We are pleased to announce the list of the accepted workshops for IUI 2025.
Here is the full list of accepted workshops:
* *HAI-GEN 2025*: 6th Workshop on Human-AI Co-Creation with Generative
* *MIND*: Workshop on Blending Agents and Direct Manipulation for LLMs
* *HealthIUI*: Workshop on Intelligent and Interactive Health User
* *SOCIALIZE*: Workshop on Social and Cultural Integration with
Personalized Interfaces
* *STEP-HAI*: Strengthening Engineering Psychology for Human-AI
* *BEHAVE AI*: Workshop on Best Practices and Guidelines for
Human-Centric Design and Evaluation of Proactive AI Agents
* *AXAI*: Adaptive eXplainable AI
We look forward to the engaging discussions and insights these sessions
will bring.
For further details on each workshop, please visit our official page:
IUI 2025 Accepted Workshops
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