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/Note: //*Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal has migrated to
//The old website is no longer be updated since last 5 March 2023 onwards.
//Note: *also the paper management system of the journal has migrated
to* *https://ojs.ixdea.org/* <https://ojs.ixdea.org/>
The old OJS istance has been discontinued since the 1st of July 2023 and
cannot longer used to submit papers to IxD&A Journal.
D*EADLINE EXTENSION -> May 31st 2024* (new hard deadline)
Special Issue on
*Smart Learning Ecosystems beyond 2030*
Call for Papers -> link
to be published at the
/*Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal (IxD&A)*/
(ISSN 1826-9745, eISSN 2283-2998)
**** Since 2007 also in Scopus ****
**** *Since 2015 also* in *Emerging Sources Citation Index* and *Web of
Science* ***
IxD&A implements the Gold Open Access (OA) road to its contents
with no charge to the authors (submission & paper processing)
Help us in improving the quality of the editorial process and of the
journal, please donate: -> link
*Guest Editors:*
--------------------------------------------------------- --
• Gabriella Dodero, ASLERD
• Carlo Giovannella, ASLERD & University of Tor Vergata, Rome
• Francesca Pozzi, ITD-CNR, Genoa
*Important dates:*
• Deadline: *April 31st 2024* (extended - new hard deadline)
• Notification to the authors: July 30th, 2024
• Camera ready paper: September 15th, 2024
• Publication of the special issue: Winter 2024
Since 2016, the year during which ASLERD together with other
associations promoted the Timisoara Declaration – “Better learning for a
better world – Through People-Centered Smart Learning Ecosystems” [1] –
a number of happenings have impacted considerably the evolution of the
learning ecosystems to the point that it is deemed necessary to revise
the Timisoara Declaration and promote a reflection on the configuration
that learning ecosystems may take in the future, well beyond 2030, i.e.
the year indicated by Unesco to achieve the Sustainable Development
Goals [2].
The 2020 pandemic has left its mark and unveiled the real state of the
art in the integration of digital technologies as an aid to the
development of educational processes and, as well, on the entity of the
digital divide; it has also unveiled the basis of the existing
relationships between learning ecosystems, political power and society
at large.
Overcoming the present transmissive model, sometimes referred to for the
specifies of its organization as the school-factory model, would seem to
call for a transition to smart learning ecosystems in which learning
processes are expected to become competence-based and foster the
“learning by being” [3], in which physical spaces are increasingly
characterized by their affordances and functionality as well as becoming
phygital and interconnected, in which learning processes are designed
with increasing awareness having as aim the achievement of the wellbeing
of all the actors of such processes, as well as that of the society
that, in turn, feel fully co-responsible for the formation of young
people, also as proactive inhabitants of a world that they should
respect in all its components, also to preserve its state of health. A
transition that cannot avoid to take into due consideration the growing
pervasiveness of Artificial Intelligences and the need that young people
have to learn to tame and filter them, strong in the acquired skills
that will still make them inimitable and unique in their potential to
critically design and innovate.
This special issue dedicated to “Smart learning ecosystems beyond the
2030s” is also the result of a debate that is taking place within IAALDE
(International Alliance to Advance Learning in the Digital Era) [4] and
which had an initial public discussion at the open debate held on
occasion of SLERD 2023 [5] to which took part representatives of various
associations such as APSCE – Asia Pacific Society for Computers in
Education, ASLERD – Association for Smart Learning Ecosystem and
Regional Development, GCSCE – Global Chinese Society for Computers in
Education, L@S – ACM`s Learning at Scale, SoLar – Society for Learning
Analytics Research.
The purpose of the special issue, therefore, in addition to collecting
the contributions of those who participated in the debate, is to broaden
the discussion to scholars and practitioners who are engaged in the
development of future learning ecosystems and who would like to
contribute with and share their own vision.
[1] Timisoara declaration: “BETTER LEARNING FOR A BETTER WORLD Through
People Centered Smart Learning Ecosystems” –
[2] Sustainable Development Goals, https://sdgs.un.org/goals
[3] Giovannella C.: “Learning by being”: integrated thinking and
competencies to mark the difference from AIs, Interaction Design &
Architecture(s) – IxD&A Journal, N.57, 2023, pp. 8–26, DOI:
[4] IAALDE (International Alliance to Advance Learning in the Digital
Era), https://alliancelss.com/
[5] “Smart Learning Ecosystems beyond 2030”, https://youtu.be/RFDbDjq1Kyc
*Topics of Interest*
Topics of interest for this special issue include, but are not limited to:
• Future visions on and models of smart learning ecosystems
• Competence based and “learning by being” in future smart learning
• AIs for humans in future smart learning ecosystems and processes
• Phygital spaces and their affordances in future smart learning ecosystems
• Social co-responsibilities and skills for future smart learning ecosystems
• Meaningful relationships among educational agencies to support future
smart learning ecosystems and processes
• Benchmarking smartness and wellbeing of future learning ecosystems
• Literacies for future smart learning ecosystems
• Continuous training and qualification for future smart learning
ecosystems’ teachers and stakeholders
• Policies and governance for future smart learning ecosystems.
/*Submission guidelines and procedure*/
All submissions (abstracts and later final manuscripts) must be original
and may not be under review by another publication.
The manuscripts should be submitted either in .doc or in .rtf format.
All papers will be blindly peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers.
Authors are invited to submit 8-30 pages paper (including authors'
information, abstract, all tables, figures, references, etc.).
The paper should be written according to the IxD&A authors' guidelines
*Authors' guidelines*
Paper submission page:
-> link <https://ojs.ixdea.org/>
(Please upload all submissions using the Submission page.
When submitting the paper, please, choose the section:
"/SI: //Smart Learning Ecosystems beyond 2030/")
More information on the submission procedure and on the characteristics
of the paper format can be found on the website of the IxD&A Journal
where information on the copyright policy and responsibility of authors,
publication ethics and malpractice are published.
For scientific advice and queries, please contact the IxD&A scientific
editor marking the subject as:
/SI: //Smart Learning Ecosystems beyond 2030/
• gabriella [dot] dodero [at] gmail [dot] com
• carlo [dot] giovannella [at] uniroma2 [dot] it
• francesca [dot] pozzi [at] itd [dot] cnr [dot] it
* Forthcoming issues:*
• ‘Designing for People in Human-Robot Collaboration’
Guest editors: Stine S. Johansen, Alan Burden, Eike Schneiders,
Alexander N. Walzer
• ‘STEAM teaching and learning: advances beyond the state of the art’
Guest editors: Hector Cardona-Reyes, Carlos Alberto Lara-Álvarez, Miguel
Angel Ortiz Esparza, Klinge Orlando Villalba-Condori
• 'Digital Crossroads: Enhancing Mediterranean Values through
Human-Computer Interaction Research’
Guest editors: George Caridakis, Houda El Mimouni, Joel Lanir, Valentina
Nisi, Giuliana Vitiello
• ‘Digital Technologies for Supporting Inclusion’
Guest editors: Hasan Ferdous, Carsten Röcker, Syed Isthiaque Ahmed,
Nusrat Jahan Mim
• ‘Map-based interfaces and interactions’
Guest editors: Masood Masoodian, Saturnino Luz
• ‘Digital Wellbeing for Teens: Designing Educational Systems’
Guest editors: Chiara Ceccarini, Catia Prandi, Alberto Monge Roffarello,
Luigi De Russis
Applications are invited for a research fellowship (/Assegno di
Ricerca/) on "Multisensory analysis of human and artificial
trajectories" at the Music Informatics Laboratory (LIM -
https://www.lim.di.unimi.it/) of the /Università degli Studi di Milano/.
The position is funded by the Italian research funding programme PRIN
2022. The successful applicant will be part of the project MAHATMA
"Multiscale Analysis of Human and Artificial Trajectories: Models and
Applications" (principal investigator: Davide Rocchesso
<https://www.unimi.it/it/ugov/person/davide-rocchesso>). The appointment
term is one year.
The successful applicant will have the opportunity to contribute to
experimental research and modeling of multisensory representations of
trajectories at different scales in interactive contexts, exploiting the
diversity of the senses and of the motor abilities.
Details about the position and application are available at:
Application deadline: May 10, 2024.
* We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this email *
Fifth International Workshop on Adapted intEraction with SociAl Robots
(cAESAR), in conjunction with UMAP 2024 <https://www.um.org/umap2024/>, 1 -
4 July, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy
Website: https://caesar2024.di.unito.it/
This Workshop aims to bring together researchers and practitioners who are
working on various aspects of social robotics and adaptive interaction. The
expected result of the workshop is a multidisciplinary research agenda that
will inform future research directions and, hopefully, forge some research
Topics (of interest) include (but are not limited to):
- Personalized Human-Robot Interaction (HRI)
- User modeling in social HRI
- Adaptation strategies for social HRI
- Affective interaction with robots
- Machine learning for social robots
- Natural Language Interaction with social robots
- Emotion detection in social HRI
- Social Assistive Robots
- Social Robots in Education
- Social HRI and Cognitive Impairments
- Social Robots as Conversational Recommender Systems
- Social Robots in the real world
- User-centered Design in social HRI
- Behavior Transparency for Social Robot
- Empirical Evaluation of Social Robots
Paper Submissions in EasyChair
https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=umap24, selecting the track
associated with this workshop "Workshop CAESAR":
Page limits: Long papers up to 10 pages including references; Short papers
up to 6 pages including references; Position paper/Demo paper 2 pages
including references.
Submissions should be single-blinded, i.e. authors names should be included
in the submissions.
ACM will publish a conference adjunct proceedings where all the workshop
papers will be published.
Workshop papers must follow the formatting guidelines and templates of the
main conference. (
Papers exceeding page limits or formatting guidelines will be returned
without review.
An international panel of experts will review all submissions. Demos need
to provide links to the systems presented. Work that has already been
published should not be submitted unless it introduces a significant
addition to the previously published work.
Paper Submission: April 24, 2024
Notification: May 8, 2024
Accepted Papers Camera-ready Submission (TAPS system): May 16, 2024
++ Organizing committee ++
Berardina (Nadja) De Carolis, University of Bari, Italy,
Cristina Gena, University of Torino, Italy, cgena(a)di.unito.it
Antonio Lieto, University of Salerno, Italy, alieto(a)unisa.it
Silvia Rossi, University of Napoli Federico II, Italy silvia.rossi(a)unina.it
Alessandra Sciutti, Italian Institute of Technology, Genova, Italy,
Berardina Nadja De Carolis
Associate Professor
Dipartimento di Informatica
Università degli studi di Bari "Aldo Moro"
Via Orabona, 4
70126 Bari - Italy
phone: +39 080 544 3282
*** Apologies for cross postings ***
*ExUM Workshop @UMAP 2024 - Call For Papers - *** DEADLINE APRIL, 24 ***
Workshop on Explainable User Models and Personalised Systems (ExUM@UMAP
co-located with UMAP 2024 (http://www.um.org/umap2024) - The 32nd ACM
Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization Monday 1 -
Thursday 4 July, 2024 Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ExUM_Workshop
Web: http://swap.di.uniba.it/exum/index.html
For any information: marco.polignano(a)uniba.it
Adaptive and personalized systems have become pervasive technologies,
gradually playing an increasingly important role in our daily lives.
Indeed, we are now accustomed to interacting with algorithms that leverage
the power of Language Models (LLMs) to assist us in various scenarios. From
services suggesting music or movies to personal assistants proactively
supporting us in complex decision-making tasks. As these technologies
continue to shape our everyday experiences,
it becomes imperative to ensure that the internal mechanisms guiding these
algorithms are transparent and comprehensible. The EU General Data
Protection Regulation (GDPR) recognizes the users' right to explanation
when confronted with intelligent systems, highlighting the significance of
this aspect.
Regrettably, current research often prioritizes the maximization of
personalization strategy effectiveness, such as recommendation accuracy, at
the expense of model explainability.
To address this concern, the workshop aims to provide a platform for
in-depth discussions on challenges, problems, and innovative research
approaches in the field. The workshop will specifically focus on
investigating the role of transparency and explainability in recent
methodologies for constructing user models and developing personalized and
adaptive systems.
By bringing together researchers and practitioners, the workshop aims to
foster collaboration, knowledge exchange, and the development of novel
solutions. Through this collective effort, we can advance the understanding
and implementation of transparent and interpretable approaches in adaptive
and personalized systems, including integrating Language Models (LLMs) to
enhance transparency and enable users to comprehend the internal mechanisms
guiding these systems.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
o Scrutable User Models
o Transparent User Profiling and Personal Data Extraction
o Explainable Personalization and Adaptation Methodologies
o Novel strategies (e.g., conversational recommender systems) for building
transparent algorithms
o Transparent Personalization and Adaptation to Groups of users
o Transparent Personalization based on Large Language Models
o Explanation algorithms based on the item description and item properties
o Explanation algorithms based on user-generated content (e.g., reviews)
o Explanation algorithms based on collaborative information
o Building explanation algorithms for opaque personalization techniques
(e.g., neural networks, matrix factorization)
o Explanation algorithms based on methods to build group models
o Transparent User Interfaces
o Methodologies for designing transparent interaction
o Novel paradigms (e.g. chatbots, LLMs) for building transparent models
o Evaluating Transparency in interaction or personalization
o Evaluating the Explainability of the algorithms
o Designing User Studies for evaluating transparency and explainability
o Novel metrics and experimental protocols
o Ethical issues (Fairness and Biases) in User Models and Personalized
o Privacy management of Personal and Social data
o Discussing Recent Regulations (GDPR) and future directions
We encourage the submission of contributions investigating novel
methodologies to exploit heterogeneous personal data and approaches to
build transparent and scrutable user models. In particular, we accept three
kinds of submissions:
(A) Regular papers (max. 14 pages + references - single-column ACM format)
(B) Ongoing projects, Demo and Short papers (max. 7 pages + references -
single-column ACM format);
Submission site: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=umap24
During the submission process select “6th Workshop on Explainable User
Models and Personalized Systems (ExUM)”
All submitted papers will be evaluated by at least two members of the
program committee, based on originality, significance, relevance, and
technical quality. Note that the references do not count toward page
limits. Submissions should be single-blinded, i.e. authors’ names should be
included in the submissions. Papers must be formatted according to the new
workflow for ACM publications.
All accepted papers will be published by ACM as a joint volume of Extended
UMAP 2024 Proceedings and will be available via the ACM Digital Library. At
least one author of each accepted paper must register for the particular
workshop and present the paper there.
The templates and instructions are available here: ttps://
- LaTeX (use \documentclass[manuscript,review,anonymous]{acmart} in the
sample-authordraft.tex file for single-column) -
- Overleaf (use \documentclass[manuscript,review,anonymous]{acmart} for
single-column) -
- MS Word:
* Full paper submission: April 24, 2024 (GMT)
* Paper notification: May 8, 2024 (GMT)
* Workshop Papers Camera-ready Submission (TAPS system): May 16, 2024 (GTM)
Cataldo Musto - University of Bari, Italy
Amra Delić – University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Oana Inel - Zurich University, Switzerland
Marco Polignano - University of Bari, Italy
Amon Rapp – University of Torino, Italy
Giovanni Semeraro - University of Bari, Italy
Juergen Ziegler - University of Duisburg Essen
Kathrin Wardatzky, University of Zurich
Marco de Gemmis, University of Bari
Veronika Bogina, Tel Aviv University
Dietmar Jannach, University of Klagenfurt
Francesco Barile, Maastricht University
Alain Starke, University of Amsterdam
Ludovico Boratto, University of Cagliari
Benedikt Loepp
Styliani Kleanthous, CYENS CoE and Open University of Cyprus
Erasmo Purificato, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
Pierpaolo Basile, University of Bari
Bart Knijnenburg, Clemson University
Alejandro Bellogin, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
Giuseppe Sansonetti, Roma Tre University
Riccardo Guidotti, University of Pisa
Michael Ekstrand, Drexel University
Antonela Tommasel, Aarhus University, ISISTAN Research Institute,
Kyriaki Kalimeri, ISI Foundation
*** Call for Participation ***
36th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering
June 3-7, 2024, 5* St. Raphael Resort and Marina, Limassol, Cyprus
(*** Early Bird Registration: May 1, 2024 ***)
( *** Registration site: https://cyprusconferences.org/caise2024/registration/ ***)
CAiSE is the premier conference series for information systems engineering. It offers a
meeting space for presentation of recent research results, discussion about trends and
futures of information systems engineering, and interaction between researchers and
Registration is now open, Early-bird registration is possible until May 1, 2024.
See all CAiSE’24 speakers, the conference venue and the social events.
Highlights of the conference:
• 36 high quality research paper presentations
• CAiSE Forum: presentations and discussions of 10 innovative vision papers and 8 tool demos
• Journal-first paper presentations – of selected papers on IS Engineering topics that were
published in journals this year
• Research projects exhibition
• Keynote by Prof. J. Mark Bishop: The colour of cognition: from abstract computation to the
lived mind
• Keynote by Prof. David Harel: Two Projects on Human Interaction with AI
• Panel on the use of generative AI for IS engineering research and academic writing
• Orlenys López Pintado and David Chapela-Campa: Data-driven Business Process Simulation:
From Event Logs to Tools and Techniques
• Diego Calvanese and Davide Lanti: Designing Virtual Knowledge Graphs
• Henrik Leopold: How to Conduct Valid Information Systems Engineering Research?
• Luiz Olavo Bonino: FAIR Data Train: A FAIR-compliant distributed data and services platform
• Massimo Mecella: Engineering Information Systems with LLMs and AI-based techniques
• Working conference on Business Process Modeling, Development and Support (BPMDS)
• Working conference on Exploring Modelling Methods for Systems Analysis and Design
• 6 workshops: on Agile Methods for Information Systems Engineering, Blockchain for
Information Systems and Blockchain for Trusted Data Sharing, Hybrid Artificial Intelligence
and Enterprise Modelling for Intelligent Information Systems, Knowledge Graphs for
Semantics-driven Systems Engineering, Enterprise & Organizational Modeling and
Simulation, Digital Transformation with Business Process Mining
• Workshop and co-located events dinner with typical Cypriot food and atmosphere
• Welcome reception and cocktail
• A tour and a conference dinner in Aphrodite Hill’s Village
• A beach party with drinks and dancing
*** Second Call for Papers ***
ACM 4th International Conference on Information Technology for Social Good
Special Track on Educating for a Sustainable Digital Future
( *** Submission Deadline: 17 May 2024 ***)
Exploring the development of our digital future requires a comprehensive examination of both
individual and societal consequences. Placing excessive emphasis on individual gains, a
common practice in individualistic societies for many years, has hindered the ability to grasp
the complex dynamics and forward-thinking mindset essential for the sustainability of a
contemporary society.
The evolving landscape of technology and the ongoing digital advancements have paved the
way for creative applications in the field of education, allowing us to adapt to the
ever-changing circumstances. When shaping a new approach for Information Systems and
Information Technology education, it is crucial to emphasize the significance of individuals
as key stakeholders and integral members of the wider community, while also recognizing the
pivotal role of collaboration.
In this track, we are searching for papers employing innovative technology and approaches to
educate the future generation towards world equality, collegiality, inclusion and a more
cooperative learning for a sustainable digital future. Values which are emphasized in the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which overall aim towards creating a more equitable,
sustainable, and peaceful world.
This track is particularly relevant to IS/IT educators and those creative IT practitioners who
care about developing a sustainable digital future.
Potential topics for papers include (but are not limited to):
• Sustainable and innovative education technologies and practices
• Universal access to quality education
• The new role for IS/IT in society and education and the value of information and knowledge
• The role of cooperative learning for life-long learning and societal developments
• Digital transformation: opportunities and challenges for education, work, and society
• Digital learning environments: Innovations and trends
• Equality, diversity, and inclusion in education, work, and society
• The use of large language models and generative AI in education
• New topics and domains in IT-enhanced education
We hope to attract the interest of IS/IT educators and those creative IT practitioners who care
about developing a sustainable digital future.
Please refer to the instructions on the conference web site:
https://blogs.uni-bremen.de/goodit2024/submission-of-papers/ .
All accepted papers will be included in the ACM Digital Library .
• Submission deadline: 17 May 2024 (AoE)
• Notification of acceptance: 8 July 2024
• Camera ready: 19 July 2024
• George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
• Vasso Stylianou, University of Nicosia, Cyprus
Vasso Stylianou, stylianou.v(a)unic.ac.cy
The 15th International Workshop on Personalized Access to Cultural Heritage
(PATCH 2024)
Held in conjunction with ACM UMAP 2024 - Cagliari, Italy.
Important dates:
April 24, 2024: paper submission
May 8, 2024: notification to authors
May 16, 2024: camera-ready due
The workshop will be in person or hybrid.
Abstract and Topics
Following the successful series of PATCH workshops, PATCH 2024 will be
again the meeting point between state-of-the-art cultural heritage research
and personalization – using any kind of technology, while focusing on
ubiquitous and adaptive scenarios, to enhance the personal experience in
cultural heritage sites. The workshop is aimed at bringing together,
physically and/or virtually, researchers and practitioners who are working
on various aspects of cultural heritage and are interested in exploring the
potential of state of the art mobile technology (onsite as well as online)
to enhance the CH visit experience. The expected result of the workshop is
a sharing and discussing novel ideas and creating a multidisciplinary
research agenda that will inform future research directions and hopefully,
forge some research collaborations.
Cultural heritage (CH) has traditionally been a privileged area for
personalization research, as highlighted by the many H2020 calls on this
topic. Visitors come to cultural heritage sites willing to experience and
learn new things, usually without a clear idea of what to expect. CH sites
are typically rich in objects and information; much more than the visitor
can absorb during the limited time of a visit. Cultural Heritage
exploration and fruition are central aspects to value the richness of the
territory and the history of our countries. The research on this topic is
very active and continuously expanding towards new topics, such as the
integration of cultural and natural heritage exploration, the extension to
novel interaction means (e.g., haptic user interfaces and IoT), ambient
intelligence, etc.
We invite cultural heritage professionals and researchers to join us to
discuss findings and trends on personalisation of cultural heritage in the
broadest sense, from online and remote cultural access to onsite visit,
from individuals to groups, from tangible to virtual and robotic mediation.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Navigation and personalized browsing in digital and physical cultural
heritage collections
Recommendation strategies for natural and cultural heritage
Adaptation strategies for text and non-verbal content in CH/NH
NLG techniques for mobile user modeling in natural and cultural heritage
Integration of virtual and physical collections
Immersive cultural and natural heritage
Mobile museum guides and personal museum assistants
Context-aware information presentation in natural and cultural heritage
Adaptive navigation and browsing in CH/NH sites
Intelligent user interfaces for natural and cultural heritage
Personalization for group of visitors to natural and cultural heritage
Personalization for collective CH information authoring and management
Creativity and collaboration support in CH
Personalization across the whole of a person's digital ecosystem
Long-term personalization
IoT and Cultural Heritage
Living lab in museum
Robots in museums
3D, Augmented, and Virtual Reality for cultural and natural heritage
Gestural interfaces for Cultural Heritage applications
Analysis of behavior patterns to improve CH/NH recommendation
Conversational agents for cultural and natural heritage
The use of personality for guiding CH/NH experiences
Multiple viewpoints and perspectives for CH
Remote access to CH/NH
Intelligent agents to interact with CH/NH
Full papers: up to 14 pages excluding references.
Short papers/Position papers/Demo papers: up to 7 pages excluding
Papers that exceed the page limits or formatting guidelines will be
returned without review.
Submissions should be single-blinded, i.e., authors’ names should be
included in the submissions.
Papers must be formatted according to the new workflow for ACM
publications. The templates and instructions are available here:
All papers should be submitted in PDF format via the online submission
system by selecting the track "UMAP 24 Workshop PATCH":
An international panel of experts will review all submissions.
Work that has already been published should not be submitted unless it
introduces a significant addition to the previously published work.
There will be a conference adjunct proceedings published by ACM where all
the workshop papers will be published.
Workshop organizers
Liliana Ardissono, University of Torino, Italy, liliana.ardissono(a)unito.it
Tsvi Kuflik, The University of Haifa, Israel, tsvikak(a)is.haifa.ac.il
Noemi Mauro, University of Torino, Italy, noemi.mauro(a)unito.it
George E. Raptis, Human Opsis, Greece, graptis(a)humanopsis.com
Alan J. Wecker, The University of Haifa, Israel, ajwecker(a)gmail.com
*** Last Call for Papers ***
IEEE Mobile Cloud 2024
The 12th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Cloud Computing, Services
and Engineering
July 15-18, 2024 | Shanghai, China
(*** Submission Deadline: April 30th, 2024 AoE (extended) ***)
IEEE Mobile Cloud is a pioneering IEEE sponsored international conference devoted to the
research in mobile, edge, and cloud computing. It covers all aspects of mobile, edge, and
cloud computing from architectures, techniques, tools and methodologies to applications.
This year's conference is scheduled to take place in Shanghai, China, from 15-18 July 2024.
IEEE Mobile Cloud 2024 is part of the IEEE International Congress On Intelligent And Service-
Oriented Systems Engineering offering a broad spectrum of international events, sharing
renowned keynotes and fostering exchange among researchers and practitioners (see common
homepage for all colocated events, https://ieee-cisose-congress.org).
The fusion of mobile communications, computing, and intelligence is catalysing the emergence
of innovative systems and applications that facilitate intelligent resource provisioning, process
extensive data from mobile sensors and interconnected hardware platforms, and bolster the
Internet of Things (IoT) through robust edge and cloud-based backend infrastructure. The
pivotal role of current and forthcoming communication technologies, machine learning
implementation, and mobile cloud infrastructures as facilitators for this convergence cannot be
understated. These mobile intelligent applications are poised to revolutionise various facets of
daily life, encompassing domains such as transportation, e-commerce, healthcare, smart
homes, smart cities, social interaction, and more.
Mobile intelligence serves as an inclusive platform for both academic and industrial researchers
to share their latest research insights, experimental findings, and the latest advancements in
industry technologies related to mobile systems, machine learning, edge and cloud computing,
services, and engineering. Leveraging the synergy of mobile communications, machine
intelligence, edge computing, and edge/cloud infrastructures, the future of Mobile Intelligence
Systems is envisioned to provide a multitude of critical and personalised services across diverse
application domains, ranging from education, transportation, to public health, safety, and
security. Submissions will be evaluated on the criteria of originality, significance, clarity,
relevance, and accuracy.
They include but not limited to:
Theory, Modelling, and Methodologies
• Mobile cloud computing models, architectures, infrastructures, and platforms
• Mobile intelligence theories, concepts, algorithms, and methodologies
• Mobile cloud data management
• Mobile cloud tools, middleware, and data centres
• Mobile intelligence as a service
• Mobile networking, protocols, and technologies
• Quality of service (QoS)
• Mobile intelligence security and privacy
Applications and Industry Practice
• Mobile intelligence for autonomous driving systems, V2X, intelligent transportation systems
(ITS), telematics
• Mobile intelligence for robotics, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and unmanned ground
vehicles (UGVs)
• Mobile intelligence for sensor networks, Industrial IoT, industrial 4.0, and industry 5.0
• Mobile intelligence for future wireless technologies, 5G/6G, WiFi, Satellite, etc.
• Mobile intelligence for aviation, airports, and railway
• Mobile intelligence for Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality (AR/VR)
• Mobile intelligence for computer vision and video analytics
• Mobile intelligence for surveillance and disaster management
• Mobile intelligence for healthcare
• Mobile intelligence for the metaverse
• Mobile intelligence for smart city
• Mobile intelligence for satellite
• Mobile intelligence for mission-critical systems
• Mobile intelligence for community services and social networking
• Mobile intelligence computing for sustainable development
Papers must be written in English. All papers must be prepared in the IEEE double column
proceedings format. Please see the following link for details:
https://www.ieee.org/conferences/publishing/templates.html .
All accepted conference papers will be published by IEEE Computer Society and IEEE Explore
digital library with EI-index. Selected papers will be recommended to SCI-index journals
as special issue papers.
The paper length should be up to 8 pages for regular conference papers and 6 pages for
work-in-progress papers. Submitted papers should contain original work and not being
submitted elsewhere. Each paper must be presented by an author at the conference.
Presentations via teleconference are not permitted. Permissions to have the paper presented
by a qualified substitute presented may be granted by the TCP Chairs under extraordinary
circumstances, upon written request.
Submissions should be made via Easy Chair using the following link:
https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=imc24 .
• Abstract submission: March 31st, 2024 (AoE)
• Paper submission: April 30th, 2024 (AoE) (extended)
• Notification of acceptance: May 15th, 2024
• Final manuscript submission: May 22nd, 2024
• Author registration: May 22nd, 2024
• Conference: July 15th-18th, 2024
General Chairs
• Hiroyuki Sato, University of Tokyo, Japan
• Yan Bai, University of Washington Tacoma, USA
Program Chairs
• Lan Zhang, Clemson University, USA
• Sun Yao, The University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK
• Tomoki Watanabe, Kanagawa Institute Technology, Japan
• Fan Wu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Publicity Chair
George Angelos Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Program Committee
• Ouri Wolfson, University of illinois
• Felix Beierle, University of Würzburg
• Thomas Richter, Rhein-Waal University of Applied Sciences
• Dan Grigoras, University College Cork
• Sergio Ilarri, University of Zaragoza
• Iulian Sandu Popa, University of Versailles Saint-Quentin & INRIA Saclay-Ile-de-France
• Haiping Xu, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
• Prasad Calyam, University of Missouri
• Dana Petcu, West University of Timisoara
• Fabio Costa, Federal University of Goias
• Cristian Borcea, New Jersey Institute of Technology
• Lei Huang, Prairie View A&M University
• Chunsheng Zhu, Southern University of Science and Technology
• Xuyun Zhang, Macquarie University
• Jia Zhao, Changchun Institute of Technology
• Richard Han, University of Colorado Boulder
CISOSE General Chairs
• Jerry Gao, San Jose State University, USA
• Iraklis Varlamis, Harokopio University of Athens, Greece
CISOSE Steering Committee
• Jerry Gao, San Jose State University, USA
• Guido Wirtz, University of Bamberg, Germany
• Huaimin Wang, NUDT, China
• Jie Xu, University of Leeds, UK
• Wei-Tek Tsai, Arizona State University, USA
• Axel Kupper, TU Berlin, Germany
• Hong Zhu, Oxford Brookes University, UK
• Longbin Cao, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
• Cristian Borcea, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
• Sato Hiroyuki, University of Tokyo, Japan
2nd CfP: Human Work Interaction Design 2024 (HWID'2024)
Sustainable Workplaces by Design
Università degli Studi di Milano, Milan (Italy) - September 5-6, 2024
Joint conference of the IFIP WG 13.6 Human Work Interaction Design and IFIP
WG 13.5 on Human Error, Resilience, Reliability, Safety and System
Designing for sustainability extends beyond merely reducing resource
consumption and waste. It encompasses environmental, social, and economic
dimensions while acknowledging their potential conflicts. Today, designers
need to anticipate the impact on future generations, and social equity and
justice between workers, while also considering financial performance. It
appears clear that focusing solely on individual behaviour change, without
considering workplace practices and reaching decision-makers, can only have
a limited influence. While interactive systems to support sustainability
have been proposed, it is crucial not to overlook the interactive systems
used by workers in this endeavor.
Beyond being mere tools, automation and AI systems must become work
partners collaborating with workers to enhance their performance by taking
over repetitive and tedious tasks. However, as these systems increasingly
handle high-level cognitive tasks, designing meaningful roles for workers
is even more challenging when designers already have to deal with known
issues such as complacency, deskilling, monitoring, and takeover
performances when automated systems reach their operational limits or fail.
Consequently, methods, tools, and processes need to be refined to ensure a
positive user experience and identify novel forms of human-automation
cooperation for sustainable workplaces.
The theme of HWID'24 emphasizes the insights into the relationship between
the sustainability of workplaces, the anticipatory potentials of design,
and how automation and AI may fit the picture. It calls for a workplace
design oriented towards sustainability, responsibility, and explainability.
Examples of relevant questions include:
- What does the very notion of design imply from the point of view of being
sustainable, responsible, and explainable, and how can these values be
embodied in workplaces?
- How to design environment-friendly and humane workplaces?
- What individualistic vs collectivistic frictions may emerge from
unethical practices, and how can design mitigate them?
- How to design workplaces ensuring social equity and well-being when we
deal with both biased humans and automated systems?
- How to identify, evaluate, and support the new UX interactional patterns
between workers and AI and maintain workers' efficiency and well-being?
- How can alternative forms of job design (e.g. job crafting) mitigate
conflicts between the pursuit of financial profit and the reduction of
companies’ impact on the environment? Can automation help?
Topics of interest include:
- Artificial Intelligence and Intelligence Augmentation in the workplace
- Collaborative robots
- Virtual Assistants
- Digital Twins
- Cyber-physical systems
- Automation for social equity and well-being
- User experience in workplaces and novel forms of human-computer
- Sustainability, Responsibility, and Ethics of Technology in Workplaces
This working conference aims to answer these and more questions by
involving professionals working in academia, national labs, and industry
who are engaged in human work analysis and interaction design for
sustainable workplaces. We will discuss tools, procedures, and professional
competencies needed to face issues and opportunities provided by workplace
design's sustainable and automatization perspectives.
Submission deadline: May 10th, 2024
Notification to authors: June 16th, 2024
Camera ready: July 7th, 2024
Conference: September 5-6, 2024
We invite authors to submit full papers (max 8 pages, excluding references)
formatted according to LNCS template available on the Springer website:
The link to the submission system:
Each paper will be reviewed by three reviewers. The collection of all
accepted papers will be distributed to the participants as digital
proceedings before the conference. During the review process, the reviewers
will be asked to evaluate whether an extended version of the paper is
suitable for an IFIP Springer book (IFIP Advances in Information and
Communication Technology) that will be edited and published after the
conference (before the end of 2024).
General Chairs: Barbara Rita Barricelli (University of Brescia) and Stefano
Valtolina (University of Milan)
Program Chairs: Elodie Bouzekri (McGill University), Angela Locoro
(University of Brescia), and Tilo Mentler (Trier University of Applied
Publicity Chair: Arminda Guerra Lopes (Polytechnic Institute of Castelo
Student Volunteer Chairs: Antonio Paolo Pernigotti (University of Milan)
and Luca Marchionni (University of Milan)
*Barbara Rita Barricelli, PhD*
Associate Professor
Department of Information Engineering
Università degli Studi di Brescia
Informativa sulla Privacy: https://www.unibs.it/it/node/1452
Dear all,
The *ACM Europe Summer School on Accessible and Inclusive Technologies* will
take place at Birmingham City University (Birmingham, United Kingdom) on
24-27th June 2024.
The summer school invites students, researchers and industry professionals
interested in topics related to accessible computing, inclusive design,
assistive technologies, and disability innovation.
Register here
The summer school invites researchers, students, and industry professionals
interested in topics related to accessible computing, inclusive design,
assistive technologies, and disability innovation.
Each day will feature outstanding speakers who will share their expertise
on topics related to accessibility, inclusive design, responsible AI, and
HCI research. Participants should expect 4 full days of talks, interactive
sessions, and networking events.
All participants will receive a 1-year free membership from ACM.
*Preliminary schedule*:
Monday 24th June:
Disability innovation and studies, inclusive design
Tuesday 25th June:
Inclusive Immersive Technologies and Accessible Games
Wednesday 26th June:
Inclusive Multisensory Experiences and Interfaces
Thursday 27th June:
Inclusive Futures, Responsible AI and Ethics
More details and speakers will be announced soon.
STEAMhouse, Birmingham City University, Birmingham, UK
24-27th June 2024
Early Bird registration closes on 10th May. Register on Eventbrite
ACM and ACM Europe Council
Best Regards,
Sayan Sarcar
Birmingham City University