ACM GOODIT Conference Call for Special Tracks Proposals
3-5 September 2025, Antwerp, Belgium
GoodIT 2025 will feature special tracks whose aim is to focus on a specific topic of
interest related to the overall scope of the conference.
We solicit proposals for special tracks to be held within the main conference and whose
publications will be included in conference proceedings. Special tracks proposals can
focus on any contemporary themes that highlight social good aspects in the design,
implementation, deployment, securing, and evaluation of IT technologies.
A special track proposal must contain the following information:
** Title of the special track
** The names of the organizers (indicatively, two) with affiliations, contact information,
and a single paragraph of a brief bio.
** A short description of the scope and topics of the special track (max 1/2 page) and a
brief explanation of: (1) why the topic is timely and important; (2) why the topic is
related to the conference’s main theme; (3) why the special track may attract a
significant number of submissions of good quality.
** Indication if a journal special issue is associated with the special track, possibly
with information on the process of selecting papers.
** The plan to disseminate the call for papers of the special track for achieving a
reasonable number of paper submissions (a list of emailing lists will help).
** An outline of the foreseen reviewing process to ensure the scientific quality of the
accepted papers including a tentative list of program committee members.
** A draft call for papers (max 1 page).
Accepted Special Tracks will be curated by the Special Track Chairs, possibly involving
other members of the conference’s organizing committee, and possibly discussing details
with the Track Proposers.
Papers submitted to each special track have to satisfy the same criteria as for the main
conference. They must be original works and must not have been previously published. They
have to be peer-reviewed by the track’s Program Committee (at least three reviews per
submitted paper are required). The final version of papers must follow the formatting
instructions of the main conference. At least one of the authors of all accepted papers
must register and present the work at the conference on site; otherwise, the paper will
not be published in the proceedings. All accepted and presented papers will be included in
the conference proceedings published in ACM Digital Library. The special track may provide
an option for publishing the extended versions of selected papers in a special issue of a
The proposal should be submitted as a single PDF file to the special track chairs (see
below) via email to: ombretta.gaggi(a) and catia.prandi(a) The subject of the
e-mail must be: “GoodIT 2025 – special track proposal”. The special tracks chairs may ask
proposers for supplying additional information during the review period.
** Proposal Submission Deadline: March 10th, 2025
** Notification of Selection: March 17th, 2025
** Paper submission deadlines must be the same as for the main conference
** Ombretta Gaggi (University of Padua, Italy) – ombretta.gaggi(a)
** Catia Prandi (University of Bologna, Italy) – catia.prandi(a)