*** Apologies for cross-posting ***
Dear colleagues,
We are happy to announce the call for papers for our one-day
hybrid workshop on “HCI for Climate Change: Imagining Sustainable Futures” at
the upcoming CHI 2023 conference <https://chi2023.acm.org/>.
As the climate crisis is turning into one of the most critical issues of
our time, HCI researchers keep reflecting on the role their work can play
in reducing the impact of adverse environmental changes. The HCI community
has been addressing these changes and challenges from multiple angles -
angles, which have several points of contact and would benefit from finding
synergies. With this workshop, we aim to convene the CHI community to
discuss how HCI can leverage its traditional skill sets and
multidisciplinary influences to address climate change issues.
Our full workshop proposal can be accessed here
After the workshop, we will create a special issue in a journal to which we
invite all the workshop participants to submit.
Possible topics for submissions may include (but are not limited to):
Communicating science
Data physicalization, visualization, sonification
Community engagement and activism
Envisioning future scenarios
Eco-social relations and climate justice
System thinking/interconnection of economic, social, and environmental
Interdisciplinarity and new competencies for HCI researchers
Post-human, more-than-human, diffractive and entangled views, theories,
and practices
Participants are invited to send a short paper (min. 2 - max. 6 pages) in
the form of a research, reflection, pictorial, provocation, or design
fiction using the ACM SIGCHI template (single-column)
<https://chi2023.acm.org/submission-guides/chi-publication-formats/> via
Easy Chair. Submissions will be assessed by the workshop organizers based
on their potential to spark interesting discussions.
Submission opens: January 18, 2023, AoE
Submission deadline: February 16, 2023, AoE
Notification: March 1, 2023, AoE
Workshop: April 2023, exact date TBA
The “HCI for Climate Change: Imagining Sustainable Futures” workshop will
be hybrid, participants can join online and at the CHI conference venue in
Hamburg, Germany. The workshop activities and discussions will be organized
Eleonora Mencarini, FBK (Italy)
Christina Bremer, Lancaster University (UK)
Chiara Leonardi, FBK (Italy)
Jen Liu, Cornell University (USA)
Valentina Nisi, ITI-LARSyS, IST, University of Lisbon (Portugal)
Nuno Jardim Nunes, ITI-LARSyS, IST, University of Lisbon (Portugal)
Robert Soden, University of Toronto (Canada)
For further information, visit our website
If you have any questions, please drop an email at hci-climate-change(a)fbk.eu
Best regards,
Eleonora Mencarini
(on behalf of the HCI for Climate Change: Imagining Sustainable Futures
workshop organizers)
Eleonora Mencarini, PhD
i3 Unit - Digis Centre - FBK
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