(Apologies for cross-postings)
The paper submission deadline has been extended to January 14, 2022
************WORKSHOP CALL FOR PAPERS**************
SOCIALIZE Workshop @ ACM IUI 2022
Second Workshop on SOcial and Cultural IntegrAtion with PersonaLIZEd Interfaces (SOCIALIZE)
March 22, 2022, hosted online
Co-located with the 27th ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI) 2022 (https://iui.acm.org/2022/ <https://iui.acm.org/2022/>) March 22-25, 2022, Virtually Hosted by University of Helsinki, Finland
Workshop website: http://socialize2022.di.unito.it/ <http://socialize2022.di.unito.it/>
Submission: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=socialize2022 <https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=socialize2022>
For any information: socialize2022(a)easychair.org <mailto:socialize2022@easychair.org>
******************Important Dates*******************
Submission deadline: January 14, 2022 (extended)
Authors notification: January 28, 2022
Camera-ready: February 18, 2022
Workshop: March 22, 2022
The SOCIALIZE workshop aims to bring together all those interested in the development of interactive techniques that may contribute to fostering the social and cultural inclusion of a broad range of users. More specifically, we intend to attract research that takes into account the interaction peculiarities typical of different realities, with a focus on disadvantaged and at-risk categories (e.g., refugees and migrants) and vulnerable groups (e.g., children, elderly, autistic, and disabled people). Among others, we are also interested in human-robot interaction techniques aimed at the development of social robots, that is, autonomous robots that interact with people by engaging in social-affective behaviors, abilities, and rules related to their collaborative role.
The main topics of the workshop are (but not limited to):
* Multi-cultural system design;
* Empirical studies on the impact of culture on systems;
* Cultural and social influence in recommender systems;
* Cultural and social aspects as contextual factors;
* Cultural and social influence in online learning platforms (e.g., MOOC);
* Methods for automatic assessment of social and cultural background from social media;
* Strategies for adapting systems to groups of users with different backgrounds;
* Cross-cultural analyses of trust in systems;
* Human-robot adaptation for cross-cultural users, including under-represented groups;
* Personalized Human-Robot Interaction (HRI);
* Adaptation strategies for social HRI;
* Machine learning for social robots;
* Emotion and personality detection in social HRI;
* Social robots as conversational recommender systems
* Social robots in the real world;
Researchers and practitioners in academia or industry are encouraged to submit original manuscripts relevant to the audience of the workshop. Papers must comply with the standard ACM SIGCHI Paper Format (see https://iui.acm.org/2022/call_for_papers.html <https://iui.acm.org/2022/call_for_papers.html>).
The contributions can be: Full papers (6 pages excluding references) and Short papers (4 pages excluding references), including substantial work-in-progress, perspective papers, and lessons learned; and Challenge, Position, and Demo papers (2 pages excluding references), describing research challenges in theory or practice, defining new promising research directions, and demonstrating innovative software prototypes.
Manuscripts must be submitted via Easychair (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=socialize2022 <https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=socialize2022>) by January 14, 2022 (extended). All submissions will undergo a peer-review process. Reviewers will consider originality, significance, technical soundness, clarity, and relevance to the workshop’s topics. The reviewing process will be double-blind.
Authors of accepted papers will be invited to present their work during the workshop, and at least one author of each accepted paper must register for and (virtually) attend the workshop.
For further questions please contact the workshop organizers at <socialize2022(a)easychair.org <mailto:socialize2022@easychair.org>>
Accepted papers will be published as open access joint workshop proceedings via CEUR-WS.org <http://ceur-ws.org/>
Fabio Gasparetti, Roma Tre University
Cristina Gena, University of Torino
Giuseppe Sansonetti, Roma Tre University
Marko Tkalčič, University of Primorska
*** Second Call for Contributions ***
38th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and
Evolution (ICSME 2022)
3–7 October, 2022, 4* Atlantica Miramare Beach Hotel, Limassol, Cyprus
Goals and Scope
The IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME) is
the premier forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss the most
recent innovations, trends, experiences, and challenges in software maintenance and
evolution. We invite high quality submissions describing significant, original, and
unpublished results related to but not limited to any of the following software
maintenance and evolution topics (in alphabetical order):
• Change and defect management
• Code cloning and provenance
• Concept and feature location
• Continuous integration/deployment
• Empirical studies of software maintenance and evolution
• Evolution of non-code artifacts
• Human aspects of software maintenance and evolution
• Maintenance and evolution of model-based methods
• Maintenance and evolution processes
• Maintenance and evolution of mobile apps
• Maintenance and evolution of service-oriented and cloud computing systems
• Maintenance versus release process
• Mining software repositories
• Productivity of software engineers during maintenance and evolution
• Release engineering
• Reverse engineering and re-engineering
• Run-time evolution and dynamic configuration
• Software and system comprehension
• Software migration and renovation
• Software quality assessment
• Software refactoring and restructuring
• Software testing theory and practice
• Source code analysis and manipulation
• Technical Debt
ICSME welcomes innovative ideas that are timely, well presented, and evaluated. All
submissions must position themselves within the existing literature, describe the
relevance of the results to specific software engineering goals, and include a clear
motivation and presentation of the work.
ICSME invites contributions to a number of different tracks. These are listed below
with more information, including submission instructions, available on the
conference web site (submission dates are midnight, AoE, UTC-12). The submission
link for all tracks is: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icsme2022 .
Please use this link and choose the appropriate track for your submission.
Research Track
• Abstract Submission: March 25th, 2022.
• Paper Submission: April 1st, 2022.
• Notification: June 10th, 2022.
• Camera-Ready: July 1st, 2022.
Please refer to https://cyprusconferences.org/icsme2022/call-for-research-track/ .
Doctoral Symposium
• Paper Submission: July 8th, 2022.
• Notification: August 1st, 2022.
• Camera-Ready: August 19th, 2022.
Please refer to https://cyprusconferences.org/icsme2022/call-for-doctoral-symposium/ .
Journal First Track
• Paper Submission: June 17th, 2022.
• Notification: July 8th, 2022.
Please refer to https://cyprusconferences.org/icsme2022/call-for-journal-first-track/ .
Tool Demo Track
• Abstract Submission: June 13th, 2022.
• Paper Submission: June 20th, 2022.
• Notification: July 19th, 2022.
• Camera-Ready: July 26th, 2022.
Please refer to https://cyprusconferences.org/icsme2022/tool-demo-track/ .
Joint Artifact Evaluation Track and ROSE Festival
• Artifact Submission: August 26th, 2022.
• Notification: September 16th, 2022.
Please refer to https://cyprusconferences.org/icsme2022/call-for-joint-artifact-evaluation-… .
Industry Track
• Full/Short Papers Abstract Submission: April 22nd, 2022.
• Full/Short Paper Submission: April 29th, 2022.
• Full/Short Paper Notification: June 15th, 2022.
• Full/Short Camera-Ready: July 15th, 2022.
• Extended Abstract Submission: May 20th, 2022.
• Extended Abstract Notification: June 15th, 2022.
• Camera-Ready: July 15th, 2022.
Please refer to https://cyprusconferences.org/icsme2022/call-for-industry-track/ .
News Ideas and Emerging Results Track
• Abstract Submission: June 17th, 2022.
• Paper Submission: June 24th, 2022.
• Notification: July 18th, 2022.
• Camera-Ready: July 31st, 2022.
Please refer to https://cyprusconferences.org/icsme2022/new-ideas-and-emerging-results/ .
Registered Reports Track
• Initial Report Submission: June 3rd, 2022.
• Feedback from PC: July 8th, 2022.
• Authors Response: July 22nd, 2022.
• Notification for Stage 1: August 12th, 2022.
• Submission of Accepted Report: August 19th, 2022.
Please refer to https://cyprusconferences.org/icsme2022/registered-reports-track/ .
General Chairs
• Rainer Koschke, University of Bremen, Germany
• George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Program Chairs
• Paris Avgeriou, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
• Dave Binkley, Loyola University Maryland, USA
Local Organising Chair and Industry Liaison
• Georgia M. Kapitsaki, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
New Ideas and Emerging Results Track Chairs
• Eleni Constantinou, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
• Christian Newman, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
Tool Demonstrations Chairs
• Sherlock Licorish, University of Otago, New Zealand
• Gilles Perrouin, University of Namur, Belgium
Industry Track Chairs
• Andrea Capiluppi, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
• Shi Han, Microsoft Research Beijing, China
Journal First Track Chairs
• Alexander Chatzigeorgiou, University of Macedonia, Greece
• Amjed Tahir, Massey University, New Zealand
Doctoral Symposium
• Matthias Galster, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
• Mark Hills, East Carolina University, USA
Joint Artifact Evaluation Track and ROSE Festival Chairs
• Maria Papoutsoglou, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
• Christoph Treude, University of Melbourne, Australia
Most Influential Paper Awards Chairs
• Massimiliano Di Penta, University of Sannio, Italy
• Jonathan I. Maletic, Kent State University, USA
Diversity and Inclusion
• Hadil Abukwaik, ABB Corporate Research, Germany
• Sonia Haiduc, Florida State University, USA
Registered Reports
• Maria Teresa Baldassarre, University of Bari, Italy
• Mike Papadakis, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Please accept our apologies in case of multiple receptions.
Please send it to interested colleagues.
# **30th ACM International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and
Personalization (ACM UMAP'22)**
Barcelona, Spain, and Online
4 - 7 July 2022
Proposal Submission Deadline: January 27, 2022
**ACM UMAP'22** is pleased to invite proposals for workshops and tutorials
to be held in conjunction with the conference. ACM UMAP is the premier
international conference for researchers and practitioners working on
systems that adapt to individual users or to groups of users, and which
collect, represent, and model user information.
We encourage both researchers and industry practitioners to submit workshop
and tutorial proposals. We strongly suggest involving organizers from
different institutions, bringing different perspectives to the workshop or
tutorial topic. We welcome workshops and tutorials with a creative
structure that may attract various types of attendees and ensure rich
interactions. All the tutorials and workshops should support both virtual
and physical attendance (although we hope physical to be the preferred
**Call for Workshop Proposals**
The workshops provide a venue to discuss and explore emerging areas of User
Modeling and Adaptive Hypermedia research with like-minded researchers and
practitioners from industry and academia.
**Important Dates**
- Proposals due: January 27, 2022
- Notification to proposers: February 10, 2022
- Workshop day(s): July TBD, 2022
All deadlines are 11:59 pm, AoE time (Anywhere on Earth).
**Workshop Formats**
In this edition, our goal is to have a balanced workshop program,
comprising workshops with different formats and addressing newly emerging,
currently evolving and established research topics. Different schemas to
organize the workshop are possible, such as:
- Working group meetings around a problem or topic.
- Mini-conferences on special topics, having their own paper submission and
review processes.
- Mini-competitions or challenges around selected topics with individual or
team participation.
- Interactive discussion meetings focusing on subtopics of the UMAP general
research topics.
- Joint panels for different workshops.
The detailed instructions for the proposal content, the submission, the
responsibilities, the proceedings, and the registration are provided at [
**Call for Tutorial Proposals**
Tutorials are intensive instructional sessions that provide a comprehensive
introduction to established or emerging research topics of interest for the
UMAP community.
**Important Dates**
- Proposals due: January 27, 2022
- Notification to proposers: February 10, 2022
- Tutorial day: July TBD, 2022
All deadlines are 11:59 pm, AoE time (Anywhere on Earth).
**Tutorial Topics**
An ideal tutorial should be broad enough to provide a basic introduction to
the chosen area, but it should also cover the most important topics in
depth. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- New user modeling technologies, methods, techniques, and trends (e.g.
exploiting data mining and big data analytics for user modeling, evaluation
methodologies, data visualization, etc.).
- User modeling and personalization techniques for specific domains (e.g.,
health, e-government, e-commerce, cultural heritage, education, internet of
things, mobile, music, information retrieval, human-robot interaction,
- Application and impact of the user modeling and personalization
techniques for information retrieval and recommender systems, including
beyond-accuracy aspects (e.g., fairness).
- Eliciting and learning user preferences by taking into account users';
emotional state, physical state, personality, trust, cognitive factors.
The detailed instructions for the proposal content, the submission, the
responsibilities, the proceedings, and the registration are provided at
**Workshop and Tutorial Chairs**
- Mirko Marras, University of Cagliari, Italy
- Elvira Popescu, University of Craiova, Romania
- Contact: [umap2022-wt@um.org](mailto:umap2022-wt@um.org)
*** Sixth Call for Papers ***
2022 IEEE International Conference on Evolving and Adaptive
Intelligent Systems (IEEE EAIS 2022)
May 25-27, 2022, Golden Bay Hotel 5*, Larnaca, Cyprus
(Proceedings to be published by the IEEE Xplore Digital Library;
Special Journal Issue with Evolving Systems, Springer)
(*** Extended Submission Deadline: February 7, 2022 ***)
IEEE EAIS 2022 will provide a working and friendly atmosphere and will be a
leading international forum focusing on the discussion of recent advances,
the exchange of recent innovations and the outline of open important future
challenges in the area of Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems. Over the
past decade, this area has emerged to play an important role on a broad
international level in today's real-world applications, especially those ones
with high complexity and dynamic changes. Its embedded modelling and
learning methodologies are able to cope with real-time demands, changing
operation conditions, varying environmental influences, human behaviours,
knowledge expansion scenarios and drifts in online data streams.
Conference Topics
Basic Methodologies
Evolving Soft Computing Techniques. Evolving Fuzzy Systems. Evolving
Rule-Based Classifiers. Evolving Neuro-Fuzzy Systems. Adaptive
Evolving Neural Networks. Online Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithms. Data
Stream Mining. Incremental and Evolving Clustering. Adaptive
Pattern Recognition. Incremental and Evolving ML Classifiers. Adaptive
Statistical Techniques. Evolving Decision Systems. Big Data.
Problems and Methodologies in Data Streams
Stability, Robustness, Convergence in Evolving Systems. Online Feature
Selection and Dimension Reduction. Online Active and Semi-supervised
Learning. Online Complexity Reduction. Computational Aspects.
Interpretability Issues. Incremental Adaptive Ensemble Methods. Online
Bagging and Boosting. Self-monitoring Evolving Systems. Human-Machine
Interaction Issues. Hybrid Modelling, Transfer Learning. Reservoir Computing.
Applications of EAIS
Time Series Prediction. Data Stream Mining and Adaptive Knowledge
Discovery. Robotics. Intelligent Transport and Advanced Manufacturing.
Advanced Communications and Multimedia Applications. Bioinformatics and
Medicine. Online Quality Control and Fault Diagnosis. Condition
Monitoring Systems. Adaptive Evolving Controller Design. User Activities
Recognition. Huge Database and Web Mining. Visual Inspection and
Image Classification. Image Processing. Cloud Computing. Multiple Sensor
Networks. Query Systems and Social Networks. Alternative Statistical and
Machine Learning Approaches.
Submitted papers should not exceed 8 pages plus at most 2 pages overlength.
Submissions of full papers are accepted online through Easy Chair
The EAIS 2022 proceedings will be published on IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended versions
for possible inclusion in a special issue of Evolving Systems - An
Interdisciplinary Journal for Advanced Science and Technology (Springer).
Important Dates
• Paper submission: February 7, 2022 (extended)
• Notification of acceptance/rejection: March 7, 2022
• Camera ready submission: March 20, 2022
• Authors registration: March 20, 2022
• Conference Dates: May 25-27, 2022
Social Media
FB: https://www.facebook.com/IEEEEAIS
Twitter: https://twitter.com/IEEE_EAIS
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/events/2022ieeeconferenceonevolvingand681556007867…
Honorary Chairs
• Dimitar Filev, Ford Motor Co., USA
• Nikola Kasabov, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
General Chairs
• George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus
• Plamen Angelov, Lancaster University, UK
Program Committee Chairs
• Giovanna Castellano, University of Bari, Italy
• José A. Iglesias, Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain
/Apologize for unintended cross-mailing/
*International Journal on Interaction Design & Architecture(s) - IxD&A
- a SCOPUS and Web of Science - Emerging Sources (Thomson Reuters)
indexed Journal -
*Special issue N. 50
focus section on:*
Design during and for Pandemics**
*/guest editors: Vasiliki Mylonopoulou, Guido Giunti
focus section on:/*
*/ *Decoding The Smart City *
/guest editors: //Teija Vainio, Elise Hodson, Michel Nader Sayún,
Ralf-Martin Soe/
is now available for free downloading -> link
/IxD&A implements the Gold Open Access road to its contents with no
charge to the authors
If you wish to help us in improving the quality of the journal, please
*IxD&A Journal, issue N. 50 - ToC*
Preface ****
**to the focus section/
/*Design during and for Pandemics*
by Vasiliki Mylonopoulou and Guido Giunti
pp. 5 - 6
****Wies van Nifterik, Froukje Sleeswijk Visser, Jeroen van Erp
*Remote contextmapping and prototyping during lockdown, a study case*,
pp. 7 - 26
Katerina Cerna, Richard Paluch, Fabian Bäumer, Tanja Ertl, Claudia Muller
*Transformation of HCI co-research with older adults - researchers’
positionality in the COVID-19 pandemic times*, pp. 27 - 47
Pedro Filipe Campos
*HCI Design and Evaluation during Social Confinement: Reflections and
Techniques*, pp. 48 - 57
//**Preface ****
**to the focus section/
/*Decoding The Smart City *
by Teija Vainio, Elise Hodson, Michel Nader Sayún, Ralf-Martin Soe
pp. 59 - 62
**Eirene Keh, Madalynne Lawrence, Rosanne Sauz, Nazanin Houmayounfar,
Nastaran Dadashi
*The Ethical Smart City Framework & Toolkit: An Inclusive Application of
Human-Centered Design and Public Engagement in Smart City Development*,
pp. 63 - 81**
**Nils Ehrenberg, Turkka Keinonen
*Co-Living as a Rental Home Experience. Smart Home Technologies and
Autonomy*, pp. 82 - 101**
/Martin Martin Tomitsch, Joel Fredericks, Dan Vo, Jessica Frawley,
Marcus Foth
*Non-human Personas. Including Nature in the Participatory Design of
Smart Cities*, pp. 102 - 130///
IxD&A Privacy Policy
-----------Call for Papers ACM UMAP 2020-----------------------
--- Please forward to anyone who might be interested ---
--- Apologies for cross-posting ---
**30th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization
(UMAP ’22)**
Barcelona*, Spain, July 4–7, 2022
* Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we are planning for a hybrid
conference and will accommodate online presentations where needed.
Submission Deadline:
* Abstracts due: February 10, 2022 (mandatory)
* Full paper due: February 17, 2022
**ACM UMAP** – ***User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization*** – is the
premier international conference for researchers and practitioners working
on systems that adapt to individual users or to groups of users, and that
collect, represent, and model user information. **ACM UMAP** is sponsored
by ACM SIGCHI (https://sigchi.org) and SIGWEB (https://www.sigweb.org), and
organized with User Modeling Inc. (https://um.org) as the core Steering
Committee, extended with past years’ chairs. The proceedings are published
by the **ACM** and will be part of the ACM Digital Library (
**ACM UMAP** covers a wide variety of research areas where personalization
and adaptation may be applied. The main theme of **UMAP 2022** is ***“User
control in personalized systems”***. Specifically, we welcome submissions
related to user modeling, personalization, and adaptation in all areas of
personalized systems, with an emphasis on how to balance adaptivity and
user control. Below we present a short (but not prescriptive) list of
topics of importance to the conference.
ACM UMAP is co-located and collaborates with the ACM Hypertext conference (
https://ht.acm.org/ht2022/). UMAP takes place one week after Hypertext and
uses the same submission dates and formats. We expect authors to submit
research on personalized systems to UMAP and invite authors to submit their
Web-related work without a focus on personalization to the Hypertext
conference. The two conferences will organize one shared track on
**personalized recommender systems** (same track chairs and PC, see the
track description).
- Paper Abstracts: February 10, 2022 (mandatory)
- Full paper: February 17, 2022
- Notification: April 11, 2022
- Conference: July 4-July 7, 2022
**Note**: The submissions deadlines are at 11:59 pm AoE time (Anywhere on
We welcome submissions related to *user modeling, personalization, and
adaptation in any area*. The topics listed below are not intended to limit
possible contributions. **Detailed descriptions and the suggested topics
for each track are reported in the online version of the CFP on the UMAP
2022 web site.**
### **Personalized Recommender Systems**
**Track Chairs: Osnat Mokryn (University of Haifa), Eva Zangerle
(University of Innsbruck, Austria) and Markus Zanker (University of
Bolzano, Italy, and University of Klagenfurt, Austria)**
(*) This is a joint track between ACM UMAP and ACM Hypertext (same track
chairs, overlapping PC). Authors planning to contribute to this track can
submit to either conference, depending on their broader interest in either
Hypertext or UMAP. Track chairs organize a special issue in the journal New
Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia.
This track aims to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to
discuss open challenges, the latest solutions, and novel research
approaches in the field of recommender systems. In addition to mature
research works addressing technical aspects pertaining to recommendations,
we also particularly welcome research contributions that address questions
related to user perception and the business value of recommender systems.
### **Adaptive Hypermedia, Semantic, and Social Web**
**Track Chairs: Alexandra I. Cristea (Durham University, UK) and Peter
Brusilovsky (University of Pittsburgh, US)**
This track aims to provide a forum to researchers to discuss open research
problems, solid solutions, the latest challenges, novel applications, and
innovative research approaches in adaptive hypermedia, semantic and social
web. We invite original submissions addressing all aspects of
personalization, user models building, and personal experience in online
social systems.
### **Intelligent User Interfaces**
**Track chairs: Elisabeth Lex (Graz University of Technology, Austria) and
Marko Tkalcic (University of Primorska, Slovenia)**
This topic can be characterized by exploring how to make the interaction
between computers and people smarter and more productive, which may
leverage solutions from human-computer interaction, data mining, natural
language processing, information visualization, and knowledge
representation and reasoning.
### **Technology-Enhanced Adaptive Learning**
**Track chairs: Judy Kay (University of Sydney, Australia) and Sharon Hsiao
(Santa Clara University, US)**
This track invites researchers, developers, and practitioners from various
disciplines to present their innovative learning solutions, share acquired
experiences, and discuss their modeling challenges for personalized
adaptive learning.
### **Fairness, Transparency, Accountability, and Privacy**
**Track chairs: Bamshad Mobasher (DePaul University College of Computing
and Digital Media, US) and Munindar P. Singh (NC State University, US)**
Adaptive systems researchers and developers have a social responsibility to
care about the impact of their technologies on individual people (users,
providers, and other stakeholders) and on society. This track invites work
that pertains to the science of building, maintaining, evaluating, and
studying adaptive systems that are fair, transparent, respectful of users’
privacy, and beneficial to society.
### **Personalization for Persuasive and Behavior Change Systems**
**Track chairs: Julita Vassileva (University of Saskatchewan, Canada) and
Panagiotis Germanakos (SAP SE, Germany)**
This track invites original submissions addressing the areas of
personalization and tailoring for persuasive technologies, including but
not limited to personalization models, user models, computational
personalization, design and evaluation methods, and personal experience
designing personalized and adaptive behaviour change technologies.
### **Virtual Assistants and Personalized Human-robot Interaction**
**Track chairs: Radhika Garg (Syracuse University, US) and Cristina Gena
(University of Torino, Italy)**
This track aims at investigating new models and techniques for the
adaptation of synthetic companions (e.g., virtual assistants, chatbots,
social robots) to the individual user.
### **Research Methods and Reproducibility**
**Track chairs: Odd Erik Gundersen (Norwegian University of Science and
Technology, Norway) and Dietmar Jannach (University of Klagenfurt,
This track accepts works on methodologies for the evaluation of
personalized systems, benchmarks, measurement scales, with particular
attention to the reproducibility of results and of techniques.
Please consult the conference website for the submission link:
The maximum length is **14 pages (excluding references) in the ACM new
single-column format**. We encourage papers of any length up to 14 pages;
reviewers will be asked to comment on whether the length is appropriate for
the contribution.
**Additional review criteria are available in the online version of the CFP
on the UMAP 2022 web site.**
Each accepted paper will be included in the conference proceedings and
presented at the conference.
UMAP uses a **double-blind** review process. Authors must omit their names
and affiliations from submissions, and avoid obvious identifying
statements. For instance, citations to the authors' own prior work should
be made in the third person. Failure to anonymize your submission results
in the desk rejection of your paper.
**General chairs**
* Ludovico Boratto, University of Cagliari, Italy
* Alejandro Bellogín, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
* Olga C. Santos, Spanish National University for Distance Education, Spain
**Program Chairs**
- Liliana Ardissono, University of Torino, Italy
- Bart Knijnenburg, Clemson University, US
Separate calls will be sent for Workshops and Tutorials, Doctoral
Consortium, and Demo/Late-Breaking Results, as these have different
deadlines and submission requirements.
Nasim Sonboli (Researcher, University of Colorado Boulder), Helma Torkamaan
(Researcher, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany),
UMAP'22 Publicity Chairs
*** Third Call for Contributions ***
ACM International Conference on Information Technology for Social Good
(GoodIT 2022)
7–9 September, 2022, 5* St. Raphael Resort & Marina, Limassol, Cyprus
The ACM GoodIT conference seeks papers describing significant research
contributions related to the application of information technologies (IT) to social
good. Social good is typically defined as something that provides a benefit to the
general public. In this context, clean air and water, Internet connection, education,
and healthcare are all good examples of social goods. However, new media
innovations and the explosion of online communities have added new meaning to the
term. Social good is now about global citizens uniting to unlock the potential of
individuals, technology, and collaboration to create a positive societal impact.
GoodIT solicits papers that address important research challenges related to, but not
limited to:
• Citizen science
• Civic intelligence
• Decentralized approaches to IT
• Digital solutions for Cultural Heritage
• Environmental monitoring
• Ethical computing
• Frugal solutions for IT
• Game, entertainment, and multimedia applications
• Health and social care
• IT for automotive
• IT for development
• IT for education
• IT for smart living
• Privacy, trust and ethical issues in ICT solutions
• Smart governance and e-administration
• Social informatics
• Socially responsible IT solutions
• Sustainable cities and transportation
• Sustainable IT
• Technology addressing the digital divide
Main Track Paper Submission
The papers should not exceed six (6) pages (US letter size) double-column,
including figures, tables, and references in standard ACM format
They must be original works and must not have been previously published.
At least one of the authors of all accepted papers must register and present the
work at the conference; otherwise, the paper will not be published in the
proceedings. All accepted and presented papers will be included in the conference
proceedings published in the ACM Digital Library.
Selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version to a special issue
in the journal MDPI Sensors, where the theme of the special issue will be
"Application of Information Technology (IT) to Social Good"
Specifically 5 papers will be invited free of charge and another 5 papers will get a
20% discount on the publication fees.
Furthermore, MDPI Sensors will sponsor a Best Paper Award with the amount of
400 CHF.
Separate call-for-papers are announced for the special tracks (more information
is available on the conference web site).
Work-in-Progress and PhD Track
Inside ACM GoodIT, the Work-in-Progress and PhD Track provides an opportunity to
showcase interesting new work that is still at an early stage. We encourage
practitioners and researchers to submit to the Work-in-Progress venue as it provides
a unique opportunity for sharing valuable ideas, eliciting feedback on early-stage
work, and fostering discussions and collaborations among colleagues. Moreover, this
track provides a platform for PhD students to present and receive feedback on their
ongoing research. Students at different stages of their research will have the
opportunity to present and discuss their research questions, goals, methods and
results. This is an opportunity to obtain guidance on various aspects of their research
from established researchers and other PhD students working in research areas
related to technologies for social good.
Important: For this specific track, papers must not exceed four (4) pages
(US letter size) double column, including figures, tables, and references in standard
ACM format (https://cyprusconferences.org/goodit2022/index.php/authors/).
Important Dates
• Submission deadline for all types of contributions: 23 May 2022
• Notification of acceptance: 20 June 2022
• Camera-ready submission and author registration: 11 July 2022
Program Chairs
• Costas Mourlas, University of Athens, Greece
• Diogo Pacheco, University of Exeter, UK
• Catia Prandi, University of Bologna, Italy
WiP & PhD Track Chairs
• Marco Furini, University of Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy
• Dimitris Gouscos, University of Athens, Greece
• Barbara Guidi, University of Pisa, Italy
(Apologies for cross-postings)
************WORKSHOP CALL FOR PAPERS**************
SOCIALIZE Workshop @ ACM IUI 2022
Second Workshop on SOcial and Cultural IntegrAtion with PersonaLIZEd Interfaces (SOCIALIZE)
March 22, 2022, hosted online
Co-located with the 27th ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI) 2022 (https://iui.acm.org/2022/ <https://iui.acm.org/2022/>) March 22-25, 2022, Virtually Hosted by University of Helsinki, Finland
Workshop website: http://socialize2022.di.unito.it/ <http://socialize2022.di.unito.it/>
Submission: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=socialize2022 <https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=socialize2022>
For any information: socialize2022(a)easychair.org <mailto:socialize2022@easychair.org>
******************Important Dates*******************
Submission deadline: January 9, 2022
Authors notification: January 28, 2022
Camera-ready: February 18, 2022
Workshop: March 22, 2022
The SOCIALIZE workshop aims to bring together all those interested in the development of interactive techniques that may contribute to fostering the social and cultural inclusion of a broad range of users. More specifically, we intend to attract research that takes into account the interaction peculiarities typical of different realities, with a focus on disadvantaged and at-risk categories (e.g., refugees and migrants) and vulnerable groups (e.g., children, elderly, autistic, and disabled people). Among others, we are also interested in human-robot interaction techniques aimed at the development of social robots, that is, autonomous robots that interact with people by engaging in social-affective behaviors, abilities, and rules related to their collaborative role.
The main topics of the workshop are (but not limited to):
* Multi-cultural system design;
* Empirical studies on the impact of culture on systems;
* Cultural and social influence in recommender systems;
* Cultural and social aspects as contextual factors;
* Cultural and social influence in online learning platforms (e.g., MOOC);
* Methods for automatic assessment of social and cultural background from social media;
* Strategies for adapting systems to groups of users with different backgrounds;
* Cross-cultural analyses of trust in systems;
* Human-robot adaptation for cross-cultural users, including under-represented groups;
* Personalized Human-Robot Interaction (HRI);
* Adaptation strategies for social HRI;
* Machine learning for social robots;
* Emotion and personality detection in social HRI;
* Social robots as conversational recommender systems
* Social robots in the real world;
Researchers and practitioners in academia or industry are encouraged to submit original manuscripts relevant to the audience of the workshop. Papers must comply with the standard ACM SIGCHI Paper Format (see https://iui.acm.org/2022/call_for_papers.html <https://iui.acm.org/2022/call_for_papers.html>).
The contributions can be: Full papers (6 pages excluding references) and Short papers (4 pages excluding references), including substantial work-in-progress, perspective papers, and lessons learned; and Challenge, Position, and Demo papers (2 pages excluding references), describing research challenges in theory or practice, defining new promising research directions, and demonstrating innovative software prototypes.
Manuscripts must be submitted via Easychair (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=socialize2022 <https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=socialize2022>) by January 9, 2022. All submissions will undergo a peer-review process. Reviewers will consider originality, significance, technical soundness, clarity, and relevance to the workshop’s topics. The reviewing process will be double-blind.
Authors of accepted papers will be invited to present their work during the workshop, and at least one author of each accepted paper must register for and (virtually) attend the workshop.
For further questions please contact the workshop organizers at <socialize2022(a)easychair.org <mailto:socialize2022@easychair.org>>
Accepted papers will be published as open access joint workshop proceedings via CEUR-WS.org <http://ceur-ws.org/>
Fabio Gasparetti, Roma Tre University
Cristina Gena, University of Torino
Giuseppe Sansonetti, Roma Tre University
Marko Tkalčič, University of Primorska
(Apologies for cross-postings)
************WORKSHOP CALL FOR PAPERS**************
SOCIALIZE Workshop @ ACM IUI 2022
Second Workshop on SOcial and Cultural IntegrAtion with PersonaLIZEd Interfaces (SOCIALIZE)
March 22, 2022, hosted online
Co-located with the 27th ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI) 2022 (https://iui.acm.org/2022/ <https://iui.acm.org/2022/>) March 22-25, 2022, Virtually Hosted by University of Helsinki, Finland
Workshop website: http://socialize2022.di.unito.it/ <http://socialize2022.di.unito.it/>
Submission: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=socialize2022 <https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=socialize2022>
For any information: socialize2022(a)easychair.org <mailto:socialize2022@easychair.org>
******************Important Dates*******************
Submission deadline: January 9, 2022
Authors notification: January 28, 2022
Camera-ready: February 18, 2022
Workshop: March 22, 2022
The SOCIALIZE workshop aims to bring together all those interested in the development of interactive techniques that may contribute to fostering the social and cultural inclusion of a broad range of users. More specifically, we intend to attract research that takes into account the interaction peculiarities typical of different realities, with a focus on disadvantaged and at-risk categories (e.g., refugees and migrants) and vulnerable groups (e.g., children, elderly, autistic, and disabled people). Among others, we are also interested in human-robot interaction techniques aimed at the development of social robots, that is, autonomous robots that interact with people by engaging in social-affective behaviors, abilities, and rules related to their collaborative role.
The main topics of the workshop are (but not limited to):
* Multi-cultural system design;
* Empirical studies on the impact of culture on systems;
* Cultural and social influence in recommender systems;
* Cultural and social aspects as contextual factors;
* Cultural and social influence in online learning platforms (e.g., MOOC);
* Methods for automatic assessment of social and cultural background from social media;
* Strategies for adapting systems to groups of users with different backgrounds;
* Cross-cultural analyses of trust in systems;
* Human-robot adaptation for cross-cultural users, including under-represented groups;
* Personalized Human-Robot Interaction (HRI);
* Adaptation strategies for social HRI;
* Machine learning for social robots;
* Emotion and personality detection in social HRI;
* Social robots as conversational recommender systems
* Social robots in the real world;
Researchers and practitioners in academia or industry are encouraged to submit original manuscripts relevant to the audience of the workshop. Papers must comply with the standard ACM SIGCHI Paper Format (see https://iui.acm.org/2022/call_for_papers.html <https://iui.acm.org/2022/call_for_papers.html>).
The contributions can be: Full papers (6 pages excluding references) and Short papers (4 pages excluding references), including substantial work-in-progress, perspective papers, and lessons learned; and Challenge, Position, and Demo papers (2 pages excluding references), describing research challenges in theory or practice, defining new promising research directions, and demonstrating innovative software prototypes.
Manuscripts must be submitted via Easychair (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=socialize2022 <https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=socialize2022>) by January 9, 2022. All submissions will undergo a peer-review process. Reviewers will consider originality, significance, technical soundness, clarity, and relevance to the workshop’s topics. The reviewing process will be double-blind.
Authors of accepted papers will be invited to present their work during the workshop, and at least one author of each accepted paper must register for and (virtually) attend the workshop.
For further questions please contact the workshop organizers at <socialize2022(a)easychair.org <mailto:socialize2022@easychair.org>>
Accepted papers will be published as open access joint workshop proceedings via CEUR-WS.org <http://ceur-ws.org/>
Fabio Gasparetti, Roma Tre University
Cristina Gena, University of Torino
Giuseppe Sansonetti, Roma Tre University
Marko Tkalčič, University of Primorska
University of Montreal
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Department of Computer Science and Operations Research (DIRO)
The DIRO is seeking outstanding candidates for a full-time tenure-track faculty position at the rank
of Assistant Professor starting on June 1, 2022. We are seeking candidates of exceptional scientific
talent who have demonstrated research success and shown evidence of high potential in any area of
human-computer interaction.
The candidate will be expected to teach undergraduate and graduate courses, supervise graduate
students, be active in research, publishing and the diffusion of knowledge, and contribute to the
activities of the University.
The position requires a Ph.D. in Computer Science or a related area, a strong research record
illustrating the candidate's ability to publish influential work in top-tier venues of
human-computer interaction, and a demonstrated ability to provide high quality university teaching.
The University of Montreal is a Quebec university with an international reputation. French is the
teaching language. Nevertheless, non-French speaking candidates are welcome to apply, since the
university is intensively recruiting the world's best specialists to renew its teaching faculty.
Furthermore, the university provides support for newly-recruited faculty to attain proficiency in
French within a reasonable period of time.
The University of Montreal offers competitive salaries and a full range of benefits.
A complete application must include: a cover letter, curriculum vitae, copies of up to three recent
publications demonstrating the candidate's research performance at the highest levels of the field,
a research statement, and a teaching statement. Three letters of recommendation must also be sent
directly to the Department Chair by the referees. The application and letters of recommendation must
be sent by email to the Chair of the DIRO by January 7th, 2022:
Sylvie Hamel
Faculté des arts et des sciences / Département dinformatique et de recherche opérationnelle,
Université de Montréal
Phone: +1-514-343-7090
Email: <mailto:directeur-HCI@iro.umontreal.ca> directeur-HCI(a)iro.umontreal.ca
For more information on this position, please consult the website at:
For more information about the Department, please consult the website at:
Informal inquiries are encouraged and should be directed to Prof. Sylvie Hamel at
directeur-HCI(a)iro.umontreal.ca <mailto:directeur-HCI@iro.umontreal.ca>
Prof. Eugene Syriani, Ph.D.
Professor in software engineering
Department of Computer Science and Operations Research | UNIVERSITY OF MONTREAL
2345 Pavillon André-Aisenstadt
P.O. Box 6128, succ. Centre-Ville, Montreal QC, Canada, H3C 3J7
Tel: +1 (514) 343-6111 ext. 47497 | Fax: +1 (514) 343-5834 | <mailto:syriani@iro.umontreal.ca>
syriani(a)iro.umontreal.ca | www.iro.umontreal.ca/~syriani <http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/~syriani>