The PhD program in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence at the
University of Udine, Italy,
welcomes candidates applying for 14 three-year positions (11 of which
supported by scholarship).
Applicants will focus their research project on topics that can be
chosen in a wide range
listed here
The PhD program in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence has
also opened funded agreements
with Fondazione Bruno Kessler (, CRO Aviano
( and ISTC-CNR (
The deadline for applicationa is *July 21, 2021. *
Detailed instructions as well as a link to the official call and
application forms are available from
Prospective applicants can contact the Coordinator for further details
and/or one or more PhD Supervisors for project-related questions.
All contacts can be found in the PhD web site
Prof. Luca Chittaro HCI Lab (
Department of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Physics
tel: +39 (0432) 558.450 University of Udine
luca.chittaro(a) Via delle Scienze, 206 33100 Udine -- ITALY
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This message is exclusively addressed to the recipients. All the information contained in this
message, including any attachments, is confidential in compliance with Regulation (UE)
2016/679 and Legislative Decree 196/2003. Therefore, forwarding, disclosing and making
the above-mentioned information available without prior authorization from the sender is
forbidden in any form or manner. If you have received this message in error, we kindly invite
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La invitiamo cortesemente ad eliminarlo in modo definitivo dando immediato riscontro.
Joint Workshop on Interfaces and Human Decision Making for Recommender
Held in conjunction with the ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys
2021) Amsterdam, Netherlands, 25th September 2021. Full day.
Submission deadline: Jul. 20th, 2021
Author notification: Aug. 20th, 2021
Camera-ready version: Aug. 31st, 2021
Submission site
Recommender systems are developed to help users in finding items that match
their interests, needs, and preferences. Since the emergence of recommender
systems, the majority of research in this area focused on improving
predictive accuracy of recommendation. Much less attention has been paid to
how users interact with the system and the efficacy of interface designs
from users perspectives. The field has reached a point where it is
necessary to look beyond algorithms, into users interactions, decision
making processes, and overall end user experience.
The IntRS workshop series focuses on the human side of recommender
systems. Its goal is to integrate modern HCI approaches and theories of
human decision making into the construction of recommender systems. It
focuses particularly on the impact of interfaces on decision support and
overall satisfaction. IntRS workshops have been previously held at RecSys
2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020.
The aim of the IntRS21 workshop is to bring together researchers and
practitioners exploring the topics of designing and evaluating novel
intelligent interfaces for recommender systems in order to: (1) share
research and techniques, including new design technologies and evaluation
methodologies, (2) identify next key challenges in the area, and (3)
identify emerging topics.
This workshop aims at establishing an interdisciplinary community with a
focus on the interface design issues for recommender systems and promoting
the collaboration opportunities between researchers and practitioners. We
particularly encourage demos and mock-ups of systems to be used as a basis
of a lively and interactive discussion in the workshop. In our opinion, the
workshop will complement the technical aspects mainly discussed at the
Conference with specific topics related to cognitive modeling and decision
Topics of interests include, but are not limited to:
o Interaction, user modeling, and decision-making
- Cognitive Modeling for recommender systems
- Human-recommender interaction
- Decision theories and biases (e.g., priming, framing, and decoy effects)
- Detection and mitigation of decision biases (e.g., in item
- Preference detection (e.g., eye tracking for automated preference
- Emotions and mood in recommender systems (e.g., emotion-aware
- Personality in recommender systems (e.g., personality-aware
- Trust inspiring recommender systems and interfaces (e.g.,
explanation-aware recommendation)
- Controllability, transparency, and scrutability
- Argumentation and persuasive recommendation (e.g., argumentation-aware
- Cultural differences (e.g., culture-aware recommendation)
- Mechanisms for effective group decision making (e.g., group
recommendation heuristics)
- Decision theories for effective group decision making (e.g., hidden
profile management)
- Voting Advice Applications
o User Interfaces
- Visual interfaces for recommender systems
- Explanation interfaces for recommender systems
- Collaborative multi-user interfaces (e.g., for group decision making)
- Spoken and natural language interfaces
- Trust-aware interfaces
- Social interfaces
- Context-aware interfaces
- Ubiquitous and mobile interfaces
- Conversational interfaces
- Example- and demonstration-based interfaces
- New approaches to designing interfaces for recommender systems
- User interfaces for decision making (e.g., decision strategies and user
o Evaluation
- Case studies
- Benchmarking platforms
- Empirical studies and evaluations of interfaces for recommender systems
- Empirical studies and evaluations of new interaction designs
- Evaluation methods and metrics (e.g., evaluation questionnaire design)
Submission site:
We encourage two types of submissions, which address novel interface issues
in recommender systems:
- Short/Demo papers. The maximum length is 8 pages in the new
single-column format.
- Long papers. The maximum length is 14 pages in the 8 pages in the new
single-column format.
Submitted papers will be evaluated according to their originality, technical
content, style, clarity, and relevance to the workshop.
For short papers we will encourage alternative modes of presentation such as
demos, playing out of scenarios, mockups, and alternate media such as video.
Demonstration sessions will provide the opportunity to show innovative
interface designs for recommender systems.
Accepted papers will be included in workshop proceedings to be published on
the site.
Note that at least one author of each accepted paper needs to register and
attend the workshop.
Peter Brusilovsky peterb(a)
School of Information Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Marco de Gemmis marco.degemmis(a) Dept. of Computer Science,
University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy
Alexander Felfernig alexander.felfernig(a) Institute for
Software Technology, Graz University of Technology, Austria
Elisabeth Lex - elisabeth.lex(a) Graz University of Technology,
Pasquale Lops pasquale.lops(a) Dept. of Computer Science, University
of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy
Giovanni Semeraro giovanni.semeraro(a) Dept. of Computer Science,
University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy
Martijn C. Willemsen - M.C.Willemsen(a) Eindhoven University of
Technology, The Netherlands
***** Apologies for multiple postings *****
Dear Colleagues,
The following special issue of which we are the guest editors will be published in Applied Sciences ( <>), and is now open to receive submissions of full research articles and comprehensive review papers for peer-review and possible publication:
Special Issue: "Human and Artificial Intelligence <…>"
Website:… <…>
Guest Editors:
Prof. Dr. Alessandro Micarelli (Roma Tre University, Italy)
Dr. Giuseppe Sansonetti (Roma Tre University, Italy)
Dr. Giuseppe D’Aniello (University of Salerno, Italy)
Deadline for manuscript submissions: 20 September 2021
In recent years, significant advances have been made toward the realization of General Artificial Intelligence, especially in the Machine Learning (ML) (e.g., Deep Learning) domain. Several real-world tasks, however, cannot yet be solved by machines alone. Systems are hence needed that rely on the integration of Human and Artificial Intelligence to solve the most complex problems. In many academic and industrial intelligent agents, communication between humans and computers is a key factor. Many challenges, however, can hinder successful cooperation between the two actors. ML algorithms, for instance, fail to provide explanations for their actions, while human cognitive overload and human out-of-the-loop syndrome may result in lower performance.
It is open to both original research articles and review articles covering all the relevant progress in these fields (though is not limited to the following):
New technologies and frameworks that support human–machine interaction and human–machine collaborative intelligence;
Machine learning (e.g., deep learning) to understand human behavior;
Explainable Artificial Intelligence;
Human factors in Artificial Intelligence;
Human teaming with autonomous systems;
Situation-aware intelligent systems;
Artificial intelligence for cyberphysical–social systems;
Emotion Artificial Intelligence (e.g., sentiment analysis);
Brain–computer modeling for human–machine cooperation;
Decision support systems in different domains (e.g., logistics, smart factory, healthcare);
Personalized systems (e.g., user profiling, e-learning, recommender systems).
Applied Sciences is an online, peer-reviewed, open access journal, published quarterly by MDPI AG, Basel, Switzerland. The journal is covered by Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science) [search for "Applied Sciences-Basel"], Scopus, INSPEC (IET) and other databases. Manuscripts are peer-reviewed and a first decision provided to authors approximately 17 days after submission; acceptance to publication is undertaken in 5.7 days (median values for papers published in the first six months of 2018).
An Article Processing Charges (APC) of 2000 CHF for Applied Sciences apply to accepted papers. You may be entitled to a discount if you have previously received a discount code or if your institute has established an institutional membership with MDPI, for more information see <>.
For further details on the submission process, please see the instructions for authors at <>
We look forward to hearing back from you soon.
Kind Regards,
Alessandro Micarelli
Giuseppe Sansonetti
Giuseppe D'Aniello
Carissimi tutti,
e’ un grandissimo piacere per me inoltrare questa CfP per la 33-esima edizione della conferenza australiana di human computer interaction OzCHI. Come nel 2020, OzCHI anche quest’anno sara’ online, che non e’ proprio come vedersi di persona, ma per lo meno permette di incontrarsi senza dover volare per 48 ore 😊
Un abbraccio a tutti, e non esitate a contattare me o uno degli altri track chairs per qualunque domanda.
*apologies for cross-posting*
Dear Colleagues, it is our great pleasure to invite you to contribute to the 33rd Australian Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (OzCHI 2021
OzCHI is the annual non-profit conference for the Computer-Human Interaction Special Interest Group (CHISIG) and Australia's leading forum for the latest in HCI research and practice. OzCHI attracts a broad international community of researchers, industry practitioners, academics, and students. Participants come from a range of backgrounds and include interaction designers, user experience (UX) practitioners, information architects, software engineers, human factors experts, information systems analysts and social scientists.
This year, OzCHI will be held as a virtual conference with Papers and Late-Breaking Work / Case Studies tracks, and more tracks to be announced soon.
Important dates
Conference Dates: 30 November - 03 December 2021 – Location ONLINE
20 August 2021: Paper submission deadline
1 October 2021: Notification of accepted submissions
22 October 2021: Publication-ready deadline
Late Breaking Work and Case Studies
17 September 2021: Paper submission deadline
7 October 2021: Notification of accepted submissions
22 October 2021: Publication-ready deadline
Call for Contributions
We invite original contributions on all topics related to human-computer interaction (HCI), interaction design and the design of interactive technologies. We welcome submissions from design, engineering, social science, creative industries, and other related disciplines. In acknowledgement of the effect that Covid-19 had on everyone’s ability to conduct research, we have pushed back the Paper deadline. We invite submission to the conference tracks: Papers, Late Breaking Works, and Case Studies.
Papers should present original research and mature work in the fields of HCI and studies of use and design of interactive technologies. These papers may describe investigations of user needs or contexts of use, lab-based evaluations, or field deployments of prototypes, or other design-led or empirical investigations examining the relationship between people and technology. Given the impact of Covid-19 on conducting research studies, authors are encouraged to also consider submitting theory-based contributions that make a clear contribution to the field.
Papers will be delivered as online presentations at OzCHI 2021. We are planning for accepted papers to be published in the ACM International Conference Proceedings Series available from the ACM Digital Library (pending approval by ACM).
Late-Breaking Works (LBW) submissions present ideas that are emerging and would benefit from discussion with members of the HCI community. These submissions may include initial findings from new research, experiences of reflective practitioners, and first drafts of novel concepts and approaches.
Case Studies include industry and community papers that describe initiatives that could benefit from and contribute to valuable discussion in the HCI community, as well as research impact papers that report on the impact of a research initiative. Case studies differ from papers as they do not need to define themselves as part of the potentially longer-term body of academic research on that topic, and thus may not have an extensive literature review or explicitly add to HCI theory within academic schools of thought.
Selection process
All submissions will undergo a double-blind review by an international panel and will be assessed based on their significance, originality, and clarity of writing.
At least one author of each accepted paper must register with OzCHI and present the paper at the virtual conference. We are aiming to keep costs for authors as low as possible again this year. Updates on registration and online presentation format will be published on the OzCHI website.
Authors of all submitted papers are expected to contribute to the review process by volunteering to review one or more papers in their field of expertise. Review assignment will be guided by a bidding process, to ensure the best possible match between reviewers and paper topic.
Submission details
Papers should be between 9 and 18 pages (excluding references). Reviewers will be instructed to weigh the contribution of a submission relative to its length. Shorter, more focused submissions are encouraged and will be reviewed accordingly.
Case Studies and LBW submissions may be up to 8 pages in the single-column ACM format, (excluding references).
Anonymisation: Submissions must be anonymised for peer review. Citations of own work and general anonymisation standards should follow the CHI anonymisation policy….
Submission system: OzCHI will accept submissions through PCS, the submission link will be published on the OzCHI website soon.
Submission format: single column format in PDF using Word or LaTeX, including source files.
Template: Papers, Case Studies, and LBW submissions must follow the new Word/LaTeX Master Article template.
For Word users:
Use the Word submission template available from
If your paper gets accepted, download the Word master article template, available for Windows and Mac from
LaTeX Users can choose to download the template or use Overleaf:
Download one of the approved LaTex packages available from
If you use Overleaf, you can find the master template on
Paper Chairs
Hilary Davis - Swinburne University of Technology
Abdullah Al Mahmud - Swinburne University of Technology
Zhanna Sarsenbayeva - The University of Melbourne
Alessandro Soro - Queensland University of Technology
Late Breaking Works and Case Studies Chairs
Diego Muñoz - Swinburne University of Technology
Jennyfer Lawrence Taylor - Australian National University
Jess Tsimeris - Google
For all enquiries, please email
Dr Alessandro Soro | Senior Lecturer, School of Computer Science
Unit Coordinator IFB398 (IT Capstone) and IFN692 (Interaction Design for Emerging Technologies)
Faculty of Science | Queensland University of Technology
S Block, Level 10, Room 1050, Gardens Point Campus
E: alessandro.soro(a)<> | P: +61 07 3138 9569| M +61 0467 478 956
CRICOS No. 00213J
Apologies for Cross-Posting
MUM 2021 - Pictorials Track
MUM 2021, 20th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous
December 5-8, 2021
Leuven, Belgium
# Important Dates (Pictorials Track)
> September 23, 2021 | Submission
> October 22, 2021 | Notification
> October 29, 2021 | Camera Ready
> December 5-8 2021 | Conference
# General Information
As aptly phrased by the time-old adage: "a picture is worth a thousand
words", pictorials challenge contributors to rethink the ways in which
we create and report knowledge. Pictorials are papers in which graphic
elements (e.g. diagrams, sketches, screenshots, illustrations,
renderings, photographs, collages) play a major role in conveying ideas
and contributions of a study along with accompanying text. First
introduced in DIS 2014, pictorials responded to the call for new
approaches in documenting design perspectives for HCI research, which
were – and are – growing increasingly complex in terms of spatial acumen
and graphical ingenuity. In particular, ideas that are experientially
complex or abstract can be conveyed more meaningfully in pictures than
in verbal descriptions, such as the subtle undertones of a user’s
emotions or the aesthetic-usability effect of a user interface.
Pictorials have since been introduced in C&C 2017 and TEI 2020, and this
year we are excited to offer the new Pictorials Track of MUM 2021.
Through pictorials, we invite researchers, practitioners, industry
professionals, artists, designers, and students from multidisciplinary
fields to express and unpack their design practices and projects in
visually rich ways.
# Goal
The goal of MUM Pictorials is to investigate the hedonic qualities, i.e.
pleasant and unpleasant sensations, that can be provoked within mobile
or ubiquitous systems, and the design processes that lead to these
hedonic qualities. We emphasise the importance of communicating the
experiential side of HCI research, from not only its research value but
also the emotional and aesthetic qualities of the work. We believe that
these qualities make a difference in HCI, but acknowledge that they can
be difficult or even controversial to describe in the typical research
paper. Pictorials offer the opportunity to use images and other media to
facilitate readers in making hedonic value judgements of the work, as
presented through the pictorial narrative.
We invite convincing demonstrations or descriptions of original types of
existing or future (speculative) systems, or the original design
approaches that underlie them. Pictorials can thus reveal research
prototypes, practices, and products, as well as novel tools and methods
that provide the scaffolding for hedonic outcomes. Therefore, we
encourage contributors to formulate possible tips or guidelines that can
be demonstrated by a design rationale and/or the (iterative) (co-)design
Possible ways to portray a hedonic quality is to use the pictorial as a
low fidelity metaphor of the designed interface, illustrate the user’s
journey of interacting with a system through a visual timeline, or
create collages composed of screenshots and photographs that depict the
experiential qualities of the system. We encourage contributors to be
playful with the submission - after all, pictorials can be another kind
of graphical interface designed to communicate research data. For more
inspiration , please consult recent Call for Pictorials from other
conferences such as: DIS, TEI, C&C, and IEEE VISAP, or contact the
Pictorial chairs.
# Template and Submission
Pictorial submissions should be maximum 12 pages (excluding references).
The correct template for pictorials is the MUM Template, which should be
exported as a PDF when submitting. On the first page of submission,
please keep with the template and include the submission’s title,
author(s), and their affiliation(s) (leave blank for double blind
review), and a written abstract of no more than 150 words describing the
context and contribution of the pictorial to the MUM community. Further
written parts known from other conference formats such as Introduction,
Conclusion, and Discussion are optional.
We strongly recommend using the InDesign Template. A Microsoft Word
template is also available for authors without access to InDesign. The
main part of the submission should be an annotated visual composition
and we encourage submissions to use the format creatively. Pictorials
must be submitted via EasyChair at the latest by September 23rd, 2021.
- Link to MUM Template:
- Link to EasyChair:
# Relation to other submissions
We encourage fully original work. However, you may submit previously
published work to which you have added significant visual content,
provided only that such work is clearly and prominently attributed by
describing how the pictorial adds to a previous work, i.e. in a footwork
to the title with a clear description of what the pictorial uniquely
contributes or adds to previous work. In this case, at least 30% of the
material must be original, as per ACM rules.
We also encourage using visual materials that you have created or
produced yourself. However, you may use third-party materials when
following the "fair use" principles. We recommend the following article
( Please be aware of these ACM copyright rules
when submitting your work.
# Reviewing process
Pictorials must be anonymized. Submitted papers will undergo a rigorous
double-blind review process managed by the Program Chairs. Final
camera-ready versions of accepted submissions must be accompanied by a
signed copyright form. At least one author of an accepted submission
will be expected to attend the conference to present their work.Accepted
pictorials will appear in the Proceedings of the International
Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia, which will be available
in the ACM Digital Library, where they will remain accessible to
thousands of researchers and practitioners worldwide.
[*] Parts of this text is based on the Call for Pictorials from DIS and
# Organisers:
Jihae Han, KU Leuven, Belgium, Pictorials Chair
Andrew Vande Moere, KU Leuven, Belgium, Pictorials Chair
# More information:
E-mail: pictorials2021(a)
-- apologies for cross-postings
CfP: ACM CHI PLAY 2021 - Work in Progress track
October 18-21, 2021, Virtual
CHI PLAY is the international and interdisciplinary conference (by ACM
SIGCHI) for researchers and professionals across all areas of play, games
and human-computer interaction (HCI). This area is called “player-computer
interaction”. CHI PLAY is sponsored by the ACM Special Interest Group for
Computer-Human Interaction (SIGCHI).
Work-in-Progress contributions provide a unique opportunity for authors to
present reports on original yet incomplete work that seeks to advance our
current knowledge in games and play through innovative or thought-provoking
ideas. We encourage submissions describing late-breaking advances and
work-in-progress reports from ongoing research. Submissions are evaluated
on the basis of originality, innovation and contribution to the diversity
of the conference program.
Examples include:
- Original and innovative technologies, techniques, or prototypes, with or
without an accompanying evaluation
- Qualitative or quantitative studies showing preliminary results
- “Sequels” to a prior research contribution
- “Prequels” to motivate or stimulate novel conversations or future work
- Theoretical or methodological contributions that provoke disciplinary
Important Dates (all times are 23:59 Anywhere on Earth or AoE):
- Papers submission deadline: July 16, 2021
- Notifications: August 20, 2021
- Camera Ready deadline: September 10, 2021
- Conference: October 18-21, 2021 (virtual)
Submitting format
Up to 8 pages in ACM Primary Article Template, single column manuscript
style (references excluded). Submissions are NOT anonymous.
Authors should submit manuscripts for review in a single column format,
which is available for Word and LaTeX (use the “manuscript” call to create
a single column format, rather than “acmsmall”). If you are using the ACM
LaTeX Overleaf template, please select the “ACM Journals – New Primary
Article Template”, not the “ACM Conference Proceedings ‘Master’ Template”.
Detailed instructions on formatting can be found at
You are asked to provide alt-text descriptions for all figures in your
submission so please look at for
guidance and examples.
A pre-recorded video is only required upon acceptance and has to be
submitted together with the camera-ready paper. For accessibility
guidelines refer to
Submit your work via Precision Conference System (PCS) 2.0:
Review Process
Work in Progress submissions will be peer-reviewed, and evaluated on the
basis of originality, innovation and contribution to conference program
Upon Acceptance
Authors will have three weeks to prepare a camera-ready version of the
paper incorporating the feedback provided by reviewers as well as a
pre-recorded video of their presentation. Authors will discuss their work
in dedicated breakout rooms, where the author will be able to engage with
the audience.
After the Conference
Work in Progress papers and the pre-recorded videos will be archived in the
ACM Digital Library in the CHI PLAY 2021 Extended Abstracts.
For questions and further information:
Fabrizio Balducci (University of Bari, Italy), CHI Play 2021
Work-in-Progress Associate Chair fabrizio.balducci(a)
or wip(a)
priva di virus.
Dear colleague,
we would like to attract your attention to HHEE @ ACM HT 2021: HCI and
Hypermedia for Enhanced Education with interactive multimedia
**Please forward to anyone who might be interested**
Apologies for cross-posting.
Workshop on HCI and Hypermedia for Enhanced Education with interactive
multimedia - HHEE 2021 (
in conjunction with the 32nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media -
HT 2021 (, 30 August – 2 September 2021 |
Virtual event.
IMPORTANT DATES (23:59 AoE - Anywhere on Earth)
Paper deadline: Fri, July 23
Notification to authors: Mon, August 16
Workshop date: Mon, August 30
Camera-ready due: Sun, September 5 (note: papers will be made available to
conference and workshop participants earlier)
Education, together with the whole society, is experiencing a leap towards
virtualization, speeding up a process that was already under way. Online
learning is thus becoming a usual practice and experience for millions of
students, and we can expect that this will impact on future education and
learning models.
Multimedia content and video-based learning are increasingly taking a
central role, thus it becomes of paramount importance to take full
advantage of them by providing and automating services that help to
overcome issues, such as linear viewing and poor engagement, and to exploit
the advantages through enhanced interactivity, multimodal interfaces, new
visualization tools, knowledge graphs, summarization, personalized
In this scenario, Human-Computer Interaction, Artificial Intelligence,
Cognitive Computing, and Natural Language Processing can play an essential
role to exploit educational resources in order to enable a new wave of
enhanced educational services and improve the consumption itself of
multimedia content.
We are looking for contributions that address the challenges of
interactive hypermedia and intelligent user interfaces for education,
advance the state of the art in theories, methods, and technologies. Topics
of interest include but are not limited to:
- multimodal intelligent user interfaces for education
- adaptive learning environments
- adaptive hypervideo
- interactive knowledge graphs
- multimedia-enriched knowledge graphs
- knowledge extraction from educational resources
- summarization and explanation
- error detection, feedback and accountability
- intelligent textbooks
- augmented video services
- semantically-enhanced educational services
- modeling, visualization and exploration of multimedia resources
- tracking and analysing learners behaviour with video content
- learning analytics for improving multimodal learning services
- cloud-based learning environments
Accepted papers will appear in the Proceedings of the HT21 conference and
will be published in the ACM Digital Library.
We encourage the submission of original contributions investigating
hypermedia for enhanced education with interactive multimedia:
- Full research papers (max 10 pages, including references);
- Short papers (max 5 pages, including references) for position papers and
research-in-progress papers.
Note on length: appendices count toward the page limit.
ACM HHEE ’21 uses a double blind review process
Authors must omit their names and affiliations from submissions, and avoid
obvious identifying statements. For instance, citations to the authors’ own
prior work should be made in the third-person.
Authors should submit their papers as single-column. Papers must be
formatted according to the new workflow for ACM publications. The templates
and instructions are available here:
Using LaTeX is highly recommended to minimize the extent of reformatting
for camera-ready.
* LaTeX (use \documentclass[manuscript,review,anonymous]{acmart} in the
sample-authordraft.tex file for single-column):…
* Overleaf (use\documentclass[manuscript,review,anonymous]{acmart} for
* MS Word:…
Submissions should be submitted as PDF files via EasyChair: When submitting, please
select the track “Workshop on HCI and Hypermedia for Enhanced Education
with interactive multimedia”.
Authors are required to present their paper at the workshop. All the papers
presented at the workshop will be published by ACM and will be available
via the ACM Digital Library.
Mauro Coccoli, University of Genoa, IT
Ilenia Galluccio, University of Genoa, IT
Ilaria Torre, University of Genoa, IT
e-mail: hhee2021(a)
Web page:
On behalf of the workshop organisers
Best Regards
Ilenia Galluccio
PhD Candidate
University of Genoa
/Apologize for unintended cross-mailing/
Special Issue on
*Speculative and Critical Design: approaches and influences in education*
to be published at the
/*Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal (IxD&A)*/
(ISSN 1826-9745, eISSN 2283-2998)
**** Since 2012 also in Scopus ****
**** *Since 2015 also* in *Emerging Sources Citation Index* and *Web of
Science* ***
IxD&A implements the Gold Open Access (OA) road to its contents
with no charge to the authors (submission & paper processing)
Help us in improving the quality of the editorial process and of the
journal, please donate:…
*Important dates:*
• Deadline: *September 9*, 2021
• Notification to the authors: October 14, 2021
• Camera ready paper: November 11, 2021
• Publication of the special issue: end of November, 2021
Speculative and Critical Design approaches and related Design Fiction
practices are increasingly finding their place within interaction design
and technology design educational programmes. The guest editors of this
special issue are partners in the SpeculativeEdu
( project (Speculative Design – Educational
Resource Toolkit), funded by the European Union, to explore novel
educational skills and practices for the 21st century, especially those
focused on the critical relations between technology and people. The
inherently discursive and provocative nature of the Speculative or
Critical Design approach makes it potentially useful for both teaching
practical design skills and for reflecting on theoretical positions and
the implications of introducing designed objects and systems into the
world. There are however tensions and unresolved issues, and there is
much potential for further development that deserves examination,
particularly in the context of education, such as practical questions
around; how to develop and share sets of tools, techniques and methods
for concept creation, address aspects such as worldbuilding and the
communication of narratives, and how best to apply criteria for
assessment in educational domains as diverse as product and service
design, architecture and urban studies, fashion design, media and
communication, human-computer interaction, socio-technical studies and
other creative fields. Further fundamental and overarching themes also
deserve deeper interrogation, for example around; inclusion, diversity
and participation, the influence of global and local cultures,
understandings of the past, the present and the future, and the role of
primary research in creative, imaginative work. Not least is the
question of how to nurture the development of constructive tactics and
strategies amongst students who are facing a world where problems seem
too complex, too inextricably interwoven and too intractable to begin to
For this special issue we invite contributions that extend knowledge on
this domain, for example, submissions addressing how educators are
tackling, or aspiring to tackle, these challenges both in the classroom
and in professional situations, or which discuss the collation and
presentation of resources, methods and perspectives specifically in
educational contexts. These can include stories and experiences along
with critical reflections on the outcomes, impacts and implications.
Discussing research carried out by the SpeculativeEDU project, Julian
Hanna (2019) explains, “our survey suggests that the influence of
Speculative Design is constantly expanding into new regions and
disciplines as new waves of designers embrace and adopt its techniques
in different aspects of their work – and the approach itself is also
evolving and adapting to new realities and calls for change.” The family
of speculative, critical, provocative and fictional design approaches
offers techniques and entry points for interrogating relationships
between people and technology. This broad set of methods and
perspectives places emphasis on developing imaginative designed concepts
and provocations that might or “could” exist, rather than those that
“should” exist or are deemed preferable or profitable. The purpose of
this process is to experiment with alternative ways of living and being,
and to question current norms, assumptions and structures by speculating
on the world through designed objects and systems.
Overviews and discussion of the speculative design approach can be found
in writings such as; Galloway (2013), Dunne and Raby (2013), Auger
(2013) and Malpass (2017). Addressing education more specifically,
Ward’s (2019) essay, “Critical about Critical and Speculative Design”
discusses the challenge of cultivating a critical design education, of
“sharing and building a set of processes, practices and questions that
allow for both production and reflection, analysis and making, critique
and creation”. This challenge has been emerging in response to the
driving forces that Ward lists as; “a shift away from an aging modernist
educational culture; a growing acknowledgment and frustration with the
cultural impact of mass consumption; a rapidly shifting technological
culture, through the invention of microprocessors, personal computation
and networked communication; and a growing disciplinary awareness of the
impacts and responsibilities of the designer.”.
*Topics of Interest*
The indicative list of topics of interest for this special issue
includes, but is not limited to:
• teaching and learning activities, methods and resources
• reflections and viewpoints on critique and theory
• assessment strategies, and program and course development
• disciplinary and interdisciplinary working
• skills development for post-education routes to employment and industry
• the use of speculative and critical design in industry, and
professional training and skills development
• perspectives on globalization and the specifics of local contexts
• future directions for the field
/*Submission guidelines and procedure*/
All submissions (abstracts and later final manuscripts) must be original
and may not be under review by another publication.
The manuscripts should be submitted either in .doc or in .rtf format.
All papers will be blindly peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers.
Authors are invited to submit 8-20 pages paper (including authors'
information, abstract, all tables, figures, references, etc.).
The paper should be written according to the IxD&A authors' guidelines
*Authors' guidelines*
Link to the paper submission page:
(Please upload all submissions using the Submission page.
When submitting the paper, please, choose the section:
"SI: Speculative and Critical Design: approaches and influences in
More information on the submission procedure and on the characteristics
of the paper format can be found on the website of the IxD&A Journal
where information on the copyright policy and responsibility of authors,
publication ethics and malpractice are published.
For scientific advice and queries, please contact the IxD&A scientific
editor marking the subject as:
/Speculative and Critical Design: approaches and influences in education/
• i [dot] helgason [at] napier [dot] ac [dot] uk
* Forthcoming issues:*
• Winter 2021
Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional Development: toward the 'new normal'
Guest editors: Oscar Mealha, Mihai Dascalu, Tania Di Mascio
• Springer 2022
'Gamification of the Learning Process'
Guest editors: Davide Carneiro, Pilar Cáceres, Mariana Reimão Carvalho,
Rui Silva
*GROUP 2022 Doctoral Consortium Call for Participation! *
(Please circulate to your University Listservs or other spaces where we
can work to broaden participation)
*Important Dates*
Wednesday 25 August 2021, 11:59 pm ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD: Deadline for
Friday 10 September 2021: Notification
Sunday 03 October: Camera-ready due
23 January 2021: Doctoral Consortium
*Call for Participation*
The GROUP 2022 Doctoral Consortium provides an opportunity for doctoral
students to discuss their research in an international forum under the
guidance of a panel of experienced HCI and CSCW researchers. The
Doctoral Consortium will be held on 23 January as part of the ACM 2022
Conference on Supporting Group Work in Sanibel, Florida, USA. Selected
applicants will be asked to give short, informal presentations during
the Consortium. These will be followed by extensive group discussion in
a friendly and constructive workshop. Participants will also present
their research in an interactive poster session during the main
technical program of the conference.
We welcome applicants from a broad range of disciplines and approaches
that inform human-centered computing, including anthropology, sociology,
information science, computer science, cognitive science, organizational
studies, design and related fields. We are particularly interested in
applications from institutions and groups that have not traditionally
been well-represented at past GROUP conferences.
Applicants should be Ph.D. students with an already established
direction of research relevant to HCI and CSCW, but whose research would
benefit from guidance provided by peers and senior colleagues at the
Doctoral Consortium. Preference will be given to students who have a
defined topic and program of work, i.e., who have proposed their topics
and are within 2 years of graduation within a 5-year program or are half
way through a 3 (or 4) year program.
*Submission Guidelines*
GROUP 2022 is using the Precision Conference System (PCS) 2.0. To
submit, log in to PCS, click on “Submissions”, and then make a new
submission to Group -> Group 2022 -> Group2022 Doctoral Consortium.
You will be asked to provide:
A FOUR-page overview (including references) of your doctoral research
that describes your research question(s), work in progress, and expected
contributions. This overview should also include (1) a paragraph that
articulates what you hope to gain from attending the GROUP Doctoral
Consortium, and (2) an abstract of no more than 100 words. Your overview
will be published in the ACM Digital Library and distributed to all
attendees as part of the Conference Extended Abstracts. Please submit
your overview in the SIGCHI Extended Abstract Format (PDF).
Supplementary material:
A short (2-3 paragraph) biographical sketch.
Two publications: (1) One publication that best illustrates your
research interests + (2) one paper or book that you find most inspiring
(perhaps something that you draw on to inform your work, or something
that pushed your research in a given direction).
A letter from your supervisor indicating that they support your
application to the Consortium and they agree that your research is at an
appropriate stage for participation. This letter should also make
reference to how you might benefit from the Doctoral Consortium and how
they expect that you might benefit the other students in this group
Comments about the availability of funds to attend the Consortium (e.g.,
complete funds available through the university/research grant, partial
funds available, applied for the SIGCHI Student Travel Grant and was
awarded, applied for a travel grant but was not awarded, etc.). See
below under “Important Note on Funding.”
*The deadline for submitting is Wednesday 25 August 2021, 11:59 pm
ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD. After this date, the system will be closed. *
*All questions should be directed to dc2022(a)*
*Important Note on Funding*
We are currently able to offer financial support to Doctoral Consortium
participants from the United States (US) through the National Science
Foundation (NSF). Due to NSF rules, this funding can only be used on
US-based Doctoral students. We will do our best to secure financial
support from SIGCHI for accepted international students to attend. We
also encourage accepted participants to investigate other opportunities
for support.
*GROUP 2022 Doctoral Consortium Co-Chairs*
Myriam Lewkowicz (Troyes University of Technology, France)
Bryan Semaan (University of Colorado Boulder, USA)
*Myriam Lewkowicz*
Professeur des Universités / Full Professor
*UTT - Université de Technologie de Troyes *
12 rue Marie Curie - CS 42060 - 10004 TROYES CEDEX
Bureau F214
Tél. : 33 (0)3 25 71 80 67 | Fax : 33 (0)3 25 71 76 98 | Mob.: 33 (0)6
16 47 13 53
twitter: myrlewko
Head of Tech-CICO research group, Laboratoire Informatique et Société
Numérique (LIST3N)…
Vice-Chair of the COST Action CA16121 From Sharing to Caring: Examining
Socio-Technical Aspects of the Collaborative Economy <>
Chair of EUSSET <>
Deputy Editor-in-Chief Journal of CSCW
** Apologies for cross-posting
CFP: Best Practices of Serious Games Testing workshop
This workshop brings together researchers, practitioners, stakeholders and
students from development of serious games (video games with a purpose
beyond entertainment, such as educational games), games user research,
software engineering in game development, HCI and related areas. Following
the spirit of the IEEE/ICIS conference, the workshop aims to discuss
practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted on software and user
testing and assessment of serious games, in the form of best practices.
Suggested topics for the Workshop include (but are not limited to) the
• Testing methodologies
• Testing protocols in the COVID-19 pandemic
• Remote testing
• Experiences in applying software testing tools
• Design and application of surveys and questionnaires
• White-box testing
• Usability testing
• UX testing
• QA testing
• Playtesting
• Presence testing
• Engagement testing
• Testing using physiological measurements
• Formative/Summative evaluation and testing
• AI-based testing
• Assessment with immersive technologies
• Knowledge retention and transferable skills tests/evaluation
Participants in this workshop are welcome to submit 2-4 pages for short
papers and 5-6 pages for full papers describing research and practical
issues on serious game testing and assessment, including a list of 4 best
practices. Each participant will present his/her own paper during the
workshop. For each accepted paper, one full author registration is required.
We encourage work-in-progress submissions as well as more mature work.
This Workshop is part of the IEEE/ACIS 21st International Fall Conference
on Computer and Information Science (ICIS 2021-Fall) October 13-15, 2021,
Xi'an, China. Event web page:
The workshop will be held online via Zoom.
All accepted papers will be published in the IEEE conference proceedings,
and will be submitted to be indexed by Scopus, EI, INSPEC and DBLP.
The Organizing Committee will peer-review the submitted papers.
Please write your proposal using the General IEEE conference paper format:…
Please email your paper with the names and affiliations directly to the
workshop organizer (miguel.garcia(a)
Submission deadline: June 25, 2021 (extended deadline) . Please send your
submission to: miguel.garcia(a)
Author notification: July 17, 2021
Final manuscripts (camera ready)/ registration due: August 2, 2021.
Please consult the main Conference web page for registration:
Workshop date: October 13, 2021
The Organizing Committee will select the winners for the Best Paper and
Best Student Paper awards. In order to qualify for the award, the paper
must be presented at the Workshop.
For more information, contact the workshop chair:
Dr. Miguel A. Garcia-Ruiz, Algoma University, Canada
Organizing Committee:
Bill Kapralos (Ontario Tech University, Canada)
Alvaro Joffre Uribe Quevedo (Ontario Tech University, Canada)
Luis A. Castro (Sonora Institute of Technology, Mexico)
Genaro Rebolledo-Mendez (Monterrey Institute of Technology, Mexico)
Pedro C. Santana-Mancilla (University of Colima, Mexico)
Laura S. Gaytan-Lugo (University of Colima, Mexico)
Veronica Zammitto (UX consultant, Canada)
Miguel A. Garcia-Ruiz, BEng, MSc, PhD
Associate Professor
Personal web page:
Algoma University
School of Computer Science and Technology
Office: WW105G
1520 Queen Street East
Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada, P6A 2G4