We are happy to announce the call for papers:
*we apologize for cross postings*
Special Issue on New Frontiers in Multimedia-based and Multimodal HCI
to be published in the journal
Multimedia Tools and Applications
This special issue considers research in the area of multimedia-based and multimodal
systems for advanced human-computer interaction (HCI). It aims at exploring and expanding
on its frontiers. Therefore it especially seeks high-quality contributions from research
areas at the frontiers of multimedia HCI, such as arts and humanities, education,
cyber-physical systems, artificial intelligence.
The special issue will also host the extended versions of selected best papers presented
at the 2021 Edition of CHItaly, the biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter,
held from 11 to 13 July 2021 in Bolzano, Italy. Such papers will undergo a regular review
process as detailed in the Submission Guidelines below.
Topics of Interest
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Frontiers in Multimedia-based and Multimodal HCI: Theories, Concepts and Models
· HCI design and evaluation methods for multimedia and multimodal systems
· Multimodal interaction technologies
· Collaborative and social computing and HCI
· Accessibility and inclusive multimedia
Frontiers of Arts, Humanities, Education, Society for Multimedia-based and Multimodal
· Design & arts and multimedia-based HCI
· Humanities and multimedia-based HCI
· Learning, education and multimedia-based HCI
· Values, ethics, society and multimedia-based HCI
Frontiers of Physical, Digital or Hybrid Multimedia-based and Multimodal HCI
· Game- and gamification-based multimedia-based HCI and multimodal systems
· Augmented, virtual or mixed reality and multimedia-based HCI in multimodal systems
· Smart things, smart ambients or smart cities and multimodal HCI
· Tangible design, industrial design or product design and multimedia-based HCI
· Beyond cobots: assistive or proactive robots and multimedia-based HCI
Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence for Multimedia-based and Multimodal HCI
· Human-in-the-loop machine/deep learning and multimedia-based HCI in multimodal
· Agent-based systems or multi-agent systems and multimedia-based HCI
· Data or process analysis, modelling or visualisation and multimedia-based HCI
· Natural language processing and multimedia-based HCI
· Recommendation, personalisation or adaptation and multimedia-based HCI
Guest Editors:
Dr. Alessandra Melonio (Lead Guest Editor)
Faculty of Computer Science, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
Email: alessandra.melonio@unibz.it<mailto:alessandra.melonio@unibz.it>
Dr. Maria De Marsico
Department of Computer Science, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Email: demarsico@di.uniroma1.it<mailto:demarsico@di.uniroma1.it>
Dr. Cristina Gena
Department of Computer Science, University of Torino, Italy
Email: cristina.gena@unito.it<mailto:cristina.gena@unito.it>
Dr. Rosella Gennari
Faculty of Computer Science, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
Email: gennari@inf.unibz.it<mailto:gennari@inf.unibz.it>
Important dates/Tentative Schedule:
Submission deadline: November 30, 2021
Final manuscript due: August 30, 2022
Submission Guidelines
Authors should prepare their manuscript according to the Instructions for Authors
available from the Multimedia Tools and Applications
website<https://springer.com/11042>42>. Authors should submit through the online
submission site at
and select “SI 1224 - New Frontiers in Multimedia-based and Multimodal HCI” when they
reach the “Article Type” step in the submission process. Submitted papers should present
original, unpublished work, relevant to one of the topics of the special issue. All
submitted papers will be evaluated on the basis of relevance, significance of
contribution, technical quality, scholarship, and quality of presentation, by at least
three independent reviewers. It is the policy of the journal that no submission, or
substantially overlapping submission, be published or be under review at another journal
or conference at any time during the review process.
Please note that the authors of papers presented at CHItaly 2021 are invited to submit an
extended version of their contributions by taking into consideration both the reviewers’
comments on their conference paper, and the feedback received during presentation at the
conference. It is worth clarifying that that the extended version is expected to present a
significant contribution beyond the conference paper, and contain at least 30% original
scientific contribution, e.g., in the form of new algorithms, experiments or
qualitative/quantitative comparisons. Neither verbatim transfer of large parts of the
conference paper nor reproduction of already published figures will be tolerated. Authors
must explain in the introduction to the paper the new contribution to the field made by
the submission, and the original conference publication should be cited in the text. The
extended versions of CHItaly papers will undergo the ordinary review process, and be
accepted only if well-suited to the topic of this special issue and meeting the scientific
level of the journal.