CHItaly 2021 - Frontiers of HCI
The International Biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter
11–13 July 2021
Location: From Bozen-Bolzano through the Internet to the World
In cooperation with SIGCHI Italy and ACM-SIGCHI
The theme for the 14th Edition of the Biannual Conference
https://chitaly2021.inf.unibz.it) of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter
http://sigchitaly.eu/en/general-info/) was defined in summer 2019 as “Frontiers of HCI”.
At that time, we were thinking about disciplinary and national boundaries. Little did we
know of the many frontiers this hybrid conference would have to overcome to create a safe
space for HCI related discussions. To overcome this challenge, CHItaly combines physical
and digital events while providing synchronous and asynchronous spaces for dialogue.
So far, CHItaly has physically hosted HCI scholars working in the Mediterranean and other
European countries. The aim of CHItaly 2021 is to connect research and geographical areas,
so as to explore frontiers and cross-fertilise HCI research in practice. From this
perspective, a hybrid conference can become an incredible experimentation space which you
are all invited to shape.
To reach its aims, the conference
1. solicits contributions from diverse research communities relevant to HCI, such as
Science and Technology Studies, Technology Enhanced Learning, Interaction Design and
Digital Fabrication, Design and the Arts, besides traditional fields such as computer
science, engineering and psychology
2. opens its physical and digital doors to industry, civic societies and citizens.
Join CHItaly either virtually or physically to expand the frontiers of HCI.
The goal of the Doctoral Consortium is to provide a setting in which PhD students can
present and receive feedback on their work. Students at different stages of their research
will be able to articulate and discuss their problem statement, goals, methods, and
results. The Doctoral Consortium also aims to provide students with useful guidance on
various aspects of their research from established researchers and the other student
attendees. Finally, the Doctoral Consortium seeks to motivate students in the development
of their scientific curiosity and facilitate their networking within the research
The topics of the Doctoral Consortium are the same as CHItaly’s. The main scope of the
consortium is to enable PhD students to interact with their peers, as well as with more
senior researchers, on a wide range of Human-Computer Interaction related topics, and
related to the conference theme.
The consortium is open to PhD students worldwide at any stage in their research. Students
at an initial stage should be able to challenge their ideas and current research
directions. Students at a more mature stage should be able to present their thesis and get
advice on ways to further improve and better communicate their contributions and findings.
Participation is particularly encouraged from PhD students who are close to proposing a
Submitted papers must be in English and single-author, but the name of the supervisor
could be mentioned within the paper. Papers must be 5-page long using the 1-column CEUR
template available at
http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-XXX/CEURART.zip. An Overleaf page for LaTeX
users is also available at
Papers must:
identify a significant problem in the field of research
outline the current status of the problem domain and related solutions
describe the contribution of the student by presenting the proposed approach and the
results achieved so far
Accepted papers will be collected and published in CEUR-WS proceedings.
Each author of an accepted paper will present orally his/her contribution the first day of
the conference.
Submissions: April 23th
Notifications to contributors: May 14th
Camera-ready/final version deadline: May 24th
Doctoral consortium: July 12th
DC papers must be sent via mail to dc.chitaly2021(a)unibz.it with 'DC submission' in
the e-mail subject.
If you have any question, please write an email to the Doctoral Consortium co-chairs:
Daniela Fogli, University of Brescia, Italy, email: daniela.fogli(a)unibs.it
Fabio Paternò, CNR-ISTI, Italy, email: fabio.paterno(a)isti.cnr.it
This year, CHItaly 2021 has several tracks, besides the track for doctoral consortium
long and short research papers,
interactive experience,