/Apologize for unintended cross-mailing/
*International Journal on Interaction Design & Architecture(s) - IxD&A*
*established in 2005
SCOPUS and ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index - Web of Science,
Thomson Reuters) indexed Journal
implements also video presentations of the published contributions.
SRJ 2021 = 0.353 (Q1: Architecture/Design; Q2: Social Science, Media
Technology; Q3: Human Computer Interaction, Education)
*Issue N. 54
*with a focus section
Online Social Environments for Active Ageing**
*/guest editors: Ana Isabel Veloso, Carlos Santos, Sonia Ferreira,
Liliana Vale Costa
is now available for free downloading
/IxD&A implements the Gold/Diamond Open Access road to its contents with
no charge to the authors
If you wish to help us in improving the quality of the journal, please
*IxD&A Journal, issue N. 54 - ToC*/**
**/Preface to the focus section on/
*Online Social Environments for Active Ageing
*/Ana Isabel Veloso, Carlos Santos, Sonia Ferreira, Liliana Vale Costa/*
*/p. 5 - 7/*
*/Carmen Llorente-Barroso, Olga Kolotouchkina, Luis Mañas-Viniegra,
Mónica Viñarás-Abad/*
ICT-Mediated Learning as a Form of Socio-Emotional Support for Older
Adults , */pp. 8 - 33/*
*/Cláudia Pedro Ortet, Francisco Regalado, Sónia Ferreira, Liliana Vale
Costa, Ana Isabel Veloso/*
Staying Connected with Aged Populations in Times of COVID-19: An
Interview Study of the Role of Portuguese Institutions and
Municipalities, */pp. 34 - 53/*
*/Santos Urbina, Gemma Tur, Irantzu Fernández/*
Active ageing with digital technology: seniors' usages and attitudes,
*/pp. 54 - 84/*
*/Inês Dias, Elísio Costa, Óscar Mealha/*
Involving older adults in the design process: a human-centric Design
Thinking approach, */pp. 85 - 110/*
Regular Papers
*/Heidi Elnimr/*
A Study of Architectural Barriers and the Potential Role of Assistive
Technologies in Long-term Healthcare Centres for People with
Alzheimer’s, */pp. 111 - 133/*
*/Fabian Huber, Nan-Ching Tai, Kuang-Ting Huang/*
Wrist-worn Vibrotactile Navigation System for Cyclists, */pp. 134 - 146/*
*/Wasura D. Wattearachchi, K.P. Hewagamage, Enosha Hettiarachchi/*
Emotional Keyboard: To Provide Adaptive Functionalities Based on the
Current User Emotion and the Context, */pp. 147 - 174/*
*/Diego Moreira da Rosa, Milene Selbach Silveira/*
May the Patterns Be with You: A Framework for HCI Patterns Development,
*/pp. 175 - 208/*
*/Alaa Nousir, Renee (Xinyu) Chen, Anne Liu, Meara Donovan, Eliza
Wallace, Lee Jones, Sara Nabil/*
COVIDware: Designing Interactive Everyday Things as Tangible Homeware
for Social Isolation, */pp. 209 - 240/*
*/Teemu Korpilahti, Masood Masoodian/*
Guidelines for the Visual Design of Mobile Application Icons. An
Experiential Case Study, */pp. 241 - 276/*
*/Hassan Bello, Nor Athiyah Abdullah/*
User Satisfaction with Computer-Based Test (CBT): The Mediating Role of
CBT Centre Service Satisfaction, */pp. 277 - 298/
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