Workshop on “Teaching HCI for AI: Co-design of a Syllabus”
July 7th 202o, 2:00 pm (CET) - 6:30 pm (CET)
An event of SIGCHItaly (ACM SIGCHI Italian Chapter)
in collaboration with
CINI AIIS Lab (Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems Lab) <>
The Workshop will be held online. Participation is free, but registration is required.
Interested people must register at the following link: <>
Details for connecting will be sent to the registered participants.
2:00pm. Welcome and introductory discussion.
By M. Francesca Costabile, Maristella Matera, Ben Shneiderman
2:30pm. Panel 1: AI systems that have an impact on human beings.
Moderator: Massimo Zancanaro
Roberto Navigli (Sapienza Università di Roma)
Daniele Nardi (Sapienza Università di Roma)
Tommaso Di Noia (Politecnico di Bari)
Alessandra Sciutti (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia)
Myounghoon Jeon (Virginia Tech)
Federico Cabitza (Università di Milano Bicocca)
Antonio Rizzo (Università di Siena)
Alan Dix (Swansea University, Wales, UK)
4:30pm. Panel 2: The HCI competences the AI specialists should have in order to design AI systems that are beneficial to human beings.
Moderator: Fabio Paternò
Sharon Oviatt (Monash University, Australia)
Kaisa Väänänen (Tampere University, Finland)
Lucio Davide Spano (Università di Cagliari, Italy)
B.L. William Wong (Middlesex University London, UK)
Alessio Malizia (University of Hertfordshire, UK)
Salvatore Andolina (Università degli Studi di Palermo, Italy)
Rosella Gennari (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano)
Fabio Pittarello (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia)
6:00pm. Wrapping up: Final discussion, conclusions and follow up.
By Cristina Gena and Genny Tortora
M. Francesca Costabile, Università di Bari ALDO MORO
Cristina Gena, Università di Torino
Maristella Matera, Politecnico di Milano (SIGCHI Italy Chair)
Fabio Paternò, ISTI-CNR, Pisa
Genny Tortora, Università di Salerno
Massimo Zancanaro, Università di Trento and FBK (SIGCHI Italy Vice-Chair)
Tiziana Catarci, Sapienza Università di Roma
Luca Console, Università di Torino
Fulvio Corno, Politecnico di Torino
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Sapienza Università di Roma
Alberto Del Bimbo, Università di Firenze
Rino Falcone, CNR-Roma
Salvatore Gaglio, Università di Palermo
Luciano Gamberini, Università di Padova
Antonio Krüeger, German Research Center for AI (DFKI), Germany
Patrizia Marti, Università di Siena
Roberto Navigli, Sapienza Università di Roma
Daniele Nardi, Sapienza Università di Roma
Sharon Oviatt, Monash University, Australia
Francesco Ricci, Libera Università di Bolzano-Bozen
Ben Shneiderman, University of Maryland, USA
Albrecht Schmidt, Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich, Germany
Oliviero Stock, FBK
Cristina Gena, PhD
Associate professor - Computer Science Department
Head of the Smart HCI Lab@ICxT Innovation Center
Università di Torino
Via Pessinetto 12, 10149 Torino, Italy
Phone +39 0116706827
web: <>
Dear HCI colleagues,
we hope you are all fine. Considering the procrastination of a number of conferences due to the coronavirus pandemic and in order to avoid a potentially critical period (winter) for the conference, we have decided to postpone CHItaly 2021 from February to July 2021.
Important dates will be communicated around September this year. Please refer to for up-to-date information.
In the meanwhile, take care and stay safe!
With kind regards,
Alessandra Melonio on the behalf of the CHItaly 2021 organising committee.
Alessandra Melonio, Ph.D.
Research fellow on a fixed-term contract (RTD)
Smart Data Factory - Technology transfer Lab
Faculty of Computer Science
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Office 112, Dominikanerplatz 3, Bozen, Italy
NOI Techpark Südtirol/Alto Adige, Office A1.4.29e, A.-Volta-Straße 9, Bozen, Italy
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International Conference on Data Mining and Software Engineering (DMSE 2020)
September 26 ~ 27, 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark
Scope & Topics
International Conference on Data Mining and Software Engineering (DMSE
2020) will provide an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge
and results in theory, methodology and applications of Data mining and
Software Engineering. The goal of this conference is to bring together
researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to focus on
understanding Data mining and modern software engineering concepts and
establishing new collaborations in these areas.
Authors are solicited to contribute to the conference by submitting
articles that illustrate research results, projects, surveying works and
industrial experiences that describe significant advances in the areas of
data mining and software engineering.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following
* Advanced Topics in Software Engineering
* Data Mining Applications
* Computer Education
* Data Mining in Modeling, Visualization, Personalization and Recommendation
* Data Mining Systems and Platforms, Efficiency, Scalability and Privacy
* Embedded System and Software
* Foundations, Algorithms, Models, and Theory
* Knowledge Processing
* Knowledge-based Systems and Formal Methods
* Languages and Formal Methods
* Managing Software Projects
* Mining Text, Semi-Structured, Spatio-Temporal, Streaming, Graph, Web,
* Multimedia and Visual Software Engineering
* Quality Management
* Search Engines and Information Retrieval
* Software Engineering Decision Making
* Software Engineering Practice
* Software Maintenance and Testing
* Software Process
* Web Engineering
* Web-based Education Systems and Learning Application
Paper Submission
Authors are invited to submit papers through the conference Submission
System. Submissions must be original and should not have been published
previously or be under consideration for publication while being evaluated
for this conference. The proceedings of the conference will be published by
Computer Science Conference Proceedings in Computer Science & Information
Technology (CS & IT) series (Confirmed).
Important Dates
* Submission Deadline :July 11, 2020
* Authors Notification : August 20, 2020
* Registration & Camera-Ready Paper Due : August 28, 2020
Contact Us
Here's where you can reach us : dmse(a) or dmsesecretary(a)
Please forward this announcement to your colleagues and associates who
could be interested in it.
Dear colleagues,
regarding COVID-19 circumstances, keeping in mind the very interactive character
of HCSE as a working conference and the strong community aspects of this
meeting, we have decided to postpone HCSE and run it in the regular way as a
physical meeting in Eindhoven, The Netherlands. The new date will be *November
30 - December 2, 2020*. Hopefully by then, it will be possible and permitted to
travel to the event for every participant and to hold the conference meeting.
Due to this postponement we have re-opened and rescheduled the submission and
reviewing process again. Thus, we give researchers and practitioners the chance
to submit additional work.
The new deadlines are the following:
*Technical full papers, late breaking results*
_July 6, 2020 (extended!) Submission _
August 24, 2020 (extended!) Notification to Authors
September 30, 2020 (extended!) Camera-ready due
*Demos, posters*
_August 31, 2020 (extended!) Submission_
September 21, 2020 (extended!) Notification to Authors
September 30, 2020 (extended!) Camera-ready due
Please see the *CfP* below for details and visit the conference *website* for
further and updated information.
We are looking forward to meeting you at TU/e in Eindhoven for HCSE 2020. Please
stay well and healthy!
Best wishes,
Regina Bernhaupt - Carmelo Ardito - Stefan Sauer
General Organizers of HCSE 2020
*HCSE 2020*
*Call for Papers*
*8th International Working Conference on Human-Centered Software Engineering*
*November 30th - December 2nd, 2020 - Eindhoven University of Technology,
Eindhoven, The Netherlands*
*HCSE*is a bi-annual, single-track, working conference organized by the IFIP
Working Group 13.2 on Methodology for User-Centred System Design
<>in cooperation with
IFIP Working Group 13.5 on Human Error, Resilience, Reliability, Safety and
System Development <>. We
aim at *bringing together researchers and practitioners* interested in
strengthening the scientific foundations of user interface design, examining the
relationship between software engineering and human-computer interaction and on
how to strengthen human-centered design as an essential part of software
engineering processes. Other topics of interest include:
● contributions to the theory and best practices of user-centered design
● design and architectural patterns for interactive systems
● involvement of end-users, clients and stakeholders in the development
process of interactive systems
● innovative methods for identifying end-user requirements for
interactive systems
● integration of user experience (and any other user interface property)
in development processes
● methods for designing, building and assessing interactive systems
beyond the desktop (e.g. the living room, ubiquitous and multi-display,
cockpits, etc.)
● models and model-based approaches for building interactive systems
● integration of multiple properties (e.g. usability, security,
reliability, user experience, privacy, accessibility, etc.) in software development
● socio-technical aspects of interactive software development
● software architectures for interactive systems
● rational design and traceability of design choices.
HCSE 2020 welcomes contribution as *technical full papers, late breaking
results, demonstrations and posters*. All papers are peer-reviewed and selected
contributions will appear in the proceedings published by Springer in the *LNCS*
In the present edition of *HCSE 2020* we are particularly interested in studies
focused on *multi-stakeholder* concepts and how to cope with multi-stakeholders
taking into account not only micro perspective but on the systemic change level.
As in past editions, the focus of the working group is on *user interface
properties *(such as usability, ux, privacy, trust, security, reliability,
adaptability, among other) and how to design, develop and evaluate based on a
*user-centered development process*. We are interested in understanding how
different stakeholders and developers value diverse user interface properties
and how they manage conflicts between them (when one property might degrade the
value of another) on a systemic change level. Our aim is to cover a large set of
user interface properties and try to reveal their inner dependencies. We are
particularly interested in the development of theories, methods, tools and
approaches for dealing with multiple properties that should be taken into
account when developing interactive systems.
*HCSE*welcomes the following types of contributions: * *
● *Technical full papers*(*up to 20 pages*) should describe substantial
research contributions of novel work that has produced advanced results
including validation of results.
● *Late-breaking results*(*up to 12 pages*) are short papers that present
work in progress, new practice and experience reports containing good (and bad)
practices and/or recent practical evaluations of methods, techniques and tools.
● *Demonstrations and posters*(*5–8 pages, plus poster design draft*)
should present ongoing work and/or late-breaking results related to the use of
innovative tools and cutting-edge systems not described in other paper
submissions. Demonstration papers should provide description of tools including
user tasks and evidence of use to end-users. Demo submissions should summarize
the system’s significance and its performance and should either include
screenshots or link to an online-accessible resource. The poster design draft
should show the planned design and content of the poster that will be presented
at the conference. Industry contributions to demos and posters are particularly
welcome and highly encouraged.
*Submissions and Reviewing Process*
Contributions should be sent via *EasyChair*
( All submissions will be
peer-reviewed for their topical relevance, originality, technical contribution,
and presentation quality by the members of the international program committee.
Technical full papers and late-breaking results short papers will be reviewed
*double-blind*, demonstrations and posters *single-blind*. Authors must prepare
their submission files accordingly! For poster submissions, both paper and
poster design draft will be assessed for review. It will be possible for the
program committee to suggest accepting submissions in other than their original
submission categories.
All accepted submissions will be presented at the conference in technical
sessions. It will be possible for authors of accepted technical full papers and
late-breaking results short papers to give tool demos as well without submitting
additional demo papers.
Accepted contributions must be formatted according to the guidelines of the
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
<>series of
Springer. Authors are requested to prepare submissions as close as possible to
final camera-ready versions.
*Important Dates*
*Technical full papers, late breaking results*
_Submission: __*July 6^th *__, 2020 (extended!)_
Notification to authors: *August 24^th *, 2020
Camera-ready due: *September 30^th *, 2020
*Demos, posters*
_Submission: __*August 31^st *__, 2020 (extended!)_
Notification to authors: *September 21^st *, 2020
Camera-ready due: *September 30^th *, 2020
Conference dates: *November 30^th – ***December *2^nd *, 2020
*Organizers *
*General Conference Chairs:*
Regina Bernhaupt, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Carmelo Ardito, Politecnico di Bari, Italy
Stefan Sauer, Paderborn University, Germany
*** ACM IUI 2021: Call for Papers ***
* College Station, TX
* March 18-21, 2021
* Contact: program2021(a)
## Upcoming deadlines
Abstract: Oct 2, 2020 (compulsory)
Paper submission: Oct 9, 2020
## ACM IUI 2021
ACM IUI 2021 is the 26th annual premier international forum for reporting
outstanding research and development on intelligent user interfaces.
ACM IUI is where the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Artificial
Intelligence (AI) communities meet, with contributions from related fields
such as psychology, behavioral science, cognitive science, computer
graphics, design, the arts, and more. Our focus is on improving the
interaction between humans and digital technology, by leveraging both HCI
approaches and state-of-the art AI techniques from machine learning,
natural language processing, data mining, knowledge representation and
### Why you should submit to ACM IUI
While other conferences focus on either the AI or HCI side of this
research, we address the complex interaction between the two. We strongly
encourage submissions that simultaneously discuss research from both HCI
and AI. We also welcome works that focus more on one side or the other,
but still highlight the connections between the two. We value papers that
contribute methodology or theory for the evaluation of intelligent user
interfaces. We do not require evaluations with users, but we do expect
papers to include an appropriate evaluation for their stated contributions.
ACM IUI welcomes contribution from all relevant arenas—academia, industry,
government, and non-profit organizations—and gives its participants the
opportunity to
present and see cutting-edge IUI work in a focused and interactive
setting. The conference is large enough to be diverse and lively, but
small enough to allow for extensive interaction among attendees and easy
attendance to the events that the conference offers, ranging from oral
paper presentations, poster sessions, workshops, panels and a doctoral
consortium for graduate students.
### COVID-19 statement
We are monitoring the situation regarding the global pandemic and
associated travel restrictions. If needed, we will offer a virtual
presentation option if the conference cannot take place due to the global
pandemic, or if registered authors from specific parts of the world cannot
attend the conference.
## Papers
We accept two forms of contributions: full and short papers. They should
both make novel contributions to IUI, however full papers should make more
substantial and significant contributions, while short papers can contain
more focused contributions.
Accepted papers will appear in the ACM Digital Library and citation
indices. A selected set of accepted top quality full papers will be
invited to submit their extended versions for publication in an ACM
Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems (TiiS, special issue titled "Highlights of IUI 2021".
## Topics
IUI topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Application areas
* Internet of Things (IoT)
* Education and learning-related technologies
* Health and intelligent health technologies
* Assistive technologies
* Social media and other Web technologies
* Mobile applications
* Artificial personal assistants
* Information retrieval, search, and recommendation systems
* Interface types
* Affective and aesthetic interfaces
* Collaborative interfaces
* Speech-based interfaces
* AR/VR interfaces
* Intelligent wearable and mobile interfaces
* Ubiquitous smart environments
* Modalities
* Agent based interfaces (e.g., embodied agents, virtual assistants)
* Multi-modal interfaces (speech, gestures, eye gaze, face, physiological
information etc.)
* Conversational interfaces
* Tangible interfaces
* Intelligent visualization
* Methods and approaches
* Methods for explanations (e.g., transparency, control, and trust)
* Persuasive technologies in IUI
* Privacy and security of IUI
* Planning and plan recognition for IUI
* Knowledge-based approaches to user interface design and generation
* User Modelling for Intelligent Interfaces
* User-Adaptive interaction and personalization
* Crowd computing and human computation
* Human-in-the loop machine learning
* Evaluations of intelligent user interfaces
* User experiments
* User studies
* Reproducibility (including benchmarks, datasets, and challenges)
* Meta-analyses
* Mixed-methods evaluations
## Dates
* Oct 2, 2020: Abstract deadline (compulsory)
* Oct 9, 2020: Papers deadline
* Dec 14, 2020: Notification
* Feb 8, 2021: Camera ready due
* Mar 18, 2021: Conference starts
## Submission Guidelines
Check the submission guidelines on the conference page:
## Program Chairs
* John O’Donovan, University of California, Santa Barbara
* Bart Knijnenburg, Clemson University
* Paul Teale, Texas A&M
* Jeeeun Kim, Texas A&M
* Aaron Adler, Raytheon BBN Technologies
* Manoj Prasad, Microsoft
* Contact: program2021(a)
*Apologies for cross-posting*
Deadline: 20/07/2020
We are looking to hire up to two new PhD researchers in the ARIA team ( at the Department of Computer Science of the KU Leuven, in Belgium. The project focuses on the topic of “Cross-Reality Interaction”, i.e. how people in different immersive realities (e.g., VR, AR) or not immersed at all, can interact together.
For more information, see the description at:
Knowledge of Dutch is *not* required to apply.
Feel free to contact me to informally discuss this position and other opportunities (such as postdoctoral research through the Marie Curie scheme).
Adalberto L. Simeone
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science
KU Leuven
Follow me on Twitter @Adal_LS<>
ACM AVI 2020 Workshop - Submission deadline extended to July 15th
** COVID-19 Information **
The current plan is to hold the workshop with participation in person.
EMPATHY: Empowering People in Dealing with Internet of Things Ecosystems
September 29th, 2020
Island of Ischia, Italy
In the last decade, the spreading of low-cost technologies integrating
sensors and actuators has favored the development of the so-called smart
objects. This trend has been further fostered by the Internet of Things
(IoT), which connects the physical world with Internet via ubiquitous
sensors and actuators. The opportunities offered by the IoT are
amplified by the use of new approaches that, based on novel interaction
paradigms, involve directly non-technical users in configuring the joint
behavior of their smart objects, among them and with online services.
Existing solutions to define the behavior of such “IoT ecosystems” range
from systems that leave the users complete control for establishing the
joint behavior of smart objects, to solutions that automatically define
smart objects behavior exploiting intelligent techniques. In this
continuum, different technologies, frameworks, and approaches present
different levels of user control and automation. In this perspective it
is also important to consider the emerging role played by social and
humanoid robots, which are integrated sets of sensors and actuators with
human-like behaviours.
July 15th: Paper submission deadline
July 20th: Paper acceptance notice
July 24th: Camera-ready submission
September 29th: Half-day workshop (morning)
This workshop aims to serve as a venue for discussing ongoing research
and sharing ideas for researchers and practitioners working on solutions
to personalize the behavior of IoT ecosystems. We aim to encourage
participation in order to have stimulating discussion from various
perspectives. Topics include, but are not limited, to:
- End-User Development (EUD) for IoT;
- Interaction Paradigms for IoT;
- Usability of IoT Systems;
- Interface Design for IoT;
- Intelligent Interface for IoT Systems;
- Accessibility for IoT Systems;
- Usable Privacy and Security in IoT systems
- Personalisation and Recommendations for IoT.
We invite submissions of two types: short papers (3-4 pages) and
position papers (1-2 pages). Participants are asked to submit their
paper describing their recent or future work in one of the areas
indicated in the topics of interest. All submissions must be in the
CHI Extended Abstracts format.
Papers should be submitted in PDF to easychair
( All papers will
be reviewed by the organizers and by the program committee based on
relevance and significance in order to provide constuctive comments to
the submitters. Reviewing will be single blind (i.e. author names and
affiliations should be listed). If accepted, at least one of the authors
must register and attend the workshop.
- Giuseppe Desolda, University of Bari “Aldo Moro”
- Vincenzo Deufemia, University of Salerno
- Cristina Gena, University of Turin
- Maristella Matera, Politecnico di Milano
- Fabio Paternò, CNR-ISTI
- Barbara Treccani, University of Trento
Cari/e tutti/e
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