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*International Journal on Interaction Design & Architecture(s) - IxD&A
- a SCOPUS and Web of Science - Emerging Sources (Thomson Reuters)
indexed Journal -
*N. 44*
*Regular papers*
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*IxD&A Journal, issue N. 44 - ToC*
**pp. 5 - 6**
**Paula Alexandra Silva, Oksana Tymoshchuk, Denis Renó, Ana Margarida
Almeida, Luís Pedro, Fernando Ramos*
Understanding the role of digital communication and mediation strategies
in community-led territorial innovation: a systematic review, *pp. 7 -
**John M. Carroll, Sooyeon Lee, Madison Reddie, Jordan Beck and Mary
Beth Rosson
*Human-Computer Synergies in Prosthetic Interactions*, pp. 29 - 52//**
**//ilker Erkan
*Early Design Stage Analysis with Brain Imaging Method,* pp. 53 - 70//**
Maka Eradze, María Jesús Rodríguez-Triana, Nikola Milikic, Mart Laanpere
and Kairit Tammets
*Contextualising Learning Analytics with Classroom Observations: A Case
study*///, pp. 71 - 95/****
Donatella Persico, Flavio Manganello, Marcello Passarelli**
**/**Participatory approaches to Learning Design: the gap between theory
and practice**/, pp. 96 - 108**
**Wolmet Barendregt, Sara Ekström, Svea Kiesewetter, Lena Pareto, Sofia
*Demystifying Robots in the Co-Design of a Tutee Robot with Primary
School Children*, pp. 109 - 128//**
/Agneta Gulz, Susanne Kjällander, Sofia Frankenberg, Magnus Haake
*Early Math in a Preschool Context: Spontaneous Extension of the Digital
into the Physical*, pp. 129 - 154//**
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