*Update: the workshop submission deadline has been extended to the 15 of
CfP below
*= IS-EUD 2023 = *
9th International Symposium on End-User Development (IS-EUD 2023)
6-8 June 2023, Cagliari, Italy
Complete CfP: https://cg3hci.dmi.unica.it/iseud2023/cfp.html
End-User Development (EUD) aims to empower end-users who are not
necessarily experts in technology development, to create their own
technology to address their specific needs. These technologies might
include mobile, web or software systems, IoT solutions, physical computing
devices or machine learning systems.
IS-EUD is a bi-annual event that gathers researchers interested to extend
our knowledge about how to design end-user development technologies and to
provide scientific accounts of phenomena surrounding end-user development
*== Topics ==*
The conference welcomes contributions that:
• describe new, simple and efficient environments for end-user development
• describe new processes, methods and techniques for empowering users to
create, modify and tailor technology artefacts
• present case studies and design implications on challenges and practices
of end-user development
• develop theoretical concepts and foundations for the field of end-user
*== Contributions ==*
Submission website: https://equinocs.springernature.com/service/IS-EUD2023
*=== Papers ===*
• *Regular papers*, up to 16 pages (not counting references), describing
original unpublished research making a substantial contribution to the
research field
• *Short papers*, up to 8 pages (not counting references), describing
original unpublished research, making a small but solid contribution to the
All submissions will be reviewed by the Program Committee. The review
process for this category is double-blind, thus submissions must be
anonymized. Accepted papers (both regular and short) will appear in the
archival proceedings of IS-EUD 2023, published by Springer in the Lecture
Notes on Computer Science (LNCS)
• Submission deadline: 1 March 2023
• Notification: 23 March 2023
• Camera-ready: 16 April 2023
*=== Workshop Proposals ===*
Workshop proposals are invited (up to 6 pages) aligned to the themes of the
conference. Workshops provide an informal setting where participants have
the opportunity to discuss specific topics in an atmosphere that fosters
the active exchange of ideas.
Workshops can be half-day or one-day long and will be held on June 6, 2023.
Accepted workshop proposals will be included in the IS-EUD 2023 adjunct
proceedings, which will be submitted to CEUR-WS.org for online publication.
• Submission deadline: 15 March 2023
• Notification: 5 April 2023
• Camera-ready: 30 April 2023
*=== Demonstrations and Work in Progress ===*
Demonstrations offer the chance to show EUD-related systems to the
community. Submitted contributions should explain the system relevance and
describe a plan for the activities during the conference.
Work in progress submissions (up to 6 pages) are intended for presenting
preliminary results or tentative findings and position papers. The authors
of accepted contributions will have the opportunity to give an oral
presentation during parallel sessions.
Accepted demonstration and work in progress papers will be included in the
IS-EUD 2023 adjunct proceedings, which will be submitted to CEUR-WS.org for
online publication.
• Submission deadline: 30 March 2023
• Notification: 20 April 2023
• Camera-ready: 28 April 2023
*=== Doctoral Consortium ===*
The IS-EUD Doctoral Consortium is intended to bring together PhD students
working on theory and application of EUD. We particularly encourage
students that are about half-way through their doctoral research to submit
doctoral consortium contributions (max 6 pages) describing the topic of
their PhD, their approach and a summary of their progress.
Accepted doctoral consortium papers will be included in the IS-EUD 2023
adjunct proceedings, which will be submitted to CEUR-WS.org for online
• Submission deadline: 30 March 2023
• Notification: 20 April 2023
• Camera-ready: 28 April 2023
[image: photo]
Prof. Lucio Davide Spano
Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica
Università di Cagliari
Via Ospedale 72, 09124, Cagliari, Italy
Tel: +39 070 675 8760 | Skype: davide.spano5
Website <http://people.unica.it/davidespano> | RG
<https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lucio_Spano> | ORCHID
*** Last Mile for Submission of Workshop Proposals ***
19th IEEE eScience Conference (eScience 2023)
October 9-13, 2023, St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus
The 19th IEEE eScience Conference will be held in Limassol, Cyprus on October 9-13, 2023.
eScience 2023 welcomes proposals for workshops to be co-located with the main conference
on Monday, October 9 and Tuesday, October 10, 2023.
The eScience conference has a long history of hosting well-attended workshops broadly
related to eScience and co-located with the main conference. These workshops share the goal
of bringing together international and interdisciplinary research communities, developers, and
users of eScience applications and enabling IT technologies.
Workshops play a crucial role in the conference by providing an opportunity for researchers
and practitioners to present their work in a more focused way than the conference itself and to
have in-depth discussions of particular topics of interest to the community. Workshops may be
focused on any eScience-related topic including, but not limited to interdisciplinary and
translational research, continuum computing infrastructures, data science, sustainability, and
eScience 2023 invites authors of workshop proposals to consider a diverse group of
organizers, paper reviewers, and keynote speakers in terms of race/ethnicity, gender, and
geographic areas.
eScience 2023 accepts two types of workshop proposals:
(1) workshops with peer-reviewed papers and proceedings, and
(2) workshops or mini-symposia with invited talks and no proceedings.
Workshops with peer-reviewed papers and proceedings
The proceedings of workshops with peer-reviewed papers will be included in the eScience
2023 proceedings to be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press, USA and made available
online through the IEEE Digital Library, if the following criteria are followed:
• The solicitation for papers must be open.
• All the papers must be peer-reviewed by a qualified Program Committee.
• The workshops Program Committee must have an appropriate size for the expected number
of submissions.
• The workshop proceedings must have at least 4 papers at a length of at least 6 pages and no
longer than 10 pages (including figure, tables, and citations) in the IEEE conference format.
• For each paper selected for publication, at least one of the authors must be registered to
eScience 2023 to present the paper in person.
Workshop organizers are responsible for establishing a Program Committee and a paper
submission system, collecting and evaluating submissions, notifying authors of acceptance or
rejection in due time, ensuring a transparent and fair selection process, organizing selected
papers into sessions, and assigning session chairs. Proposals showing clear focus and
objectives in areas of emerging or developing interest will be prioritized.
Workshop proposals should be submitted via email to workshops(a)escience-conference.org
and not exceed 5 pages in length.
Proposals should include the following information:
• Workshop name and acronym.
• Workshop description, including its focus and goals (max. 500 words).
• Names and affiliations of the organizers and tentative composition of the committee (we
invite the authors of the proposal to consider a diverse group of organizers and committee
members in terms of e.g., race, ethnicity, gender, geographic areas, etc.).
• Expected number of submissions/accepted papers.
• Prior history of this workshop, if any.
Workshops or mini-symposia with invited talks and no proceedings
Workshop organizers are responsible for inviting the speakers, establishing a program in due
time, organizing the selected talks into sessions, and assigning session chairs. Proposals
gathering experts in areas of emerging or developing interest will be prioritized.
Each speaker must be registered to eScience 2023 to present in a session.
Workshop proposals should be submitted via email to workshops(a)escience-conference.org
and not exceed 5 pages in length.
Proposals for workshops or mini-symposia with invited talks only should include the
following information:
• Workshop name and acronym
• Workshop description (including its focus and goals) (max. 500 words)
• Names and affiliations of the organizers
• Expected number of talks and their length
• Tentative list of speakers and talk titles
• Prior history of this workshop, if any
• Workshop Submissions due: Friday, February 24, 2023 (AoE)
• Workshop Acceptance Notification: Friday, March 10, 2023
• All Camera-ready Submissions due: Friday, July 21, 2023
• Final list of talks / agenda for no-proceedings workshops: Friday, July 21, 2023
Workshop Chairs (contact: workshops(a)escience-conference.org):
• Iraklis Klampanos, National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos”, Greece
• Fred Suter, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
General Chair
• George Angelos Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Technical Program Co-Chairs
• Rafael Ferreira da Silva, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
• Rosa Filgueira, University of St Andrews, UK
Organisation Committee
Steering Committee
*** Last Mile for Paper Submission ***
29th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing
(Euro-Par 2023)
August 28 - September 1, 2023, St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus
*** Recipient of the Euro-Par Achievement Award 2023:
Professor Enrique S. Quintana Ortí ***
*** The Best Paper Award will be sponsored by Springer with €2,000 ***
Euro-Par is the prime European conference covering all aspects of parallel and
distributed processing, ranging from theory to practice, from small to the largest
parallel and distributed systems and infrastructures, from fundamental
computational problems to applications, from architecture, compiler, language and
interface design and implementation, to tools, support infrastructures, and
application performance aspects. The main audience of Euro-Par are researchers in
academic institutions, government laboratories and industrial organisations.
Euro-Par aims to be the primary choice of such professionals for the presentation of
new results in their specific areas. Euro-Par provides an excellent forum for focused
technical discussion, as well as interaction with a large, broad and diverse audience.
In addition, Euro-Par conferences provide a platform for a number of accompanying,
technical workshops for smaller and emerging communities.
Euro-Par 2023 will be held as a primarily in-person event (although remote
presentation and participation will be supported, if needed). The venue place is
the 5* St. Raphael Resort, in Limassol, Cyprus. Euro-Par 2023 is organised by the
Department of Computer Science of the University of Cyprus. The General Chair
is George A. Papadopoulos and the Program Chairs are Marios D. Dikaiakos and
Rizos Sakellariou. The Organizing Committee is listed on the web site:
https://2023.euro-par.org/conference/committees/ .
The Euro-Par 2023 proceedings will be published by Springer in the LNCS series.
• Papers must be in PDF format and should not exceed 14 pages (including
references and any appendices)
• Papers must be formatted in the Springer LNCS style:
• The submission process will be single-blind
• Papers that don’t meet these requirements might be rejected without a review
• Contributions submitted elsewhere or currently under review will not be considered
• All submitted papers will be checked for originality by Springer iThenticate;
papers which show an insufficient originality might be rejected without a review
• Paper submissions are made through EasyChair using the link:
• Abstract Submission: February 24, 2023 (AoE)
• Paper Submission: March 3, 2023 (AoE)
• Author Notification: April 30, 2023
• Camera-Ready Papers: June 2, 2023
• Author Registration: June 2, 2023
Authors of accepted papers will be invited to submit an artefact that will be evaluated
separately. Accepted Artefacts will be considered for the Euro-Par 2023 Artefact Special
Issue in the Journal of Open Source Software (https://joss.theoj.org).
We invite submissions of high-quality, novel and original research results in areas
of parallel and distributed computing covered by the following list of tracks. More
information on the tracks can be found on the conference web page:
Track 1. Programming, Compilers and Performance
• Biagio Cosenza, University of Salerno, Italy
• Thomas Fahringer, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Track 2. Scheduling, Resource Management, Cloud, Edge Computing, and Workflows
• Marco Aldinucci, University of Torino, Italy
• Ivona Brandic, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Track 3. Architectures and Accelerators
• Jesus Carretero, University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain
• Leonel Sousa, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Track 4. Data Analytics, AI, and Computational Science
• Maciej Malawski, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
• Radu Prodan, University of Klagenfurt, Austria
Track 5. Theory and Algorithms
• Chryssis Georgiou, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
• Christos Kaklamanis, University of Patras, Greece
Track 6. Multidisciplinary, Domain-specific and Applied Parallel and Distributed Computing
• Francisco F. Rivera, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
• Domenico Talia, University of Calabria, Italy
VL/HCC 2023 : IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing
The IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing is the
premier international forum for research on this topic. Established in
1984, the mission of the conference is to support the design, theory,
application, and evaluation of computing technologies and languages for
programming, modeling, and communicating, which are easier to learn, use,
and understand by people.
The 2023 symposium is scheduled to take place October 2-6 in Washington,
DC, USA. VL/HCC 2023 is 100% Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society Technical
Committee on Multimedia Computing (TCMC).
**Call for Research Papers**
We solicit original, unpublished research papers on computing technologies
for modeling, programming, communicating, and reasoning, which are easier
to learn, use or understand by humans than the current state-of-the-art.
Papers should focus on efforts to design, formalize, implement, or evaluate
those technologies and languages. This includes technologies intended for
general audiences (e.g., professional or novice programmers, or the public)
or domain-specific audiences (e.g., people working in business
administration, production environments, healthcare, urban design or
scientific domains). Empirical papers that validate current proposed
solutions with rigorous scientific means (i.e., empirical studies,
controlled experiments, rigorous case studies, etc.) are also welcome.
Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Visual languages: Novel visual languages, Design, evaluation, and theory
of visual languages and applications, Development of systems for
manipulating and interacting with diagrammatic representations
- Human aspects and psychology of software development and language design,
such as supporting inclusion and diversity in programming
- End-user development: End-user development, adaptation and programming,
Creation and evaluation of technologies and infrastructures for end-user
- Crowdsourcing design and development work
- Representations: Novel representations and user interfaces for expressing
computation, Software, algorithm and data visualization
- Modeling: Model-driven development, Domain-specific languages, including
modeling languages, Visual modeling of human behavior and socio-technical
- Thinking more deeply about code: Computational thinking and Computer
Science education, Debugging and program understanding, Explainable ML/AI
If you are not sure if your paper is a good fit for VL/HCC, feel free to
email the PC Co-chairs (see “Contact” below). We welcome those new to the
VL/HCC community to submit!
SPECIAL EMPHASIS FOR 2023: Low-Code / No-Code Development
This year’s special topic is “Low-Code / No-Code Development”. This
development paradigm enables the creation and deployment of fully
functional applications using visual abstractions and interfaces and
requiring little or no procedural code. This way, users are empowered to
create software applications for constrained domains, even if they lack a
programming background. This year, we especially welcome papers at VL/HCC
that design, build, or evaluate any aspects of low-code and no-code
We invite two kinds of papers:
- full-length research papers, up to 8 pages - plus unlimited additional
pages containing only references and/or acknowledgements
- short research papers, up to 4 pages - plus unlimited additional pages
containing only references and/or acknowledgements
Papers must be submitted using the IEEE two-column conference paper format.
Be sure to use the current IEEE conference paper format (which was updated
in 2019), and to select the “US letter” template:
Papers should be submitted via the EasyChair system (
To facilitate the assigning of papers to reviewers, we require paper
abstracts to be submitted via EasyChair at least 1 week prior to the paper
submission deadline (see Important Dates below). The abstract must be kept
up to date such that it matches exactly the abstract in the submitted
paper. The abstract must be no longer than 250 words.
All accepted papers, whether full or short, should be complete,
self-contained, archival contributions. Contributions from full papers are
more extensive than those from short papers. Note that some full paper
submissions may be accepted as short papers if reviewers deem contributions
to be comparable in size to a short paper. Work-in-progress, which has not
yet yielded an archival contribution, should be submitted to the
Posters/Showpieces category. All submissions will be reviewed by members of
the Program Committee in a double-blind review process. Authors will then
receive the reviews for their submissions and will be able to answer them
in a rebuttal phase. Only after this step the PC will make a final decision
about the acceptance of the submissions. Submissions and reviews for the
technical program are managed with EasyChair. At least one author of each
accepted paper is required to register for VL/HCC 2023 and present the
paper at the conference. There will be a virtual presentation option in
case of travel restrictions. IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper
from distribution after the conference, including IEEE Xplore Digital
Library, if the paper is not presented by the author at the conference.
The proceedings of IEEE VL/HCC are published in digital form by the IEEE
Computer Science Society and archived in the IEEE Digital Library with an
official ISBN number. Accepted papers will be available to conference
attendees via the IEEE Open Preview program in the IEEE Xplore Digital
Library (http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/).
We follow a double-blind reviewing process. Both authors and reviewers are
expected to make every effort to honor the double-blind reviewing process.
In case of questions, please contact the Program Chairs. Authors should
ensure that the submission can be evaluated without it being obvious who
wrote the paper. This means leaving author names off the paper and using
terms like “previous research” rather than “our previous research” when
describing background. However, do not hide previous work – papers must
still reference all relevant research using full (non-anonymized)
citations, including the author’s own prior work, so that reviewers can
evaluate novelty. Please reference your own prior work in the third-person
just like you would do for any other related work (e.g., avoid “As
described in our previous work [10], … ” and instead write something like
“As described by [10], …”). It is also important that authors specify all
conflicts of interest with potential reviewers during the submission phase.
Reviewers should not undertake any investigation that might lead to the
revealing of authors’ identity. If identities are inadvertently revealed,
please contact the Program Chairs.
The Program Chairs will check all submissions for obvious signs of lack of
anonymity and may ask authors to make changes and resubmit the paper within
three days of the submission deadline. Only changes to resolve anonymity
issues will be permitted.
Papers are expected to support their claims with appropriate evidence. For
example, a paper that claims to improve programmer productivity is expected
to demonstrate improved productivity; a paper that claims to be easier to
use should demonstrate increased ease of use.
However, not all claims necessarily need to be supported with empirical
evidence or studies with people. For example, a paper that claims to make
something feasible that was clearly infeasible might substantiate its claim
through the existence of a functioning prototype.
Moreover, there are many alternatives to empirical evidence that may be
appropriate for justifying claims, including analytical methods, formal
arguments or case studies. Given this criterion, we encourage potential
authors to think carefully about what claims their submission makes and
what evidence would adequately support these claims. In addition, we expect
short papers to have less comprehensive evaluation than long papers.
- Abstracts only: April 21, 2023
- Submission deadline: April 28, 2023
- Rebuttal phase: June 5 - 9, 2023
- Notification: June 23, 2023
- Camera-ready: July 14, 2023
PC Co-Chairs:
- Philip Guo (University of California San Diego, United States)
- Esther Guerra (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain)
- Contact email: vlhcc2023(a)googlegroups.com
/Apologize for unintended cross-mailing/
*DEADLINE EXTENSION -> February 20, 2023 (new hard deadline)*
Special Issue on
*Hybrid Games and Interaction Design*
to be published at the
/*Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal (IxD&A)*/
(ISSN 1826-9745, eISSN 2283-2998)
**** Since 2012 also in Scopus ****
**** *Since 2015 also* in *Emerging Sources Citation Index* and *Web of
Science* ***
IxD&A implements the Gold Open Access (OA) road to its contents
with no charge to the authors (submission & paper processing)
Help us in improving the quality of the editorial process and of the
journal, please donate:
CFP: link
*Guest Editors:*
--------------------------------------------------------- --
/• Nelson Zagalo, DigiMedia, University of Aveiro, Portugal
• Fotis Liarokapis, University of Technology, Cyprus
• Micael Sousa, University of Coimbra, Portugal
• Ana Patrícia Oliveira, University of Aveiro, Portugal/
*Important dates:*
• Deadline: *February**20*, *2023* *(extended)*
• Notification to the authors: March 30, 2023
• Camera ready paper: April 15, 2023
• Publication of the special issue: first half of May, 2023
Board games gained significant momentum throughout the past two decades,
with some of the best creations earning millions of dollars in funding
platforms during 2021, in spite of the Covid-19 pandemic. Additionally,
digital games have surpassed all other media, from film to music, in
investments and returns. Board and digital games are two forms of play
which use the same base of design – the game design – so it was without
surprise that a new hybrid approach, that mixed both media, would appear.
Over the past five years, we have seen games with Augmented Reality,
board games using smartphones as assisting tools, tablets being used as
boards, or even games using real food–edible games. This combination of
digital and physical components and strategies in games contributes to a
new experience of play which enhances not only the player’s immersion
and interaction, but also the contents, presentation, atmosphere, and
control of the game. There are some questions emerging in this
discussion, namely about the complementary relationship between physical
and digital games: What are the borderlines between real and virtual
dimensions in hybrid games? How can hybrid games provide a more
participatory gaming experience while players become engaged with
digital and physical components at the same time? Which model of
interaction design of hybrid games best favors player experience,
communication, and engagement?
In this special issue, we want not only to present the current
state-of-the-art of the hybrid games, as the possibilities beyond
current days, making use of speculative approaches to design, as design
fiction, but we want to dig deeper through the lenses of interaction
design, in order to understand the new needs in the realm of
technologies. Furthermore, we want to understand the full impacts and
effects of this move on human interaction with game artifacts and
consequently find out what should we expect from the discipline of
interaction design while using ludic approaches in the next decade.
*Topics of Interest*
The indicative list of topics of interest for this special issue devoted
to Gamification of the Learning Process' includes, but is not limited to:
• Hybrid digital/physical games
• Methods of hybrid game design
• Design Fiction and Hybrid Interaction Design
• Interaction design relation with game design
• Play Hybridism
• Hybrid systems;
• Hybrid design models;
• Hybrid game mechanics and patterns;
• Hybrid storytelling models;
• Hybrid Game interaction models;
• Cognition and game design;
• Aesthetics of Hybrid Digital/Physical Games;
• Board games and Digital Games;
• Hybrid-games design;
• Hybrid game User Experience;
• Players’ physical/digital behavior modelling;
• NPC behavior and Physical Characters
/*Submission guidelines and procedure*/
All submissions (abstracts and later final manuscripts) must be original
and may not be under review by another publication.
The manuscripts should be submitted either in .doc or in .rtf format.
All papers will be blindly peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers.
Authors are invited to submit 8-20 pages paper (including authors'
information, abstract, all tables, figures, references, etc.).
The paper should be written according to the IxD&A authors' guidelines
-> link
*Authors' guidelines*
Link to the paper submission page:
link <https://www-2020.ixdea.uniroma2.it/ojs/ixdea/login>
(Please upload all submissions using the Submission page.
When submitting the paper, please, choose the section:
"SI: Hybrid Games and Interaction Design")
More information on the submission procedure and on the characteristics
of the paper format can be found on the website of the IxD&A Journal
where information on the copyright policy and responsibility of authors,
publication ethics and malpractice are published.
For scientific advice and queries, please contact the IxD&A scientific
editor marking the subject as:
/Hybrid Games and Interaction Design/
• nzagalo [at] ua [dot] pt
* *To keep updated join the IxD&A groups @:
IxD&A Linkedin -> link <https://www.linkedin.com/groups/3785204/>
IxD&A Facebook -> link <https://www.facebook.com/groups/528301461963022>
Enjoy the videos of the "Meeting the Authors" events @:
IxD&A Youtube channel -> link
* Forthcoming issues:*
• N.57
'Competence based education: from school to responsible citizenship,
wellbeing and democracy.'
Guest editors: Stefania Bocconi, Stefano Cacciamani, Romina Cachia,
Arianna Sala, Nadia Sansone
• N.58
'Age Against the Machine: A Call for Designing Ethical AI for and with
Guest editors: Sumita Sharma, Eva Durall Gazulla, Marianne Kinnula,
Nitin Sawhney
• N. 59
'AI for Humans and Humans for AI: Towards Cultures of Participation in
the Digital Age'
Guest editors: Renate Andersen, Vita Santa Barletta, anders Mørch,
Alesandro Pagano
'Design Education for Hybrid Environments: Pedagogies, frameworks, and
tools for crafting next-generation physical-digital spaces'
Guest editors: Daniel Rosenberg Munoz, Dina El Zanfaly, Peter Scupelli,
Daragh Byrne
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to invite you to contribute to the special session on
“Extended Reality as a gateway to the Metaverse: Practices, Theories,
Technologies and Applications” (https://metroxraine.org/special-session-17)
hosted by the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Metrology for eXtended
Reality, Artificial Intelligence, and Neural Engineering (IEEE MetroXRAINE
2023) that will be held on October 25-27, 2023 in Milan.
Please see the CfP below for details and forward it to colleagues who might
be interested in contributing to this special session. Visit the conference
website for further and updated information https://metroxraine.org/.
We look forward to meeting you, virtually or in your presence, at IEEE
MetroXRAINE 2023.
Best wishes,
Giuseppe Caggianese, Ugo Erra and Luigi Gallo.
Call for Papers - Special Session on: “EXTENDED REALITY AS A GATEWAY TO THE
2023 IEEE International Conference on Metrology for eXtended Reality,
Artificial Intelligence, and Neural Engineering (IEEE MetroXRAINE 2023)
October 25-27, 2023 - Milan, Italy.
The fast development of Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and
Mixed Reality (MR) solutions over the last few years are transforming how
people interact, work, and communicate. The eXtended Reality (XR) term
encloses all those immersive technologies that can shift the boundaries
between digital and physical worlds to realize the metaverse. According to
tech companies and venture capitalists, the metaverse will be a
super-platform that convenes sub-platforms: social media, online video
games, and ease-of-life apps, all accessible through the same digital space
and sharing the same digital economy. Inside the metaverse, virtual worlds
will allow avatars to carry out all human endeavours, including creation,
display, entertainment, social, and trading. Thus, the metaverse will
evolve how users interact with brands, intellectual properties, health
services, cultural heritage, and each other things on the Internet. A user
could join friends to play a multiplayer game, watch a movie via a
streaming service and then attend a university course precisely the same as
in the real world.
The metaverse development will require new software architecture that will
enable decentralized and collaborative virtual worlds. These self-organized
virtual worlds will be permanent and will require maintenance operations.
In addition, it will be necessary to design an efficient data management
system and prevent privacy violations. Finally, the convergence of physical
reality, virtually enhanced, and an always-on virtual space highlighted the
need to rethink the actual paradigms for visualization, interaction, and
sharing of digital information, moving toward more natural, intuitive,
dynamically customizable, multimodal, and multi-user solutions.
This special session aims to focus on exploring how the realization of the
metaverse can transform certain application domains such us: (i)
healthcare, in which the metaverse solutions can, for instance, improve the
communication between patients and physicians; (ii) cultural heritage, with
potentially more effective solutions for tourism guidance, site
maintenance, and heritage object conservation; and (iii) industry, where to
enable data-driven decision making, smart maintenance, and overall asset
More information can be found here:
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Hardware/Software Architectures for metaverse
- Decentralized and Collaborative Architectures for metaverse
- Interoperability for metaverse
- Tools to help creators to build the metaverse
- Operations and Maintenance in metaverse
- Data security and privacy mechanisms for metaverse
- Cryptocurrency, token, NFT Solutions for metaverse
- Fraud-Detection in metaverse
- Cyber Security for metaverse
- Data Analytics to Identify Malicious Behaviors in metaverse
- Blockchain/AI technologies in metaverse
- Emerging Technologies and Applications for metaverse
- New models to evaluate the impact of the metaverse
- Interactive Data Exploration and Presentation in metaverse
- Human-Computer Interaction for metaverse
- Human factors issues related to metaverse
- Proof-of-Concept in Metaverse: Experimental Prototyping and Testbeds
Abstract Submission Deadline: March 15, 2023.
Final Paper Submission Deadline: April 30, 2023.
Full Paper Acceptance Notification: June 15, 2023
Final Paper Submission Deadline: July 31, 2023
Authors should prepare an Abstract (1 - 2 pages) that clearly indicates the
originality of the contribution and the relevance of the work. The Abstract
should include the title of the paper, names and affiliations of the
authors, an abstract, keywords, an introduction describing the nature of
the problem, a description of the contribution, the results achieved and
their applicability.
As an alternative to the traditional abstract, it is possible to submit a
Graphical Abstract. For further information, please see here:
When the first review process has been completed, authors receive a
notification of either acceptance or rejection of the submission. If the
abstract has been accepted, the authors can prepare a full paper.
The format for the full paper is identical to the format for the abstract
except for the number of pages: the full paper has a required minimum
length of five (5) pages and a maximum of six (6) pages.
Full Papers will be reviewed by the Technical Program Committee. Authors of
accepted full papers must submit the final paper version according to the
deadline, register for the workshop, and attend to present their papers.
The maximum length for final papers is 6 pages.
All contributions will be peer-reviewed and acceptance will be based on
quality, originality and relevance. Accepted papers will be submitted for
inclusion into IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
Submissions must be written in English and prepared according to the IEEE
Conference Proceedings template. LaTeX and Word templates and an Overleaf
sample project can be found at:
The papers must be submitted in PDF format electronically via EDAS online
submission and review system: https://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=30746.
To submit abstracts or draft papers to the special session, please follow
the submission instructions for regular sessions, but remind to specify the
special session to which the paper is directed.
The special session organizers and other external reviewers will review all
More information can be found here:
All contributions will be peer-reviewed, and acceptance will be based on
quality, originality, and relevance. Accepted papers will be submitted for
inclusion into IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
Extended versions of presented papers are eligible for post-publication;
more information will be provided soon.
Giuseppe Caggianese
National Research Council of Italy
Ugo Erra
University of Basilicata
Luigi Gallo
National Research Council of Italy
For any questions related to the special session, please feel free to
contact us via email.
Giuseppe Caggianese, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
National Research Council (CNR)
Institute for High-Performance Computing and Networking (ICAR)
Via Pietro Castellino 111, 80131, Naples, Italy
Telefono: +39 0816139227
Mobile: +39 3371588044
Skype: giuseppe.caggianese
Email: giuseppe.caggianese(a)cnr.it
*** Last Call for Special Track Proposals ***
10th European Conference On Service-Oriented And Cloud Computing (ESOCC 2023)
October 24-26, 2023, Golden Bay Beach Hotel, Larnaca, Cyprus
The European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC) is the premier
conference on advances in the state of the art and practice of Service-Oriented Computing and
Cloud Computing in Europe. The main objectives of this conference are to facilitate the
exchange between researchers and practitioners in the areas of Service-oriented Computing
and Cloud Computing and to foster future collaborations in Europe and beyond.
ESOCC 2023 will host Special Tracks as part of its program. Special Tracks provide a space
where ESOCC participants can discuss, e.g., topics relevant to Service-Oriented and Cloud
Computing even if not explicitly mentioned in ESOCC’s topics of interest
(cf. https://cyprusconferences.org/esocc2023/call-for-papers/), early-stage research ideas
and/or results, or demonstrate industry-ready tools and research prototypes. Special Tracks
may be driven by research interests, needs from specific application domains, or aim at bringing
together practitioners and researchers from the area of Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing.
Proposals for special tracks should indicate the title of the Special Track, its aims and scope
(150-300 words), the Special Track chair(s), and the tentative members of the track’s PC.
Please email your proposals as a PDF file to the PC chairs of ESOCC 2023, Florian Rademacher
(florian.rademacher at fh-dortmund.de) and Jacopo Soldani (jacopo.soldani at unipi.it). Special
Tracks will be selected for ESOCC 2023 using a lightweight review process.
• Special Track Proposal Submission: February 26th, 2023 (AoE)
• Notification of Acceptance: March 5th, 2023 (AoE)
Chairs of accepted Special Tracks can devise a Call for Papers for their track, which will be
published on ESOCC 2023 website, together with the provided information on the track (title,
aims and scope, PC). The Call for Papers for their track will then be disseminated alongside
that of ESOCC, and submissions will be handled through the EasyChair of ESOCC, which will
include a special track link. Papers accepted for Special Tracks will be included in the main
conference proceedings of ESOCC 2023, published by Springer in the LNCS series.
The best papers accepted in the Special Tracks will be eligible for consideration to be
invited to submit extended versions for a Journal Special Issue to be published by Springer
Special Track chairs, presenters, and participants will be required to register through the
ESOCC 2023 registration page.
In case of any questions related to the Special Tracks, please do not hesitate to contact the
Program Chairs.
General Chair
• George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, CY
(george at ucy.ac.cy)
Program Chairs
• Florian Rademacher, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund, DE
(florian.rademacher at fh-dortmund.de) • Jacopo Soldani, University of Pisa, IT
(jacopo.soldani at unipi.it)
Steering and Program Committee
/Apologize for unintended cross-mailing/
Special Issue on
*Age Against the Machine: A Call for Designing Ethical AI for and with
*Call for Papers -> link
to be published at the
/*Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal (IxD&A)*/
(ISSN 1826-9745, eISSN 2283-2998)
**** Since 2012 also in Scopus ****
**** *Since 2015 also* in *Emerging Sources Citation Index* and *Web of
Science* ***
IxD&A implements the Gold Open Access (OA) road to its contents
with no charge to the authors (submission & paper processing)
Help us in improving the quality of the editorial process and of the
journal, please donate: -> link
*Guest Editors:*
--------------------------------------------------------- --
/• Sumita Sharma, INTERACT Research Unit, University of Oulu
• Eva Durall Gazulla, INTERACT Research Unit, University of Oulu
• Marianne Kinnula, INTERACT Research Unit, University of Oulu
• Nitin Sawhney, Aalto University/
*Important dates:*
• Deadline: *February 28th, 2023*
• Notification to the authors: April 30th, 2023
• Camera ready paper: May 30th, 2023
• Publication of the special issue: July 2023 (tentatively)
Child-Computer Interaction (CCI) research is focused on cultivating,
nurturing, and nudging children towards technology use and design.
Recently, ethical aspects related to technology have come to the
forefront, including the inherent limitations of technology,
particularly related to Artificial intelligence (AI) and Machine
learning (ML). Further, AI has a known diversity problem where
age-inclusion can be sometimes forgotten. While various global and
national policy frameworks on Children and AI are being developed, the
approaches are child-centered but not child-led, restricting children
from affecting their own digital futures. Further still, there is little
discussion with children on the limitations, inherent biases, and lack
of diversity in current design and development of AI/ML. As AI evolves
to mimic human-like cognition, emotions, conversations, and
decision-making, its impact on children and their futures should be
critically examined for, with, and by children.
Therefore, we invite researchers working on the various challenges and
opportunities related to Children and AI/ ML to submit their work to
this special issue. We welcome research that includes children as equal
partners and empowers them to consider present and future challenges as
experts of their own lives, with diverse interests, backgrounds,
perspectives, and experiences. We also welcome research and design work
with (but not limited to) educators, families, children (as testers,
co-designers, co-researchers, protagonists), and other stakeholders in a
variety of contexts (schools, after-school clubs, out of school
contexts, public spaces, rural, urban).
*Topics of Interest*
Suggested topics include theories,models, frameworks, exploratory
studies, case / user studies on (but not limited to):
• Research on and with Children and AI/ML
• AI Literacy for Al
• Children’s rights and AI
• Ethical AI for children
• Participatory Design and Research with intelligent systems
• Inclusion, diversity, and empowerment of under-represented children
and communities.
/*Submission guidelines and procedure*/
All submissions (abstracts and later final manuscripts) must be original
and may not be under review by another publication.
The manuscripts should be submitted either in .doc or in .rtf format.
All papers will be blindly peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers.
Authors are invited to submit 8-20 pages paper (including authors'
information, abstract, all tables, figures, references, etc.).
The paper should be written according to the IxD&A authors' guidelines
*Authors' guidelines*
Paper submission page:
-> link <https://www-2020.ixdea.uniroma2.it/ojs/ixdea/login>
(Please upload all submissions using the Submission page.
When submitting the paper, please, choose the section:
"SI: Age against the machine")
More information on the submission procedure and on the characteristics
of the paper format can be found on the website of the IxD&A Journal
where information on the copyright policy and responsibility of authors,
publication ethics and malpractice are published.
For scientific advice and queries, please contact the IxD&A scientific
editor marking the subject as:
/IxD&A special issue on Age against the machine/
• firstname [dot] lastname [at] oulu [dot] fi for the guest editors from
University of Oulu.
• firstname [dot] lastname [at] aalto [dot] fi for the guest editor from
Aalto University
* Forthcoming issues:*
• N.56
'Hybrid Games and Interaction Design'
Guest editors: Nelson Zagalo, Micael Sousa, Ana Patrícia Oliveira, Fotis
• N.57
'Competence based education: from school to responsible citizenship,
wellbeing and democracy.'
Guest editors: Stefania Bocconi, Stefano Cacciamani, Romina Cachia,
Arianna Sala, Nadia Sansone
• N.58
'Age Against the Machine: A Call for Designing Ethical AI for and with
Guest editors: Sumita Sharma, Eva Durall Gazulla, Marianne Kinnula,
Nitin Sawhney
• N.59
'AI for Humans and Humans for AI: Towards Cultures of Participation in
the Digital Age'
Guest editors: Renate Andersen, Vita Santa Barletta, anders Mørch,
Alesandro Pagano
'Design Education for Hybrid Environments: Pedagogies, frameworks, and
tools for crafting next-generation physical-digital spaces'
Guest editors: Daniel Rosenberg Munoz, Dina El Zanfaly, Peter Scupelli,
Daragh Byrne
***** Apologies for any cross-posting *****
INTERACT 2023 is the 19th International Conference of Technical Committee 13 (Human- Computer Interaction) of IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing)
August 28 – September 1, 2023
York, United Kingdom
York was recently voted the 6th most welcoming place on earth, and is a city full of interesting history and surrounded by beautiful Yorkshire countryside.
https://interact2023.org/ <https://interact2023.org/>
INTERACT is a very international and friendly conference and welcomes papers on all aspects of human-computer interaction.
The call for papers is now open for the following categories with a deadline of 19 April 2023:
Short papers
Interactive Demos
Doctoral Consortium
Industrial Experiences
Full details on the website: https://interact2023.org/ <https://interact2023.org/>
Enquiries to the General Chairs
Helen Petrie, University of York UK (helen.petrie(a)york.ac.uk <mailto:helen.petrie@york.ac.uk>)
Jose Abdelnour-Nocera, University of West London, UK and ITI/Larsys Portugal (Jose.Abdelnour-Nocera(a)uwl.ac.uk <mailto:Jose.Abdelnour-Nocera@uwl.ac.uk>)
Helen Petrie Phd AFBPsS CPsychol FRSA
(Pronouns: she/her/hers)
Professor Emerita of Human Computer Interaction
Department of Computer Science
University of York
Deramore Lane
Heslington East
York YO10 5GH
Join our online HCI/UX seminars, last Monday of each month: https://hciuxseminars.org/
INTERACT 2023 will be in York, do join us: https://interact2023.org/
Email disclaimer
Chair IFIP WP13.3
ViceChair (Communications) IFIP TC 13
Equality Champion, Department of Computer Science
Editor-in-Chief, Interacting with Computers
I work flexibly and I”m a night owl, so I may email at odd times. But I am not expecting any response or action outside of your own working hours.
Lafayette to Hamilton: Immigrants, we get the job done (Hamilton, An American Musical)