Apologies for cross-posting.
CHIWORK 2023 Annual Meeting – Call for Papers
Hybrid: In-person in Oldenburg, Germany, and online
June 13-14, 2023
Advances in computing technology are rapidly changing the way we work. Human-computer
interaction (HCI) is a critical aspect of this ongoing change, as a way to support workers
in successfully navigating rapidly changing working environments, which might include
novel computing devices, interacting with AI agents, and the changing role of the human in
work environments with increasing automation. The CHIWORK symposium began in 2021,
bringing together experts from various disciplines through an online series of curated
conversations, to build an understanding of how HCI will support work in the future.
Alongside our ongoing conversation series, we are introducing a new annual in-person
Peer reviewed publications presented at annual in-person meeting (June 2023)
For the in-person meeting we are soliciting papers relevant to the topic of the
conference, with various contribution types from a range of disciplines and perspectives,
including the humanities, social sciences, design, computing, and engineering. Authors are
invited to submit papers with a length that is commensurate to the contribution, but of at
least 6 pages. We have removed the page limit to encourage comprehensive literature review
and appendices for transparency. Papers should be formatted in accordance with the
single-column ACM SIGCHI
Papers should keep the identities of the authors hidden – please remove all identifying
information from the text and metadata, and please cite your own work in the 3rd person.
Papers will be peer-reviewed, receiving at least 3 reviews, and the selection process will
follow a single decision meeting process. The proceedings will be archived in the ACM
Digital Library.
Important dates
All times are in Anywhere on Earth (AoE) time zone. When the deadline is day D, the last
time to submit is when D ends AoE.
* Submission deadline for full papers: March 10, 2023
* Decision notification: April 17, 2023
* Final formatted version: May 12, 2023
* In-person (or, if needed, online) meeting: June 13-14, 2023
Submission platform
Please submit your contributions at
by the submission deadline.
Contribution types
As this community develops, we are looking forward to reviewing a range of paper types,
which will all be included in our proceedings. We will accept the following types of
contributions, each reviewed on its own merits:
* Research Papers – describing novel previously-unpublished research, that will be
reviewed based upon merits of rigor, originality, and significance.
* Position Papers – presenting detailed and well researched essays about the future of
work, including but not limited to the topics listed below, that will be reviewed based
upon maturity of the insight, the substantial nature of the evidence provided from
supporting literature, and the novelty of the contribution the position provides.
* Design Fictions – unpacking and explicating the futures we should be aware of, which
will be reviewed based upon the impact of the provocation they provide, and the discussion
or debate that it enables. Artifacts of the design fiction should be included after the
references as an appendix.
* Systems/Demos – demonstrating specific examples of novel systems that have been
built and might facilitate new ways of working, which will be evaluated based upon the
novelty of the system and the implementation detail described in the paper.
* Industry Case Studies – describing real examples of evolving practices in new forms
of work, which will be evaluated based upon the practical insights these case studies
provide, and their implications for the future of work.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Tools for remote work: working from home, working while commuting, and meetings with
remote participants
* New ways of getting work done: techniques for interleaving work; easy resumption,
engagement, and disengagement; and incorporating well-being needs in productivity tools
* Working and trust with AI and automation: techniques for cooperation and
collaboration with AI agents, new tools for task automation, working in and with automated
environments and entities including cars, drones, and robots; designing for fairness,
transparency and dignity.
* Technologies for the future of work: networking, augmented reality, virtual reality,
wearable devices, and human-robot collaboration
* Supporting worker well-being and health: maintaining work-life boundaries,
supporting physical movement, and facilitating work attachment and detachment, exploring
how systems support or privilege well-being of workers in gendered, race-, caste- and
class-informed ways
* Designing for digital tools that are preparing the grounds for professional
development and an adaptation to and development of individual skills
* Matching and developing worker skills for job opportunities: assessing worker
skills, matching existing skills to new job opportunities, platforms and peer-networks for
learning new skills
* Inclusion and accessibility: technology that is built for equality and technology
that supports all abilities
* Security and privacy: protecting work infrastructure from malicious actors and
maintaining privacy while providing personalized support for work and well-being
* Novel ways of measuring outcome: rewarding performance so that it takes into account
an individual’s unique needs, incorporating well-being as an integral part of
productivity, fostering and measuring creativity and innovation, and supporting
self-reflection by workers
* Tools and platforms for hiring and managing workers: new models for hiring,
onboarding, and management; understanding and supporting freelancing, on-demand,
crowdwork, and gig work.
* Societal impact: supporting decision-making for policy and regulation, integrating
perspectives of workers, firms, governments, and communities; addressing the economics and
resilience of individuals, communities, and society.
Papers Co-Chairs:
– University of Siegen, Germany
Marta E.
– Northumbria University, UK
Assistant to the Paper Chairs:
- Northumbria University, UK
For questions please email papers2023@chiwork.org<mailto:papers2023@chiwork.org>
Best regards,
Marta and Thomas.
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