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**ACM IUI 2024 - Call for Posters and Demos**
29th International ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (ACM IUI 2024)
Greenville, South Carolina, USA,
March 18-21, 2024
ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (ACM IUI) 2024 is the 29th annual premiere
venue, where researchers and practitioners will meet and discuss state-of-the-art advances
at the intersection of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI).
Ideal IUI submissions should address practical HCI challenges using machine intelligence
and discuss both computational and human-centric aspects of such methodologies,
techniques, and systems. We welcome contributions from related fields such as psychology,
behavioral science, cognitive science, computer graphics, design, the arts, and more. Our
focus is to improve the interaction between humans and machines, by leveraging both HCI
approaches and state-of-the-art AI techniques from machine learning, natural language
processing, data mining, knowledge representation and reasoning. ACM IUI welcomes
contributions from all relevant arenas, academia, industry, government, and non-profit
organizations, and gives its participants the opportunity to present and see cutting-edge
IUI work in a focused and interactive setting.
Posters provide an opportunity for sharing valuable last-minute ideas, eliciting useful
feedback on early-stage work and fostering discussions and collaborations among
colleagues. We invite submissions relevant to all conference topics. All submissions
should convey a scientific result or work in progress that is not yet ready to be
published as a full-length research paper at a refereed conference.
The page limit for poster papers is 7 pages (references do not count toward the page
limit). Submitting a draft poster along with your submission is not required but is
recommended. Accepted poster papers will appear in the companion proceedings of the
conference. Each accepted contribution is expected to be presented in person.
The demonstration track complements the overall program of the conference. Demonstrations
show implementations of novel, interesting, and important intelligent user interface
concepts or systems. We invite submissions relevant to intelligent user interfaces and
which address, but are not limited to, the topics of the conference. All submissions are
intended to convey a scientific result or work in progress and should not be
advertisements for commercial software packages.
The page limit for demo papers is 4 pages (references do not count toward the page limit).
Authors further need to submit a video (max. 5 mins) along with their demo paper to
showcase their work. Accepted demo papers will be presented as interactive demonstrations
at IUI and published in the companion proceedings of the conference. Each accepted
contribution is expected to be presented in person.
Authors who submitted a long or short research paper are welcome to also propose a demo of
their work to exemplify their work at the conference.
**Submission Instructions**
Up to 4 (Demo) or 7 (Poster) page paper (references do not count towards the page limit).
Demo and poster submissions do not need to be anonymized. Submissions should follow the
ACM Master Article Templates in a single column format.
* We will adopt the ACM TAPS
* Prepare your submission for review in a single column format, using the latest
templates: Word Submission Template
, or the LaTeX template
using \documentclass[manuscript,review,anonymous]{acmart} for the LaTeX template.
Authors are required to include a proper classification for the paper according to the ACM
Classification System (CCS). Additional information on how to use it is available at:
A video (up to 5 mins) is required for demo submissions. The video should showcase the
system that will be demonstrated during the conference. Please follow the SIGCHI Technical
Requirements and Guidelines for
Please submit your demos and posters at
http://new.precisionconference.com/~sigchi under
the IUI 2024 Demos and Posters track. In PCS 2.0, first click "Submissions" at
the top of the page, from the dropdown menus for society, conference, and track select
"SIGCHI", "IUI 2024" and "IUI 2024 Demos and Poster",
respectively, and press "Go".
** Important dates (AoE) **
* Submission - January 9, 2024
* Notification to authors - January 30, 2024
* Camera-ready - February 8, 2024
Poster and demo chairs (posters2024@iui.acm.org<mailto:posters2024@iui.acm.org>)
* Marko Tkalcic, University of Primorska
* Hanna Hauptmann, Utrecht University