*GROUP 2022 Doctoral Consortium Call for Participation! *
(Please circulate to your University Listservs or other spaces where we
can work to broaden participation)
*Important Dates*
Wednesday 25 August 2021, 11:59 pm ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD: Deadline for
Friday 10 September 2021: Notification
Sunday 03 October: Camera-ready due
23 January 2021: Doctoral Consortium
*Call for Participation*
The GROUP 2022 Doctoral Consortium provides an opportunity for doctoral
students to discuss their research in an international forum under the
guidance of a panel of experienced HCI and CSCW researchers. The
Doctoral Consortium will be held on 23 January as part of the ACM 2022
Conference on Supporting Group Work in Sanibel, Florida, USA. Selected
applicants will be asked to give short, informal presentations during
the Consortium. These will be followed by extensive group discussion in
a friendly and constructive workshop. Participants will also present
their research in an interactive poster session during the main
technical program of the conference.
We welcome applicants from a broad range of disciplines and approaches
that inform human-centered computing, including anthropology, sociology,
information science, computer science, cognitive science, organizational
studies, design and related fields. We are particularly interested in
applications from institutions and groups that have not traditionally
been well-represented at past GROUP conferences.
Applicants should be Ph.D. students with an already established
direction of research relevant to HCI and CSCW, but whose research would
benefit from guidance provided by peers and senior colleagues at the
Doctoral Consortium. Preference will be given to students who have a
defined topic and program of work, i.e., who have proposed their topics
and are within 2 years of graduation within a 5-year program or are half
way through a 3 (or 4) year program.
*Submission Guidelines*
GROUP 2022 is using the Precision Conference System (PCS) 2.0. To
submit, log in to PCS, click on “Submissions”, and then make a new
submission to Group -> Group 2022 -> Group2022 Doctoral Consortium.
You will be asked to provide:
A FOUR-page overview (including references) of your doctoral research
that describes your research question(s), work in progress, and expected
contributions. This overview should also include (1) a paragraph that
articulates what you hope to gain from attending the GROUP Doctoral
Consortium, and (2) an abstract of no more than 100 words. Your overview
will be published in the ACM Digital Library and distributed to all
attendees as part of the Conference Extended Abstracts. Please submit
your overview in the SIGCHI Extended Abstract Format (PDF).
Supplementary material:
A short (2-3 paragraph) biographical sketch.
Two publications: (1) One publication that best illustrates your
research interests + (2) one paper or book that you find most inspiring
(perhaps something that you draw on to inform your work, or something
that pushed your research in a given direction).
A letter from your supervisor indicating that they support your
application to the Consortium and they agree that your research is at an
appropriate stage for participation. This letter should also make
reference to how you might benefit from the Doctoral Consortium and how
they expect that you might benefit the other students in this group
Comments about the availability of funds to attend the Consortium (e.g.,
complete funds available through the university/research grant, partial
funds available, applied for the SIGCHI Student Travel Grant and was
awarded, applied for a travel grant but was not awarded, etc.). See
below under “Important Note on Funding.”
*The deadline for submitting is Wednesday 25 August 2021, 11:59 pm
ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD. After this date, the system will be closed. *
*All questions should be directed to dc2022(a)group.acm.org*
*Important Note on Funding*
We are currently able to offer financial support to Doctoral Consortium
participants from the United States (US) through the National Science
Foundation (NSF). Due to NSF rules, this funding can only be used on
US-based Doctoral students. We will do our best to secure financial
support from SIGCHI for accepted international students to attend. We
also encourage accepted participants to investigate other opportunities
for support.
*GROUP 2022 Doctoral Consortium Co-Chairs*
Myriam Lewkowicz (Troyes University of Technology, France)
Bryan Semaan (University of Colorado Boulder, USA)
*Myriam Lewkowicz*
Professeur des Universités / Full Professor
*UTT - Université de Technologie de Troyes *
12 rue Marie Curie - CS 42060 - 10004 TROYES CEDEX
Bureau F214
Tél. : 33 (0)3 25 71 80 67 | Fax : 33 (0)3 25 71 76 98 | Mob.: 33 (0)6
16 47 13 53
twitter: myrlewko
Head of Tech-CICO research group, Laboratoire Informatique et Société
Numérique (LIST3N)
Vice-Chair of the COST Action CA16121 From Sharing to Caring: Examining
Socio-Technical Aspects of the Collaborative Economy
http://sharingandcaring.eu/ <http://sharingandcaring.eu/>
Chair of EUSSET
http://www.eusset.eu/ <http://www.eusset.eu/>
Deputy Editor-in-Chief Journal of CSCW