*** Third Call for Papers ***
28th International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems
(ICECCS 2024)
19-21 June, 2024, 5* St. Raphael Resort and Marina, Limassol, Cyprus
(*** Submission Deadline: 8 December, 2023 AoE ***)
Recent years have witnessed a rapidly rising emphasis on the design, implementation and
management of complex computer systems which are present in every aspect of human
activities, such as manufacturing, communications, defence, transportation, aerospace,
hazardous environments, energy, and healthcare. These complex systems are frequently
distributed over heterogeneous networks and process a large amount of data, leveraging
emerging artificial intelligence (AI), large language models, and machine learning techniques.
Complexity arises from many factors, including the dynamic environment and the scenarios
these systems operate in, demanding and sometimes conflicting requirements in functionality,
efficiency, scalability, security, dependability and adaptability, data heterogeneity, as well as
the wide range of development methodologies, programming languages and implementation
details. Performance, real-time behaviour, fault tolerance, robustness, security, adaptability,
development time and cost, and long life concerns are some of the key issues arising in the
development of such systems.
The International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS) is a
well-established event that has been held around the world for over 25 years. The goal of this
conference is to bring together industrial, academic, and government experts from a variety of
application domains and software disciplines, to discuss how the disciplines’ problems and
solution techniques interact within the whole system. Researchers, practitioners, tool
developers and users, and technology transfer experts are all welcome. The scope of the
conference includes long-term research issues, near-term requirements and challenges,
established complex systems, emerging promising tools, and retrospective and prospective
reflections of research and development into complex systems.
Authors are invited to submit papers describing original, unpublished research results, case
studies and tools. Papers are solicited in all areas related to complex computer-based systems,
including the causes of complexity and means of avoiding, controlling, or coping with
complexity. Topic areas include, but are not limited to:
Requirements, modeling and formal methods
• Requirements analysis and specification
• Model-driven development
• Model checking
• SAT/SMT solvers for software analysis and testing
AI, Complex intelligent models and complex systems
• Big data management
• Data-drive and AI-backed systems
• Machine learning for Software Engineering
• AI4SE and SE4AI
• Adaptive, self-managing and multi-agent systems
Security, reliability and dependability
• Safety-critical and fault-tolerant architectures
• Formal methods
• Security and privacy of complex systems
• Privacy-preserving AI
• Fairness
Software engineering
• Verification and validation
• Reverse engineering and refactoring
• Software architecture
• Human Machine Interaction
• Agile methods
Realistic complex systems
• Ubiquitous computing, context awareness, sensor networks
• Cyber-physical systems and Internet of Things (IoT)
• Autonomous systems and self-healing systems
• Industrial case studies
Different kinds of contributions are sought, including novel research, lessons learned,
experience reports, and discussions of practical problems faced by industry and user domains.
The ultimate goal is to build a rich and comprehensive conference program that can fit the
interests and needs of different classes of attendees: professionals, researchers, managers,
and students. A program goal is to organize several sessions that include both academic and
industrial papers on a given topic and culminate panels to discuss relationships between
industrial and academic research.
To facilitate the dissemination of high-quality research presented at ICECCS 2024, selected
papers will be invited to submit extended versions of their accepted conference papers to ACM
Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM). Authors of these selected
papers are kindly requested to submit their extended manuscripts within six months following
their conference presentation. Upon the authors' acceptance of this invitation, TOSEM will
provide comprehensive instructions and requirements for the submission and review process.
TOSEM will conduct its rigorous review process and make final decisions on acceptance.
Full papers are divided into two categories: Technical Papers and Experience Reports. The
papers submitted to both categories will be reviewed by the program committee members,
and papers accepted in either category will be published in the conference proceedings.
Technical papers should describe original research, and experience reports should present
practical projects carried out in the industry, and reflect on the lessons learnt from them.
Short paper submissions describe early-stage, ongoing or PhD research. All short papers will
be reviewed by the program committee members, and accepted short papers will be published
in the conference proceedings.
Submissions to the conference must not have been published or be concurrently considered
for publication elsewhere. All submissions will be judged on the basis of originality,
contribution to the field, technical and presentation quality, and relevance to the conference.
The proceedings have been published by the Conference Publishing Services (CPS) of the IEEE
Computer Society.
Submitted manuscripts should be in English and formatted in the style of the double-column
IEEE CPS format. Full papers should not exceed 9 pages + 1 page for bibliography, and short
papers should not exceed 5 pages + 1 page for bibliography, including figures, references,
and appendices. All submissions should be in PDF format. Submissions not adhering to the
specified format and length may be rejected immediately without review.
Please prepare your manuscripts in accordance with the IEEE CPS guidelines.
https://www.ieee.org/conferences/publishing/templates.html .
We invite all prospective authors to submit their manuscripts via the ICECCS 2024 portal,
hosted by the EasyChair conference management system.
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iceccs2024 .
• Abstract Submissions Due: 08 December, 2023 AoE
• Full Paper Submissions Due: 15 December, 2023 AoE
• Acceptance/Rejection Notification: 15 March, 2024
• Camera-ready Due: 15 April, 2024
• Author Registration Due: 15 April, 2024
• Conference Dates: 19-21 June, 2024
Steering Committee
• Jin Song Dong, National University of Singapore, Singapore
• Mike Hinchey, University of Limerick, Ireland
• Xiaohong Li, Tianjin University, China
• Shaoying Liu, Hiroshima University, Japan
• Mauro Pezze, University in Lugano, Switzerland
• Roy Sterritt, Ulster University, United Kingdom
• Jing Sun (Chair), University of Auckland, New Zealand
General Co-Chairs
• Yamine Ait-Ameur, IRIT, France
• George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Program Chairs
• Guangdong Bai, University of Queensland, Australia
• Fuyuki Ishikawa, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
*** CAiSE'24 Forum: First Call for Papers and Tool Demonstrations ***
36th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering
June 3-7, 2024, 5* St. Raphael Resort and Marina, Limassol, Cyprus
(*** Submission Deadline: March 4, 2024 AoE ***)
The CAiSE Forum is a space within the CAiSE conference to present and discuss the new
exciting ideas and tools related to Information Systems Engineering. The Forum intends to
serve as an interactive platform, encourage potential authors to present emerging topics and
controversial positions, and demonstrate innovative systems, tools, and applications. The
Forum sessions at the CAiSE conference will facilitate the interaction, discussion, and
exchange of ideas among presenters and participants. Contributions to the CAiSE'24 Forum
are welcome to address any of the CAiSE'24 conference topics and, particularly, this year's
theme—Information Systems in the Age of Artificial Intelligence.
We invite two types of submissions:
• Visionary papers present innovative research projects, which are still at a relatively early
stage and do not necessarily include a full-scale validation. Visionary papers will be
presented as posters in the Forum.
• Demo papers describe innovative tools and prototypes that implement the results of
research efforts. The tools and prototypes will be presented as demos in the Forum,
accompanied by a poster.
Both visionary papers and demo papers must not exceed 8 pages in LNCS format.
See authors' guidelines at the Springer site:
https://www.springer.com/gp/computer-science/lncs/conference-proceedings-gu… .
Papers should be submitted in PDF format through the conference management system
available at Easy Chair (https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=caise2024) and select the
Forum option.
The submitted papers must be unpublished and must not be under review elsewhere.
Accepted papers will be published by Springer in a CAISE Forum proceedings volume within
the Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP) series
(https://www.springer.com/series/7911). Authors should consult Springer's authors
guidelines and use their LaTeX or Word proceedings templates for the preparation of their
papers. Springer encourages authors to include their ORCIDs in their papers. In addition, the
corresponding author of each paper, acting on behalf of all of the authors of that paper,
must complete and sign a Consent-to-Publish form. The corresponding author signing the
copyright form should match the corresponding author marked on the paper. Once the files
have been sent to Springer, changes relating to the authorship of the papers cannot be made.
It is expected that at least one of the authors attends CAiSE'24, presents the poster/delivers
the demo, and interacts with the Forum participants. We also envision a short oral
presentation for all papers to attract participants to the posters.
• Paper Submission Deadline: 4th March, 2024 (AoE)
• Notification of Acceptance: 1st April, 2024
• Camera-ready Deadline: 8th April, 2024
• Author Registration Deadline: 8th April, 2024
• Shareeful Islam, Anglia Ruskin University, United Kingdom
• Arnon Sturm, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
• Steven Alter, University of San Francisco
• Abel Armas Cervantes, The University of Melbourne
• Giuseppe Berio, Université de Bretagne Sud and IRISA UMR 6074
• Drazen Brdjanin, University of Banja Luka
• Corentin Burnay, University of Namur
• Cinzia Cappiello, Politecnico di Milano
• Suphamit Chittayasothorn, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang
• Maya Daneva, University of Twente
• Sergio de Cesare, University of Westminster
• Johannes De Smedt, KU Leuven
• Marne de Vries, University of Pretoria
• Michael Fellmann, University of Rostock
• Christophe Feltus, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology
• Hans-Georg Fill, University of Fribourg
• Janis Grabis, Riga Technical University
• Sergio Guerreiro, INESC-ID / Instituto Superior Técnico
• Martin Henkel, Stockholm University
• Jennifer Horkoff, Chalmers University of Technology
• Shareeful Islam, Anglia Ruskin University
• Janis Kampars, RTU
• Evangelia Kavakli, University of the Aegean
• Marite Kirikova, Riga Technical University
• Janne J. Korhonen, Aalto University
• Elena Kornyshova, CNAM
• Agnes Koschmider, University of Bayreuth
• Chung Lawrence, University of Texas at Dallas
• Henrik Leopold, Kühne Logistics University
• Tong Li, Beijing University of Technology
• Beatriz Marín, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia
• Andrea Marrella, Sapienza University of Rome
• Raimundas Matulevicius, University of Tartu
• Jose Ignacio Panach Navarrete, Universitat de València
• Oscar Pastor, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
• Francisca Pérez, Universidad San Jorge
• Pierluigi Plebani, Politecnico di Milano
• Manuel Resinas, University of Seville
• Genaina Rodrigues, University of Brasilia
• Ben Roelens , Open Universiteit, Ghent University
• Mattia Salnitri, Politecnico di Milano
• Stefan Strecker, University of Hagen
• Arnon Sturm, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
• Irene Vanderfeesten, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
• Yves Wautelet, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
• Hans Weigand, Tilburg University
• Manuel Wimmer, Johannes Kepler University Linz
• Anna Zamansky, University of Haifa
* We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CFP *
For the online version of this Call, visit:
NLDB 2024
The 29th International Conference on Natural Language & Information Systems
25-27 June 2024, University of Turin, Italy.
Website: https://nldb2024.di.unito.it/
Submission deadline: 22 March, 2024
About NLDB
The 29th International Conference on Natural Language & Information
Systems will be held at the University of Turin, Italy, and will be a
face to face event. Since 1995, the NLDB conference brings together
researchers, industry practitioners, and potential users interested in
various applications of Natural Language in the Database and Information
Systems field. The term "Information Systems" has to be considered in
the broader sense of Information and Communication Systems, including
Big Data, Linked Data and Social Networks.
The field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) has itself recently
experienced several exciting developments. In research, these
developments have been reflected in the emergence of Large Language
Modelsand the importance of aspects such as transparency, bias and
fairness, Large Multimodal Models and the connection of the NLP field
with Computer Vision, chatbots and dialogue-based pipelines.
Regarding applications, NLP systems have evolved to the point that they
now offer real-life, tangible benefits to enterprises. Many of these NLP
systems are now considered a de-facto offering in business intelligence
suites, such as algorithms for recommender systems and opinion
mining/sentiment analysis. Language models developed by the open-source
community have become widespread and commonly used. Businesses are now
readily adopting these technologies, thanks to the efforts of the
open-source community. For example, fine-tuning a language model on a
company’s own dataset is now easy and convenient, using modules created
by thousands of academic researchers and industry experts.
It is against this backdrop of recent innovations in NLP and its
applications in information systems that the 29th edition of the NLDB
conference takes place. We welcome research and industrial
contributions, describing novel, previously unpublished works on NLP and
its applications across a plethora of topics as described in the Call
for Papers.
Call for Papers:
NLDB 2024 invites authors to submit papers on unpublished research that
addresses theoretical aspects, algorithms, applications, architectures
for applied and integrated NLP, resources for applied NLP, and other
aspects of NLP, as well as survey and discussion papers. This year's
edition of NLDB continues with the Industry Track to foster fruitful
interaction between the industry and the research community.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
* Large Language Models: training, applications, transfer learning,
interpretability of large language models.
* Multimodal Models: Integration of text with other modalities like
images, video, and audio; multimodal representation learning;
applications of multimodal models.
* AI Safety and ethics: Safe and ethical use of Generative AI and NLP;
avoiding and mitigating biases in NLP models and systems; explainability
and transparency in AI.
* Natural Language Interfaces and Interaction: design and implementation
of Natural Language Interfaces, user studies with human participants on
Conversational User Interfaces, chatbots and LLM-based chatbots and
their interaction with users.
* Social Media and Web Analytics: Opinion mining/sentiment analysis,
irony/sarcasm detection; detection of fake reviews and deceptive
language; detection of harmful information: fake news and hate speech;
sexism and misogyny; detection of mental health disorders;
identification of stereotypes and social biases; robust NLP methods for
sparse, ill-formed texts; recommendation systems.
* Deep Learning and eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI): Deep
learning architectures, word embeddings, transparency, interpretability,
fairness, debiasing, ethics.
* Argumentation Mining and Applications: Automatic detection of
argumentation components and relationships; creation of resource (e.g.
annotated corpora, treebanks and parsers); Integration of NLP techniques
with formal, abstract argumentation structures; Argumentation Mining
from legal texts and scientific articles.
* Question Answering (QA): Natural language interfaces to databases, QA
using web data, multi-lingual QA, non-factoid QA(how/why/opinion
questions, lists), geographical QA, QA corpora and training sets, QA
over linked data (QALD).
* Corpus Analysis: multi-lingual, multi-cultural and multi-modal
corpora; machine translation, text analysis, text classification and
clustering; language identification; plagiarism detection; information
extraction: named entity, extraction of events, terms and semantic
* Semantic Web, Open Linked Data, and Ontologies: Ontology learning and
alignment, ontology population, ontology evaluation, querying ontologies
and linked data, semantic tagging and classification, ontology-driven
NLP, ontology-driven systems integration.
* Natural Language in Conceptual Modelling: Analysis of natural language
descriptions, NLP in requirement engineering, terminological ontologies,
consistency checking, metadata creation and harvesting.
* Natural Language and Ubiquitous Computing: Pervasive computing,
embedded, robotic and mobile applications; conversational agents; NLP
techniques for Internet of Things (IoT); NLP techniques for ambient
* Big Data and Business Intelligence: Identity detection, semantic data
cleaning, summarisation, reporting, and data to text.
Important Dates:
Full paper submission: 22 March, 2024
Paper notification: 19 April, 2024
Camera-ready deadline: 26 April, 2024
Conference: 25-27 June 2024
Submission Guidelines:
Authors should follow the LNCS format
) and submit their manuscripts in pdf via Easychair (submission will
open on 1 February, 2024)
Papers can be submitted to either the main conference or the industry track.
Submissions can be full papers (up to 15 pages including references and
appendices), short papers (up to 11 pages including references and
appendices) or papers for a poster presentation or system demonstration
(6 pages including references). The programme committee may decide to
accept some full papers as short papers or poster papers.
All questions about submissions should be emailed to
federico.torrielli(a)unito.it (Web & Publicity Chair)
General Chairs:
Luigi Di Caro, University of Turin
Farid Meziane, University of Derby
Amon Rapp, University of Turin
Vijayan Sugumaran, Oakland University
*** Final Call for Papers ***
36th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering
June 3-7, 2024, 5* St. Raphael Resort and Marina, Limassol, Cyprus
(*** Submission Deadline: Abstract: December 1, 2023 AoE; Paper: December 8, 2023 AoE ***)
The CAiSE’24 organization calls for full papers with a special emphasis on the theme of
Information Systems in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged
as a transformative technology, revolutionizing various industries, and its significance in
Information Systems cannot be overstated. AI-powered systems have the potential to
streamline operations, enhance decision-making processes, and drive innovation across
organizations. From data analysis to automated processes, AI is reshaping the way we leverage
information in the digital age. The relevance of AI in IS extends beyond internal operations.
AI-powered predictive analytics enables organizations to forecast trends, anticipate customer
needs, and optimize resource allocation. This empowers businesses to adapt swiftly to
changing market dynamics, gain a competitive edge, and make proactive decisions. AI
algorithms can also detect anomalies and patterns that indicate potential security breaches,
contributing to robust cybersecurity measures in information systems. However, while
acknowledging the benefits, it is essential to consider the ethical implications of AI in
information systems. Ensuring data privacy, addressing bias in algorithms, and maintaining
transparency are vital aspects that need to be carefully managed and regulated to foster trust
and accountability.
In addition to offering an exciting scientific program, CAiSE’24 will feature a best paper award,
a journal special issue, and a PhD-thesis award:
• Best Paper Award‚ prize EUR 1000 (sponsored by Springer)
• A small selection of best papers will be invited to submit enhanced versions for
consideration in a special issue of Elsevier Information Systems journal dedicated to this
• PhD-Thesis Award
• Best PhD thesis of a past CAiSE Doctoral Consortium author (co-sponsored by the CAiSE
Steering Committee and Springer)
Papers should be submitted in PDF format. Submissions must conform to Springer‚ LNCS
format and should not exceed 15 pages, including all text, figures, references, and appendices.
Submissions not conforming to the LNCS format, exceeding 15 pages, or being obviously out
of the scope of the conference, will be rejected without review. See the guidelines here:
https://www.springer.com/comp/lncs/authors.html .
The results described must be unpublished and must not be under review elsewhere. Three to
five keywords characterizing the paper should be listed at the end of the abstract. Each paper
will be reviewed by at least two program committee members and, if positively evaluated, by
one additional program board member. The selected papers will be discussed among the paper
reviewers online and during the program board meeting. As the review process is not blind,
please indicate your name and affiliation on your submission. Accepted papers will be
presented at CAiSE’24 and published in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
conference proceedings.
We invite three types of original and scientific papers. The type of submission must be
indicated in the submission system. Each contribution should explicitly address the
engineering or the operation of information systems, clearly identify the information systems
problem addressed, the expected impact of the contribution to information system engineering
or operation, and the research method used. We strongly advise authors to clearly emphasize
these aspects in their paper, including the abstract.
Technical papers describe original solutions (theoretical, methodological or conceptual) in the
field of IS Engineering. A technical paper should clearly describe the situation or problem
tackled, the relevant state of the art, the position or solution suggested and its potential‚ as
well as demonstrate the benefits of the contribution through a rigorous evaluation.
Empirical papers evaluate existing problem situations including problems encountered in
practice, or validate proposed solutions with scientific means, i.e., by empirical studies,
experiments, case studies, experience reports, simulations, etc. Scientific reflection on
problems and practices in industry also falls into this category. The topic of the evaluation
presented in the paper as well as its causal or logical properties must be clearly stated. The
research method must be sound and appropriate.
Exploratory papers describe completely new research positions or approaches, in order to face
a generic situation arising because of new ICT tools, new kinds of activities, or new IS
challenges. They must precisely describe the situation and demonstrate why current methods,
tools, ways of reasoning, or meta-models are inadequate. They must also rigorously present
their approach and demonstrate its pertinence and correctness in addressing the identified
The topics of contribution include but are not limited to:
• Novel Approaches to IS Engineering
◦ Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
◦ Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
◦ Big Data, Data Science and Analytics
◦ Blockchain applications in IS
◦ Simulation and Digital Twins
◦ IS for collaboration and social computing
◦ Virtual reality / Augmented Reality
◦ Context-aware, autonomous and adaptive IS
• Models, Methods and Techniques in IS Engineering
◦ Ontologies and Ontology Engineering
◦ Conceptual modeling, languages and design
◦ Requirements engineering
◦ Process modeling, analysis and improvement
◦ Process automation, mining and monitoring
◦ Models and methods for evolution and reuse
◦ Domain and method engineering
◦ Product lines, variability and configuration management
◦ Compliance and alignment handling
◦ Active and interactive models
◦ Quality of IS models for analysis and design
◦ Visualization techniques in IS
◦ Decision models and business intelligence
◦ Knowledge graphs
◦ Human-centered techniques
• Architectures and Platforms for IS Engineering
◦ Distributed, mobile and open architecture
◦ Big Data architectures
◦ Cloud- and edge-based IS engineering
◦ Service oriented and multi-agent IS engineering
◦ Multi-platform IS engineering
◦ Cyber-physical systems and Internet of Things (IoT)
◦ Workflow and Process Aware Information Systems (PAIS)
◦ Handling of real time data streams
◦ Content management and semantic Web
◦ Crowdsourcing platforms
◦ Conversational agents (chatbots)
◦ Microservices design and deployment
• Domain-specific and Multi-aspect IS Engineering
◦ IT governance
◦ eGovernment
◦ Autonomous and smart systems (smart city management, smart vehicles, etc.)
◦ IS for healthcare
◦ Educational Systems and Learning Analytics
◦ Value and supply chain management
◦ Industry 4.0
◦ Sustainability and social responsibility management
◦ Privacy, security, trust, and safety management
◦ IS in the post-COVID world
Submit your paper using the Easy Chair link:
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=caise2024 .
• Abstract Submission: 1st December 2023 (AoE, extended and firm)
• Paper Submission: 8th December 2023 (AoE, extended and firm)
• Notification of Acceptance: 23rd February 2024
• Camera-ready Papers: 5th April 2024
• Author registration: 5th April 2024
General Chairs
• Haris Mouratidis, University of Essex, UK
• Pnina Soffer, University of Haifa, Israel
Local Organizing and Finance Chair
• George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Program Chairs
• Giancarlo Guizzardi, University of Twente, The Netherlands
• Flavia Maria Santoro, University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Other Committee Members
The European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW) is an international venue on practice-centred computing and the design of cooperation technologies.
Next year, the 22nd edition of ECSCW will take place in Rimini, Italy, from 17 to 21 June 2024.
Conference website: https://ecscw.eusset.eu/
The conference features:
* Journal Papers that will be published on the Journal of CSCW<https://www.springer.com/journal/10606> (Springer), for details: https://ecscw.eusset.eu/2024/journal-papers/
* Exploratory Papers, for details: https://ecscw.eusset.eu/2024/exploratory-papers/
* Notes, for details: https://ecscw.eusset.eu/2024/notes/
* Posters & Demos, for details: https://ecscw.eusset.eu/2024/posters-demo/
* Doctoral contributions for the Doctoral Colloquium, for details: https://ecscw.eusset.eu/2024/doctoral-colloquium/
We have open calls for proposing and organizing:
* Masterclasses, for details: https://ecscw.eusset.eu/2024/masterclasses/
* Workshops, for details: https://ecscw.eusset.eu/2024/workshops/
* Panels, for details: https://ecscw.eusset.eu/2024/panels/
* January 15, 2024: Systems open for submissions
* February 23, 2024: Deadline for most types of contributions
* April 1, 2024: Journal Paper acceptance cut-off date for inclusion and presentation in ECSCW 2024 Program
* June 17-21, 2024: ECSCW 2024 Conference
Relevant themes include, but are not limited to:
* Empirical investigations of collaborative practices. Findings, guidelines, and/or studies related to communication, collaboration, and social technologies, practices, or use.
* System design focusing on solutions to support cooperative work in increasingly complex, networked, and data-driven settings.
* Hardware, architectures, infrastructures, interaction design, technical foundations, algorithms, and/or toolkits that enable the building of new social and collaborative systems and experiences.
* Methodologies and tools for investigating human practices, e.g., the nature of ethnography and the role of other innovative research approaches in building systems or studying their use, the application of critical design or design fictions to investigate future possibilities.
* Critical analysis or theory with clear relevance to study, design, or use of collaborative settings and systems.
* Domain-specific social and collaborative applications, including applications to digital civics, grassroots movements, healthcare, transportation, ICT4D, sustainability, education, workplace, accessibility, global collaboration, or other domains.
* Analysis of the ethics and policy implications of socio-technical systems, the values that inform them, and the algorithms that shape them.
* The changing nature of collaboration and teaming in relation to intelligent machine agents, e.g., human-AI relationships in collaborative practices.
* Studies, prototypes, or other investigations that explore interactions across disciplines, distances, languages, generations, and cultures, to help understand how to design in relation to social, temporal, and/or spatial boundaries.
* Discussions and extrapolations of work-practices and technologies, which contribute to the core topics of ECSCW.
For additional information, do not hesitate to contact us at chairs(a)ecscw.eusset.eu<mailto:chairs@ecscw.eusset.eu>.
We look forward to receiving your contributions and engaging with the ECSCW community!
The organizing team of ECSCW 2024
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CfP AVI 2024 Advanced Visual Interfaces - 2nd Call for Workshop and Tutorial Proposals
International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces
3-7 June 2024
Genoa, Italy
Workshop and tutorial proposals:
- Friday, December 1, 2023 (23:59, AoE)
Submission webpage: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=avi2024
We invite proposals for workshops to be held on June 3-4, 2024, in conjunction with the International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI 2024). We invite proposals for workshops in all the areas related to Advanced Visual Interfaces and Human-Computer Interaction.
Workshop proposals must be submitted following the instructions on: https://avi2024.dibris.unige.it/calls
We encourage the proposal of tutorials on new and emerging topics or, conversely, consolidated topics related to Advanced Visual Interfaces and HCI approaches, methodologies, or technologies. The selected tutorials will be held on the first or last day of the conference and Doctoral Consortium students will be invited to participate in them.
Tutorial proposals must be submitted following the instructions on:
Workshop & Tutorial Chairs
- Ignacio Aedo, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
- Rosella Gennari, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI)
Since 1992, AVI has been a biennial appointment for a vast international community of experts with a broad range of backgrounds. Throughout three decades, the Conference has attracted leading researchers of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) from all over the world, offering a forum to present and disseminate new technological results, paradigms, and visions for HCI and user interfaces.
Because of advanced technology and new possibilities for user interaction, AVI has broadened the topics it covers, still keeping its primary focus on the conception, design, implementation, and evaluation of novel visual interfaces.
While rooted in Italy, AVI is an actual international conference concerning the nationality of participants, authors of papers, and program committee members. The mixture of carefully selected research contributions paired with cordial Italian hospitality creates a unique conference atmosphere, which has made AVI an internationally recognized brand.
AVI 2024 is under the patronage of University of Genoa, Department of Informatics, Bioengineering, Robotics and Systems Engineering, Italy.
We look forward to your participation in AVI 2024!
Cristina Conati, AVI 2024 General Chair
Gulatiero Volpe, AVI 2024 General Chair
Ilaria Torre, AVI 2024 Program Chair
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to) the following:
Adaptive and Context-Aware Interfaces
Affective Visual Interfaces
Computer Supported Cooperative Work
Conversational Interfaces
Full-body Interaction
Human-AI Interaction
Information Visualization
Intelligent Interfaces
Engineering of Visual Interfaces and Interaction
Interaction Design Tools
Building Interactions: Hardware, Materials, and Fabrication
Interaction for the environment and environmental awareness
Interface Metaphors
Interfaces for Automotive
Interfaces for Big Data
Interfaces for e-Commerce and e-Branding
Interfaces for e-Culture and e-Tourism
Interfaces for End-User Development
Interfaces for i-TV
Interfaces for Recommender Systems
Interfaces for Social Interaction and Cooperation
Interfaces and Interactions for Inclusion, Accessibility and Aging
Interfaces for Children
Learning, Education, and Families
Mobile Interaction
Motion-based Interaction
Multimodal Interfaces
(Multi)Sensory Interfaces
(Multi)Touch Interaction
Search Interfaces
Shape-Changing Devices
User Interfaces for the Internet of Things
Usability and Accessibility
Usability and (Cyber)Security
Virtual and Augmented Reality
Visual Analytics
General Chairs
Cristina Conati, University of British Columbia, Vancouver
Gualtiero Volpe, University of Genoa
Program Chair
Ilaria Torre, University of Genoa
Long Papers Chairs
Giuseppe Desolda, University of Bari
Michail Giannakos, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Short Papers Chairs
Elisabetta Bevacqua, National Engineering School of Brest
Maurizio Mancini, Sapienza University of Rome
Workshop & Tutorial Chairs
Ignacio Aedo, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Rosella Gennari, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
Poster Chairs
Masood Masoodian, Aalto University
Giovanna Varni, University of Trento
Demo Chairs
Radoslaw Niewiadomski, University of Genoa
Fabiana Vernero, University of Turin
Doctoral Consortium Chair
Fabio Paternò, CNR ISTI
Giuliana Vitiello, University of Salerno
Publicity Chairs
Beatrice Biancardi, LINEACT CESI
Federica Delprino, University of Genoa
Proceedings Chairs
Eleonora Ceccaldi, University of Genoa
Cigdem Beyan, University of Trento
Web Chair
Paola Barra, University of Naples Parthenope
Paolo Bottoni,
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Paolo Buono
University of Bari, Italy
Tiziana Catarci
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Maria Francesca Costabile
University of Bari, Italy
Maristella Matera
Polytechnic of Milan, Italy
Massimo Mecella
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Kent Norman
University of Maryland, USA
Emanuele Panizzi,
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Genny Tortora
University of Salerno, Italy
Giuliana Vitiello
University of Salerno, Italy
Marco Winckler
Université Côte d'Azur, France
Tel : +33 (0)6 71 62 50 45
93 boulevard de La Seine
CS 40177 - 92006 Nanterre cedex
*CFP for the 1st Workshop on Information Retrieval for Understudied Users
Please join us at IR4U2, co-located with the 46th European Conference on
Information Retrieval (ECIR), which will take place 24th-28th March 2024 in
Glasgow, Scotland
Information Retrieval (IR) remains an active, fast-paced area of research.
Nevertheless, most advancements in this domain have primarily favored what
we might term 'conventional' users, such as English-speaking adults.
We envision IR4U2 as a forum to spotlight efforts that, while sparse,
consider diverse, and often understudied, user groups when designing,
developing, assessing, and deploying the IR technologies that directly
impact them.
Among these groups, we find, for example, older adults, young children and
adolescents, individuals afflicted by mental health disorders, users with
autism spectrum disorder (ASD), individuals with intellectual disabilities,
or those with specific learning needs.
We aim to
Raise awareness about ongoing efforts focused on IR technologies
designed for and used by often understudied user groups;
Identify challenges and open issues impacting this area of research;
Ignite discussions to identify common frameworks for future research;
Outline a general approach to facilitate research endeavors driven by
and at the service of specific user groups.
Cross-fertilization and community-building by sharing lessons learned
gathered from research catering to different audiences by researchers and
(industry) practitioners across various disciplines.
IR4U2 will be a highly participatory, full-day, in-person workshop. This
will involve informal interactions, facilitated group work, and brief
presentations of accepted contributions. These contributions will help
construct a snapshot of the current works in this area.
Topics of interest include:
User modeling to enable IR and recommendation technologies tailored to
understudied populations.
Data collection and benchmark development of IR catering to understudied
IR applications targeting understudied populations.
UI/UX for search, recommender, and question-answering systems for
understudied populations.
IR-related technology (clustering, classification, text processing, text
complexity) and their impact on understudied populations.
Different perspectives of evaluation.
Design of the user interaction with IR systems.
Ethical issues associated with IR technologies for understudied users;
e.g., their right to be represented, acknowledged, have access, and be
served by existing and to-be-developed systems.
This is not an exhaustive list, as we are also interested in contributions
discussing challenges inherent to designing IR technology at the service of
understudied user groups–from the need for multidisciplinary,
multi-stakeholder collaborations to how to build datasets.
Peer-reviewed contributions. These include research papers presenting
empirical explorations, user studies, and/or new algorithms related to the
open problems listed in topics of interest, as well as position/vision
contributions discussing uses cases, challenges, and future research
directions. These contributions should be submitted on EasyChair (
https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=ir4u2) at least 4 pages, but up to
12 (excluding references) formatted in CEURART’s single-column template.
Accepted contributions will be presented at the workshop and published in
workshop proceedings.
Editorially-reviewed contributions. To enable potential attendees to
articulate their views on the topics of the workshop, share
already-published works, bring awareness to ongoing European projects in
this area, etc., we ask the submission of a short extended abstract. This
type of informal submission (via this form:
will be editorially
reviewed by workshop organizers to gauge fit as well as themes of interest
for group discussions. Accepted contributions will be presented at the
workshop, but not published in the proceedings.
Important dates
All the deadlines are set at 11:59 PM AoE.
Submission: January 29, 2024
Author notification: February 20, 2024
Camera-ready: February 26, 2024
Workshop day: March 24, 2024
At least one author of each accepted paper must register and attend the
workshop. Please feel free to reach out to the ir4u2.research(a)gmail.com
with questions. For further information, see Home | Ir4u2
(ir4u2workshop.wixsite.com) <https://ir4u2workshop.wixsite.com/ir4u2>.
Sole Pera, TU Delft, The Netherlands
Federica Cena, University of Turin, Italy
Theo Huibers, University of Twente, The Netherlands
Monica Landoni,Università della Svizzera Italiana, Switzerland
Noemi Mauro, University of Turin, Italy
Emiliana Murgia, Università di Genova, Italy
The University of Cyprus was founded in 1989 and admitted its first students in 1992. Within a
short time, the University of Cyprus achieved international distinctions. Today, it is ranked as
the 99th young university (under 50 years) and among the 501-600 best universities worldwide
by the Times Higher Education Rankings.
These notable distinctions, achieved in the highly competitive field of research, are the result of
commitment and dedication to continuous development and research excellence, the promotion
and strengthening of which constitutes a key strategic objective of the University of Cyprus.
Moreover, the University continually extends and develops its undergraduate and graduate
programs of study.
To best serve its research and educational aims, the University recruits high-caliber academic
staff who can make significant contributions to the development of internationally competitive
research projects and to the design and delivery of new curricula.
The University of Cyprus is committed to promoting inclusivity, diversity, and equality, as well
as the elimination of all forms of discrimination in order to provide a fair, safe and pleasant
environment for the entire university community, where students and staff members will feel
supported both in their professional and personal development, within and beyond their
multiple identities. To this end, the University of Cyprus seeks to create the necessary
conditions that will encourage and respect diversity and ensure dignity both in the workplace
and society at large. Moreover, the University has adopted specific policies to promote equal
opportunities, as well as respect and understanding of diversity, while it is committed to
promoting and maintaining a working, teaching, and learning environment, free from any form
of discrimination, whether direct or indirect.
The University of Cyprus invites applications for one (1) tenure-track position at the rank of
Lecturer or Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science, in the field of Artificial
Intelligence with emphasis in Machine Learning.
For all academic ranks, a Doctoral degree from an accredited University is required.
The minimum requirements for each academic rank are available at https://rb.gy/e9oi7 and
include: previous academic experience, outstanding research achievements and notable
scientific contributions, experience in developing and teaching of high quality undergraduate
and graduate curricula.
Candidates do not need to be citizens of the Republic of Cyprus.
The official languages of instruction are Greek and Turkish. For the above position, fluency in
the Greek language is necessary.
In case the selected candidate is not proficient in the Greek language, the candidate and the
Department shall ensure that the former acquires sufficient knowledge of the Greek language
within 3 years from the date of appointment. Each Department sets its own criteria concerning
the required level of fluency in the Greek language.
In accordance with the applicable legislation, the annual gross salary (including the 13th salary)
for full-time employment is:
Assistant Professor: (Scale A13-A14) €62.611,88 - €84.439,86
Lecturer: (Scale A12-A13) €47.589,64 - €77.438,96
Employee contributions to the various State funds will be deducted from the above amounts.
Candidates are invited to submit their applications electronically by uploading the following
documents in English and in PDF format at the following link:
1. Cover Letter
2. Curriculum Vitae
3. Copy of ID/Passport
4. Copies of degree certificates
5. Review of previous research work and a brief description of future research projects
(up to 3 pages)
6. List of publications
7. Representative publications (up to 3 publications which should be submitted separately).
While publications are not required for the rank of Lecturer, candidates applying for this rank
are encouraged to submit representative publications if they have any.
8. The names and email addresses of three professors from whom confidential letters of
recommendation (in English) will be automatically requested upon submission of the
application. Letters of recommendation may be submitted up to 7 days following the deadline
for submission of applications. It is the responsibility of each candidate to ensure that the
references are submitted. In case the letters of recommendation are not submitted on time,
the application will not be considered.
The above documents (1-7) must be uploaded as separate PDF documents.
No change will be possible following the submission of your application.
The deadline for applications is on Monday 05th of February 2024.
The selected applicants will be required to submit copies of degree certificates certified by the
Ministry of Education (if the degrees were obtained from universities in Cyprus) or from the
Issuing Authority (if the degrees were obtained from foreign universities).
Applications, supporting documents and recommendation letters submitted in response to
previous vacancy announcements will not be considered and must be resubmitted.
Applications not providing all the required documents specified in the online application form
at the above link will not be considered.
The applicant shall ensure that their application has been successfully submitted. Upon
submission, the candidate will receive an automated confirmation email.
For more information, please contact the Department of Computer Science (+357 22 89 2669)
or the Human Resources Services (tel.: +357 22 89 4146).
*** Third Call for Papers ***
36th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering
June 3-7, 2024, 5* St. Raphael Resort and Marina, Limassol, Cyprus
(*** Submission Deadline: November 24, 2023 AoE ***)
The CAiSE’24 organization calls for full papers with a special emphasis on the theme of
Information Systems in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged
as a transformative technology, revolutionizing various industries, and its significance in
Information Systems cannot be overstated. AI-powered systems have the potential to
streamline operations, enhance decision-making processes, and drive innovation across
organizations. From data analysis to automated processes, AI is reshaping the way we leverage
information in the digital age. The relevance of AI in IS extends beyond internal operations.
AI-powered predictive analytics enables organizations to forecast trends, anticipate customer
needs, and optimize resource allocation. This empowers businesses to adapt swiftly to
changing market dynamics, gain a competitive edge, and make proactive decisions. AI
algorithms can also detect anomalies and patterns that indicate potential security breaches,
contributing to robust cybersecurity measures in information systems. However, while
acknowledging the benefits, it is essential to consider the ethical implications of AI in
information systems. Ensuring data privacy, addressing bias in algorithms, and maintaining
transparency are vital aspects that need to be carefully managed and regulated to foster trust
and accountability.
In addition to offering an exciting scientific program, CAiSE’24 will feature a best paper award,
a journal special issue, and a PhD-thesis award:
• Best Paper Award‚ prize EUR 1000 (sponsored by Springer)
• A small selection of best papers will be invited to submit enhanced versions for
consideration in a special issue of Elsevier Information Systems journal dedicated to this
• PhD-Thesis Award
• Best PhD thesis of a past CAiSE Doctoral Consortium author (co-sponsored by the CAiSE
Steering Committee and Springer)
Papers should be submitted in PDF format. Submissions must conform to Springer‚ LNCS
format and should not exceed 15 pages, including all text, figures, references, and appendices.
Submissions not conforming to the LNCS format, exceeding 15 pages, or being obviously out
of the scope of the conference, will be rejected without review. See the guidelines here:
https://www.springer.com/comp/lncs/authors.html .
The results described must be unpublished and must not be under review elsewhere. Three to
five keywords characterizing the paper should be listed at the end of the abstract. Each paper
will be reviewed by at least two program committee members and, if positively evaluated, by
one additional program board member. The selected papers will be discussed among the paper
reviewers online and during the program board meeting. As the review process is not blind,
please indicate your name and affiliation on your submission. Accepted papers will be
presented at CAiSE’24 and published in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
conference proceedings.
We invite three types of original and scientific papers. The type of submission must be
indicated in the submission system. Each contribution should explicitly address the
engineering or the operation of information systems, clearly identify the information systems
problem addressed, the expected impact of the contribution to information system engineering
or operation, and the research method used. We strongly advise authors to clearly emphasize
these aspects in their paper, including the abstract.
Technical papers describe original solutions (theoretical, methodological or conceptual) in the
field of IS Engineering. A technical paper should clearly describe the situation or problem
tackled, the relevant state of the art, the position or solution suggested and its potential‚ as
well as demonstrate the benefits of the contribution through a rigorous evaluation.
Empirical papers evaluate existing problem situations including problems encountered in
practice, or validate proposed solutions with scientific means, i.e., by empirical studies,
experiments, case studies, experience reports, simulations, etc. Scientific reflection on
problems and practices in industry also falls into this category. The topic of the evaluation
presented in the paper as well as its causal or logical properties must be clearly stated. The
research method must be sound and appropriate.
Exploratory papers describe completely new research positions or approaches, in order to face
a generic situation arising because of new ICT tools, new kinds of activities, or new IS
challenges. They must precisely describe the situation and demonstrate why current methods,
tools, ways of reasoning, or meta-models are inadequate. They must also rigorously present
their approach and demonstrate its pertinence and correctness in addressing the identified
The topics of contribution include but are not limited to:
• Novel Approaches to IS Engineering
◦ Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
◦ Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
◦ Big Data, Data Science and Analytics
◦ Blockchain applications in IS
◦ Simulation and Digital Twins
◦ IS for collaboration and social computing
◦ Virtual reality / Augmented Reality
◦ Context-aware, autonomous and adaptive IS
• Models, Methods and Techniques in IS Engineering
◦ Ontologies and Ontology Engineering
◦ Conceptual modeling, languages and design
◦ Requirements engineering
◦ Process modeling, analysis and improvement
◦ Process automation, mining and monitoring
◦ Models and methods for evolution and reuse
◦ Domain and method engineering
◦ Product lines, variability and configuration management
◦ Compliance and alignment handling
◦ Active and interactive models
◦ Quality of IS models for analysis and design
◦ Visualization techniques in IS
◦ Decision models and business intelligence
◦ Knowledge graphs
◦ Human-centered techniques
• Architectures and Platforms for IS Engineering
◦ Distributed, mobile and open architecture
◦ Big Data architectures
◦ Cloud- and edge-based IS engineering
◦ Service oriented and multi-agent IS engineering
◦ Multi-platform IS engineering
◦ Cyber-physical systems and Internet of Things (IoT)
◦ Workflow and Process Aware Information Systems (PAIS)
◦ Handling of real time data streams
◦ Content management and semantic Web
◦ Crowdsourcing platforms
◦ Conversational agents (chatbots)
◦ Microservices design and deployment
• Domain-specific and Multi-aspect IS Engineering
◦ IT governance
◦ eGovernment
◦ Autonomous and smart systems (smart city management, smart vehicles, etc.)
◦ IS for healthcare
◦ Educational Systems and Learning Analytics
◦ Value and supply chain management
◦ Industry 4.0
◦ Sustainability and social responsibility management
◦ Privacy, security, trust, and safety management
◦ IS in the post-COVID world
Submit your paper using the Easy Chair link:
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=caise2024 .
• Abstract Submission: 24th November 2023 (AoE)
• Paper Submission: 1st December 2023 (AoE)
• Notification of Acceptance: 23rd February 2024
• Camera-ready Papers: 5th April 2024
• Author registration: 5th April 2024
General Chairs
• Haris Mouratidis, University of Essex, UK
• Pnina Soffer, University of Haifa, Israel
Local Organizing and Finance Chair
• George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Program Chairs
• Giancarlo Guizzardi, University of Twente, The Netherlands
• Flavia Maria Santoro, University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Other Committee Members