*** Apologies for multiple copies ***
The 1st Workshop on Education for Artificial Intelligence (edu4AI) will
host a Dissemination Track to encourage the submission of papers already
published over the last three years or papers submitted but not yet
accepted, and whose authors desire to share them with the workshop
Papers accepted to the Dissemination Track will be granted a slot for
oral presentation, but will not be included in the edu4AI CEUR proceedings.
The workshop is co-located with the 23rd International Conference of the
Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AIxIA 2024)
November 25 – November 28, 2024, Bolzano (Italy)
Workshop website:https://edu4ai.di.unito.it/
Dissemination track:
Topics of interest
Topic of interest for the Dissemination Track are the same of the edu4AI
main track, thus including (but not limited to)
Challenges and Opportunities in Education for AI
Leveraging online platforms for widespread AI Education
Innovative Education Techniques and methodologies to support AI
Hands-on research initiatives to support AI awareness and comprehension
Program development for Educators
Resources and techniques to explain AI in simple terms
AI Literacy kits and educational games
Educational tools and resources for correcting AI misconceptions
Case studies on AI Literacy courses for elderly people
Domain-specific threats due to AI biases and educational solutions
to overcome them
Education on AI-Ethical aspects
Training programs to convey AI awareness
Teaching Methodologies
Experimentation and reports on the practical applications of the above
topics in domain-specific contexts are welcomed (such as in healthcare,
K-12 and higher education systems, finance, Lifelong Learning, Adult
Education, and such like).
The edu4AI workshop focuses on “Education on AI to promote AI awareness
and AI literacy”.
All papers on Artificial Intelligence models for enhancing learning
experience and supporting teachers in their roles are invited to visit
the website of the complementary workshop AIxEDU
A dissemination paper can be submitted in its original format (preprint
or editorial version). Additionally, it must include a cover page
containing the Title, the authors, the abstract, the complete reference
of the publication (i.e., venue and date), and an explicit statement of
the paper’s status (e.g., published, accepted, or submitted).
Papers can be submitted in PDF format via the online submission system
CMT <https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/EDU4AI2024> by selecting the
dissemination track:
Papers will be selected based on the relevance to the topics of the workshop
Important Dates
Paper submission deadline: September 28, 2024
Notifications of paper acceptance: October 6, 2024
Organization Chairs
- Elisa Marengo - University of Torino, Italy
email: elisa.marengo(a)unito.it
- Michela Ponticorvo - University “Federico II” of Napoli, Italy
email: michela.ponticorvo(a)unina.it
- Manuel Striani - University of Piemonte Orientale, Italy
email: manuel.striani(a)uniupo.it