Da: Helen Petrie <>
Inviato: mercoledì 11 maggio 2022 13:08
A: anne.adams(a)open.ac.uk; Lynne Baillie <L.Baillie(a)hw.ac.uk>uk>; Javier Bargas-Avila
<bargas(a)google.com>om>; R.Beale(a)cs.bham.ac.uk; Regina Bernhaupt
<r.bernhaupt(a)tue.nl>nl>; rbrooks(a)beamerbrooks.com; Earthy, Jonathan
<jonathan.earthy(a)lr.org>rg>; Adrian Friday <a.friday(a)lancaster.ac.uk>uk>;
jgwizdka(a)acm.org; Marc.Hassenzahl(a)uni-siegen.de; Eva Hornecker <eva(a)ehornecker.de>de>;
hourcade(a)cs.uiowa.edu; Effie Law <lai-chong.law(a)durham.ac.uk>uk>; Marta Kristín
Lárusdóttir <marta(a)ru.is>is>; yolee10(a)gmail.com; dlin(a)isu.edu.tw; liuzhj
<liuzhj(a)dlmu.edu.cn>cn>; roderick.mccall(a)list.lu; ian.r.oakley(a)gmail.com;
F.Paterno(a)isti.cnr.it; jcread(a)uclan.ac.uk; mc(a)ecs.soton.ac.uk; shiyc(a)tsinghua.edu.cn;
Sharon Tettegah <stettegah(a)ucsb.edu>du>; kaisa.vaananen(a)tuni.fi;
p.van-schaik(a)tees.ac.uk; Jose Abdelnour-Nocera <Jose.Abdelnour-Nocera(a)uwl.ac.uk>uk>;
jbowen(a)waikato.ac.nz; Nervo Verdezoto Dias <verdezotodiasn(a)cardiff.ac.uk>uk>; Simon
Attfield <S.Attfield(a)mdx.ac.uk>uk>; Simone Stumpf <simone.stumpf(a)glasgow.ac.uk>uk>;
Shaun Lawson <shaun.lawson(a)northumbria.ac.uk>uk>; Marco Winckler
<Marco.Winckler(a)univ-cotedazur.fr>fr>; Paula Kotze <paula.kotze(a)gmail.com>om>;
Wesson, Janet (Prof) (Summerstrand Campus South) <Janet.Wesson(a)mandela.ac.za>za>;
Flint, Tom <t.flint(a)napier.ac.uk>uk>; Alessio Malizia <alessio.malizia(a)unipi.it>it>;
Gavin Robert Sim <GRSim(a)uclan.ac.uk>uk>; Charlotte Magnusson
<charlotte.magnusson(a)certec.lth.se>se>; Lynne Hall (Staff)
<lynne.hall(a)sunderland.ac.uk>uk>; jonathan.hook(a)york.ac.uk; Katrina Attwood
Cc: Ian Borthwick <ian.borthwick(a)bcs.uk>uk>; COCKSHULL, Francesca
<Francesca.Cockshull(a)oup.com>om>; Florence Leroy <Florence.Leroy(a)bcs.uk>
Oggetto: Interacting with Computers and BCS Interaction Group Online Seminar Series
Hi All,
As mentioned in the board meetings, we are starting a seminar series, particularly for
authors with papers coming out in IwC (although others are also very welcome to present.
First seminar is from Alan Dix, which I’m sure will be interesting.
Please publicise to your networks (I attach a PDF version, I will put together a webpage
in the next few days).
If you would like to give a presentation or suggest someone, please let me know.
More notes from the board meetings in the next couple of days.
Monthly online seminars on HCI and UX
The Interaction Group of the British Computer Society and the journal Interacting with
Computers are pleased to announce a monthly online seminar series on research on
human-computer interaction and user experience.
Seminars will be via Zoom on the last Monday of each month (apart from August), usually
at 13:00 – 14:00 UK time (currently UTC + 1), but modulated to the time zone of the
Presentations will be a mixture of those from authors of papers coming out in the journal
and other HCI/UX researchers and practitioners presenting their recent work.
All those interested in HCI/UX are welcome to attend (and to present). For more
information, please contact Helen Petrie (helen.petrie(a)york.ac.uk
<mailto:helen.petrie@york.ac.uk> ).
Inaugural Seminar
Monday 23rd May, 13:00 – 14:00 BST (UTC +1)
Zoom link:
Professor Alan Dix, Computational Foundry, Swansea University
What Next for UX Tools: from screens to smells, from sketch to code, supporting design
for rich interactions
Every interaction with a digital device is set in some form of physical and human context,
and yet the most commonly used tools for UX design are focused purely on the screen.
Rather than being a scaffold to build better interfaces, wireframes can feel like the
barriers in a cattle ranch, herding us towards a small range of design options, looking
inwards towards the device rather than outwards towards our users. The situation is even
more difficult when we want to design interactions that involve other senses, such as
sound, smells, and touch; or new forms of interaction, such as flexible displays,
autonomous cars, smart buildings, and digital fabrication. In this talk I’ll describe
both some of my own personal journey and the InContext project that is thinking about more
wholistic tools for design that incorporate rich context, multiple modalities, and
end-to-end connections between design and development. The talk will outline both our own
thinking and outcomes from a series of InContext workshops, most recently at CHI 2022. We
do not have answers to all the open questions, but I will also demonstrate several early
prototypes addressing different facets of design that are underrepresented in current
generation design tools. Most important, I hope that this will open up a roadmap of ideas
that others may also follow to create better tools for the next generation of UX designers
and developers.
June seminar
Monday 27th June 10:00 BST (UTC +1) NOTE THE DIFFERENT TIME, a morning coffee seminar
Zoom link:
Professor Patrick Rau, Tsinghua University, China
Talking with an Internet of Things conversational agent
Internet of things conversational agents (IoT-CAs) are making human– computer interactions
ubiquitous. In this study, we experimentally examined the effects of IoT-CA use on
face-to-face conversations between close partners. One hundred and thirty-six participants
(68 close relationship dyads) participated in the experiment. We prepared an IoT chat
environment and provided chat topics for each dyad. The dyads were randomly assigned into
one of two IoT-CA use pattern groups (joint use: two persons using an IoT-CA together;
individual use: one person using an IoT-CA alone) and three interaction conditions (no
IoT-CA use; conversation content-relevant IoT-CA use; conversation content-irrelevant
IoT-CA use). The results showed that compared with no IoT-CA use, IoT-CA use did not have
negative effects on conversation experiences but produced feelings of greater closeness to
the IoT-CA in the partners. Furthermore, joint IoT-CA use in the content-relevant
condition (IoT-CA made comments relevant to interpersonal interactions) helped increase
interpersonal self-disclosure.