****Deadline extended****
The new submission deadline is April 2, 2024
****Call for papers****
First Workshop on "*INI-DH: Innovative Interfaces in Digital Healthcare
To be held as part of AVI2024
17th International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces
Arenzano (Genoa), Italy
June 3rd -7th 2024
****Important Dates****
Workshop submissions due: March 15, 2024 April 2, 2024
Results announced: Aprile 15, 2024 April 20, 2024
Camera ready: April 28, 2024
****Submission webpage****
In an era defined by digital transformation, the intersection of technology
and healthcare is reshaping the landscape of medical practice and patient
experience. The “INI-DH: Innovative Interfaces in Digital Healthcare
Workshop” is at the forefront of this revolutionary evolution, addressing
the key role of visual interfaces in healthcare.
The workshop aims to bring together innovators, healthcare professionals,
designers, and researchers to explore the multiple applications of visual
interfaces in digital healthcare.
INI-DH delves into designing, developing, and implementing cutting-edge
visual interfaces, including intuitive apps, augmented reality tools, and
virtual healthcare experiences.
The use of user interfaces will be explored with the help of artificial
intelligence for creating content, touch screens, voice assistants,
chatbots, intelligent assistants, wearables, and viewers for real,
augmented, and mixed reality, which support health, health behavior, and
Participants will gain valuable insights into how those interfaces can
improve patient care, enhance diagnostics, and streamline healthcare
The selected papers for this workshop are invited to submit to* Special
Issue* on Future Internet:
*Innovations in Digital Health: Advanced Interfaces Shaping Future
Healthcare Experience*
Through engaging sessions, attendees will learn about the latest
technological advancements, successful case studies, and emerging trends in
the digital healthcare space. They will also be able to connect with
experts and colleagues, encouraging collaboration and knowledge sharing.
Key topics to be explored in the workshop include visual interfaces for
remote patient monitoring, telemedicine consultations, medical data
visualization, and the integration of emerging technologies such as
augmented reality and virtual reality. Ethical considerations and the
importance of user-centered design in healthcare applications will also be
*Andrea Antonio Cantone *(University of Salerno, Italy)
*Paola Barra *(University of Naples Parthenope, Italy)
*Teresa Onorati *(Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain)