Dear colleagues,
Please find enclosed the call for paper or the 4th IFIP International Internet of Things (IoT)
Conference going to be held from 4 5 November 2021 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
We solicit submissions of full papers and poster presentations. Proposals for special sessions can
be submitted via the special form on the conference website.
Submitted full papers must be original, unpublished, and not submitted to another conference or
journal for consideration. Poster presentations will have to be student papers.
Accepted submissions will be presented at the conference and included in the post-conference edited
book published in the IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology (AICT) series by
Springer Nature. Authors can choose to publish their paper as an open access paper, for details
contact Leon Strous.
Proceedings will be submitted for indexing in SCOPUS and Web of Science. Previous editions are
already indexed in SCOPUS. Selected papers will be eligible for a special issue in the Springer
Nature Computer Science (SNCS) journal (
All papers must be written in English. Full papers should be at most 18 pages long in total
including references and appendices. The paper should be intelligible without having to read the
appendices. Poster presentations should be at most 4 pages. Submissions should not be anonymized.
Authors must follow the Springer formatting instructions for the IFIP AICT series, see
Each paper will receive at least 3 reviews. At least one author of each accepted paper must register
by the early registration date and present the paper. Poster presentations will have to be presented
by the student(s).
Full paper due 15 June 2021
Notification of acceptance 31 August 2021
Deadline for final version 15 December 2021
For paper submissions go to
For more information visit the conference website or contact Leon
Strous (strous(a) <> ), Srinivas Katkoori (katkoori(a)
<> ) or Luis Camarinha-Matos (cam(a) <> )
** Apologies for cross-posting
CFP: Best Practices of Serious Games Testing workshop
This workshop brings together researchers, practitioners, stakeholders and
students from development of serious games (video games with a purpose
beyond entertainment, such as educational games), games user research,
software engineering in game development, HCI and related areas. Following
the spirit of the IEEE/ICIS conference, the workshop aims to discuss
practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted on software and user
testing and assessment of serious games, in the form of best practices.
Suggested topics for the Workshop include (but are not limited to) the
• Testing methodologies
• Testing protocols in the COVID-19 pandemic
• Remote testing
• Experiences in applying software testing tools
• Design and application of surveys and questionnaires
• White-box testing
• Usability testing
• UX testing
• QA testing
• Playtesting
• Presence testing
• Engagement testing
• Testing using physiological measurements
• Formative/Summative evaluation and testing
• AI-based testing
• Assessment with immersive technologies
• Knowledge retention and transferable skills tests/evaluation
Participants in this workshop are welcome to submit 2-4 pages for short
papers and 5-6 pages for full papers describing research and practical
issues on serious game testing and assessment, including a list of 4 best
practices. Each participant will present his/her own paper during the
workshop. For each accepted paper, one full author registration is required.
We encourage work-in-progress submissions as well as more mature work.
This Workshop is part of the IEEE/ACIS 21st International Fall Conference
on Computer and Information Science (ICIS 2021-Fall) October 13-15, 2021,
Xi'an, China. Event web page:
The workshop will be held online via Zoom.
All accepted papers will be published in the IEEE conference proceedings,
and will be submitted to be indexed by Scopus, EI, INSPEC and DBLP.
The Organizing Committee will peer-review the submitted papers.
Please write your proposal using the General IEEE conference paper format:…
Submission deadline: May 10, 2021. Please send your submission to:
Author notification: June 10, 2021
Final manuscripts (camera ready)/ registration due: July 10, 2021.
Please consult the main Conference web page for registration:
Workshop date: October 13, 2021
The Organizing Committee will select the winners for the Best Paper and
Best Student Paper awards. In order to qualify for the award, the paper
must be presented at the Workshop.
For more information, contact the workshop chair:
Dr. Miguel A. Garcia-Ruiz, Algoma University, Canada
Organizing Committee
Bill Kapralos (Ontario Tech University, Canada)
Alvaro Joffre Uribe Quevedo (Ontario Tech University, Canada)
Luis A. Castro (Sonora Institute of Technology, Mexico)
Genaro Rebolledo-Mendez (Monterrey Institute of Technology, Mexico)
Pedro C. Santana-Mancilla (University of Colima, Mexico)
Laura S. Gaytan-Lugo (University of Colima, Mexico)
Miguel A. Garcia-Ruiz, BEng, MSc, PhD
Associate Professor
Personal web page:
Algoma University
School of Computer Science and Technology
Office: WW105G
1520 Queen Street East
Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada, P6A 2G4
Call for Submission - Special issue on Interface Design Challenges for
Smart Control Room
Dear Colleagues,
Control rooms for mission critical operations and monitoring networks have
changed considerably over the years, relying today on smart technology able
to better support human-machine allocation tasks and decision support
The working conditions of the control room operators are characterized by
high cognitive workload in terms of user’ attention and decision processes
both in daily routine and extraordinary/unexpected circumstances. For that
reason, in addition to the security, resilience and reliability issues,
control rooms also should be usable, being usability defined by ISO 9241-11
(2018) as "the extent to which a system, product or service can be used by
specific users to achieve specific objectives with effectiveness,
efficiency, and satisfaction in a given context". Usability is an essential
property for understanding the uses and the place of users in smart control
The adoption of appropriate user centered design methodologies for future
intelligent control room interfaces is paramount to achieve system
usability and guarantee or restore safe and efficient operations, in a
variety of application fields, from emergency, to healthcare, to
surveillance, to agriculture, to industry.
Interface design for control rooms may raise challenges of potential
interest for researchers working in a variety of areas, including
computer-human interaction, organizational psychology and anthropology, big
data management and information visualization, Internet of Things,
geographical information systems, and software engineering.
As such, the special issue invites submission on new and innovative
research results and industrial experience papers in the area of interface
applications for smart control rooms. We particularly encourage submission
covering any aspects of the problem, including, but not limited to, the
following topics of interest:
- Context-Aware Behaviour in Smart Control Rooms;
- Cooperative Interaction in Smart Control Rooms;
- Multimodal/Multitouch Interaction for Smart Control Rooms;
- Smart Control Rooms for Emergency Management;
- Smart Control Rooms for Healthcare Management;
- Smart Control Rooms for the Internet of Things;
- Smart Control Rooms for UAVs, Drones and Robotics;
- Assessment of multiple properties (such as usability, security, etc.)
affecting the use of smart control rooms;
- Visualization techniques for monitoring and analyzing data collected
in control rooms.
Genoveffa Tortora, Giuliana Vitiello, Marco Winckler, *Guest Editor*
Deadline for manuscript submissions: *15 June 2021*.
Care tutte, cari tutti,
dall’anno scorso faccio parte di un comitato in seno a SIGCHI, il SIGCHI Development Fund (SDF) Committee. Il comitato si è occupato e si occupa di varie iniziative di supporto alla comunità globale intorno a SIGCHI, con un supporto che va da quello economico (per eventi virtuali, al momento) a quello più di rete/comunicazione, come il calendario degli eventi di interesse alla comunità HCI ( <>).
Vi scrivo per due motivi, sperando che queste informazioni possano essere utili a qualcuno di voi:
1) Da una parte, per farvi conoscere le varie iniziative su cui questo comitato ha lavorato nell’ultimo anno, per le quali posso condividere in anteprima un breve video (5 minuti) che sarà usato per la Town Hall di CHI 2021: <>
2) Dall’altra, soprattutto nel caso in cui non foste a conoscenza di alcune tra queste iniziative, per invitarvi a partecipare e/o inviare qualche proposta.
Per esempio, attraverso il SDF è possibile avere fino a 5,000 dollari a supporto di una grande varietà di eventi virtuali ( <>), mentre il Gary Marsden Travel Award ( <>) è stato recentemente aggiornato per supportare economicamente studenti e persone all’inizio della loro carriera a partecipare (anche virtualmente) a varie conferenze SIGCHI. Attualmente, entrambe le iniziative sono sempre aperte per ricevere nuove proposte e domande.
Grazie e a presto!
Luigi De Russis
Assistant Professor (RTDb)
Department of Control and Computer Engineering
Politecnico di Torino, Italy
ph: +39 011 0907170, +39 331 2689895
e: luigi.derussis(a)
t: @luigidr
Dear all,
Please see below the call for participation for the EUSSET Summer School on
CSCW to be held in Como from 23rd to 27th August. Application deadline:
May, 14th 2021.
Please consider attending or forwarding it to Ph.D. candidates/post-docs
that might be interested.
For any information about the school contact the chairs at:
Best regards,
Maria (on behalf of the summer school chairs)
*Fifth International Summer School on Computer Supported Cooperative Work*
23-27 August 2021, Como, Italy.
The CSCW Summer School provides young researchers (PhD or post-doc) with
the opportunity to deepen their understanding of CSCW as a research field
and community. The interaction among the participants (both teachers and
students) will promote the generation of new ideas and their confrontation
with the experiences they have acquired in their field research.
*Aims and scope*
After the introduction of the acronym CSCW (Computer Supported Cooperative
Work) in the late 1980’ the themes connected with the understanding of
collaborative work practices and the design of artefacts supporting
collaboration have become pervasive in many scientific, business and social
discourses. The domains in which CSCW can inform sociotechnical design are
constantly growing and changing. This asks for a continuous elaboration of
the theoretical foundations of the underpinning disciplines through a
reflection on the outcomes of the field studies, on the methods applied in
the social and technological investigations and on the impact of the
technologies on practices they are made part of. The combination of these
perspectives should be the patrimony of any researcher who wants to grasp
the complex and subtle issues that are involved in the CSCW research area.
The course will present central themes, methods and discussions within CSCW
by experienced scholars in conversations with participants. Full program
TBA soon (For updates check:
*Important dates*
· Application deadline: May 14, 2021
· Notification of acceptance: May 21 , 2021
· Registration deadline: June 21, 2021
*Credits:* 7,5 ECTS
The summer school will be held onsite at the Villa del Grumello, a nice
villa close to Como, Italy. The center of the town can be reached in a
ten-minute walk along the border of the lake.
All attendees must adhere to the local and national requirements of their
departure country and in Italy (e.g., tests, vaccination, COVID-19
passport, etc.).
We are committed to comply to COVID-19 regulations and follow the necessary
precautions to ensure a safe environment.
The registration fee for the course will be around 350€, not including
accommodation or travel (For updates check:
Please provide a document that includes one to two pages of CV and one page
that includes your PhD topic, your research approach and why you want to
participate at the summer school. Deadline May, 2021 (the specific date
will be provide in Apr). Please send it to: summerschool(a)
A list of recommended accommodation will be provided later, however,
participants may choose accommodation as they see fit.
International applicants might need a visiting student visa to come to
Italy. Information about the required documents are available at the
“Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs” following this link
<>. A request for a School
Invitation Letter should be sent to summerschool(a) The request
must contain all the necessary information along with a digitized copy of
the identification page of the student passport (with name and photo).
For any information about the school please contact: summerschool(a)
· Antonella di Angeli (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano - Italy)
· Claus Bossen (Aarhus University – Denmark)
· Nina Boulus-Rødje (Roskilde University – Denmark)
*_Submission deadline extended until May 11, 2021. (Apologies for
*International Workshop on Human-Centered Software Engineering for Changing
Contexts of Use* <>
*organized by IFIP Working Group 13.2 on Methodologies for User-Centered Systems
*August 31, 2021
*at INTERACT 2021 <>**- The 18th IFIP TC 13
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction***
*August 30 – September 3, 2021
Bari, Italy*
*Call for Papers*
*Submissions: **position papers reporting original academic or industrial
research relevant to the workshop's theme (PDF files, 6-10 pages in
LNCS format)*
*Deadline for submission: May 11, 2021 (extended!) April 30, 2021*
The context of use plays an important role in Human-Centered Software
Engineering (HCSE) and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) research. Typically,
user, environment, and platform are considered to make up the core aspects of
the context of use. Changing the context of use, for example due to unplanned
circumstances like the current pandemic situation, has significant impact
on how
we use systems, and how we adapt and adopt them even if the systems were not
designed for such usages. In HCSE research we have to account for this change,
making interactive system development context-aware or design and develop
in a
way that systems can adapt for novel forms of usage. Recently, we observe
developments that strongly change contexts of use. For example, in the area of
industrial automation (Industry 4.0) work environments change, new kinds of user
assistance evolve, and workers are going to be supported by innovative types of
devices and digital assistance tools to accomplish their working tasks. Typical
examples are augmented, virtual, and mixed reality applications in training or
support situations. The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed where and the
way how we work, particularly in collaboration with others to keep distance and
increase personal safety. In contrast, the trend towards increasingly autonomous
systems and systems that use and provide artificial intelligence gives rise to
new kinds of interaction, particularly, human-machine interaction (HMI), in
areas such as autonomous driving or human-robot collaboration in different
domains such as industrial production, logistics, or health. These trends
be accounted for in the way we design and build such interactive systems,
possibly coming to evolutionary or even revolutionary solutions. For example,
expected or unforeseen changes of usage scenarios and their context of use may
be accounted for by flexible and more resilient system solutions and be
reflected in the development practices and technical frameworks. Specific
of interaction such as HMI, but also social and socio-technical interaction may
demand for more prominent and explicit consideration. Quality aspects such as
ubiquity, security, and safety may be seen in a different light. Changing
contexts of use may even have an impact on the way we think about user
motivation and user experience, away from short-term notions like emotions
towards long-term traits like users’ values. We want to specifically account for
these developments in addition to the general concerns of HCSE. Discussions and
interactive working sessions will particularly deal with these concerns.
In this workshop, we aim to broaden the traditional scope of the workshop
of IFIP Working Group 13.2. We focus on the study of context of use, its
long-term evolutionary trends as well as its short-term design and management in
a user-centered design process, from a social and user-centered methodological
viewpoint as well as from a technical viewpoint. Our aim is to cover a large set
of user interface perspectives, aspects, and properties and fuel new ideas and
approaches for research and practice. The long-term perspective of this workshop
is to foster the development of theories, methods, tools and approaches for
dealing with the changing context of use and its impact on HCI and collaboration
that should be taken into account when developing interactive and
socio-technical systems.
This workshop is a follow-up of the successful workshops organized at INTERACT
2017 in Mumbai, India
<>and INTERACT 2019
in Paphos, Cyprus <>.
*Target Audience and Expected Outcomes*
This workshop is open to everyone who is interested in aspects of human-computer
interaction froma user-centered perspective. Typical contributions to this
workshop focus on user interface properties while designing and building
interactive systems and study associated methods, processes and approaches. We
expect a high participation of IFIP Working Group 13.2 members. We particularly
invite participants to present position papers describing real-life case studies
that illustrate the role of the context of use in HCI and its impact on
thesystem design and use. Any perspective and related aspects of user interface
design are welcome. However, we are especially interested in work that deals
with current trends that change the way how humans use, interact and collaborate
with technical components in socio-technical systems. We are also interested in
methods, theories and tools for managing context of use at design and run-time.
Position papers will be made available through the workshop website.
Furthermore, an extended version of selected papers will be considered for
inclusion in a Springer LNCS post-proceedings volume published in conjunction
with the other INTERACT workshops organized by the IFIP TC13 Working Groups.
*Workshop Format*
This full-day workshop is organized around presentation of position papers and
working activities in small groups. From the set of contributions, a subset of
selected case studies will be invited to be presented at the beginning of
workshop and will be used to support the discussion that follows. The morning
session will be dedicated to welcoming participants and presenting case studies.
Participants will be invited to comment on the case studies and to report
similar experiences. The afternoon sessions will be devoted to interactive
sessions, where participants will be engaged to work in small groups and propose
solutions to the problems of the case studies seen in the morning. Solutions
proposed by the participants will be compiled and compared. Based on the lessons
learned, participants will be incited to draft an agenda of future work that can
be accomplished. We plan to run the workshop in a hybrid setting, allowing
attendees to participate both physically and remotely in the workshop. If
circumstances require it, we intend to switch to a completely digital format
that will be run online. We will continuously adapt to any decision regarding
the conference format by the INTERACT 2021 organizers.
*Submission Instructions*
In order to attend the workshop, participants are invited to submit position
papers reporting original academic or industrial research relevant to the
workshop's theme. These position papers (PDF files, 6-10 pages in Springer LNCS
including abstract) shall report practical experiences related to research
results on user-centered development processes for interactive systems with a
particular focus on context-of-use aspects and the impact on software
properties. Submissions are not anonymous and should include all author names,
affiliations, and contact information. Authors should also provide in their
submission a short summary of their experience in the field and their motivation
to participate in this workshop. Papers are submitted through the EasyChair
website <>.
Submitted position papers will be reviewed by an international program committee
comprising the organizers and selected members of IFIP Working Group 13.2
are experts in the field. Participants will be invited to attend the workshop
based on the result of the reviewing process. Accepted position papers will be
made available through the workshop website. Upon acceptance, at least one
author of each accepted position paper must register and attend the workshop.
Furthermore, an extended version of selected papers will be considered for
inclusion in a Springer LNCS post-proceedings volume published in conjunction
with the other INTERACT 2021 workshops organized by the IFIP TC13 Working
*Important Dates*
Deadline for submission: *May 11, 2021 (extended!) April 30, 2021*
Acceptance notification: June 11th, 2021
Final version of position paper: June 28, 2021
Workshop date: August 31, 2021
*Organizers *
Stefan Sauer, Paderborn University, Germany (sauer[at]
Regina Bernhaupt, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Carmelo Ardito, Polytechnic University of Bari, Italy (carmelo.ardito[at]
The workshop will be hosted in the frame of the 18th IFIP TC13 International
Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, August 30 – September 3, 2021, in
Bari, Italy. Look at the main conference web site for further information
( <>).
*** Apologies for Cross-Postings ***
Dear Colleagues,
CHItaly is the Biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter. It is open to both members and non-members. The CHItaly edition of 2021 is the 14th of the series and will be hosted in Bolzano at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (
Several half-day online (or hybrid) workshops will take place in conjunction with this year's CHItaly conference:
*** July 11th ***
- W1) Gameful self-reflection: on HCI and the sustainability discourses
- W2) Virtual Reality, Inclusion and special language needs (VR Island)
- W3) Speculative Design for Transurban Futures (TransUrban)
- W4) Critical Tools for Machine Learning: Figuring, fabulating, situating, diffracting machine learning systems design (CritML)
*** July 12th ***
- W5) Frontiers of Older Humans Computer Interaction
- W6) The Role of Digitalization in Improving the Quality of Live in Rural (Industrialized) Regions
- W7) GHItaly21-4th Workshop on Games-Human Interaction
- W8) Designing for/with/around Nature: Exploring new frontiers of outdoors-related HCI (NatureHCI)
- W9) Multi-party Interaction in eXtended Reality (MIXR)
The attendance is free of charge for CHItaly main conference attendants and will be subject to a small fee for everyone else (registration fees are available on the CHItaly 2021 website: There are still a few places available to join the rich set of satellite events accompanying CHItaly 2021. The deadline for expression of interest or paper submission for all workshops has been extended. Please check each workshop website for details about the new deadline.
Details for each workshop are given in what follows:
W1) Gameful self-reflection: on HCI and the sustainability discourses
Organizers and contact:
- Greta Adamo, ITI / LARSyS, Madeira, Portugal (greta.adamo(a)
- Max Willis, M-ITI and ITI / LARSyS, Madeira, Portugal
- Leysan Nurgalieva, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
It could be said that sustainability has always been at the center of HCI as a field; the core tenets of HCI, usability and participation are both concerned with securing and maintaining continued, meaningful engagement between customers and publics with the products and services we design. Meanwhile, the concept of sustainability has taken on a more broad ecological meaning, and although a range of HCI academic and industry professionals are focussed on topics such as urban design, circular economy and citizen science that directly address human impacts and environmentally-sensitive quality of life there is much more to this discourse. This workshop invites each and every participant to self-reflect on their previous work, their current directions, and future aims, and ask just how much, or how little our own work, and that of our HCI community is addressing sustainability and sustainable development.
W2) Virtual Reality, Inclusion and special language needs (VR Island)
Organizers and contact:
- Giulia Staggini, University of Genoa, Italy (contact person: stagginigiulia(a)
- Rita Cersosimo, University of Genoa, Italy
This workshop proposal is the result of a speculation about important issues, both in the academic world and everyday life, such as: accessibility to language learning and technology support. In particular, the reasons leading to this proposal are: enhance motivation and cross-cultural competence in students with SLN (Special Language Needs), e.g: dyslexic students and foreigner learners; overcome language obstacles; enhance multi-channel, multi-media, multi-modality and multisensorial language learning; develop digital literacy and digital awareness. This workshop proposal is based on two main objectives: the first one aims to make attendees familiar with accessible teaching methods; the other one is more practical and focuses on an introduction of IVR in everyday teaching of language.
W3) Speculative Design for Transurban Futures (TransUrban)
Organizers and contact:
- Mattia Thibault, Tampere University, Finland (mattia.thibault(a)
- Nikoletta Zampeta Legaki, Tampere University, Finland
- Oğuz “Oz” Buruk, Tampere University, Finland
- Seda Suman Buruk, independent urban designer, Tampere, Finland
- Daniel Fernández Galeote, Tampere University, Finland
This workshop aims at expanding the existent research and perspectives on the future of cities by making use of creative, emergent, and participative approaches. The concept of transurbanism emerges from the realisation that the future of humanity and the future of urban spaces cannot be understood is not by tackling them both at the same time. Future cities will be articulated around future citizens, and future citizens will be shaped by their urban environments. In order to investigate a far away transurban future, we will use the tools of speculative design, a well-established practice that uses design as a form of critique and speculation. The participative approach of the workshop will ensure that the different skills, backgrounds and perspectives of the participants will work in synergy to refresh and deepen the way we imagine future cities.
W4) Critical Tools for Machine Learning: Figuring, fabulating, situating, diffracting machine learning systems design (CritML)
Organizers and contact:
- Goda Klumbytė, University of Kassel, Germany (goda.klumbyte(a)
- Claude Draude, University of Kassel, Germany
- Alex Taylor, University of London, UK
The purpose of the workshop is to experiment with how machine learning systems can be imagined and designed in a more situated, inclusive, contextualized and accountable way in order to reduce the systemic socio-cultural biases and develop more socially responsible frameworks of design. The premise of the work is that while computer science has developed sophisticated technical tools to improve machine learning accuracy and expand application fields, it is facing issues in particular with regards to systemic socio-cultural bias. Critical theories, particularly feminist and postcolonial critical theories, have developed tools to address societal bias and its embeddedness in systems of thought and technology, and to trace how these embeddings give rise to new and reproduce existing hierarchies of power in society. This workshop thus aims to translate insights developed by those critical study fields into approaches in machine learning systems design through an experimental workshop.
W5) Frontiers of Older Humans Computer Interaction
Organizers and contact:
- Michela Cozza, Mälardalen University, Sweden (michela.cozza(a)
- Alexander Peine, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
- Helen Manchester, University of Bristol, UK
The Socio-gerontechnology network brings together scholars from various social science and design disciplines interested in critical studies of ageing and technology. The network started from a joint interest of scholars in Science and Technology Studies – beginning to see ageing as an important field for critical studies of technology – and Ageing Scholars – beginning to see digitisation and technology as important but under-researched elements of ageing and later life. Our aim is to provide critical social science insights into ageing and technology that will lead to better policies and designs for older people in a digitising world. In the spirit of the SG Network and in line with the aim of CHItaly2021, this workshop is designed to attract contributions from diverse geographical areas and disciplines, which share a common interest in studying the relationships between age, ageing and technology design and development.
W6) The Role of Digitalization in Improving the Quality of Live in Rural (Industrialized) Regions
Organizers and contact:
- David Unbehaun, University of Siegen, Germany (david.unbehaun(a)
- Myriam Lewkowicz, Troyes University of Technology, France
- Chiara Bassetti, CNR, Italy
- Volker Wulf, University of Siegen, Germany
- Mark Ackerman, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan USA
- Johannes Schädler, University of Siegen, Germany
Rural regions are of central importance to the economic, social and political stability of advanced Western societies. When national states do not offer sufficient quality of life to people living in rural regions liberal democracies tend to destabilize. Authoritarian, populist or even extreme rightist movements gain followers and political influence (see for instance the USA, former East Germany, Tchech Republic, Hungary, or Slovenia). In Central Europe some of the rural areas are at the same time industrialized, typically with old, traditional industries. Compared to metropolitan regions, the relative affordability of land, historically derived competitive advantages (e.g. mines, water conducts) as well as skill sets of the entrepreneurs and the work force lead to the location of rather traditional production-oriented industries. While high tech typically moves to or emerges out of metropolitan centers, old industries can often be found in rural regions. However, we believe that rural (industrialized) regions have very specific needs and opportunities when trying to improve the quality of life by means of innovative digital artefacts.
W7) GHItaly21-4th Workshop on Games-Human Interaction
Organizers and contact:
- Davide Gadia, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy (gadia(a)
- Maria De Marsico, Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy
- Laura Anna Ripamonti, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy
- Dario Maggiorini, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy
- Ilaria Mariani, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
GHItaly21 is the fourth edition of a series of workshops focused on the multifaceted issues related to the design and development of human-game interfaces. This entails multidisciplinary competences and skills, and the final quality of the User eXperience depends on how consistently and smartly they are exploited. As a matter of fact, users’ engagement and satisfaction rely on the wise design and skilled evaluation of the produced (multidimensional) artifacts. This gains even more critical importance since the application of video games has long overcome the borders of amusement, to spur new possibilities for, e.g., continuous healthcare and education. In its first three editions (two of them held in conjunction to previous CHItaly conferences), the GHItaly workshops aimed at constituting a bridge among the many different disciplinary areas involved, trying to decrease the still existing cultural gaps and to establish a common ground and a crossroads for related research.
W8) Designing for/with/around Nature: Exploring new frontiers of outdoors-related HCI (NatureHCI)
Organizers and contact:
- Eleonora Mencarini, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy (mencarini(a)
- Amon Rapp, University of Torino, University of Trento, Italy
- Linda Tonolli, University of Trento, Italy
- Maurizio Teli, Aalborg University, Denmark
- Roberto Cibin, Masaryk University, Czech Republic
- Vincenzo D’Andrea, University of Trento, Italy
- Massimo Zancanaro, University of Trento, Italy
In 2020, when most of the world population has experienced limitations to free mobility due to the COVID-19 pandemic, socialisation and outdoor life started to be strongly desired and dreamed. In this workshop, we are interested in exploring HCI issues and works related to the "outdoors", broadly intended as an open-air setting that includes cities, peripheries, rural areas, wild natural environments, etc. In this perspective, the natural context becomes of particular interest, given also the fact that in the last 10 years, part of HCI research has focused on nature, investigating both the activities that people conduct in the natural context and the impact that human activities have on it. In this workshop, we would like to bring together researchers exploring the role of technology in shaping the outdoor experience, with a special focus on the natural environment. By doing so, we aim to question how the different aspects of nature are treated in HCI research, from outdoor life to the epistemological implications of anthropocentrism, and to start a conversation capable of renovating HCI discourses and practices.
W9) Multi-party Interaction in eXtended Reality (MIXR)
Organizers and contact:
- Maurizio Mancini, University of Rome “Sapienza”, Italy (m.mancini(a)
- Giovanna Varni, LTCI, Télécom Paris, Institut polytechnique de Paris, France
- David Murphy, University College Cork (UCC), Ireland
- Fabio Pellacini, University of Rome “Sapienza”, Italy
- Laura Maye, University College Cork, Ireland
- Patrick O’Toole, University College Cork, Ireland
XR, or eXtended Reality, is an umbrella term that encompasses the areas of AR, VR, and MR, with strong emphasis on immersiveness, multimodality and presence. XR is a multidisciplinary field incorporating subjects such as computer science, psychology, cognitive science, and digital humanities. Within XR, collaborative environments is one of the fastest growing areas, as can be seen by the number of social VR worlds available today. Most of these environments focus on the graphical aspects of the environment, not fully taking advantage of multimodal and multi-party design. Interaction in these environments is largely limited to text chats and, in the case of a few systems, voice interaction. Deeper and more meaningful engagement and interaction in XR can be achieved by leveraging the principles of Social Signal Processing (SSP) and Affective Computing (AC). Due to the simultaneous one-to-one and one-to-many interactions that establish and evolve over time, Multi-party (group) Interaction in XR is a complex process, whose analysis is still an open challenge in SSP/AC. Nowadays, the need for exploring Multi-party Interaction in XR settings is expanding, as people are increasingly meeting remotely through teleconferencing tools for practical reasons (e.g., working and living abroad) or, for example, as a result of the social restrictions related to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
We are proud to announce that *Interaction Design & Architecture(s)
Journal *(IxD&A) has entered in its *third age*.
After /the paper age/ and the /electronic version age/, the journal made
a transition to an "*/e-paper + video/*" age on occasion of the special
issue N.47 (dedicated to "Tools, Pedagogical and Ludic Strategies,
Co-Design supporting Smart Learning Ecosystems and Smart Education"):
Issue N.47 - ToC
After the "/Meet the Authors/" event the videos of the introduction and
of the individual presentations have been linked to the ToC webpage and
to the webpages of the articles' abstract.
On the home-page of IxD&A you can find also a short updated video
presentation of the journal given at the "Meet the Authors" event.
On the occasion IxD&A Journal has inaugurated also its *youtube channel*
youtube channel <>
where you can find also the playlist of "Meet the Authors" N. 47
Next IxD&A issues are expected to adopt the same format of issue N.47
Looking forward your future submissions to IxD&A Journal and your
contribution to the third age of the scientific communication!
[apologies for cross-posting]
MIXR - 1st International Workshop on Multi-party Interaction in eXtended
Hosted @CHItaly 2021 (14th Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter)
July 12th, 2021 (morning)
XR, or eXtended Reality, is an umbrella term that encompasses the areas of
AR, VR, and MR, with strong emphasis on immersiveness, multimodality and
presence. XR is a multidisciplinary field incorporating subjects such as
computer science, psychology, cognitive science, and digital humanities.
Within XR, collaborative environments is one of the fastest growing areas,
as can be seen by the number of social VR worlds available today. Most of
these environments focus on the graphical aspects of the environment, not
fully taking advantage of multimodal and multi-party design. Interaction in
these environments is largely limited to text chats and, in the case of a
few systems, voice interaction.
Deeper and more meaningful engagement and interaction in XR can be achieved
by leveraging the principles of Social Signal Processing (SSP) and
Affective Computing (AC). Due to the simultaneous one-to-one and
one-to-many interactions that establish and evolve over time, Multi-party
(group) Interaction in XR is a complex process, whose analysis is still an
open challenge in SSP/AC.
Nowadays, the need for exploring Multi-party Interaction in XR settings is
expanding, as people are increasingly meeting remotely through
teleconferencing tools for practical reasons (e.g., working and living
abroad) or, for example, as a result of the social restrictions related to
the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
MIXR seeks to progress research on Multi-party Interaction in XR by
pursuing the following objectives:
- to investigate how social science theories and models of Multi-party
Interaction can be applied in or possibly adapted to XR scenarios
- to develop techniques for collecting multimodal data of Multi-party
- to promote interdisciplinary discussion and collaboration between
scholars in Computer Science and Social Sciences on XR, Social Signal
Processing, Affective Computing, Multi-party Interaction
We invite participants to submit short (6 pages) papers that focus on
Multi-party Interaction in XR. Topics of interest include Multi-Party
(team/group) Interaction in XR, covering the following research areas:
- Emotion recognition and expression
- Movement expressivity
- Team emergent states and dynamics
- Joint activity/collaboration
- Immersive CSCW
- Education and creativity
- Serious games
- Multimodality
- Interaction fidelity
- Theoretical models
- System/interface ergonomics
- Novel technologies
Important dates
May 2nd, 2021 - [Extended] Paper submission deadline
May 14, 2021 - Notifications to contributors
May 24, 2021 - Camera-ready/final version deadline
July 12, 2021 - Workshops
(All deadlines are meant till 11.59 pm CET)
Short papers (6 pages) can be submitted through EasyChair:
Authors should use the 1 column CEUR-ART style:
- The style is available from: Vol-XXX
- An Overleaf page is available at:
- The offline version with the style files is at:
Accepted papers will be published on the free open-access repository
CEUR-WS, which is indexed on SCOPUS.
Organizing Committee
Maurizio Mancini (University of Rome “Sapienza”, Italy)
Giovanna Varni (LTCI, Télécom Paris, Institut polytechnique de Paris,
David Murphy (University College Cork (UCC), Ireland)
Fabio Pellacini (University of Rome “Sapienza”, Italy)
Laura Maye (University College Cork (UCC), Ireland)
Patrick O’Toole (University College Cork (UCC), Ireland)