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*2nd IEEE International Workshop on the Musical Metaverse*
*L'Aquila, 30 October 2025*
*Call for papers and demos*
The so-called Metaverse relates to a vision of a virtual, digital world
which is parallel to the real, physical world, where each user owns and
interacts through his/her own avatar. Music is one of the possible
activities that can be conducted in such a space. The “Musical Metaverse”,
the metaverse part which is dedicated to musical activities, is currently
in its infancy, although is a concept that is constantly evolving and is
progressing at a steady pace. The Musical Metaverse is an emerging topic in
communications as well as in human-computer interaction. To date, scarce
research has been conducted on how to integrate networking systems with
Musical XR systems.
The aim of the workshop is to bring together academics, artists and
industry representatives to investigate and advance the development of
systems at the confluence of Musical XR and networking, as well as the
understanding of human perception in immersive, networked contexts.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following areas:
- Musical XR systems for networked interactions
- Multisensory systems for the Musical Metaverse
- WebXR-based musical systems
- Networking for the Musical Metaverse
- Digital twins for musical applications
- Multi-user interactions in Musical XR
- Hardware systems for the Musical Metaverse
- Performance, composition and pedagogy in the Musical Metaverse
- Virtual/augmented reality musical instruments
- Design frameworks for the Musical Metaverse
- Experimental results of prototype/testbed for Musical Metaverse
- Ultra-reliable low-latency communications
- 5G/6G architectures leveraging slicing and Multi-access Edge Computing
- Blockchain and NFTs applications for the Musical Metaverse
- Standardization activities for the Musical Metaverse
- Security and privacy in the Musical Metaverse
- Ethical, accessibility and sustainability aspects of the Musical
- Brain-Computer Interfaces for the Musical Metaverse
We consider contributions in the form of full papers (min 5 pages, max 10
pages), poster papers (4 pages), or a demo proposal (max 2 pages). We
encourage the submission of work in progress as well as more mature work.
For music submissions please refer to the call of the main IEEE IS2 2025
Besides the presentations of the accepted contributions (papers, posters,
demos), the program of the workshop will include a tutorial, a keynote and
a panel with experts from both academia and industry.
The Organizing Committee will select the winners for the Best Paper, Best
Student Paper, and Best Demo awards. To be eligible for the Best Student
Paper award, the presenting and first author of the paper must be a
full-time student.
The workshop is a satellite event of the 6th IEEE International Symposium
on the Internet of Sounds (IEEE IS2 2025:
https://internet sounds
2025.ieee-is2.org/ <https://internetofsounds2025.ieee-is2.org/>), which
will be hosted in the city of L'Aquila, Italy, and will take place between
the 29 and 31st of October 2025. The workshop as well as the main Symposium
will be held in hybrid form, virtual and in presence.
*Important dates*
- Submission deadline: July 1, 2025
- Author notification: September 1, 2025
- Camera ready due: October 1, 2025
- Registration deadline: October 15, 2025
- Workshop date: October 30, 2025
The workshop proceedings will be part of the IEEE IS2 2025 proceedings,
which will be submitted to the IEEE for publication.
*Organizing Committee*
- Luca Turchet (University of Trento)
- Edo Fouilloux (PatchXR)
- Michael Oehler (University of Osnabruck)
- Pieter-Jan Maes (University of Ghent)
- Ruben Schlagowski (University of Augsburg)
- Omran Ayoub (University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern
*Luca Turchet*, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Head of the *Creative, Intelligent & Multisensory Interactions Laboratory*
Chair of the *IEEE Emerging Technology Initiative on the Internet of Sounds*
Founder and President of the* Internet of Sounds Research Network
Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science
University of Trento
Via Sommarive 9 - 38123 Trento - Italy
E-mail: luca.turchet(a)unitn.it
Tel: +39 0461 283792