ACM GOODIT 2024 Conference Call for Papers
4-6 September 2024, Bremen, Germany
The ACM 4th International Conference on Information Technology for Social Good (GoodIT 2024) is a premier international forum for researchers, practitioners, and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns, as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of data and technology for addressing Social Good and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. We welcome contributions that delve into the nexus of technology, data science, and social well-being, exploring how these domains interconnect and impact society.
Alongside the main track, the conference includes the Work-in-Progress and PhD Track. The Work-in-Progress Track is an excellent opportunity for practitioners and researchers to present early-stage work, offering a platform for sharing innovative ideas, receiving feedback, and fostering discussions and collaborations. The PhD Track is designed for PhD students at different stages of their research. It provides a valuable opportunity for these students to present and refine their research under the guidance of experienced researchers.
Additionally, the program will be enriched with several Special Tracks. The forthcoming Call for Papers will outline these tracks' details and specific topics.
We welcome submissions on a wide range of topics, including but not limited to:
IT and Data Science for Social Good:
Social Impact of Machine Learning Applications
Data and algorithmic biases and potential societal risks
Large language models (LLMs) and GenAI models impact on society
Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency in Machine Learning
Citizen Science
IT for smart living, Health and social care
Technology for Social Good:
AI and Machine Learning for Social and Humanitarian response
IoT Solutions for Sustainable Development
Decentralized approaches to IT
Digital Solutions for Cultural Heritage
Game, entertainment, and multimedia applications
IT for education
Environmental Sustainability and Technology:
Green Computing and Energy-Efficient Technologies
Climate Change Modeling and Environmental Science
Smart Cities and Sustainable Urban Development
Sustainable Networking and Communication Systems
Technology addressing the digital divide
Ethics, Policy, and Governance in Tech for Social Good:
Regulatory and Policy Frameworks for Ethical Tech
Governance of AI and Autonomous Systems in Social Contexts
Digital Rights and Freedom in the Age of Technology
Data Privacy and Security in Social Applications
Submission Guidelines:
Submitted papers must be original works and must not have been previously published.
All papers must clearly outline the research question, methodology, results, and implications for social good.
The papers should follow the new ACM format (…).
Main Track and Special Tracks Full Paper Submission should be a maximum of 12 pages;
Work-in-Progress papers should be a maximum of 8 pages;
Ph.D. track papers should be a maximum of 5
The indicated paper length includes references, tables, and figures. Documents with a length disproportionate to their contribution will be rejected.
These submissions will undergo a single-blind peer review process involving three evaluations each. Accepted papers will be included in the ACM Digital Library.
Each accepted paper must have at least one of its authors register for and physically present the work at the conference. Please consider that this is a condition to ensure the paper is included in the conference proceedings.
For additional details, please check the “Submission of Papers” ( web page.
Important Dates:
Full Paper Submission Deadline: May 17th, 2024
Notification of Paper Acceptance: July 8th, 2024
Camera-Ready Submission: July 19th, 2024
Conference Dates: 4-6 September 2024, Bremen, Germany
Submission Portal:
Please submit your papers through our online submission portal available at
Contact Us:
For any inquiries regarding the call for papers, please contact pmanzoni(a)
We look forward to your contributions and to seeing you at the ACM GOODIT 2024 Conference!
ACM GOODIT 2024 Conference Committee
Care tutte e cari tutti,
Nel caso non l’abbiate visto o ricevuto, vi inoltro il messaggio di Helena Mentis che sta gestendo le prossime elezioni di SIGCHI.
Evidenzio due punti di interesse:
1) Le elezioni per rinnovare l’Executive Committee di SIGCHI — aperte a tutti i membri SIGCHI, professional e student — inizieranno dopo il 30 Aprile e si chiuderanno il 4 Giugno.
2) Helena sta organizzando delle chiamate Zoom chiamate “Meet the Candidates”, aperte a tutti. Trovate date, ore e link delle prime tre di seguito. Faccio presente che, tra queste primi incontri online, Dragan Ahmetovic è professore associato all’Università di Milano Statale e uno dei due candidati come Vice-President for Accessibility.
Un caro saluto a tutte/i!
A presto,
Luigi De Russis
Luigi De Russis
Associate Professor
Department of Control and Computer Engineering
Politecnico di Torino, Italy
phone: +39 011 0907170
email: luigi.derussis(a)
Begin forwarded message:
From: Helena Mentis <mentis(a)UMBC.EDU>
Subject: SIGCHI Meet the Candidate Open Forums
Date: 9 April 2024 at 04:03:51 GMT+2
Hello SIGCHI Members:
A short update on the upcoming SIGCHI Executive Committee elections and an invitation to meet our candidates.
On April 30th the SIGCHI election statements will be published on the ACM website (you will receive an email from the ACM to that effect) and then the deadline to vote has been moved back to June 4. Note that this is later than the dates originally planned.
In the next few weeks, we are planning a series of open forums called Meet the Candidates. Below are the first three planned for next week. These will be recorded and posted. You are welcome to attend in person to ask your questions, or submit a question to the candidates via the respective Slido links listed below.
VP for Accessibility
Monday, April 15th, 1-2pm UTC
Candidates are: Dragan Ahmetovic and Fernando Loizides
Questions submit to:
VP for Communication
Wednesday, April 17th - 3-4pm UTC
Candidates are: Naveena Karusala and Guo Freeman
Questions submit to:
VPs AT-Large
Friday, April 19th - 12-1pm UTC
Candidates are: Dilrukshi Gamage, Ignacio Avellino, Susan Dray, and Pejman Mirza-Babaei
Questions submit to:
There will be more open forums announced, so stay tuned.
Thank you for your support of SIGCHI,
*** Apologies for cross-posting ***
=== Special Track on Citizen Science as a tool for Social Good (CS4Good) ===
In conjunction with ACM 4th International Conference on Information Technology for Social Good (ACM GoodIT 2024), 4-6 September 2024, Bremen, Germany
### LINK
-> Papers Submission: May 17th, 2024
-> Notification of acceptance: July 8th, 2024
-> Camera Ready submission: July 19th, 2024
The CS4Good special track provides a unique opportunity to explore ground-breaking research contributions addressing Citizen Science within the specific context of social good. Social good refers to societal benefits from CS activities such as environmental justice and protection, inclusion and learning of underrepresented communities, public health promotion and equity, innovation and literacy, and advances and trust in science.
Case studies of Citizen science applications for social good
Citizens’ engagement and motivation
Innovative solutions supporting CS and social good (e.g., Virtual Reality, Augmented reality, smart sensors)
Data collection, accuracy, and trustworthiness
Ethics and privacy issues
Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Citizen Science
Gamification and Game Thinking
Data visualization and data literacy
Crowdsourcing and crowdsensing
Submitted papers must be original works and must not have been previously published. They will be peer-reviewed (three reviews). All accepted and presented papers will be included in the conference proceedings published in ACM Digital Library. At least one of the authors of all accepted papers must register and present the work in presence at the conference; otherwise, the paper will not be published in the proceedings.
Catia Prandi, University of Bologna, Italy
Christothea Herodotou, Open University, UK
Catia Prandi, PhD.
Senior Assistant professor (RTD B),
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
University of Bologna
Dear Colleagues,
The deadline for submitting a paper proposal for the special session on
"eXtended Reality as a gateway to the Metaverse: Practices, Theories,
Technologies and Applications" is approaching.
The extended and firm deadlines are:
- April 10 - for your paper proposal in the form of a 1-2 page Abstract or
a Graphical Abstract
- May 15 - to finalize your work and submit the full paper.
Please see the CfP below for details and forward it to colleagues who might
be interested in contributing to this special session.
Best regards,
Giuseppe Caggianese
Call for Papers - Special Session on: “EXTENDED REALITY AS A GATEWAY TO THE
2024 IEEE International Conference on Metrology for eXtended Reality,
Artificial Intelligence, and Neural Engineering (IEEE MetroXRAINE 2024)
October 21-23, 2024 - St Albans, London, UK.
The fast development of Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and
Mixed Reality (MR) solutions over the last few years are transforming how
people interact, work, and communicate. The eXtended Reality (XR) term
encloses all those immersive technologies that can shift the boundaries
between digital and physical worlds to realize the metaverse. According to
tech companies and venture capitalists, the metaverse will be a
super-platform that convenes sub-platforms: social media, online video
games, and ease-of-life apps, all accessible through the same digital space
and sharing the same digital economy. Inside the metaverse, virtual worlds
will allow avatars to carry out all human endeavours, including creation,
display, entertainment, social, and trading. Thus, the metaverse will
evolve how users interact with brands, intellectual properties, health
services, cultural heritage, and each other things on the Internet. A user
could join friends to play a multiplayer game, watch a movie via a
streaming service and then attend a university course precisely the same as
in the real world.
The metaverse development will require new software architecture that will
enable decentralized and collaborative virtual worlds. These self-organized
virtual worlds will be permanent and will require maintenance operations.
In addition, it will be necessary to design an efficient data management
system and prevent privacy violations. Finally, the convergence of physical
reality, virtually enhanced, and an always-on virtual space highlighted the
need to rethink the actual paradigms for visualization, interaction, and
sharing of digital information, moving toward more natural, intuitive,
dynamically customizable, multimodal, and multi-user solutions.
This special session aims to focus on exploring how the realization of the
metaverse can transform certain application domains such us: (i)
healthcare, in which the metaverse solutions can, for instance, improve the
communication between patients and physicians; (ii) cultural heritage, with
potentially more effective solutions for tourism guidance, site
maintenance, and heritage object conservation; and (iii) industry, where to
enable data-driven decision making, smart maintenance, and overall asset
More information can be found here:
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Hardware/Software Architectures for metaverse
- Decentralized and Collaborative Architectures for metaverse
- Interoperability for metaverse
- Tools to help creators to build the metaverse
- Operations and Maintenance in metaverse
- Data security and privacy mechanisms for metaverse
- Cryptocurrency, token, NFT Solutions for metaverse
- Fraud-Detection in metaverse
- Cyber Security for metaverse
- Data Analytics to Identify Malicious Behaviors in metaverse
- Blockchain/AI technologies in metaverse
- Emerging Technologies and Applications for metaverse
- New models to evaluate the impact of the metaverse
- Interactive Data Exploration and Presentation in metaverse
- Human-Computer Interaction for metaverse
- Human factors issues related to metaverse
- Proof-of-Concept in Metaverse: Experimental Prototyping and Testbeds
Abstract Submission Deadline: April 10, 2024 (Extended and Firm Deadline)
Final Paper Submission Deadline: May 15, 2024 (Extended and Firm Deadline)
Full Paper Acceptance Notification: June 15, 2024
Final Paper Submission Deadline: July 31, 2024
Authors should prepare an Abstract (1 - 2 pages) that clearly indicates the
originality of the contribution and the relevance of the work. The Abstract
should include the title of the paper, names and affiliations of the
authors, an abstract, keywords, an introduction describing the nature of
the problem, a description of the contribution, the results achieved and
their applicability.
As an alternative to the traditional abstract, it is possible to submit a
Graphical Abstract. For further information, please see here:
When the first review process has been completed, authors receive a
notification of either acceptance or rejection of the submission. If the
abstract has been accepted, the authors can prepare a full paper.
The format for the full paper is identical to the format for the abstract
except for the number of pages: the full paper has a required minimum
length of five (5) pages and a maximum of six (6) pages.
Full Papers will be reviewed by the Technical Program Committee. Authors of
accepted full papers must submit the final paper version according to the
deadline, register for the workshop, and attend to present their papers.
The maximum length for final papers is 6 pages.
All contributions will be peer-reviewed and acceptance will be based on
quality, originality and relevance. Accepted papers will be submitted for
inclusion into IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
Submissions must be written in English and prepared according to the IEEE
Conference Proceedings template. LaTeX and Word templates and an Overleaf
sample project can be found at:
The papers must be submitted in PDF format electronically via EDAS online
submission and review system:
To submit abstracts or draft papers to the special session, please follow
the submission instructions for regular sessions, but remind to specify the
special session to which the paper is directed.
The special session organizers and other external reviewers will review all
More information can be found here:
All contributions will be peer-reviewed, and acceptance will be based on
quality, originality, and relevance. Accepted papers will be submitted for
inclusion into the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
Extended versions of presented papers are eligible for post-publication;
more information will be provided soon.
Giuseppe Caggianese
National Research Council of Italy
Nicola Capece
University of Basilicata
Luigi Gallo
National Research Council of Italy
For any questions related to the special session, please feel free to
contact us via email.
* Apologies for multiple copies. Please forward to anybody who might be
interested, thanks *
* Last 60 seats left, hurry up and register! *
#ACDL2024, An Interdisciplinary Course: From Deep Learning to Generative AI
ACDL 2024 is a full-immersion 5-day course in Tuscany on cutting-edge
advances in AI, Deep Learning, LLMs, Data Sc. & Generative AI with lectures
delivered by world-renowned experts.
you want to learn
NLP, Generative AI
Transformers, Diffusion Models,
Large language models,
Vision - Large-scale vision models,
Vision and language,
Beyond vision and language,
Multimodal Foundation Models
and much more
take part in ACDL 2024! ;-)
Riva del Sole Resort & SPA - Tuscany, Italy, June 10-14
Oral Presentation Submission Deadline: by April 23 (AoE)
Each Lecturer will hold up to four lectures on one or more research topics.
* Joseph Sifakis, Verimag Laboratory, Grenoble, France *Turing Award*
Lectures “Artificial Intelligence: Where We Are, Where We Are Going?”
* Gabriel Barth-Maron, DeepMind, London, UK
4 Lessons on "Multimodal Foundation Models"
* Sergiy Butenko, Texas A&M University, USA
“Cluster-detection Methods in Network-based Data Analysis”
“Continuous Approaches to Cluster-Detection Problems in Networks ”
* Sven Giesselbach, Fraunhofer Institute - IAIS, Germany
5 Lessons on "Introduction on Foundation Models"
* Ramin Hasani, MIT, USA
4 Lessons on "Continuous Neural Networks / Liquid Neural Networks"
* Nora Kassner, DeepMind, London, UK
"Large Language Models: Life after Pre-training"
"Large Language Models: Evaluation"
"Large Language Models: Reasoning and Factuality"
"Large Language Models: Retrieval augmentation and Tool-use"
* Petros Koumoutsakos, Harvard University, USA
“Machine Learning for Modeling and Control of Complex Systems” 1/2
“Machine Learning for Modeling and Control of Complex Systems” 2/2
“Solving forward and inverse problems with and without neural networks”
“Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification”
* Maria Liakata, The Alan Turing Institute, UK
4 Lessons on "Longitudinal Language Processing with User Generated Content"
* Panos Pardalos, University of Florida, USA
Lectures 1-2 TBA
Topics: Data Science, Application to Neuroscience
* Jakub M. Tomczak, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
4 Lessons on “Deep Generative Modelling”
* Rianne van den Berg, Microsoft Research Amsterdam, The Netherlands
3 Lessons on "Diffusion Models"
* Pascal Van Hentenryck, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
3 Lessons on "Fusing Machine Learning and Optimization for Engineering"
* Max Welling, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
3 Lessons on "Generalized Belief Propagation Algorithms for Tensor Network
Riva del Sole Resort & SPA
Località Riva del Sole‚ Castiglione della Pescaia (Grosseto)
CAP 58043‚ Tuscany‚ Italy
p: +39-0564-928111
PhD students, Postdocs, Industry Practitioners, Junior and Senior
Academics, and will be typical profiles of the ACDL attendants. The Course
will involve a total of 36-40 hours of lectures, according to the academic
system the final achievement will be equivalent to 8 ECTS points for the
PhD Students (and some strongly motivated master student) attending the
Course. At the end of the course, a formal certificate will be delivered
indicating the 8 ECTS points.
TO PARTICIPATE IN ACDL 2024, all attendants must
(1/2) register for the course (by April 23, 2024) and
(2/2) book accommodation at the course venue, Riva del Sole Resort & SPA‚
(by April 23, 2024); all attendants must stay at the Riva del Sole Resort &
Once accommodation has been booked at Riva del Sole Resort & SPA‚ the
participant must send this information (including the Booking Number) to
the ACDL organizing committee (acdl(a)
ACDL is a residential course, so all lecturers and participants must reside
in the same Hotel (Riva del Sole Resort & SPA). No exceptions are made.
For privacy reasons, the Hotel cannot match people. If you have someone to
share the apartment with, please send to the Hotel ( the name, surname and email address.
Otherwise the solution is to book an apartment in single use.
Anyone interested in participating in ACDL 2024 should register as soon as
See you in Riva del Sole in June!
Giuseppe Nicosia & Panos Pardalos - ACDL 2024 Directors.
ACDL 2024 Scientific & Organizing Committees.
Dear All,
The Association of Cyber Forensics and Threat Investigators invites you to
join our next webinars:
"DFIR Stream 0x6" on Tuesday, April 16 · 4:00 – 5:00 pm (GMT+00:00) UK Time
Title: Operationalizing Machine Learning for Networks,
by Shinan Liu, University of Chicago.
"DFIR Stream 0x7" on Tuesday, May 7. 1:30 – 2:30 pm (GMT+00:00) UK Time
Title: Malware Detection in Memory Forensics: Open Challenges and Issues,
by Dr. Ricardo J. Rodríguez, University of Zaragoza.
"DFIR Stream 0x8" on Monday, May 13 · 4:00 – 5:00 pm (GMT+00:00) UK Time
Title: Low-Level Hardware Information Assisted Approach Towards System
by Dr. Chen Liu, Clarkson University.
======Housekeeping Notes======
- Note that this event is online only. Hence, You must register to receive
a link to connect. Due to limited availability, we kindly ask you to
register as soon as possible to ensure your participation in the webinar of
your choice.
- For Students, A certificate of successful participation in the event will
be delivered upon request for free (after verifying attendance), indicating
the number of hours of the seminar (please make sure that you add the
correct name in the registration form). This should be sufficient for those
participants who plan to request ECTS recognition from their home
Join Us & stay tuned! #CyberSecurity #MemoryForensics #MachineLearning
Finally, I would like to remind you that the call for speakers is currently
open on the dedicated DFIR stream website,
To get more news about our events, please join our low-traffic announcement
group @
This event is brought to you by CFTIRC (Cyber Forensics & Threat
Investigations Research Community).
Best regards,
ACFTI Secretariat
*** Third Call for Papers ***
12th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems (IS'24)
Invited Session on Intelligent Tools for e/m/d Learning
August 29-31, 2024, Golden Sands Resort, Varna, Bulgaria
(*** Submission Deadline: April 30, 2024 AoE ***)
This invited session aims to explore state-of-the-art advancements in intelligent tools
designed to revolutionize the landscape of e-learning (electronic learning), m-learning
(mobile learning) and d-learning (digital learning). With the rapid integration of technology
into education, there is a growing need to investigate and showcase innovative intelligent
solutions that can enhance the effectiveness of online, mobile and digital learning
environments. Intelligent solutions for the educational context can have a groundbreaking and
revolutionary impact on learners and faculty alike, with integrated educational tools offering
enhanced engagement, support for different learning levels, styles and abilities, and
personalized learning experiences with immediate feedback at its core.
Papers submitted to this session are expected to present results on various aspects of
intelligent tools for e-learning, m-learning and d-learning. Topics may include but are not
limited to adaptive learning systems, personalized learning experiences, artificial
intelligence-driven content creation, data analytics for educational insights, and the integration
of emerging technologies such as augmented reality and virtual reality in educational settings.
Authors are encouraged to share empirical research, case studies, and practical
implementations that demonstrate the impact of intelligent tools on learner/faculty
engagement, knowledge retention, and overall educational outcomes. The session aims to
provide a comprehensive overview of the current state-of-the-art in intelligent tools in
e-learning, m-learning and d-learning, fostering discussions on their implications for the
future of education and their potential to address challenges in diverse learning
environments and educational levels, as well as diverse learner ability.
Submitted papers should be in IEEE 2-column format and should adhere to the template
available here:
The expected paper length in camera-ready format should not exceed 6 pages.
Submissions should be done in PDF using Easy Chair and the submission link is: .
All accepted papers will be included in the IS'24 proceedings to be published by IEEE. The
proceedings of the previous editions of IS can be found here: .
Traditionally, extended versions of conference-selected papers appear within 1-2 years after
the conference dates in well-known international iournals and/or post-conference books.
More information can be found on the conference web site
( ).
For any additional information or clarification please contact the Invited Session Chair,
George A. Papadopoulos at george(a) .
• Paper submission: April 30, 2024, AoE
• Notification: May 20, 2024
• Camera Ready: June 6, 2024
• Author Registration: June 15, 2024
Invited Session Chair
• George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus (george(a)
* We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CfP *
* Online version:
ACM UMAP 2024 - Call for Late-Breaking Results and Demos
ACM UMAP 2024: The 32nd ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization
Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy
July 1-4, 2024
The 32nd International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization (ACM UMAP 2024) is the premier international conference for researchers and practitioners working on systems that adapt to individual users or groups of users, and that collect, represent, and model user information. ACM UMAP 2024 is sponsored by ACM SIGCHI<> and SIGWEB<>. User Modeling Inc.<>, as the core Steering Committee, oversees the conference organization. ACM UMAP operates under the ACM Conference Code of Conduct<>. The proceedings, published by ACM, will be part of the ACM Digital Library.
ACM UMAP 2024 invites Late-Breaking Results (LBR) papers as well as Demonstrations (demos) of innovative UMAP-based systems (including research prototypes). The topics for these submissions are the same as the ones included in the Call for Full and Short Papers<>. However, their scope and timing is different. In particular, although short papers (from the main track) and the LBR papers of this call have the same maximum length, LBR papers are expected to present innovative ideas that are being explored and have already shown some promising results. It is also a dissemination channel for new research directions. Mature results which have already gone through experimental validation are more suitable for the general call, either as a full or short paper. Thus, rejected papers from the main track are not expected to be a valuable contribution as an LBR paper unless their contents are revised to address the scope of this track. Note also that LBR papers are to be presented physically during the conference in a poster format, allowing for more informal discussions on the ideas shared. Demos are intended to present systems that have been used to achieve the research outcomes presented as full and short papers. Thus, we highly recommend authors of accepted full and short papers to also prepare a submission for a demo of their system to be showcased at the conference in the LBR and Demo session.
** Important Dates **
* Submission: April 18, 2024
* Notification: May 9 2024
* Camera-ready Submission (TAPS system): May 16, 2024
* Conference: July 1 – 4, 2024
Note: The submissions deadlines are at 11:59 pm AoE (Anywhere on Earth)<> time.
** Submission **
All submissions must be written in English. Papers should be submitted electronically, in a PDF format, through the EasyChair submission system,, by selecting the “UMAP24 Late Breaking Results and Demo Papers” track
** Length and Formatting **
-- Late-Breaking Results Format --
* Page Limits. Up to 7 pages, plus up to 2 additional pages for references (figures, tables, proofs, appendixes, acknowledgments, and any other content count toward the page limit).
* Proceedings. Publication in ACM UMAP 2024 adjunct proceedings.
* Presentation. Physically presented as a poster during the conference.
* Description. LBRs are research-in-progress that must contain original and unpublished accounts of innovative research ideas, preliminary results, industry showcases, and system prototypes, addressing both the theory and practice of UMAP. In addition, papers introducing recently started research projects or summarizing project results are welcome as well.
We encourage researchers and practitioners to submit late-breaking work as it provides a unique opportunity for sharing valuable ideas, eliciting useful feedback on early-stage work, and fostering discussions and collaborations among colleagues.
In case that papers rejected in the main track (i.e. submitted as full or short papers) are submitted to this track, they should be revised not only to take into account the comments made to help improve the paper, but to fulfill the scope of the LBR, which emphasizes novelty of ideas. This is also valid for papers that have been recommended as an LBR when rejected in the main track.
-- Demos Format --
* Page Limits *. Up to 5 pages, plus up to 1 additional page for references (figures, tables, proofs, appendixes, acknowledgments, and any other content count toward the page limit). On an extra page (not to be published), submissions should include a specification of the technical requirements for demonstrating the system at UMAP 2024.
* Supporting Material *. Video or external material demonstrating the system.
* Proceedings *. Publication in ACM UMAP 2024 adjunct proceedings.
* Presentation * . Physically presented as a demo plus as a poster during the conference.
* Description *. Demos will showcase research prototypes and commercially available products in a dedicated session. Demo submissions must be based on an implemented and tested system that pursues one or more innovative ideas in the interest areas of the conference.
Demonstrations are an excellent and exciting way to showcase implementations and get valuable feedback from the community, especially for those papers that have been presented in the main track. Each demo submission must make clear which aspects of the system will be demonstrated, and how these will be demonstrated on-site as well as online.
To better identify the value of demos, we also encourage authors to submit a pointer to a screencast (max. 5 minutes on Vimeo or YouTube) or any external material related to the demo (e.g., shared code on GitHub).
*Non-Anonymity.* Submissions will be reviewed single-masked (i.e., authors’ names should be included in the papers) thus there is no need to be anonymized before submission.
*Template for the Research Description.* Following the ACM Publication Workflow<>, all authors should submit manuscripts for review in the new ACM single-column format. Instructions for authors are given below:
* LaTeX (use \documentclass[manuscript, review, anonymous]{acmart} in the sample-authordraft.tex file for single-column). Please carefully follow the ACM’s instructions for preparing your article with LaTeX<…>.
* Overleaf (use \documentclass[manuscript,review,anonymous]{acmart} for single-column). Please carefully follow the ACM’s instructions for preparing your article with Overleaf<>.
* Word. Please carefully follow the ACM’s instructions for preparing your article with Microsoft Word<…>
Should you have any questions or issues going through the instructions above, please contact support at acmtexsupport(a)<> for LaTeX and Microsoft Word inquiries.
* Accessibility.* Authors are strongly encouraged to provide “alt text” (alternative text) for floats (images, tables, etc.) in their content so that readers with disabilities can be given descriptive information for these floats that are important to the work. The descriptive text will be displayed in place of a float if the float cannot be loaded. This benefits the author and it broadens the reader base for the author’s work. Moreover, the alt text provides in-depth float descriptions to search engine crawlers, which helps to properly index these floats. Additionally, authors should follow the ACM Accessibility Recommendations for Publishing in Color and SIG ACCESS guidelines on describing figures<…>.
** Review Process & Camera-ready Submission **
* Review * Submissions will be reviewed by at least two independent reviewers. They will be assessed based on their originality and novelty, potential contribution to the research field, potential impact in particular use cases, and the usefulness of presented experiences, as well as their overall readability. Papers that exceed the page limits or do not adhere to the formatting guidelines will be returned without review.
The ACM Code of Ethics<> gives the UMAP program committee the right to (desk-)reject papers that perpetuate harmful stereotypes, employ unethical research practices, or uncritically present outcomes/implications that clearly disadvantage minority communities. Further, reviewers will be explicitly asked to consider whether the research was conducted in compliance with professional ethical standards and applicable regulatory guidelines. Failure to do so could lead to a (desk-)rejection.
*Camera-ready Information.* Accepted papers will be subject to further revision to meet the requirements of the camera-ready format required by ACM. We strongly recommend the usage of LaTeX/Overleaf for the camera-ready papers to minimize the extent of reformatting. Users of the Word template must use either the version for Microsoft Word for Windows, Macintosh Office 2011, or Macintosh Office 2016 (other formats such as Open Office, etc., are not admitted) for the camera-ready submission to avoid incompatibility issues.
Instructions for preparing the camera-ready versions of accepted papers will be provided after acceptance. This might include instructions to prepare a video of the accepted contribution. Camera-ready versions of accepted papers will be later submitted using ACM’s new production platform<> where authors will be able to review PDF and HTML output formats before publication.
** Registration and Presentation Policy **
Each accepted paper must be accompanied by a distinct full author registration, completed by the early registration date cut-off. Each accepted paper must be presented in person to be included in the conference adjunct proceedings, published by ACM and available via the ACM Digital Library. The official publication date is when the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to two weeks before the first day of UMAP 2024. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work.
During the conference, all categories will be presented at the poster reception, in the form of a poster and/or a software demonstration following poster format. This form of presentation will provide presenters with an opportunity to obtain direct feedback about their work from a wide audience during the conference.
*Grants and Support*
To help students and early career researchers attend ACM UMAP 2024, we are able to provide several grants for participants at ACM UMAP 2024.
* Category 1: Discounted Registration Rates
* Category 2: Gary Marsden Travel Awards (GMTA)
* Category 3: ACM UMAP 2024 Grants
More information can be found in Please refer to the website information, to learn the eligibility and application process for each category.
** Late-Breaking Results and Demos Chairs **
* Bamshad Mobasher, DePaul University, USA
* Hanna Hauptmann, Utrecht University, Netherlands
* Olga C. Santos, Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia (UNED), Spain
Contact information: umap2024-lbr at
Dear Colleagues,
The submission deadline for proposals for the workshop "Child-Centered AI for Empowering Creative and Inclusive Learning Experiences" at the IDC24 conference is rapidly approaching on April 15th.
How do we design AI systems that enrich children’s learning experiences, fostering creativity, inclusivity, and personal growth?
We invite educators, researchers, technologists, and innovators to contribute their insights, research findings, and visionary ideas on the role of AI in shaping child-centered learning environments.
This workshop aims to bring together a diverse community of thought leaders and practitioners.
Our goal is to foster a multidisciplinary dialogue on developing child-centered AI solutions that enhance creative learning while being mindful of inclusivity, social and ethical considerations and safeguarding against potential risks.
Please take a moment to review the CfP provided below for additional details, and feel free to pass it along to any colleagues who might be interested in contributing to this unique session.
Best wishes,
Grazia Ragone
Dr Grazia Ragone
Post-Doc Researcher
Human-Computer Interaction
University of Bari
Dear Researchers,
We hope this email finds you well. As deadlines are approaching, this is a
gentle reminder regarding the upcoming *IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages
and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC) 2024*, scheduled to take place *at the
University of Liverpool, UK.*
We are excited to invite you to join us for this enriching event from *Monday,
2nd Sept to Friday, 6th Sept 2024*. It promises to be a stimulating
gathering of minds where experts, academics, and practitioners convene to
exchange innovative ideas and explore the latest advancements in visual
languages and human-centric computing.
Key VL/HCC tracks and dates are below:
*Research Paper Track:*
-Abstracts only: April 19, 2024
-Submission deadline: April 26, 2024
*Journal-First Presentations:*
-Submission deadline: June 04, 2024
*Posters and Showpieces Track:*
-Submission deadline: June 25th, 2024.
*Workshops and Tutorials:*
-Half-day or full-day sessions on topics like VL/HCC+Generative AI,
end-user programming, visual languages, domain-specific languages, software
visualisation, and CS education are all welcome.
*Graduate Consortium:*
-Explore the interplay between generative AI systems and human agency.
-Submission Deadline: May 17, 2024.
To double the excitement, we are thrilled to announce that *Dr. Nikolay
Burlutskiy, Director of Artificial Intelligence at AstraZeneca R&D, UK,
will be our first keynote speaker for VLHCC 2024!* Join us as Dr.
Burlutskiy delves into "Building interfaces between pathologists and AI
models for agile drug discovery and development.
For further details, including submission guidelines and additional
information, please visit the official VL/HCC 2024 website:
This year, *VL/HCC 2024 will be co-located with the 35th Psychology of
Programming Interest Group (PPIG)* from September 5th to 6th, 2024. Visit
their website for further details: https://ppig
We encourage you to seize this opportunity to showcase your work and engage
with our global community.
We look forward to your participation at the University of Liverpool, UK,
for VL/HCC 2024.
Best regards,
Dulaji Hidellaarachchi
Publicity & Social Media Chair VL/HCC’2024
On behalf of VL/HCC organizing committee
*Dr Dulaji Hidellaarachchi*
* | Research Fellow*
* | Department of Software Systems and Cybersecurity*
* | Faculty of Information Technology*
* | Monash University*
* | Clayton VIC 3800*
* | Australia *
E: Dulaji.Hidellaarachchi(a) <>