Dear colleague,
we are organizing the 7th Int. Symposium Learning Analytics (LA@IV2023)
co-located with the
27th Int. Conference Information Visualisation
25-28 July 2023 @ Tampere University, Finland
We hope you will be interested in the topics of our Symposium, and we
would be very happy if you liked the idea of submitting a paper.
The papers accepted at the Symposium will be included in the conference
Submission of full papers: May 2, 2023
Notification of acceptance: May 20, 2023
Camera Ready: May 25, 2023
Early registration to IV2023: Jun 1, 2023
submission page:…
(General submission page of the conference:
*** look for "Learning Analytics"
In the following you have the LA@IV2023 complete Call for Papers
Thanks for reading,
and best regards from the Symposium organizers!
Dr. Marco Temperini
Associate Professor
DIAG - Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
LA@IV2023 – 7th Int. Symposium Learning Analytics
in the 27th Int. Conference Information Visualisation
25-28 July 2023 @ Tampere University, Finland
Submission of full papers: May 2, 2023
Notification of acceptance: May 20, 2023
Camera Ready: May 25, 2023
Early registration to IV2023: Jun 1, 2023
submission page:…
(General submission page of the conference:
*** look for "Learning Analytics"
Learning Analytics Themes and Topics
Worldwide, the use of technology in all fields of education is at a
historical high. The pandemic situation boosted the growth of education
in the online context: online learning is becoming an essential part of
the educational landscape.
Learning Analytics has always been a measurement of data about learners
and their contexts for understanding and optimizing learning and the
environments in which it occurs. It is a combination of educational
research, assessment sciences, statistics, visualization, data sciences,
artificial intelligence, and socio-technical system thinking for
human-centered design.
Educational concepts and practices can be enhanced, and put on trial, by
means of theories and techniques of Learning Analytics. Learning
Analytics can support educational practices to reach better results, in
any learning context, from traditional learning, in less technological
areas, to personalized and adaptive e-learning, extending its usefulness
to social-wide learning-on-demand applications.
In order to perform and develop Learning Analytics, current data science
and intelligent systems should be introduced in addition to the
conventional instruction/learning systems, theories, and practices.
At this stage of its evolution, Learning Analytics requires transparency
and an “easy to grasp” feeling, such as the visualization process of the
educational data can produce.
The interaction between Learning Analytics and Information Visualization
may produce a new concept of educational innovation.
The Learning Analytics Symposium within the Information Visualization
Conference LA@iV2023 aims at bringing together researchers from a number
of disciplines (e.g., Education, Computer Science and Artificial
Intelligence in particular, Management, Psychology, Economics,
CyberSecurity, and Data Governance), practitioners, students,
policymakers and companies to share and discuss the latest research
insights related to Learning Analytics and its interaction with
Information Visualization.
Therefore, we welcome submissions from both research and practice,
encompassing different theoretical, methodological, empirical, and
technical contributions to the Learning Analytics field. Academics and
practitioners, who are interested in such topics should consider
submitting their research work and attending this event.
The topics of interest include but are not limited to:
Learning Analytics and AI
AI for Education [Learning, Teaching, Intelligent Assessment and
AI-supported educational resources
AI virtual personal assistants
Learning & Teaching tracking
Temporal Analysis of Learning Data
Tools for quality assurance and quality improvement
Tools for boosting retention rate
Tools for adaptive learning
Tools to improve teaching quality
Emotional and expression for cognitive condition learning
Learning activity and eye movements
Learning activity and behavioural / bio signals
Learning Analytics for Education
Data Science for Education: open data, big data
Machine and Deep Learning for Education
Educational Data Mining
Platforms and Tools for Educational Data
Analytics for Teaching and learning methodologies supporting
departments and schools for education
Learning strategies
Self-regulated learning
Instructional designs
Peer support & assessment
Collaborative learning
Team-based learning
Generic skills / Key competence
Literacy development/assessment
Cultural difference
Evaluation theories and techniques
Test theory
Item Response Theory
Learning activities
Performance assessment
Essay document text analysis
Motivation assessment
Self Efficacy
Conceptual mapping
Educational indicators
Game-Based Learning / Gamification
Technical infrastructures and platforms for Learning Analytics
Platforms for MOOCs management
Personalised and Adaptive Learning systems
Learning analytics warehouse
Data Science platforms for Learning Analytics
Issues in Data-Driven Educational Theories and models
Automate assessment
Automate Essay / Report assessment
Prediction of learning performance and engagement
Educational Database / Datashare
Ethics and privacy in learning analytics
Symposium Steering Committee
Tania Di Mascio, University of L’Aquila, Italy tania.dimascio((a))
Minoru Nakayama, Tokyo Inst. of Technology, Japan
Filippo Sciarrone, Universitas Mercatorum, Italy
Marco Temperini, Sapienza University, Rome, Italy marte((a))