Call for papers for the first submission round for
EICS 2023 : The 15th ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive
Computing Systems
June, 2023 - Swansea, UK
Submission deadline for the first submission round of PACM EICS 2023:
July 22, 2022
Full Papers *and* Technical Notes
EICS 2023 is the fifteenth international ACM SIGCHI conference devoted
to engineering interactive computing systems and their user interfaces,
addressing one or more software quality factors, such as usability, user
experience, reliability, security, etc. Work presented at EICS covers
all stages of the engineering life-cycle of interactive systems -
inception, requirements, design, specification, coding, data analytics,
validation and verification, deployment and maintenance. EICS has the
longest tradition of bringing together researchers who contribute to
better ways of creating interactive computing systems, stemming from the
conference on command languages in the seventies. The conference is best
known for rigorously contributing and disseminating research results
that hold the midst in between user interface design, software
engineering and computational interaction.
EICS focuses on models, languages, notations, methods, techniques and
tools that support designing, developing, validating and verifying
interactive systems. The conference brings together people who study or
practice the engineering of interactive systems, drawing from design,
HCI, software engineering, requirements engineering, software
development, modeling, and programming.
Submissions advance the state of the art of the engineering of
interactive systems.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
* Modeling, specification and analysis of interaction and interactive
* Model-based development of interactive software
* Requirements engineering for interactive systems
* Methods, processes, principles and/or tools for building interactive
systems (e.g., design, implementation, prototyping, evaluation,
verification and validation, testing)
* Software architectures for interactive systems
* Formal methods within interactive systems engineering
* Certification issues of methods, tools, and processes to create
interactive systems
* Frameworks, toolkits, domain-specific languages and APIs for
interactive systems
* Languages and notations for describing user interfaces and interactions
* Integrating engineering issues in the design process of interactive
* Engineering design tools
* Engineering evaluation tools
* Supporting design in interactive development processes
* Computational-Interaction Systems and Techniques
* Interactive data-driven systems * Engineering interactive
applications with emerging technologies (e.g., adaptive, context-aware,
tangible, haptic, touch and multitouch input, voice, gestures, EEG,
multimodal input, mobile and wearable systems, AI, (augmented, mixed,
virtual) realities...)
* Engineering hardware/software integration in interactive systems
(e.g., fabrication and maker processes, physical computing,
cyber-physical systems…)
* Engineering interactive systems for various user categories (e.g.,
children, elderly, people with disabilities,…)
* Engineering interactive systems for various application domains
(e.g., health, home, entertainment, desktop, avionics, space, nuclear,
civil protection, law enforcement, emergency services and calamity
* Engineering interactive systems for specific properties (user
experience, usability, safety, security, dependability, …)
* Engineering smart interactive systems (e.g. recommending, adaptive,
* Building Human-centred AI systems (integrating explainable AI,
intelligible design, human-in-the-loop, adaptive and context-aware,
interactive agents…)
A newcomer’s guide to EICS is available at
EICS full papers and technical notes are published as articles in the
journal Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (PACM -
EICS series). There are three submission deadlines per year, and authors
can choose when to submit. Papers follow the traditional journal model
of reviewing: papers may be accepted after submission and review, or may
be recommended for revisions and re-submission to the next round to
enable authors to refine papers based on reviewer recommendations.
Submissions for the journal of this venue should present original and
mature research work within the scope of the conference. New from this
year: accepted journal papers can be either regular research papers, or
technical notes. Technical notes are shorter, more focused
contributions, that focus specifically on system contributions and
technical work. Elucidating technical details of complex interactive
systems, preferably ensuring the work can be reproduced or put to
practice, is a primary objective of a Technical Note. Tech Notes require
an illustrative example of the system, and they can, but do not need to,
be validated by formal user evaluations or user studies. Validation can
also be done through e.g. simulation, feasibility, or comparisons.Tech
Notes will be judged on their technical merits and relevance to
interactive systems concerns.
There are no length restrictions on full papers and Technical notes, nor
any limit to the number of references that may be included. We advise
authors to ensure the length of their papers is in function of the
contributions. Concise and clear is often to be preferred above lengthy
and verbose.
More information about the next PACM-HCI (EICS series) review and
publication process can be found at
Full Papers should be written in the ACM format, see
The PACM-EICS submission deadline for the first round of submissions is
22 July 2022. Papers are submitted using
PACM-EICS full papers and technical notes chairs for EICS 2023,
Carmen Santoro and Kris Luyten
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