develop their research interests under the guidance of distinguished researchers
and industry practitioners from the field.
Doctoral students are invited to apply to present their research to experienced
scholars who will provide constructive feedback and advice. Students should
consider participating in the DC if they are at least one year away from completing
their dissertation at the time of the event, but after having settled on a research
area or dissertation topic.
This forum will provide Ph.D. students with an opportunity to
• Present and discuss their research ideas to experienced scholars in a supportive,
formative, and yet critical environment
• Explore and develop their research interests under the guidance of distinguished
researchers from the field who will provide constructive feedback and advice;
• Explore career pathways available after completing their Ph.D. degree
• Network and build collaborations with other members of the community
Students are asked to submit a brief proposal outlining their doctoral research,
which will be evaluated by the consortium committee. Good quality applications will
be selected for presentation at a DC Session as part of the conference. Each student
with an accepted submission will be assigned a mentor who will provide feedback on
the student’s work and will discuss the doctoral research with the student and the
audience at the consortium.
Please refer to the conference web site for more detailed information regarding the
preparation and submission of DC contributions:
● Submission of papers: March 31, 2023
● Notification of acceptance: April 28, 2023
● Camera-ready versions of accepted papers: May 2, 2023
● Conference: June 26-29, 2023
Note: The submission times are 11:59 pm AoE time (Anywhere on Earth)
● Antonija Mitrovic, Canterbury University, New Zealand
● Michel Desmarais, Polytechnique Montreal, Canada
● Martijn Willemsen, Eindhoven University of Technology and JADS, Netherlands
● Contact: umap2023-doctoral(a)um.org
*** Second Call for Posters and Demos ***
29th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing
(Euro-Par 2023)
August 28 - September 1, 2023, St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus
Euro-Par is the prime European conference covering all aspects of parallel and distributed
processing, ranging from theory to practice, from small to the largest parallel and distributed
systems and infrastructures, from fundamental computational problems to applications, from
architecture, compiler, language and interface design and implementation, to tools, support
infrastructures, and application performance aspects.
We invite participants to submit original and unpublished works as posters and/or demos to the
Euro-Par 2023 conference presenting the latest breakthroughs which have been developed in
H2020, Horizon Europe, EuroHPC JU, national, regional and international R&D projects.
Topics of interest should cover the conference scope and tracks (please visit the conference
web site for more information about the topics covered by Euro-Par). The poster/demo
sessions will provide an excellent opportunity for students and researchers to present early-
stage research results and receive valuable feedback on their ongoing research from the
The authors are invited to submit poster and/or demo papers formatted in the Springer
LNCS style:
and not exceeding 4 pages (including references, etc.) Submission should be done via
Easy Chair, using the following link: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=europar2023
Submissions to the poster and demo track will be evaluated through a comprehensive
peer-review process by the Poster and Demo Track Program Committee. The posters and
demos will be evaluated in terms of technical merit, innovation, and the potential to
stimulate interesting discussions and exchange of ideas at the conference.
The authors of accepted poster and demo papers must register and present them at the
conference. Accepted poster and demo papers will be included in the workshop proceedings
to be published by Springer in LNCS after the conference.
All posters and demos will be considered for the Best Poster Award and the Best Demo Award,
respectively. Decisions will be based on the quality of the submission, as well as live
interactions with the Committee during the conference.
• Deadline for Submission of Posters/Demos: May 20, 2023
• Notification of Acceptance: July 1, 2023
• George Pallis, University of Cyprus, Cyprus (pallis-AT-ucy.ac.cy)
*** Third Call for Workshop and Tutorial Proposals ***
UMAP ’23: 31st ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization
June 26 - 29, 2023, St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus
Proposals due: January 16, 2023
Submission site: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=umap23
Workshop and tutorial proposals should be submitted in PDF format via the Easy
Chair submission site: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=umap23, not
exceeding 5 pages, and following the ACM single-column format.
● For tutorials: https://www.um.org/umap2023/call-for-tutorials/
● For workshops: https://www.um.org/umap2023/call-for-workshops/
ACM UMAP 2023, the premier international conference for researchers and
practitioners working on systems that adapt to individual users or to groups of users,
and which collect, represent, and model user information, is pleased to invite
proposals for workshops to be held in conjunction with the conference. The
workshops provide a venue to discuss and explore emerging areas of User Modeling
and Adaptive Hypermedia research with a group of like-minded researchers and
practitioners from industry and academia.
In this edition, our goal is to have a balanced workshop program comprising different
workshop formats, combining newly emerging, currently evolving and established
research topics. Different full-day and half-day workshop schemas are possible, such
● Working group meetings around a specific problem or topic; participants may be
asked to submit a white paper or position statement
● Mini-conferences on specialized topics, having their own paper submission and
review processes
● Mini-competitions or challenges around selected topics with individual or team
● Interactive discussion meetings focusing on subtopics of the UMAP general research
● Joint panels for different workshops
We encourage both researchers and industry practitioners to submit workshop
proposals. Researchers interested in submitting a workshop proposal are invited to
contact us in advance, so we can help to design successful proposals. In particular,
for workshop proposals with novel interactive formats, we are happy to assist in
further developing and implementing the ideas.
We strongly suggest involving organizers from different institutions, bringing
different perspectives to the workshop topic. We welcome workshops with a creative
structure that may attract various types of contributions and may ensure rich
The organizers of accepted workshops will prepare a workshop web site containing
the call for papers and detailed information about the workshop organization and
timeline. They will be responsible for their own publicity and reviewing processes.
There will be a conference adjunct proceedings published by ACM where all the
workshop papers will be published. Hence, the workshop organizers will need to
adhere to the adjunct proceedings publication timeline.
● Proposal submission: January 16, 2023
● Notification of proposal acceptance: January 30, 2023
● Send the workshop description & website URL: February 23, 2023
● Workshop Date: June 26, 2023
Deadlines refer to 23:59 in the AoE (Anywhere on Earth) time zone.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
● New user modeling technologies, methods, techniques, and trends (e.g. exploiting
data mining and big data analytics for user modeling, evaluation methodologies,
data visualization, etc.)
● User modeling and personalization techniques for specific domains (e.g., health
sciences, e-government, e-commerce, cultural heritage, education, internet of things,
mobile, music, information retrieval, etc.)
● Application of user modeling and personalization techniques for information
retrieval and recommender systems
● Eliciting and learning user preferences by taking into account users’ emotional
state, physical state, personality, trust, cognitive factors
An ideal tutorial should be broad enough to provide a basic introduction to the
chosen area, but it should also cover the most important topics in depth. Tutorial
presenters can have one page in the adjunct proceedings.
● Proposals due: January 16, 2023
● Notification of acceptance: January 30, 2023
● Camera-ready tutorial summary: May 18, 2023
● Adjunct proceedings camera ready: May 18, 2023
● Workshop and Tutorial Day: June 26, 2023
Deadlines refer to 23:59 in the AoE (Anywhere on Earth) time zone.
● Veronika Bogina, Haifa University, Israel
sveron AT gmail.com
● Antonela Tommasel, ISISTAN, CONICET-UNICEN
antonela.tommasel AT isistan.unicen.edu.ar
*** Apologies for cross-posting ***
Dear colleagues,
We are happy to announce the call for papers for our one-day
hybrid workshop on “HCI for Climate Change: Imagining Sustainable Futures” at
the upcoming CHI 2023 conference <https://chi2023.acm.org/>.
As the climate crisis is turning into one of the most critical issues of
our time, HCI researchers keep reflecting on the role their work can play
in reducing the impact of adverse environmental changes. The HCI community
has been addressing these changes and challenges from multiple angles -
angles, which have several points of contact and would benefit from finding
synergies. With this workshop, we aim to convene the CHI community to
discuss how HCI can leverage its traditional skill sets and
multidisciplinary influences to address climate change issues.
Our full workshop proposal can be accessed here
After the workshop, we will create a special issue in a journal to which we
invite all the workshop participants to submit.
Possible topics for submissions may include (but are not limited to):
Communicating science
Data physicalization, visualization, sonification
Community engagement and activism
Envisioning future scenarios
Eco-social relations and climate justice
System thinking/interconnection of economic, social, and environmental
Interdisciplinarity and new competencies for HCI researchers
Post-human, more-than-human, diffractive and entangled views, theories,
and practices
Participants are invited to send a short paper (min. 2 - max. 6 pages) in
the form of a research, reflection, pictorial, provocation, or design
fiction using the ACM SIGCHI template (single-column)
<https://chi2023.acm.org/submission-guides/chi-publication-formats/> via
Easy Chair. Submissions will be assessed by the workshop organizers based
on their potential to spark interesting discussions.
Submission opens: January 18, 2023, AoE
Submission deadline: February 16, 2023, AoE
Notification: March 1, 2023, AoE
Workshop: April 2023, exact date TBA
The “HCI for Climate Change: Imagining Sustainable Futures” workshop will
be hybrid, participants can join online and at the CHI conference venue in
Hamburg, Germany. The workshop activities and discussions will be organized
Eleonora Mencarini, FBK (Italy)
Christina Bremer, Lancaster University (UK)
Chiara Leonardi, FBK (Italy)
Jen Liu, Cornell University (USA)
Valentina Nisi, ITI-LARSyS, IST, University of Lisbon (Portugal)
Nuno Jardim Nunes, ITI-LARSyS, IST, University of Lisbon (Portugal)
Robert Soden, University of Toronto (Canada)
For further information, visit our website
If you have any questions, please drop an email at hci-climate-change(a)fbk.eu
Best regards,
Eleonora Mencarini
(on behalf of the HCI for Climate Change: Imagining Sustainable Futures
workshop organizers)
Eleonora Mencarini, PhD
i3 Unit - Digis Centre - FBK
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/Apologize for unintended cross-mailing/
*DEADLINE EXTENSION -> January 23, 2023 (new hard deadline)*
Special Issue on
*Smart Learning Ecosystems: toward the polyphonic construction of a new
to be published at the
/*Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal (IxD&A)*/
(ISSN 1826-9745, eISSN 2283-2998)
**** Since 2012 also in Scopus ****
**** *Since 2015 also* in *Emerging Sources Citation Index* and *Web of
Science* ****
***** Since issue N. 47 integrates video presentations and issues
e-certificates blockchain anchored***
IxD&A implements the Gold Open Access (OA) road to its contents
with no charge to the authors (submission & paper processing)
Help us in improving the quality of the editorial process and of the
journal, please donate:
CFP: link
*Guest Editors:*
--------------------------------------------------------- --
/• Mihai Dascalu, University Politehnica of Bucharest
• Patrizia Marti, University of Siena, Italy
• Francesca Pozzi, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy/
*Important dates:*
• Deadline: *January 23, 2023 (extended)*
• Notification to the authors: February 28, 2023
• Camera ready paper: March 15, 2023
• Publication of the special issue: end of March 2023
The guest editors are proud to invite and welcome contributions from
researchers and practitioners from all over the world involved in the
development of Smart Learning Ecosystems and Smart Education, as engines
of social innovation and territorial development. At the core, the
adjective “smart” comprises terms like intelligent, purpose oriented,
supportive, artful, clever and the like. Thus, smart does not
necessarily include the usage of technology (neither does it exclude
After the shock of the pandemic, learning ecosystems – and in particular
schools, universities, and territorial learning communities – all over
the world – are facing a new phase characterized by the search for and
the experimentation of ways to their “new normality“. In such a context,
collaboration is emerging as an approach and an attitude of considerable
relevance that stays also at the basis of the polyphonic construction of
the future of learning ecosystems. Alongside collaboration, on the
technological side, it continues to rise the relevance of intelligent
systems, generically collected under the label of Artificial
Intelligence (AI); concurrently, on the pedagogical side, competences
have become the goal of future education, also in the attempt to close
the skill gap, which represents one of the greatest dangers for the
transition towards smarter productive systems and societies. Competences
and AI, by the way, are also topics that intersect and influence each
other and rise questions of ethical nature.
So, what should we expect for future learning ecosystems? How “smart
learning ecosystems” are changing? How such changes may be related to
the achievement of “a better learning for a better world” as a
contribution to the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs)? How will they contribute to the reduction of
inequalities and, at the same time, to the empowering of each individual
according to his expectations and talents?
This special issue, which is supported by the Association for Smart
Learning Ecosystems and Regional Development (ASLERD), welcomes papers
that report on work aimed to contribute to the discussion about these
Submission of substantially extended version of the papers presented at
SLERD 2022, are welcome.
*Topics of Interest*
Topics of interests can be grouped under three big themes: places for
smart education, people in place centered design for smart education,
supportive learning technologies and tools for smart education. All of
which, can also include studies that nurtures a post-pandemic view and
strategy for a better learning world.
*Places for smart education*
future of institutional learning
interplay between formal and informal learning
new educational models and settings
continuity-discontinuity of time, technology, place/space, process in
role of and case studies of games and gamification in smart education
dual education and other alternate scheme approaches
monitoring and benchmarking of smartness (individual, institution, city,
*People in place centered design for smart education*
general frameworks and methodological advancement
competence based learning, evaluation and certification
design, data and other relevant literacies
literacies, skill and competences of future citizens
communities and co-design in smart learning ecosystems
sharing & participatory practices
open access to any resource and disparity
cultural influences
*Supportive technologies and tools for smart education*
intelligent tutoring systems and interfaces
semantic web technologies and applications
text/opinion mining and sentiment analysis
AI for smart learning ecosystems: critical aspects and opportunities
real/virtual communities and social network analysis
interoperability and application of open/smart data and services
safety & security in education
IoT, ubiquitous and wearable technologies
adaptability to educational contexts and citizens
role of VR in education
/*Submission guidelines and procedure*/
All submissions (abstracts and later final manuscripts) must be original
and may not be under review by another publication.
The manuscripts should be submitted either in .doc or in .rtf format.
All papers will be blindly peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers.
Authors are invited to submit 8-20 pages paper (including authors'
information, abstract, all tables, figures, references, etc.).
The paper should be written according to the IxD&A authors' guidelines
*Authors' guidelines*
Link to the paper submission page:
link <https://www-2020.ixdea.uniroma2.it/ojs/ixdea/login>
(Please upload all submissions using the Submission page.
When submitting the paper, please, choose the section:
"SI: Smart Learning Ecosystems: toward the polyphonic construction of a
new normality")
More information on the submission procedure and on the characteristics
of the paper format can be found on the website of the IxD&A Journal
where information on the copyright policy and responsibility of authors,
publication ethics and malpractice are published.
For scientific advice and queries, please contact the IxD&A scientific
editor marking the subject as:
/Smart Learning Ecosystems: toward the polyphonic construction of a new
• mihai [dot] dascalu [at] upb [dot] ro
• marti [at] unisi [dot] it
• francesca [dot] pozzi [at] itd [dot] cnr [dot] it
* *To keep updated join the IxD&A groups @:
IxD&A Linkedin -> link <https://www.linkedin.com/groups/3785204/>
IxD&A Facebook -> link <https://www.facebook.com/groups/528301461963022>
Enjoy the videos of the "Meeting the Authors" events @:
IxD&A Youtube channel -> link
* Forthcoming issues:*
• N.56
'Hybrid Games and Interaction Design'
Guest editors: Nelson Zagalo, Micael Sousa, Ana Patrícia Oliveira, Fotis
• N.57
'Competence based education: from school to responsible citizenship,
wellbeing and democracy.'
Guest editors: Stefania Bocconi, Stefano Cacciamani, Romina Cachia,
Arianna Sala, Nadia Sansone
• N.58
'Age Against the Machine: A Call for Designing Ethical AI for and with
Guest editors: Sumita Sharma, Eva Durall Gazulla, Marianne Kinnula,
Nitin Sawhney
• N.59
'AI for Humans and Humans for AI: Towards Cultures of Participation in
the Digital Age'
Guest editors: Renate Andersen, Vita Santa Barletta, anders Mørch,
Alesandro Pagano
'Design Education for Hybrid Environments: Pedagogies, frameworks, and
tools for crafting next-generation physical-digital spaces'
Guest editors: Daniel Rosenberg Munoz, Dina El Zanfaly, Peter Scupelli,
Daragh Byrne
(Apologies for cross-postings)
************WORKSHOP CALL FOR PAPERS**************
SOCIALIZE Workshop @ ACM IUI 2023
Third Workshop on SOcial and Cultural IntegrAtion with PersonaLIZEd Interfaces (SOCIALIZE)
March 27, 2023
Co-located with the 28th ACM International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI) 2023 (https://iui.acm.org/2023/ <https://iui.acm.org/2023/>) Sydney, Australia, March 27-31, 2023
Workshop website: http://socialize2023.di.unito.it/ <http://socialize2023.di.unito.it/>
Submission: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=socialize2023 <https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=socialize2023>
For any information: socialize2023(a)easychair.org <mailto:socialize2023@easychair.org>
******************Important Dates*******************
Submission deadline: January 9, 2023
Authors notification: January 29, 2023
Camera-ready: February 16, 2023
Workshop date: March 27, 2023
The SOCIALIZE workshop aims to bring together all those interested in the development of interactive techniques that may contribute to fostering the social and cultural inclusion of a broad range of users. More specifically, we intend to attract research that takes into account the interaction peculiarities typical of different realities, with a focus on disadvantaged and at-risk categories (e.g., refugees and migrants) and vulnerable groups (e.g., children, elderly, autistic, and disabled people). Among others, we are also interested in human-robot interaction techniques aimed at the development of social robots, that is, autonomous robots that interact with people by engaging in social-affective behaviors, abilities, and rules related to their collaborative role.
The main topics of the workshop are (but not limited to):
* Multi-cultural system design;
* Empirical studies on the impact of culture on systems;
* Cultural and social influence in recommender systems;
* Cultural and social aspects as contextual factors;
* Cultural and social influence in online learning platforms (e.g., MOOC);
* Methods for automatic assessment of social and cultural background from social media;
* Strategies for adapting systems to groups of users with different backgrounds;
* Cross-cultural analyses of trust in systems;
* Human-robot adaptation for cross-cultural users, including under-represented groups;
* Personalized Human-Robot Interaction (HRI);
* Adaptation strategies for social HRI;
* Machine learning for social robots;
* Emotion and personality detection in social HRI;
* Social robots as conversational recommender systems;
* Social robots in the real world;
We encourage three kinds of submissions:
- Full papers (up to 8 pages + references)
- Short papers (up to 4-6 pages + references)
- Vision and position papers (up to 2 pages + references)
in ACM SIGCHI Paper Format (see https://iui.acm.org/2023/call_for_papers.html <https://iui.acm.org/2023/call_for_papers.html>).
Papers should be submitted via Easychair (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=socialize2023 <https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=socialize2023>) by January 9, 2023. All submissions will undergo a peer-review process. Reviewers will consider originality, significance, technical soundness, clarity, and relevance to the workshop’s topics.
At least one author of each accepted paper must register for and attend the workshop. Accepted contributions will be published in a joint volume of dedicated workshop proceedings.
For further questions please contact the workshop organizers at <socialize2023(a)easychair.org>.
Fabio Gasparetti, Roma Tre University
Cristina Gena, University of Torino
Giuseppe Sansonetti, Roma Tre University
Marko Tkalčič, University of Primorska
*** Third Call for Papers ***
UMAP ’23: 31st ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization
June 26 - 29, 2023, St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus
ACM UMAP is the premier international conference for researchers and practitioners
working on systems that adapt to individual users or groups of users, and that
collect, represent, and model user information. ACM UMAP is sponsored by ACM
SIGCHI and SIGWEB. User Modeling Inc., as the core Steering Committee, oversees
the conference organization. The proceedings, published by ACM, will be part of the
ACM Digital Library.
The theme of UMAP 2023 is "Personalization in Times of Crisis”. Specifically, we
welcome submissions that highlight the impact that critical periods (such as the
COVID-19 pandemic, ongoing wars, and climate change, to name a few) can have on
user modeling, personalization, and adaptation of (intelligent) systems; the focus is
on investigations that capture how these trying times may have influenced user
behavior and whether new models are required.
While we encourage submissions related to this theme, the scope of the conference
is not limited to the theme only. As always, contributions from academia, industry,
and other organizations discussing open challenges or novel research approaches
are expected to be supported by rigorous evidence appropriate to the claims (e.g.,
user study, system evaluation, computational analysis).
• Paper Abstracts: January 19, 2023 (mandatory)
• Full paper: January 26, 2023
• Notification: April 11, 2023
• Camera-ready: May 2, 2023
• Conference: June 26 - 29, 2023
Note: The submissions deadlines are at 11:59 pm AoE time (Anywhere on Earth)
We welcome submissions related to user modeling, personalization, and adaptation
of (intelligent) systems targeting a broad range of users and domains. For detailed
descriptions and the suggested topics for each track please visit the UMAP 2023
Personalized Recommender Systems
This track invites works from researchers and practitioners on recommender
systems. In addition to mature research works addressing technical aspects of
recommendations, we welcome research contributions that address questions
related to user perception, decision-making, and the business value of
recommender systems.
Knowledge Graphs, Semantics, Social and Adaptive Web
This track welcomes works focused on the use of knowledge representations (i.e.,
novel knowledge bases), graph algorithms (i.e., graph embedding techniques), and
social network analysis at the service of addressing all aspects of personalization,
user model building, and personal experience in online social systems. Moreover,
this track invites works in adaptive hypermedia, as well as semantic and social web.
Intelligent User Interfaces
This track invites works exploring how to make the interaction between computers
and people smarter and more productive, leveraging solutions from human-computer
interaction, data mining, natural language processing, information visualization, and
knowledge representation and reasoning.
Personalizing Learning Experiences through User Modeling
This track invites researchers, developers, and practitioners from various disciplines
to submit their innovative learning solutions, share acquired experiences, and discuss
their modeling challenges for personalized adaptive learning.
Responsibility, Compliance, and Ethics
Researchers, developers, and practitioners have a social responsibility to account for
the impact that technologies have on individuals (users, providers, and other
stakeholders) and society. This track invites works related to the science of building,
maintaining, evaluating, and studying adaptive systems that are fair, transparent,
respectful of users’ privacy, and beneficial to society.
Personalization for Persuasive and Behavior Change Systems
This track invites submissions focused on personalization and tailoring for persuasive
technologies, including but not limited to personalization models, user models,
computational personalization, design, and evaluation methods. It also welcomes
work that brings attention to the user experience and designing personalized and
adaptive behavior change technologies.
Virtual Assistants, Conversational Interactions, and Personalized Human-robot
This track invites works investigating new models and techniques for adapting
synthetic companions (e.g., virtual assistants, chatbots, social robots) to individual
users. With the conversational modality so in vogue across disciplines, this track
welcomes work highlighting the model and deployment of synthetic companions
driven by conversational search and recommendation paradigms.
Research Methods and Reproducibility
This track invites submissions on methodologies to evaluate personalized systems,
benchmarks, and measurement scales, with particular attention to the reproducibility
of results and techniques. Furthermore, the track looks for submissions that report
new insights from reproducing existing works.
Submissions for any of the aforementioned tracks should have a maximum length of
*14 pages* (excluding references) in the ACM new single-column format
(https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template). (Papers of any length up
to 14 pages are encouraged; reviewers will comment on whether the size is
appropriate for the contribution.) The submission link is:
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=umap23 .
Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings and presented at the
conference. At least one author should register for the conference by the early
registration date cut-off.
UMAP uses a *double-blind* review process. Authors must omit their names and
affiliations from their submissions; they should also avoid obvious identifying
statements. For instance, citations to the authors' prior work should be in the third
person. Submissions not abiding by anonymity requirements will be desk rejected.
UMAP has a *no dual submission* policy, which is why full paper submissions should
not be currently under review at another publication venue. Further, UMAP operates
under the ACM Conference Code of Conduct
as well as the ACM Publication Policies and Procedures
• Julia Neidhardt, TU Wien, Austria
• Sole Pera, TU Delft, The Netherlands
Personalized Recommender Systems
• Noemi Mauro (University of Torino, Italy)
• Olfa Nasraoui (University of Louisville, USA)
• Marko Tkalcic (University of Primorska, Slovenia)
Knowledge Graphs, Semantics, Social and Adaptive Web
• Daniela Godoy (ISISTAN - CONICET/UNICEN University, Argentina)
• Cataldo Musto (University of Bari, Italy)
Intelligent User Interfaces
• Bart Knijnenburg (Clemson University, USA)
• Katrien Verbert (KU Leuven, Belgium)
• Wolfgang Wörndl (TU Munich, Germany)
Personalizing Learning Experiences through User Modeling
• Oleksandra Poquet (TU Munich, Germany)
• Olga C. Santos (UNED, Spain)
Responsibility, Compliance, and Ethics
• Michael Ekstrand (Boise State University, USA)
• Peter Knees (TU Wien, Austria)
Personalization for Persuasive and Behavior Change Systems
• Federica Cena (University of Torino, Italy)
• Rita Orji (Dalhousie University, Canada)
• Jun Zhao (Oxford University, England)
Virtual Assistants, Conversational Interactions, and Personalized Human-Robot Interaction
• Li Chen (Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong)
• Yi Zhang (University of California Santa Cruz, USA)
• Ingrid Zukerman (Monash University, Australia)
Research Methods and Reproducibility
• Dietmar Jannach (University of Klagenfurt, Austria)
• Alan Said (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
Contact information: umap2023-program(a)um.org
*** Apologies for multiple posting ***
Special issue on Human-Centered AI for One Health
to be published in the journal
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies can already significantly
increase the efficiency of processes in many areas today and help people
with everyday problems. However, there is still a lack of clarity as to
how the benefits of AI can be effectively exploited and, at the same
time, providing the reliability, security, traceability, explainability
and thus the trustworthiness of the system for humans. AI is usually
viewed from the perspective of autonomy: from autonomous behavior to
autonomous decision making. In various contexts, a high degree of
autonomy can be useful (although not without risks). However, another
approach might be to use AI as a means to support and facilitate humans
by complementing (and valuing) human cognitive abilities rather than
replacing them. One particular approach is even to use human
experiential knowledge, contextual understanding, and common sense to
advantage, by means of human-in-the-loop, e.g., Deep Reinforcement
Learning with the human-in-the-loop. All these approaches are grouped
under the umbrella term Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HCAI).
This new discipline aims to use AI technologies not only with and for
humans, but also to develop them with successful Human-Computer
Interaction (HCI) approaches. The ultimate goal is to design systems
that complement, empower, and in no way replace human capabilities. This
requires a strong integration of privacy, security and safety.
HCAI researchers have the potential to create intelligent systems that
are more reliable, safe and trustworthy for humans. This is important in
all critical areas of life, such as healthcare and medical contexts, as
well as health in general. This interdisciplinary field should result
from cross-fertilization of research in health sciences, human-computer
interaction, artificial intelligence, decision support systems, and
natural language. For this special issue, original and high-quality
articles are sought that provide an opportunity to demonstrate the
progress of HCAI methods and tools and their application to the
maintenance of human health. In particular, the “One Health” idea of the
World Health Organization (WHO) is pushed, which is an approach calling
for the collaborative efforts of multiple disciplines working locally,
nationally, and globally, to attain optimal health for the human and the
whole ecological environment.
Topics of interest
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- HCAI approaches to support One Health
- New user interfaces and modalities for a seamless interaction between
human and AI designed with HCAI approaches, particularly on how a
human-in-the-loop can be included
- Methods and algorithms enabling a better human-AI collaboration
- Methods and tools supporting humans to better understand decisions of
AI-driven applications for one health
- Empowerment of users of AI systems to reconfigure intelligent systems
based on their experiences
- Case studies and lesson learned from experimental evaluation of HCAI
systems in medical and healthcare domains
- Investigations of users’ mental models of AI systems in use
- Analysis of users’ requirements and new work practices emerging from
the use if AI in medical and healthcare domains
- Deep-Reinforcement Learning with the human-in-the-loop
Guest Editors
Nadia Berthouze University College London, UK,
Paolo Buono University of Bari, Italy, paolo.buono(a)uniba.it
Maria Francesca Costabile University of Bari, Italy,
Adela Grando Arizona State University, USA,
Andreas Holzinger University of Natural Resources and Life
Sciences Vienna, Austria, andreas.holzinger(a)human-centered.ai
This is a rolling issue. Manuscripts can be submitted at any time before
the deadline. All submissions that pass editorial pre-check are sent to
peer-review. Accepted papers will be published continuously in the
journal (as soon as accepted). Response to the authors will be given at
the earliest convenience of the editors.
To help authors find a good fit, we encourage them to send proposals of
about 1000 words that provide a clear indication of what the paper is
about and how HCAI is addressed. Proposals will be evaluated for
relevance to the special issue theme, and guidance will be given.
Proposals that are not appropriate are desk rejected to save the
authors' valuable time.
Submission Guidelines
Submission of the full paper is via the online Elsevier Editorial System
Authors should prepare the manuscript of their full paper according to
the Instructions for Authors provided in the Guide for authors section
of the journal webpage
When submitting the new manuscript, select “VSI: HCAI for One Health” as
article type.
Important Dates
Proposal closing: 15th May 2023
Special issue closing (full paper final submission deadline): 15th
October 2023
For questions regarding this special issue, please contact the Managing
Guest Editor, Prof. Paolo Buono, paolo.buono(a)uniba.it
Paolo Buono
Associate Professor
IVU Lab, Department of Computer Science
University of Bari, Italy