*** Apologies for multiple copies ***
1st Workshop on Education for Artificial Intelligence (edu4AI)
Co-located with the 23rd International Conference of the Italian
Association for Artificial Intelligence (AIxIA 2024)
November 25 – November 28, 2024, Bolzano (Italy)
Workshop website:https://edu4ai.di.unito.it/
*[Deadline Extended]*
The paper submission deadline has been extended to: *September, 21*
*[Dissemination track]*
We introduced a dissemination track to encourage the submission of
papers already published over the last three years, and whose authors
desire to share them with the edu4AI attendees. Papers accepted to the
Dissemination Track will be granted a slot for oral presentation, but
will not be included in the CEUR proceedings.
The *Dissemination Track CFP will be shared soon* in a separate email.
edu4AI CFP
The goal of this workshop is to establish a forum for researchers and
professionals interested in understanding, envisioning, and discussing
the challenges and opportunities of AI awareness by promoting education
for Artificial Intelligence, promoting aspects such as methodologies,
educational pathways, and AI literacy.
Conference proceedings will be published on CEUR in the AI*IA series
Important Dates
Paper submission deadline: September, 10*September, 21*
Notifications of paper acceptance: October, 6
Camera-ready version deadline: October, 20
Workshop (at AI*IA 2024): November 26-28, 2024
Topics of interest
Topic of interest include (but are not limited to)
Challenges and Opportunities in Education for AI
Leveraging online platforms for widespread AI Education
Innovative Education Techniques and methodologies to support AI
Hands-on research initiatives to support AI awareness and comprehension
Program development for Educators
Resources and techniques to explain AI in simple terms
AI Literacy kits and educational games
Educational tools and resources for correcting AI misconceptions
Case studies on AI Literacy courses for elderly people
Domain-specific threats due to AI biases and educational solutions
to overcome them
Education on AI-Ethical aspects
Training programs to convey AI awareness
Teaching Methodologies
Experimentation and reports on the practical applications of the above
topics in domain-specific contexts are welcomed (such as in healthcare,
K-12 and higher education systems, finance, Lifelong Learning, Adult
Education, and such like).
All papers will be peer-reviewed by at least two members of the program
committee and evaluated on the basis of relevance, originality,
significance, soundness, and clarity. Papers should be formatted
according to the CEUR-WS's single-column style
We welcome three categories of paper submission
Full papers (8-10 pages)
Short papers (6 pages) -- Suitable for work in progress,
software prototypes, doctoral theses extended abstracts
Project papers (6 pages) excluding references -- General
overviews of research projects
Organization Chairs
- Elisa Marengo - University of Torino, Italy
email: elisa.marengo(a)unito.it
- Michela Ponticorvo - University “Federico II” of Napoli, Italy
email: michela.ponticorvo(a)unina.it
- Manuel Striani - University of Piemonte Orientale, Italy
email: manuel.striani(a)uniupo.it