***Apologies for cross-postings***
Last Call for Tutorials for MobileHCI 2023 in Athens, 26-29 September
Deadline: May, 26
MobileHCI tutorials are in-depth presentations of fundamental or state-of-the-art topics
presented by researchers or practitioners within the field of MobileHCI, which is about
effective interaction with and through mobile devices, applications, and services. The
tutorials empower attendees to learn new skills and offer possibilities to meet new people
and discuss topics of shared interest. The scope for tutorials is broad and includes
topics, such as new technologies, research approaches and methodologies, design practices,
user/consumer insights, investigations into new services/applications/interfaces,
statistics, and much more. Virtual or Augmented Reality, wearable computing, and generally
applications with technology on the go in mind are highly recommended.
The overall conference theme in 2023 is "Beyond morality: Ethics and action in
MobileHCI"<https://mobilehci.acm.org/2023/conferencetheme.php>eme.php>, so we invite
tutorials to discuss ethical aspects in their work, as part of their problem definitions,
system design, experiment design, instrument and metric adoption and conclusions.
In your proposal please include:
* The title of the tutorial
* Length of the tutorial (recommended at least one hour, three hours maximum)
* Learning goals of the tutorial
* The intended audience(s) of the tutorial
* The covered topics and the depths to which you will cover them
* Overview of the materials provided to the participants
* A brief biography of the instructor(s)
* Information on the delivery model of the tutorial (e.g., in presence or hybrid). A
tutorial with physical presenter(s) is highly recommended.
More information at:
Feel free to contact us for any questions and share this call with your network!
Kind regards from Tutorial Organizers,
Dr. Dimitra Anastasiou | Senior R&T Associate
Project coordinator of ENRICH4ALL<https://www.enrich4all.eu/>
(+352) 275 888 2838 |
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)
5, avenue des Hauts-Fourneaux | L-4362 Esch-sur-Alzette
<https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTRznhKNBzYDkB2dJWmTQfQ> [signature_1608235888]
<https://twitter.com/LIST_Luxembourg> [cid:image004.png@01D98A4E.D91F9C70]
[signature_347910317] <http://www.list.lu/>