Dear all,
this short email is to inform you that, since the editor of IxD&A
Journal - ASLERD - became a member of Crossref, the Journal has now its
own DOI, and from now on we will assign a DOI also to all papers that
will be published in IxD&A Journal.
As example you can find the DOI assigned to:
IxD&A Journal -> link
<> or
equivalently (this can be used as
URL of the landing page)
Issue N.50 -> link
or equivalently
papers -> have a look at the Table of contents (previous link) or to the
pages containing the abstract of each paper that has been included in
the issue.
We have asked also to assign a DOI to the videos recorded during the
"Meet the Authors" events but at the present it is not yet possible
In the next future we will progressively back-extend the assignement of
DOIs to all the papers published in the past on IxD&A Journal. If
interested, from time to time you can have a check to the website of the
For future issues, we'll include the assigned DOI also in the
downloadable .pdf files, together with the ORCID of the authors (if they
will provide it).
Kindest regards
Carlo Giovannella