Apologies for multiple posting
34th annual conference of the European Association of Cognitive Ergonomics (EACE)
19 - 22 September 2023 | Swansea, United Kingdom
Please visit the conference website for up-to-date information, including registration:
ECCE 2023 invites contributions from researchers and practitioners which address the broad
spectrum of Cognitive Ergonomics challenges in the analysis, design, and evaluation of
virtual and physical interactive systems as part of a rich conference program including
keynote talks, paper presentation as well as a doctoral consortium. The 34th ECCE
conference will target state-of-the-art as well as emerging topics pertaining to cognitive
ergonomics and its role in design processes, information presentation and visualization,
human factors and simulation, prototyping, cross / extended reality, user interfaces
development, evaluations, and emerging ethical issues.
February 28, 2023: Deadline for workshop proposals (now closed)
March 31, 2023: Deadline for paper submissions*
June 22, 2023: Deadline for camera-ready submissions**
July 16, 2023: Early registration deadline
September 19, 2023: ECCE 2023 doctoral consortium and workshops
September 20-22, 2023: ECCE 2023 main conference
*Submissions of full papers are handled through EasyChair:
** One author per accepted paper is required to register and attend the conference to
guarantee publication in the conference proceedings.
Elizabeth Churchill, Senior Director of UX at Google.
Clara Crivellaro, Senior Research Fellow in Digital Local Democracy at Newcastle
John McCarthy, Head of School of Applied Psychology, University of Cork, Ireland
Robert Pepperell, Professor of Fine Art, Cardiff Metropolitan University & Co-founder
and leader of Fovolab at Cardiff Metropolitan University
The Special Theme of ECCE 2023 is Responsible Technology: Community, Culture and
We are cordially inviting contributions on topics along, but not limited to, the following
general topics of interest:
* Perception and Augmented Perception
* Design for sense-making and embodiment
* Emotion research for interactive technologies
* Mixed, augmented, and virtual realities
* Human factors and control systems
* Computer-Supported Cooperative Work
* Recent developments in AI
* History of computers and of ECCE
* Ethics of responsible technology
* Online Safety Bill & Digital Services Act
* Digital and interaction issues for education
* Social inclusion and diversity in a digital age
* Teaching Cognitive Ergonomics and Human-Computer Interaction
For ECCE 2023 we invite authors to submit novel research contributions and innovative
applications related to the conference topics. The following paper categories are welcome:
full papers, demonstrations, workshops, and doctoral consortium proposals.
Long papers must not exceed 10 pages, including all sections, references, and possible
Short papers must not exceed 6 pages, including all sections, references, and possible
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or
Please consult the website for publishing and formatting instructions. Submissions of full
papers are handled through EasyChair:
The deadline for full paper submissions is March 31st, 2023.
Demonstrations are about showing work in a setting that allows for open discussion. These
sessions are suitable for authors who wish to present and demonstrate their work, small
projects, systems, or prototypes in an interactive and informal setting during ECCE 2023.
Demonstration proposals should be no longer than 2 pages and should explain the work to be
presented, the nature of the presentation, and the relevance of the presentation to the
conference themes.
Demonstration proposals, along with specific requirements for the demonstration (e.g.,
size of equipment, power, networking, etc.) should be directed to the general chairs (on
ecce2023(a)gmail.com) by March 31st, 2023.
Workshops (now closed)
This year we welcome ideas for workshops, which will take place on Tuesday 19th September
2023. The suggested topics should be related to the aforementioned themes. Inquiries and
Submissions of workshop proposals must be directed to the program chairs
(ecce2023(a)gmail.com) by February 28th, 2023.
Doctoral Consortium papers
We warmly encourage doctoral students to apply to the doctoral consortium held one day
prior to the conference (Monday 18th September 2023), which will be supervised by two
leading experts. Submissions to the Doctoral Consortium should include a 2-page summary of
the Ph.D. student’s work (including research context, past accomplishments, future
directions, and problems encountered) and a 1-page CV.
Upon acceptance, students have to submit a consortium paper (no longer than 6 pages),
including references and possible attachments. DC papers revised and submitted according
to reviewer comments will be published in the ACM Digital Library along with the
conference proceedings. Inquiries and Submissions of the Doctoral Consortium papers should
be sent directly to the doctoral consortium chairs by March 31st, 2023.
Students whose Doctoral Consortium (DC) papers are accepted will get free registration to
the conference (supported by EACE).
General Chairs
Alan Dix, Swansea University and Cardiff Metropolitan University
Irene Reppa, Swansea University
Carina Westling, Bournemouth University
Harry Witchel, Brighton & Sussex Medical School
Doctoral Consortium Chairs
Dr. Stéphane Safin, Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Prof. Gerrit van der Veer, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Workshop Chairs
Harry Witchel, Brighton and Sussex Medical School
Raymond Bond, Ulster University
Contact us on: ecce2023(a)gmail.com
From: Lammers, H.A. (Elly) <h.a.lammers(a)vu.nl>
Sent: Wednesday, March 8, 2023 17:19
To: Lammers, H.A. (Elly) <h.a.lammers(a)vu.nl>
Subject: Fw: Call for papers - reminder
Apologies for multiple posting
34th annual conference of the European Association of Cognitive Ergonomics (EACE)
19 - 22 September 2023 | Swansea, United Kingdom
Please visit the conference website for up-to-date information, including registration:
ECCE 2023 invites contributions from researchers and practitioners which address the broad
spectrum of Cognitive Ergonomics challenges in the analysis, design, and evaluation of
virtual and physical interactive systems as part of a rich conference program including
keynote talks, paper presentation as well as a doctoral consortium. The 34th ECCE
conference will target state-of-the-art as well as emerging topics pertaining to cognitive
ergonomics and its role in design processes, information presentation and visualization,
human factors and simulation, prototyping, cross / extended reality, user interfaces
development, evaluations, and emerging ethical issues.
February 28, 2023: Deadline for workshop proposals (now closed)
March 31, 2023: Deadline for paper submissions*
June 22, 2023: Deadline for camera-ready submissions**
July 16, 2023: Early registration deadline
September 19, 2023: ECCE 2023 doctoral consortium and workshops
September 20-22, 2023: ECCE 2023 main conference
*Submissions of full papers are handled through EasyChair:
** One author per accepted paper is required to register and attend the conference to
guarantee publication in the conference proceedings.
Elizabeth Churchill, Senior Director of UX at Google.
Clara Crivellaro, Senior Research Fellow in Digital Local Democracy at Newcastle
John McCarthy, Head of School of Applied Psychology, University of Cork, Ireland
Robert Pepperell, Professor of Fine Art, Cardiff Metropolitan University & Co-founder
and leader of Fovolab at Cardiff Metropolitan University
The Special Theme of ECCE 2023 is Responsible Technology: Community, Culture and
We are cordially inviting contributions on topics along, but not limited to, the following
general topics of interest:
* Perception and Augmented Perception
* Design for sense-making and embodiment
* Emotion research for interactive technologies
* Mixed, augmented, and virtual realities
* Human factors and control systems
* Computer-Supported Cooperative Work
* Recent developments in AI
* History of computers and of ECCE
* Ethics of responsible technology
* Online Safety Bill & Digital Services Act
* Digital and interaction issues for education
* Social inclusion and diversity in a digital age
* Teaching Cognitive Ergonomics and Human-Computer Interaction
For ECCE 2023 we invite authors to submit novel research contributions and innovative
applications related to the conference topics. The following paper categories are welcome:
full papers, demonstrations, workshops, and doctoral consortium proposals.
Long papers must not exceed 10 pages, including all sections, references, and possible
Short papers must not exceed 6 pages, including all sections, references, and possible
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or
Please consult the website for publishing and formatting instructions. Submissions of full
papers are handled through EasyChair:
The deadline for full paper submissions is March 31st, 2023.
Demonstrations are about showing work in a setting that allows for open discussion. These
sessions are suitable for authors who wish to present and demonstrate their work, small
projects, systems, or prototypes in an interactive and informal setting during ECCE 2023.
Demonstration proposals should be no longer than 2 pages and should explain the work to be
presented, the nature of the presentation, and the relevance of the presentation to the
conference themes.
Demonstration proposals, along with specific requirements for the demonstration (e.g.,
size of equipment, power, networking, etc.) should be directed to the general chairs (on
ecce2023(a)gmail.com) by March 31st, 2023.
Workshops (now closed)
This year we welcome ideas for workshops, which will take place on Tuesday 19th September
2023. The suggested topics should be related to the aforementioned themes. Inquiries and
Submissions of workshop proposals must be directed to the program chairs
(ecce2023(a)gmail.com) by February 28th, 2023.
Doctoral Consortium papers
We warmly encourage doctoral students to apply to the doctoral consortium held one day
prior to the conference (Monday 18th September 2023), which will be supervised by two
leading experts. Submissions to the Doctoral Consortium should include a 2-page summary of
the Ph.D. student’s work (including research context, past accomplishments, future
directions, and problems encountered) and a 1-page CV.
Upon acceptance, students have to submit a consortium paper (no longer than 6 pages),
including references and possible attachments. DC papers revised and submitted according
to reviewer comments will be published in the ACM Digital Library along with the
conference proceedings. Inquiries and Submissions of the Doctoral Consortium papers should
be sent directly to the doctoral consortium chairs by March 31st, 2023.
Students whose Doctoral Consortium (DC) papers are accepted will get free registration to
the conference (supported by EACE).
General Chairs
Alan Dix, Swansea University and Cardiff Metropolitan University
Irene Reppa, Swansea University
Carina Westling, Bournemouth University
Harry Witchel, Brighton & Sussex Medical School
Doctoral Consortium Chairs
Dr. Stéphane Safin, Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Prof. Gerrit van der Veer, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Workshop Chairs
Harry Witchel, Brighton and Sussex Medical School
Raymond Bond, Ulster University
Contact us on: ecce2023(a)gmail.com