Request for Proposals — Bid on ACM IUI 2023
Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI) is the premier conference series
sponsored by ACM (SIGCHI and SIGAI) and has been held annually since 1993
as the principal international forum for reporting outstanding research
and development on intelligent user interfaces.
To involve the greater IUI community in conference organization and better
plan for the conference, we request proposals for hosting and organizing
IUI two years ahead of time. We regularly rotate the conference locations
to engage with IUI research communities around the globe. Below shows the
location and time of the three most recently scheduled IUI conferences:
IUI 2020 (cancelled)
Cagliari, Italy
March 17-20
IUI 2021
College Station, Texas
April 13-17
IUI 2022
Helsinki, Finland
March 22-26
Why host IUI?
There are several benefits of hosting and organizing an IUI conference.
First, conference hosts/organizers have an opportunity to publicize their
work, build relationships, and interact with the international IUI
community. Second, this is a great opportunity for the organizers/hosts to
introduce their students and colleagues to the IUI community and help grow
the community as a whole. Third, hosts/organizers can use the opportunity
to build local IUI communities, connecting representatives from both
academia and industries.
Bid Requirements
All proposals must be written in English with a readable font not smaller
than 12 point and margins not less than one inch on all sides. The
proposal should address each aspect outlined below but not exceed 15000
characters (approx. 5-6 pages). Based on the merits of the proposals and
factors such as ensuring a diversity of conference locations, the board
will choose the top candidates and then a finalist will be chosen and
announced at IUI 2021.
Please note that the bid requirements have been modified from previous
years. Please read the requirements below carefully before writing up your
The conference hosts/organizers should have knowledge of the IUI
community, such as having attended and published regularly at IUI, and
have experience with conference organization. One of the main IUI goals is
to bring together people from diverse backgrounds.
For that reason, the bid proposal must suggest ONLY the conference general
chairs. The IUI steering committee will work with the selected bid
proposers on building the conference organizing team.
We especially encourage that the key conference organizers consist of
people from both industry and academia, representing both AI and HCI since
the work presented at IUI is at the intersection of these disciplines.
Please include short bios of the proposed conference general chair(s).
Since IUI is an international forum, we expect that attendees will travel
from different parts of the world to the conference location. It is
important that the proposed location is conveniently located for all
attendees to reach by available means of transportation.
IUI conferences have been held at various times during late winter through
early spring, most typically in March though earlier times will be
considered. Your bid should include a proposed time with key dates (e.g.,
paper submission and notification). The choice of time should also take
into account the weather conditions of the proposed location to avoid
potential weather-caused travel delays and potential conflicts with other
conferences and their submission deadlines.
Please note that HRI 2023 will take place the week of March 20, 2023, and
thus this week is not available for IUI 2023 bids.
Virtual Attendance and the Impact of COVID-19
We hope that by the time of the 2023 conference that it will be possible
to hold a physical conference similar to those held before 2020.
Organizers should still prepare for decreased attendance and to offer
virtual participation options for those who may not yet be comfortable
traveling long distances.
Conference Venue
Please describe the proposed conference venue, including the following
* Capacity. In recent years, IUI has typically had around 250 attendees,
though IUI 2018 had a record high of over 350 participants and IUI 2019
had a similar number. No conference has been held since COVID, however
current ACM recommendations are to anticipate a 30-40% decrease in
attendance in the near term. IUI has typically taken place over four days,
the first of which consists of workshops and tutorials hosted in parallel
separate rooms (10-20 people). To encourage interaction among the
attendees, during the main conference, it is also desirable to have
additional space at the venue to put up IUI posters for the attendees to
visit during coffee breaks.
* Facilities. The venue should provide basic conference facilities, such
as high speed internet access that can support the participants in
parallel effectively and LCD projectors.
* Location. The venue should be centrally located for attendees to reach
quickly by ground transportation and have access to other amenities (e.g.,
* Accessibility. The venue should be accessible to attendees with
* Reception and poster session dinner. Traditionally, IUI opens with a
welcome reception on the night before the 1st day of the conference. The
first night of the conference features a dinner reception with the poster
and demo session. The location(s) of the receptions are not required to be
co-located with the venue, however the location criterion above should
still be used to minimize the travel for the attendees.
* Social event. Traditionally, IUI has a social event + dinner on the
second day of the main conference
* Special events. Traditionally, during the conference the “test of time”
paper award is given to the most influential IUI paper, which is
accompanied by a plenary talk session for its authors. TiiS papers
published in the last year are also integrated into the technical program,
there is a “town hall meeting” where IUI community issues are discussed,
and there is IUI steering committee lunch with current and upcoming
conference and program chairs. These events need to be considered while
planning the conference
Most attendees will need accommodation during the conference period. One
of the responsibilities of the conference hosts/organizers is to locate
and reserve a bulk of affordable lodging for attendees. Please describe
the proposed accommodation options, including the price range of the hotel
rooms and the distance to the main venue.
Provisionary Budget Plan
The proposal should also include a provisional budget, outlining the cost
of major items, including the rental of the conference venue, cost/per
person for the reception and banquet, and the estimated conference
registration fee. Please consider including meals for participants in the
budget, especially if there are limited food options near the conference
Important Dates
Jan 8, 2021: Bids are due. Please submit your bid to
Feb 5, 2021: Notifications are sent to all submissions.
For further information, please contact: jeff(a)
/Apologize for unintended cross-mailing
*Deadline extension: September 27, 2020*
/ =========================================================
Special Issue on
*Learning and learning ecosystems in the time of Covid-19*
to be published at the
/*Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal (IxD&A)*/
(ISSN 1826-9745, eISSN 2283-2998)
**** Since 2012 also in Scopus ****
**** *Since 2015 also* in *Emerging Sources Citation Index* and *Web of
Science* ***
IxD&A implements the Gold Open Access (OA) road to its contents
with no charge to the authors (submission & paper processing)
Help us in improving the quality of the editorial process and of the
journal, please donate:…
*Important dates:*
• Deadline: *September 27*, 2020
• Notification to the authors: November 10, 2020
• Camera ready paper: November 20, 2020
• Publication of the special issue: end of November, 2020
The shock caused by the pandemic on learning processes all around the
world has no equal in the history of education. During previous
pandemics the application of the social distancing has already led to
the closure of schools but it was not possible to even imagine the
continuation of teaching activities as it is happening in the present
days, albeit within a virtual dimension.
On average, in less than two weeks after the lock down all the actors of
the educational processes - students, teachers and families - have been
forced to use technologies that many of them would have never considered
before as relevant for learning. In a short time, educational
technologies that have always struggled to establish themselves as a
significant support to the learning processes have become the standard.
A so abrupt transition from physical to virtual has contributed to
amplify the regret for the many opportunities lost in the past by
several national and supranational educational systems in supporting and
coordinating the development of technologies that could have generated a
significant impact on the learning ecosystems. At the same time it has
emerged the critical state of the tertiary education that has not been
able to renew in depth pedagogical and didactic approaches to educate
present and future teachers to significantly integrate technologies into
traditional educational processes. Nonetheless, thanks to the many
environments derived from the domain of the collaborative work, to the
vast plethora of apps considered in the past as niche products, to the
good will of many teachers, to a constant learning by doing (that in
many cases has become a continuous field experimentation) schools and
universities are accompanying their students towards the end of the
school/academic year.
This special issue aims at gathering the most significant studies and
experiences that have been carried on during the pandemic period to make
sure that at least a part of such body of knowledge will not be
completely lost. We need them, and we need to reflect on them, hoping
that they could guide us in the development of a new way of thinking
about learning ecosystems and, more in general, about educational processes.
*Topics of Interest*
The indicative list of topics of interest for this special issue devoted
to 'Learning and learning ecosystems in the time of Covid-19' includes,
but is not limited to:
• Research and case studies on organizational aspects
• Research and case studies on didactic aspects
• Research and case studies on monitoring and evaluation aspects and
• Research and case studies on the unconventional use of conventional
technologies, or on the use of unconventional technologies to support
educational processes
• Research and case studies on the functional rethinking of physical or
phygital places for learning
• Research and case studies on the transformation of learning ecosystems
and of the perceptions' of the main actors of the learning processes.
• Future visions
/*Submission guidelines and procedure*/
All submissions (abstracts and later final manuscripts) must be original
and may not be under review by another publication.
The manuscripts should be submitted either in .doc or in .rtf format.
All papers will be blindly peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers.
Authors are invited to submit 8-20 pages paper (including authors'
information, abstract, all tables, figures, references, etc.).
The paper should be written according to the IxD&A authors' guidelines
*Authors' guidelines*
Link to the paper submission page:
(Please upload all submissions using the Submission page.
When submitting the paper, please, choose the section:
"SI: Learning and learning ecosystems in the time of Covid-19")
More information on the submission procedure and on the characteristics
of the paper format can be found on the website of the IxD&A Journal
where information on the copyright policy and responsibility of authors,
publication ethics and malpractice are published.
For scientific advice and queries, please contact the IxD&A scientific
editor marking the subject as:
/Learning and learning ecosystems in the time of Covid-19/
• carlo [dot] giovannella [at] uniroma2 [dot] it
* Forthcoming issues:*
• Autumn 2020
focus section on
'Augmenting Space: The role of immersive technologies in future cities'
Guest editors: Callum Parker, Soojeong Yoo, Waldemar Jenek, Youngho Lee
• Winter 2020
'Tools, Pedagogical and Ludic Strategies, Co-Design supporting Smart
Learning Ecosystems and Smart Education'
Guest editors: Oscar Mealha, Traian Rebedea, Matthias Rehm
• Springer 2021
'Collaborative multimedia applications in technology'
Guest editors: César A. Collazos, Sandra Cano, Freddy Paz, Habib Fardoun
*** ACM IUI 2021: Call for Papers ***
* College Station, TX
* April 13-17, 2021
* Contact: program2021(a)
## Upcoming deadlines
Abstract: Oct 2, 2020 (compulsory)
Paper submission: Oct 9, 2020
## ACM IUI 2021
ACM IUI 2021 is the 26th annual premier international forum for reporting
outstanding research and development on intelligent user interfaces.
ACM IUI is where the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Artificial
Intelligence (AI) communities meet, with contributions from related fields
such as psychology, behavioral science, cognitive science, computer
graphics, design, the arts, and more. Our focus is on improving the
interaction between humans and digital technology, by leveraging both HCI
approaches and state-of-the art AI techniques from machine learning,
natural language processing, data mining, knowledge representation and
### Why you should submit to ACM IUI
While other conferences focus on either the AI or HCI side of this
research, we address the complex interaction between the two. We strongly
encourage submissions that simultaneously discuss research from both HCI
and AI. We also welcome works that focus more on one side or the other,
but still highlight the connections between the two. We value papers that
contribute methodology or theory for the evaluation of intelligent user
interfaces. We do not require evaluations with users, but we do expect
papers to include an appropriate evaluation for their stated contributions.
ACM IUI welcomes contribution from all relevant arenas—academia, industry,
government, and non-profit organizations—and gives its participants the
opportunity to present and see cutting-edge IUI work in a focused and
interactive setting. The conference is large enough to be diverse and
lively, but small enough to allow for extensive interaction among
attendees and easy attendance to the events that the conference offers,
ranging from oral paper presentations, poster sessions, workshops, panels
and a doctoral consortium for graduate students.
### COVID-19 statement
We are monitoring the situation regarding the global pandemic and
associated travel restrictions. If needed, we will offer a virtual
presentation option if the conference cannot take place due to the global
pandemic, or if registered authors from specific parts of the world cannot
attend the conference.
## Papers
We accept two forms of contributions: full and short papers. They should
both make novel contributions to IUI, however full papers should make more
substantial and significant contributions, while short papers can contain
more focused contributions.
Accepted papers will appear in the ACM Digital Library and citation
indices. A selected set of accepted top quality full papers will be
invited to submit their extended versions for publication in an ACM
Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems (TiiS, special issue titled "Highlights of IUI 2021".
## Topics
IUI topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Application areas
* Internet of Things (IoT)
* Education and learning-related technologies
* Health and intelligent health technologies
* Assistive technologies
* Social media and other Web technologies
* Mobile applications
* Artificial personal assistants
* Information retrieval, search, and recommendation systems
* Interface types
* Affective and aesthetic interfaces
* Collaborative interfaces
* Speech-based interfaces
* AR/VR interfaces
* Intelligent wearable and mobile interfaces
* Ubiquitous smart environments
* Modalities
* Agent based interfaces (e.g., embodied agents, virtual assistants)
* Multi-modal interfaces (speech, gestures, eye gaze, face, physiological
information etc.)
* Conversational interfaces
* Tangible interfaces
* Intelligent visualization
* Methods and approaches
* Methods for explanations (e.g., transparency, control, and trust)
* Persuasive technologies in IUI
* Privacy and security of IUI
* Planning and plan recognition for IUI
* Knowledge-based approaches to user interface design and generation
* User Modelling for Intelligent Interfaces
* User-Adaptive interaction and personalization
* Crowd computing and human computation
* Human-in-the loop machine learning
* Evaluations of intelligent user interfaces
* User experiments
* User studies
* Reproducibility (including benchmarks, datasets, and challenges)
* Meta-analyses
* Mixed-methods evaluations
## Dates
* Oct 2, 2020: Abstract deadline (compulsory)
* Oct 9, 2020: Papers deadline
* Dec 14, 2020: Notification
* Feb 8, 2021: Camera ready due
* Apr 13, 2021: Conference starts
## Submission Guidelines
Check the submission guidelines on the conference page:
## Program Chairs
* John O’Donovan, University of California, Santa Barbara
* Bart Knijnenburg, Clemson University
* Paul Teale, Texas A&M
* Jeeeun Kim, Texas A&M
* Aaron Adler, Raytheon BBN Technologies
* Manoj Prasad, Microsoft
* Contact: program2021(a)
/Apologize for unintended cross-mailing/
*International Journal on Interaction Design & Architecture(s) - IxD&A
- a SCOPUS and Web of Science - Emerging Sources (Thomson Reuters)
indexed Journal -
*N. 44*
*Regular papers*
is available for free downloading -> link
/IxD&A implements the Gold Open Access road to its contents with no
charge to the authors
If you wish to help us in improving the quality of the journal, please
*IxD&A Journal, issue N. 44 - ToC*
**pp. 5 - 6**
**Paula Alexandra Silva, Oksana Tymoshchuk, Denis Renó, Ana Margarida
Almeida, Luís Pedro, Fernando Ramos*
Understanding the role of digital communication and mediation strategies
in community-led territorial innovation: a systematic review, *pp. 7 -
**John M. Carroll, Sooyeon Lee, Madison Reddie, Jordan Beck and Mary
Beth Rosson
*Human-Computer Synergies in Prosthetic Interactions*, pp. 29 - 52//**
**//ilker Erkan
*Early Design Stage Analysis with Brain Imaging Method,* pp. 53 - 70//**
Maka Eradze, María Jesús Rodríguez-Triana, Nikola Milikic, Mart Laanpere
and Kairit Tammets
*Contextualising Learning Analytics with Classroom Observations: A Case
study*///, pp. 71 - 95/****
Donatella Persico, Flavio Manganello, Marcello Passarelli**
**/**Participatory approaches to Learning Design: the gap between theory
and practice**/, pp. 96 - 108**
**Wolmet Barendregt, Sara Ekström, Svea Kiesewetter, Lena Pareto, Sofia
*Demystifying Robots in the Co-Design of a Tutee Robot with Primary
School Children*, pp. 109 - 128//**
/Agneta Gulz, Susanne Kjällander, Sofia Frankenberg, Magnus Haake
*Early Math in a Preschool Context: Spontaneous Extension of the Digital
into the Physical*, pp. 129 - 154//**
IxD&A Privacy Policy
Dear colleagues,
there is still time to submit posters and demos to HCSE 2020, the 8th
International Working Conference on Human-Centered Software Engineering.
Please see the *CfP* below for details and visit the conference
*website* for further and updated information.
Following current regulations in the Netherlands, the conference is
still planned to be held physically in Eindhoven, November 30th to
December 2nd, 2020.
We are looking forward to meeting you at TU/e in Eindhoven for HCSE
2020. Please stay well and healthy!
Best wishes,
Regina Bernhaupt - Carmelo Ardito - Stefan Sauer
General Organizers of HCSE 2020
*HCSE 2020*
*Call for Papers*
*8th International Working Conference on Human-Centered Software
*November 30th - December 2nd, 2020 - Eindhoven University of
Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands*
*HCSE*is a bi-annual, single-track, working conference organized by the
IFIP Working Group 13.2 on Methodology for User-Centred System Design
cooperation with IFIP Working Group 13.5 on Human Error, Resilience,
Reliability, Safety and System Development
We aim at *bringing together researchers and practitioners* interested
in strengthening the scientific foundations of user interface design,
examining the relationship between software engineering and
human-computer interaction and on how to strengthen human-centered
design as an essential part of software engineering processes. Other
topics of interest include:
●contributions to the theory and best practices of user-centered design
●design and architectural patterns for interactive systems
●involvement of end-users, clients and stakeholders in the development
process of interactive systems
●innovative methods for identifying end-user requirements for
interactive systems
●integration of user experience (and any other user interface property)
in development processes
●methods for designing, building and assessing interactive systems
beyond the desktop (e.g. the living room, ubiquitous and multi-display,
cockpits, etc.)
●models and model-based approaches for building interactive systems
●integration of multiple properties (e.g. usability, security,
reliability, user experience, privacy, accessibility, etc.) in software
●socio-technical aspects of interactive software development
●software architectures for interactive systems
●rational design and traceability of design choices.
HCSE 2020 welcomes contribution as *technical full papers, late breaking
results, demonstrations and posters*. All papers are peer-reviewed and
selected contributions will appear in the proceedings published by
Springer in the *LNCS* series.
In the present edition of *HCSE 2020* we are particularly interested in
studies focused on *multi-stakeholder* concepts and how to cope with
multi-stakeholders taking into account not only micro perspective but on
the systemic change level. As in past editions, the focus of the working
group is on *user interface properties *(such as usability, ux, privacy,
trust, security, reliability, adaptability, among other) and how to
design, develop and evaluate based on a *user-centered development
process*. We are interested in understanding how different stakeholders
and developers value diverse user interface properties and how they
manage conflicts between them (when one property might degrade the value
of another) on a systemic change level. Our aim is to cover a large set
of user interface properties and try to reveal their inner dependencies.
We are particularly interested in the development of theories, methods,
tools and approaches for dealing with multiple properties that should be
taken into account when developing interactive systems.
*HCSE*welcomes the following types of contributions: **
●Technical full papers(up to 20 pages - *SUBMISSION CLOSED*) should
describe substantial research contributions of novel work that has
produced advanced results including validation of results.
●Late-breaking results(up to 12 pages -*SUBMISSION CLOSED*) are short
papers that present work in progress, new practice and experience
reports containing good (and bad) practices and/or recent practical
evaluations of methods, techniques and tools.
●*Demonstrations and posters*(*5–8 pages, plus poster design draft*)
should present ongoing work and/or late-breaking results related to the
use of innovative tools and cutting-edge systems not described in other
paper submissions. Demonstration papers should provide description of
tools including user tasks and evidence of use to end-users. Demo
submissions should summarize the system’s significance and its
performance and should either include screenshots or link to an
online-accessible resource. The poster design draft should show the
planned design and content of the poster that will be presented at the
conference. Industry contributions to demos and posters are particularly
welcome and highly encouraged.
*Submissions and Reviewing Process*
Contributions should be sent via *EasyChair*
All submissions will be peer-reviewed for their topical relevance,
originality, technical contribution, and presentation quality by the
members of the international program committee. Technical full papers
and late-breaking results short papers will be reviewed *double-blind*,
demonstrations and posters *single-blind*. Authors must prepare their
submission files accordingly! For poster submissions, both paper and
poster design draft will be assessed for review. It will be possible for
the program committee to suggest accepting submissions in other than
their original submission categories.
All accepted submissions will be presented at the conference in
technical sessions. It will be possible for authors of accepted
technical full papers and late-breaking results short papers to give
tool demos as well without submitting additional demo papers.
Accepted contributions must be formatted according to the guidelines of
the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
of Springer. Authors are requested to prepare submissions as close as
possible to final camera-ready versions.
*Important Dates*
*Technical full papers, late breaking results*
Submission: *July 6^th *, 2020 (*CLOSED*)
Notification to authors: *August 24^th *, 2020 (*SENT*)
Camera-ready due: *September 30^th *, 2020
*Demos, posters*
_Submission: __*August 31^st *__, 2020 (extended!)_
Notification to authors: *September 21^st *, 2020
Camera-ready due: *September 30^th *, 2020
Conference dates: *November 30^th – ***December *2^nd *, 2020
*Organizers *
*General Conference Chairs:*
Regina Bernhaupt, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Carmelo Ardito, Politecnico di Bari, Italy
Stefan Sauer, Paderborn University, Germany
Prof. Carmelo Ardito, PhD
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica e dell'Informazione
Politecnico di Bari
via Orabona, 4 - 70125 Bari, Italy
E-Mail: carmelo.ardito(a)
Personal Home Page:
Research Group:
SisInf Lab - Information Systems Laboratory
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In conjunction with the 26th International Conference on Intelligent User
Interfaces (IUI 2021)
College Station, Texas
April 13-17, 2021
Tutorial co-chairs
Osnat Mokryn, University of Haifa
Vijay Drajanna, Sensel
We are pleased to invite proposals for tutorials to be held in conjunction
with the conference. The goal of the tutorials is to provide a venue for
presenting research on focused topics of interest and an informal forum to
discuss research questions and challenges. Tutorials are designed to
provide fundamental knowledge and experience on topics related to
intelligent user interfaces, and the intersection between Human-Computer
Interaction (HCI) and Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Note: We encourage you to contact the chairs with your ideas (emails
above), and work together to prepare an exciting proposal.
We encourage proposals for a wide range of tutorials, including but not
limited to:
- "Hands-on" or “project-centric” tutorials around a specific problem or
- Tutorials on a specific topic relevant to IUI; for example, methods and
approaches in HCI and/or AI, specific techniques or algorithms to develop
intelligent user interfaces, etc.
Tutorials will be held on the first day of the conference. We invite
submissions of proposals for half-day (3 hours) or full-day (6 hours)
tutorials. Proposals will be reviewed and evaluated by the tutorial
chairs. We encourage you to consider virtual and semi-virtual options for
the tutorial in the submission.
The organizers of accepted tutorials are responsible for producing a call
for participation and publicizing it, such as distributing the call to
relevant newsgroups and electronic mailing lists, and especially to
potential audiences from outside the IUI conference community. Tutorial
organizers are also required to set up their own website with information
about the tutorial and the IUI 2021 web site will refer to this website.
Tutorial proposals should be maximum 2 pages long and follow the
formatting instructions at Please either use
the Word interim template with Libertine fonts downloaded and embedded, or
the LaTex sigconf template.
The proposals should be organized as follows:
- Name and title: A one-word acronym and a full title.
- Description of tutorial topic: This description should discuss the
relevance of the suggested topic to IUI and its interest for the IUI2021
audience. Include a brief discussion of why and for which audience the
tutorial is of particular interest.
- Organizer(s): Names, affiliations, emails, and web pages of the
organizer(s). Provide a brief description of the background of the
organiser(s). Strong proposals normally include organizers who bring
differing perspectives on the topic and are actively connected to the
communities of potential participants. Also please provide a list of other
tutorials organized by the organizers in the past.
- Participants: A statement saying how many participants you expect and
how you plan to invite participants for the tutorial. If possible, include
the names of at least 10 people who have expressed interest to participate
in the tutorial.
-Tutorial format: A brief description of the format regarding the mix of
events or activities, such as teaching activities, hands-on practical
exercises, and general discussion. Please also list here any material you
will make available to tutorial participants, e.g. slides, access to
hardware/software, handouts, etc.
- Planned outcomes of the tutorial: What are you hoping to achieve by the
end of the tutorial.
- Length: Half-day or Full-day.
Please submit your proposal via
selecting the IUI 2021 Tutorials track.
Discuss your topic with the workshop and tutorials chairs: ASAP
Proposals due: 23 October 2021
Reviews Sent: Monday, 30 November 2021
Revised Proposal Submissions: 20 December 2021
Notifications to authors: Tuesday, 14 January 2021
Camera-ready for Tutorial summary: February 10, 2021
Tutorials held: 13 April 2021
7th International Conference on Internet of Things: Systems, Management
and Security (IoTSMS 2020)
Paris, France. December 14-16, 2020
(Pending Technical Co-Sponsorship by IEEE)
* Submission Date: *10 September 2020* *(firm and final deadline)*
* Notification to Authors: 10 October 2020
* Camera Ready Submission: 1 November 2020
The Internet of Things (IoT) technology offers unprecedented
opportunities to interconnect human beings as well as Machine-to-Machine
(M2M), whereby sensors and networks allow all ‘things’ to communicate
directly with each other to share vital information allowing us to have
an instrumented universe where accurate data is readily available to
inform optimal decision making. The IoT is about to enable a range of
new capabilities and services far beyond today’s offerings. It will
fundamentally change how people go about their lives. According to
Gartner, the number of objects connected to the Internet is set to reach
20 billion by 2020. Cisco estimates the number will be close to 26
billion objects by 2020. Others believe the actual number will be even
higher with the assumption that any object with a simple micro
controller and on-off switch will be connected to the Internet in the
near feature. The scale of the IoT is set to have a major economic,
social and environmental impacts; the intersection of which forms the
future sustainable growth.
The international conference on Internet of Things: Systems, Management
and Security (IoTSMS) aims at soliciting original ideas on the broad
area of IoT including challenges and opportunities, concepts and
applications and future trends. The IoTSMS aims to facilitate
discussions among academics and IoT practitioners and make positive
contributions to the field.
* Emerging concepts of IoT Systems
* Architectures of IoT systems
* Machine-to-Machine Communication and IoT
* Modeling of IoT applications
* SDN and NFV support for IoT applications and Systems
* Fog and Edge support for IoT Applications
* 5G support for IoT Applications
* IoT for Smart Cities
* Energy management in IoT
* Design methodologies for IoT
* Novel services and applications of IoT to facilitate environmental
* Green by Internet of Things
* IoT and Social benefits/impact
* IoT Economics and Business Models
* Emerging Internet of Things business models and process changes
* Communication systems and network architectures for the IoT
* IoT and Data Management
* Security and privacy of IoT
* Reliability of IoT
* Disaster recovery in IoT
* Applications of Internet of things
* Emerging applications and interaction paradigms for everyday citizens
* Big data and IoT
* Self-organizing IoT
* Cloud Computing and IoT
* IoT and sustainable Growth
All accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings and will
be published by IEEE and included in the IEEE Xplore digital library.
* Abdelhakim Hafid Senhadji, University of Montreal, Canada.
* Francisco Falcone, Universidad Publica de Navarra, Spain.
* Attila Kertesz <keratt(a)>
* Marco Guazzone <marco.guazzone(a)>
* Moayad Aloqaily, Carleton University, Canada
* Elhadj Benkhelifa, Staffordshire University, UK.
* Ammar Rayes, Cisco Systems, USA.
* Yaser Jararweh, Duquesne University, USA.
* Imad Saleh, University of Paris 8, France
* Jaime Lloret Mauri, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain
* Salim Hariri, University of Arizona, USA
Marco Guazzone, PhD
Computer Science Institute, DiSIT
University of Piemonte Orientale
address: Viale T. Michel 11, 15121 Alessandria, Italy
phone: +39-0131-360484
In conjunction with the 26th International Conference on Intelligent User
Interfaces (IUI 2021)
College Station, TX, USA
April 13 - 17, 2021
IUI 2021 is pleased to invite proposals for workshops to be held in
conjunction with the conference. The goal of the workshops is to provide a
venue for presenting research on focused topics of interest and an
informal forum to discuss research questions and challenges. Workshops
will be held on the first day of the conference. We invite submissions of
full-day (6 hours) and half-day (3 hours) workshop proposals on any of the
conference topics (or related). This year we are particularly interested
in workshops that have an interactive aspect.
Preference will be given to workshops with interactive and hands-on
sessions where participants can team up or work together towards the
common goal of the workshop. We encourage proposals for a wide range of
workshops, including but not limited to:
- "Mini-conferences" on specialized topics; such workshops may have their
own paper submission and review processes.
- "Late breaking work" meetings; such workshops usually have a lighter
review process (e.g. based on abstracts only).
- "Hands-on" workshops around a specific problem or topic that may wish to
ask participants to submit a position statement.
- "Mini-competitions", challenges, or hackathons around selected topics
with individual or team participation.
Note: One of the keys to a successful workshop submission is to CONTACT
THE CHAIRS WITH YOUR IDEAS (workshops2021(a), and work together
to prepare an exciting proposal!
Workshop proposals should be maximum 2 pages long and follow the standard
sigconf format, using one of the Interim ACM templates available at
Please submit your proposal via the PCS 2.0 submission system
The proposals should be organized as follows:
- Name and title: A one-word workshop acronym and a full title.
- Description of workshop topic and goal: This description should discuss
the relevance of the suggested topic to the IUI audience. Include a brief
discussion of why and for which audience the workshop is of particular
- Organizers: Names, affiliations, emails, and web pages of the workshop
organizers. This can be a single person or a group of people. Strong
proposals normally include organizers who bring differing perspectives on
the topic and are actively connected to the communities of potential
participants. Please indicate the primary contact person and the
organizers who plan to attend the workshop.
- Previous history: List of previous workshops that were held on the topic
including the conferences that hosted past workshops and the number of
participants. Also please provide the list of other workshops organized by
workshop organizers in the past.
- Workshop program committee: Names and affiliation of the members of the
(tentative) workshop program committee that will evaluate the workshop
- Participants: A statement saying how many participants you expect and
how you plan to invite participants for the workshop. We recommend the
proposal to include the names of at least 10 people who have expressed
interest to participate in, or contribute a paper to, the workshop.
- Workshop format: A brief description of the workshop format regarding
the mix of events such as paper presentations, invited talks, panels,
demonstrations, and general discussion.
- Length: Full-day or half-day.
- Proposal format: Workshop proposals should be maximum 2 pages long and
follow the formatting instructions from (sigconf):
Additional guidelines:
- Workshop proposals will be reviewed and evaluated by the workshop chairs.
- Organizers: We strongly encourage all of the workshop organizers to
attend IUI and take part in their workshop. This can make the workshops
more appealing for the participants and strengthen the discussion part.
- Workshop summary: An extended abstract with a summary of the workshop
goals and an overview of the workshop topics will be included in the ACM
Digital Library for IUI 2021.
- Workshop proceedings: At the convenience of the workshop organizers, we
will arrange a joint volume of online proceedings for the workshop papers.
Workshops should request the authors to submit papers in the ACM SIGCHI
Paper Format.
- Cancellation: Workshops with few submissions by January 3 2021 may be
cancelled, shortened, merged with other workshops, or otherwise
restructured. This will be done in consultation between the IUI 2021
workshop chairs and the workshop organizers.
Additionally, we strongly encourage to have workshop organizers from
different institutions and research communities, bringing different
perspectives to the workshop topic. We welcome workshops with a creative
structure that attracts various types of contributions and ensures rich
The organizers of accepted workshops are responsible for producing a call
for participation and publicizing it, such as distributing the call to
relevant newsgroups and electronic mailing lists, and especially to
potential audiences from outside the IUI conference community. Workshop
organizers will maintain their own website with updated information about
the workshops and the IUI 2021 web site will refer to the workshop site.
The workshop organizers will coordinate the paper solicitation,
collection, and review process, and coordinate the production of the joint
online proceedings with IUI 2021 workshop chairs.
Discuss your topic with the workshop chairs: ASAP
Workshop date:
Proposals Due: September 15, 2020
Decisions sent: October 07, 2020
Submissions due: December 23, 2020
Reporting of status: January 03, 2021
Final go/no-go decisions: January 05, 2021
Notification to authors: January 31, 2021
Camera-ready for workshop summary [ACM Companion] February 10, 2021
Camera-ready for accepted papers February 28, 2021
-------- Forwarded Message --------
[Ercim-cnr] ERCIM Alain Bensoussan Call 2020 (2) - Application form open !
Thu, 20 Aug 2020 09:01:13 +0200
Raffaella Casarosa <> <raffaella.casarosa(a)>
è con piacere che vi comunico che è aperta la call ERCIM "Alain Bensoussan" Fellowship Programme la
cui scadenza è fissata per il 30 settembre 2020.
Principali temi di questa call sono: Computer Science, Information Technology, Applied Mathematics.
Le borse di post dottorato avranno una durata di 12 mesi da usufruirsi in una delle istituzioni
scientifiche associate al Consorzio europeo di ricerca ERCIM.
La descrizione dettagliata del Programma è disponibile al seguente indirizzo :
I candidati devono:
*aver ottenuto un dottorato di ricerca nel corso degli ultimi 8 anni (prima della scadenza della
domanda), o essere all'ultimo anno del lavoro di tesi, aver completato il dottorato di ricerca prima
di iniziare la borsa di studio (verrà richiesta una prova).
*completare, sottomettere l' application form e spedirlo tramite il sistema online:
* CV dettagliato
* lista delle pubblicazioni
* due scientific papers in inglese
* contact email di due referenti
* iniziare la borsa di studio entro il 1 maggio 2021.
Nel frattempo vi invio i miei più cordiali saluti,
Raffaella Casarosa
ERCIM Administrative Contact for CNR