(Apologies for any cross-posting)
A full-time doctoral research position is open in co-supervision in the IIHM group
http://iihm.imag.fr) of LIG lab (
https://www.liglab.fr), in Grenoble (France) and in the
ESTIA-Recherche team (
https://www.estia.fr/recherche), in Bidart (France). The fellowship
is co-funded by Carnot LSI (
https://carnot-lsi.com/) and ARTS (
institutes for 36 months. The position will start before the end of 2022. Gross salary is
approximately between 20K€ et 23K€ brut per year. The doctoral research will be co-advised
by Céline Coutrix (
http://iihm.imag.fr/coutrix/) and William Delamare
* Scientific Context
The student is expected to integrate both the IIHM and the ESTIA-Recherche research groups
(around 18 months each).
The IIHM group is concerned with the design, implementation, and evaluation of interaction
techniques that are effective, usable, and enjoyable. The group is present in the main
Human-Computer Interaction conferences: CHI, UIST, AVI, Interact, EICS, etc. It has
long-lasting connections to other research groups in France and abroad, and is well
connected to the industry. IIHM is part of the LIG lab, which is equipped with the latest
machines for physical fabrication of prototypes.
ESTIA-Recherche mobilizes multiple disciplines to address the concept of intelligent and
empowering interfaces for the engineering of complex systems. The multidisciplinary team
focuses on scientific, technological, and societal themes to respond to cross-functional
projects. ESTIA-Recherche hence studies and designs Human-Human, Human-System, and
System-System interactions to contribute to energy and digital transitions and to the
evolution towards the industry of the future.
* Research Plan
The PhD’s objective is to imagine novel ways to interact with augmented objects that best
leverages users’ expertise with the existing objects in their environment. The Internet of
Things (IoT) started to replace our traditional objects, both personal (e.g., smart home)
and professional (e.g., smart office), with connected objects including augmented
capabilities. Users are already able to use voice or direct touch to interact with these
objects. Yet, users already developed extensive expertise with their traditional objects’
current physical interfaces. The PhD student will explore how users’ expertise can
transfer from the UI of traditional objects to novel remote UIs (deformable tangible
interaction, or mid-air inputs for instance).
* Candidate
We seek candidates with profound interest in Human-Computer Interaction, strong
motivation, and creativity. A successful candidate:
- Has a strong master’s degree in computer science or another area related to
Human-Computer Interaction,
- Has excellent written and oral communication skills,
- Has excellent software and/or hardware skills.
Curiosity toward cognitive sciences, statistics, and fabrication are not mandatory, but
are a plus.
* Application
We start reviewing applications in May 2022, but applications will be considered until the
position is filled. Applicants should submit (1) a full CV, (2) copies of their university
degree and/or study transcripts, (3) name and contact information of at least one
reference, and (4) a brief description of their research interests. Please send your
application via e-mail to Céline Coutrix and William Delamare: celine.coutrix(a)cnrs.fr,
If you have any further questions, please contact Céline Coutrix and William Delamare:
celine.coutrix(a)cnrs.fr, w.delamare(a)estia.fr