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interested, thanks **
3rd International Workshop on Cyber Security Education for Industry and
Academia (*CSE4IA 2025*)
Co-located with the 10th International Symposium on End-User
Development (*IS-EUD
Munich, Germany
16-18 June 2025
More info:
As in previous editions, CSE4IA 2025 aims to redefine cybersecurity
education by fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and promoting
user-centered training solutions. The workshop will provide a dynamic,
multidisciplinary platform for sharing cutting-edge tools and
methodologies, empowering both professionals and everyday users to
confidently manage cybersecurity risks in an increasingly digital world. We
invite researchers, educators, and industry experts to contribute with
innovative research, case studies, and best practices that shape the future
of cybersecurity education, ensuring a more secure and resilient digital
ecosystem for all.
The contributions to the workshop are expected to help with:
• the adoption of methodologies, techniques, and tools that
support cybersecurity education and the design of cybersecurity-related
training programs;
• the identification of methods and tools to support Industry
and Academia to collaborate in cybersecurity education;
• the investigation of how AI can personalize learning paths
and facilitate the integration of AI-driven solutions into cybersecurity
• the examination of the role of Explainable AI in making
cybersecurity concepts and tools more understandable for end-users;
• the exploration of how Generative AI can contribute to
developing cybersecurity education platforms by creating dynamic content
and simulations
• the identification of new processes, methods, and techniques
to empower end-users development, to set, modify, and increase the security
of their digital tools;
• the discussion on how HCI can address human vulnerabilities
in cybersecurity and improve user behavior through training and awareness
• the proposition of reference taxonomies to characterize the
common understanding of the relevant roles, competencies, skills, and
knowledge required;
• the design of new techniques to develop cybersecurity
competencies for professionals aligned with the European Cybersecurity
Skills Framework.
The topics of interest for CSE4IA 2025 include, but are not limited to:
• AI-powered tools for Cybersecurity Education
• Generative AI in Cybersecurity Education
• Explainable AI for Cybersecurity Education
• Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) for
Cybersecurity Education
• Game-based approaches to Cybersecurity Education
• Artistic Approaches to Cybersecurity Education
• Designing Tools and Frameworks for Cybersecurity Education
• Contextual Methodologies for Cybersecurity Education
• Innovative Technologies for Professional Cybersecurity
• Explainable Security in Public Administration
• Human, Economic, Ethical, and Legal Aspects in Cybersecurity
• Innovative Training Programs for Cybersecurity Education
• Warning Dialogues for Cybersecurity Education
• Human Factors for Cybersecurity Education
• Case Studies on Challenges and Practices in Cybersecurity
• Data Visualization in Cybersecurity Education
• Accessibility in Cybersecurity educational tools
• User Behavior Analysis in Cybersecurity
• Personalized Learning in Cybersecurity Education
• Conversational Interface in Cybersecurity Education
• Approaches, methods, and techniques for enabling users to
create, modify, and customize digital tools and systems while considering
cybersecurity issues.
• Case studies and design implications on Cybersecurity issues
and practices of end-user development
We will consider two different types of submissions:
Regular papers will be up to 10 pages (excluding references) and will
report original research on how cybersecurity and education can support
Academia and Industry to reduce the gap between demand (workplace,
recruitment) and supply (qualification, training);
Extended Abstracts will be up to 4 pages (excluding references) and will
report novel ideas about the application of the role of cybersecurity
education in Academia and Industry.
Both types of submissions, if accepted, will be part of the workshop
proceedings (CEUR-WS).
All submissions should be submitted through Easychair in PDF format using
the “CEUR Template” (1 column):
https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-XXX/CEURART.zip An
Overleaf page for LaTeX users is also available at:
All submissions will be subjected to a thorough peer-review process,
focusing on originality, quality, soundness, and relevance. The workshop
will use a double-blind review process, with three members of the program
committee reviewing each submitted paper.
Upon acceptance, at least one author of each accepted paper will be
required to register to the event. Virtual participation will be made
Selected accepted papers will be considered for publication in a Special
Issue of a relevant cybersecurity and human-computer interaction journal.
Submission deadline: *4th April 2025*
Notification: *18th April 2025*
Camera-ready: *2nd May 2025*
Registration due: *10th May 2025*
Vita Santa Barletta - University of Bari, IT (vita.barletta(a)uniba.it)
Federica Caruso - University of L’Aquila, IT (federica.caruso1(a)univaq.it)
Francesco Greco - University of Bari, IT (francesco.greco(a)uniba.it)
Manuel A. Serrano - University of Castilla-La Mancha, ES (
Hannan Xiao - King's College London, UK (Hannah.xiao(a)kcl.ac.uk)
Chaminda Alocious - University of Hertfordshire, UK (
*This workshop is supported by SERICS (Security and Rights in CyberSpace) -
CSS - Cyber Social Security, Spoke 3: Attacchi e Difesa(PE00000014) under
the MUR National Recovery and Resilience Plan funded by the European Union
- NextGenerationEU; Italy; Italy*