Da: Roberto Scopigno <roberto.scopigno(a)isti.cnr.it>
Inviato: martedì 4 marzo 2025 10:47
A: ricercatori(a)isti.cnr.it
Oggetto: [Ricercatori] Fwd: Call for EoI (deadline March 15th) - Associate Professorship
in Computer Science and Engineering (IINF-05/A) at Ca' Foscari Venice
-------- Messaggio Inoltrato --------
Call for EoI (deadline March 15th) - Associate Professorship in Computer Science and
Engineering (IINF-05/A) at Ca' Foscari Venice
Mon, 24 Feb 2025 12:15:07 +0100
Salvatore Orlando <mailto:orlando@unive.it> <orlando(a)unive.it>
Roberto Scopigno <mailto:roberto.scopigno@isti.cnr.it>
<roberto.scopigno(a)isti.cnr.it>it>, andrea.passarella(a)iit.cnr.it
Cari Roberto e Andrea,
in allegato una Call for Expression of Interest per una posizione da professore associato
nel settore IINF-05/A (ex ING-INF/05) finanziato dal Progetto di Eccellenza vinto in Area
9 dal nostro dipartimento DAIS di Ca' Foscari Venezia.
Sono ben accette candidature di giovani ricercatrici/ori, naturalmente con abilitazione
Il bando di concorso ufficiale sarà pubblicato a inizio Aprile 2025.
Vi prego di far girare la Call for EoI tra i vostri contatti, anche all'estero.
Cordiali saluti,
Salvatore Orlando
--------------- Call for EoI ---------------
The Department of Env. Science, Informatics and Statistics (DAIS) of Ca' Foscari
University of Venice (UCF) announces an Associate Professor position in Computer Science
and Engineering (Italian disciplinary sector: IINF-05/A).
DAIS invites interested candidates to send us an Expression of Interest for the position.
Candidates of interest for the Department might be invited to give a talk about their
research activity before the official call, which will be published about the beginning of
April 2025.
Ca' Foscari has been offering graduate/undergraduate programs in Computer Science
since 1991. With a faculty of 40+ professors/researchers in the field, we currently offer
Bachelor/Master/PhD programs in Computer Science, and collaborate with other Depts on
interdisciplinary BA and MA programs, such as Engineering Physics, Digital Management,
Data Science for Business, Digital Humanities. The high quality research activity of our
laboratories focuses on many topics: Artificial Intelligence and Image Understanding,
Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Computer Vision and Machine Learning,
Cybersecurity, Data Mining and Information Retrieval, Data Science for Society, Human
Computer Interaction, Networking and Distributed Systems, and Software and System
The associate professorship position is funded by the project DESC - Data-centric
Environmental Studies Center, under the "Departments of Excellence" program of
the Ministry for University, aiming to create a research and technology center dealing
with the challenges of the ecological transition adopting quantitative, computational, and
data-centric approaches.
Ca’ Foscari University of Venice is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and
encourages applications from women and minorities.
How to submit the expression of interest: Submit a CV with an accompanying statement of
purpose letter to:
by March 15th, 2025. For any questions, send an email to Salvatore Orlando
<mailto:andrea.torsello@unive.it> orlando(a)unive.it, Dept. Head.
Profile: The successful candidate should have a promising scientific record and possibly
show the ability to cross her/his specific disciplinary boundaries so as to work in a
stimulating and diverse research environment.
A Ph.D. in a relevant field of study is required. Applicants must demonstrate a record of
published research in peer-reviewed journals or conferences, and the ability to teach
effectively in Bachelor/Master/PhD programs.
The successful applicant should be able to teach in English at the Bachelor’s, Master’s
and doctoral level. S/he is expected to achieve adequate language fluency for teaching
courses in Italian within three years.
The requirements for application are (1) to hold a national qualification (ASN) for
associate professor in computer engineering (scientific group: 09/IINF-05 - previously
sector 09/H1), or (2) to have a position equivalent to the Italian associate professorship
in a foreign university.
Tax incentives for attracting human capital in italy: To support the economic, scientific
and cultural development of Italy, the Italian Tax system provides numerous benefits for
professors/researchers who move their residency in Italy. Specifically, they can benefit
from strong tax reduction (Minimum 4-year - 90% Tax Exemption on their income In Italy).
Salvatore Orlando, PhD
Professor of Computer Science
Dept. of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics
Via Torino 155, 30172 Venezia Mestre
Phone: +39 041 2348428
email: orlando(a)unive.it <mailto:orlando@unive.it>