
  • 27 participants
  • 1214 discussions

9th European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC 2022): Early Call for Contributions
by Announce Announcements
3 years, 6 months

2022 IEEE International Conference on Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems (IEEE EAIS 2022): Second Call for Papers and Special Sessions
by Announce Announcements
3 years, 6 months

BHCC 2021 - Deadline Extended
by Sihang Qiu
3 years, 6 months

Last CFP: Special issue on "Speculative and Critical Design: approaches and influences in education" - IxD&A Journal
by Carlo Giovannella
3 years, 6 months

CFP: Multimedia Tools and Applications - Special Issue on New Frontiers in Multimedia-based and Multimodal HCI (deadline: 30 November, 2021)
by Melonio Alessandra
3 years, 6 months

INTERACT 2021 - Call for Participation
by Paolo Buono
3 years, 6 months

MUM 2021 - Call for Workshops and Tutorials (Dec 5-8, 2021, Leuven, Belgium)
by Wanling Cai
3 years, 6 months

Call-for-Papers Special Issue "Explainable User Models" (Multimodal Technologies and Interaction Journal)
by Oana Inel
3 years, 7 months

CFP: Multimedia Tools and Applications - Special Issue on New Frontiers in Multimedia-based and Multimodal HCI (deadline: 30th November 2021)
by chitaly2021
3 years, 7 months

[CFP] MUM 2021: Deadline Extension to August 13
by Adalberto Simeone
3 years, 7 months
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