Apologize for cross posting.
======= DEADLINE EXTENDED TO MARCH 31th ==========
The EICS’2021 Doctoral Consortium (DC) is intended to bring together PhD
students working on foundations, techniques, tools and studies in the
Human-Computer Interaction Engineering field. DC provides an opportunity
for doctoral students to present their research goals as well as
intermediate results, and to discuss them with leading experts in the field
as well as with peers.
Students can be in intermediate or advanced stages of their research, but
should not have completed their work yet, and should thus still be able to
take into account feedback from the DC.
The goals of the Doctoral Consortium are to provide PhD students with the
opportunity to:
- Receive constructive feedback and advice on their research,
- Meet experts with different backgrounds working on topics related to
the Human Computer Interaction Engineering field,
- Interact with other PhD students and exchange ideas and suggestions
among participants,
- Discuss concerns about research, supervision, job market, and other
career-related issues,
- Present their work as a poster at the EICS’2021 conference.
A submission consists of a short paper (max 4 pages standard ACM SIGCHI
format (2020), references excluded), a free-form CV of the PhD candidate
and a draft poster. Submissions must be submitted using the PCS system by
the deadline (see the firm deadline below). Papers suitable for (virtual or
presence) demonstration at the conference should also submit a
supplementary video of the system in action. The submission should not be
anonymous and must:
- identify a significant problem in the field of research,
- clearly formulate the research question,
- outline the current status of the problem domain and related solutions
(main related works)
- present clearly (preliminary) ideas, the proposed approach and the
results achieved so far,
- describe the research methodology that is applied or planned,
- make explicit the current status of the doctoral work (e.g. when
research started, how long to reach the end, papers already accepted)
- outline the expected contributions to the problem domain and highlight
their uniqueness.
Each submission will be reviewed by at least two members of the Doctoral
Consortium Program Committee. The main evaluation criteria are: relevance,
originality, significance, technical soundness, accuracy, and clarity.
Submissions must be made through the PCS system by the deadline (see the
Important dates section below).
In addition to the DC chairs, additional leading experts will be invited to
the DC to discuss the participants' research
DC participants will have their registration fee waived. The SIGCHI Student
Travel Grant (SSTG) program also be of interest to help covering traveling
expenses. For more information about this grant and for applying online,
please visit:
# Important dates
Submission deadline: Friday, March 12, 2021 AoE (Anywhere on Earth)
Notifications: April 16th, 2021
Camera Ready: April, 30th, 2021
# Doctoral Consortium Chairs
Regina Bernhaupt (Technical University of Eindhoven, the Netherlands)
Kaisa Väänänen (Tampere University, Finland)
[image: photo]
Prof. Lucio Davide Spano
Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica
Università di Cagliari
Via Ospedale 72, 09124, Cagliari, Italy
Tel: +39 070 675 8760 | Skype: davide.spano5
Website <http://people.unica.it/davidespano> | RG
<https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lucio_Spano> | ORCHID