*Apologize for unintended cross-mailing*
*ETIS 2020 - **Fourth European Tangible Interaction Studio* | 16-20
November, 2020 | Siena, Italy
Tanja Döring - University of Bremen
Stéphanie Fleck - University of Lorraine
Marianna Obrist - University of Sussex
Domenico Prattichizzo – University of Siena
University students, researchers and practitioners are invited to* propose
a talk or a workshop about their research in the field of Tangible
Interaction* including for example mixed/augmented reality, organic user
interfaces, physical computing, wearables. Topics of interest of ETIS 2020
include the exploration of Tangible Interaction in various fields of
application including, but not limiting to:
- Food
- Education
- Cultural Heritage
- Industry 4.0
- Health
Short papers (2-4 pages including references) for oral presentation and
workshop proposals have to be submitted to Easychair
<https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=etis2020>. Papers should be
formatted according to the ACM paper template and should not be anonymized.
- Microsoft Word template
- LaTeX template
*We welcome submissions in the form of theoretical foundations and
frameworks of Tangible User Interface (TUI); design guidelines and methods;
prototypes, tools and toolkits for TUI; design cases, and TUI applications
in different domains*.
Submitted papers will be reviewed by ETIS Scientific Committee and selected
by relevance with the proposed topics, quality of research, and potential
to provoke discussions during the meeting.
Selected papers shall be published on CEUR <http://ceur-ws.org/>, the free
open-access publication service for scientific conferences and workshops.
The *Best Paper Award* is sponsored by the MDPI Journal Future Internet
<https://www.mdpi.com/journal/futureinternet> with a 350 CHF honorarium
and the publication of an extended version of the paper in a special issue
that will be edited after the event.
The winner will be selected by the ETIS scientific committee based on the
paper’s novelty and quality of the research.
The awarded winner will be announced during the ETIS closing session.
*Important dates*
The deadline for submission has been extended. The new important dates are
as follows:
Paper submission deadline: *July 20, 2020*
Notification of acceptance: *September 21, 2020*
Registration deadline: *October 5, 2020*
ETIS workshop: *November 16 - 20, 2020*
*Conference Venue*
The conference will take place at the Santa Chiara Lab
<https://santachiaralab.unisi.it/> of the University of Siena.
Address: Santa Chiara Lab, University of Siena
Via Valdimontone 1 - 53100 Siena (Italy)
*For more information*
For updated information about the event, program and invited speakers,
submission procedures, and registration please visit the web site:
For more information, please contact the organizers: etis.unisi(a)gmail.com