INTERACT 2021 Workshop
EMPATHY: Empowering People in Dealing with Internet of Things Ecosystems
August 31st, 2021
Bari, Italy
In the last decade, the spreading of low-cost technologies integrating
sensors and actuators has favored the development of the so-called smart
objects. This trend has been further fostered by the Internet of Things
(IoT), which connects the physical world with Internet via ubiquitous
sensors and actuators. The opportunities offered by the IoT are
amplified by the use of new approaches that, based on novel interaction
paradigms, involve directly non-technical users in configuring the joint
behavior of their smart objects, among them and with online services.
Existing solutions to define the behavior of such “IoT ecosystems” range
from systems that leave the users complete control for establishing the
joint behavior of smart objects, to solutions that automatically define
smart objects behavior exploiting intelligent techniques. In this
continuum, different technologies, frameworks, and approaches present
different levels of user control and automation. In this perspective it
is also important to consider the emerging role played by social and
humanoid robots, which are integrated sets of sensors and actuators with
human-like behaviours.
June 15th: Paper submission deadline
June 20th: Paper acceptance notice
June 24th: Camera-ready submission
August 31st: Workshop
This workshop aims to serve as a venue for discussing ongoing research
and sharing ideas for researchers and practitioners working on solutions
to personalize the behavior of IoT ecosystems. We aim to encourage
participation in order to have stimulating discussion from various
perspectives. Topics include, but are not limited, to:
- End-User Development (EUD) for IoT;
- Interaction Paradigms for IoT;
- Usability of IoT Systems;
- Interface Design for IoT;
- Intelligent Interface for IoT Systems;
- Accessibility for IoT Systems;
- Virtual and Augmented Reality for EUD in IoT settings;
- Conversational User Interfaces for EUD;
- Usable Privacy and Security in IoT systems;
- Personalisation and Recommendations for IoT.
This will be a one-day workshop, oriented towards discussions, hands-on
sessions, and presentations. We invite submissions of two types: short
papers (3-4 pages) and position papers (1-2 pages). Participants are
asked to submit their paper describing their recent or future work in
one of the areas indicated in the topics of interest. All submissions
must be in the CHI Extended Abstracts format.
Papers should be submitted in PDF to easychair
( All papers will
be reviewed by the organizers and by the program committee based on
relevance and significance in order to provide constructive comments to
the submitters. Reviewing will be single blind (i.e. author names and
affiliations should be listed). If accepted, at least one of the authors
must register and attend the workshop. Final versions of the accepted
papers will be published in the CEUR Workshop Proceedings, which is
indexed by Scopus.
- Giuseppe Desolda, University of Bari “Aldo Moro”
- Vincenzo Deufemia, University of Salerno
- Maristella Matera, Politecnico di Milano
- Fabio Paternò, CNR-ISTI
- Fabiana Vernero, University of Torino
- Massimo Zancanaro, University of Trento
CHItaly 2021 - Frontiers of HCI
The International Biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter
11–13 July 2021
Location: From Bozen-Bolzano through the Internet to the World
In cooperation with SIGCHI Italy and ACM-SIGCHI
The theme for the 14th Edition of the Biannual Conference ( of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter ( was defined in summer 2019 as “Frontiers of HCI”. At that time, we were thinking about disciplinary and national boundaries. Little did we know of the many frontiers this hybrid conference would have to overcome to create a safe space for HCI related discussions. To overcome this challenge, CHItaly combines physical and digital events while providing synchronous and asynchronous spaces for dialogue.
So far, CHItaly has physically hosted HCI scholars working in the Mediterranean and other European countries. The aim of CHItaly 2021 is to connect research and geographical areas, so as to explore frontiers and cross-fertilise HCI research in practice. From this perspective, a hybrid conference can become an incredible experimentation space which you are all invited to shape.
To reach its aims, the conference
1. solicits contributions from diverse research communities relevant to HCI, such as Science and Technology Studies, Technology Enhanced Learning, Interaction Design and Digital Fabrication, Design and the Arts, besides traditional fields such as computer science, engineering and psychology
2. opens its physical and digital doors to industry, civic societies and citizens.
Join CHItaly either virtually or physically to expand the frontiers of HCI.
The goal of the Doctoral Consortium is to provide a setting in which PhD students can present and receive feedback on their work. Students at different stages of their research will be able to articulate and discuss their problem statement, goals, methods, and results. The Doctoral Consortium also aims to provide students with useful guidance on various aspects of their research from established researchers and the other student attendees. Finally, the Doctoral Consortium seeks to motivate students in the development of their scientific curiosity and facilitate their networking within the research community.
The topics of the Doctoral Consortium are the same as CHItaly’s. The main scope of the consortium is to enable PhD students to interact with their peers, as well as with more senior researchers, on a wide range of Human-Computer Interaction related topics, and related to the conference theme.
The consortium is open to PhD students worldwide at any stage in their research. Students at an initial stage should be able to challenge their ideas and current research directions. Students at a more mature stage should be able to present their thesis and get advice on ways to further improve and better communicate their contributions and findings. Participation is particularly encouraged from PhD students who are close to proposing a thesis.
Submitted papers must be in English and single-author, but the name of the supervisor could be mentioned within the paper. Papers must be 5-page long using the 1-column CEUR template available at An Overleaf page for LaTeX users is also available at
Papers must:
identify a significant problem in the field of research
outline the current status of the problem domain and related solutions
describe the contribution of the student by presenting the proposed approach and the results achieved so far
Accepted papers will be collected and published in CEUR-WS proceedings.
Each author of an accepted paper will present orally his/her contribution the first day of the conference.
Submissions: April 23th
Notifications to contributors: May 14th
Camera-ready/final version deadline: May 24th
Doctoral consortium: July 12th
DC papers must be sent via mail to dc.chitaly2021(a) with 'DC submission' in the e-mail subject.
If you have any question, please write an email to the Doctoral Consortium co-chairs:
Daniela Fogli, University of Brescia, Italy, email: daniela.fogli(a)
Fabio Paternò, CNR-ISTI, Italy, email: fabio.paterno(a)
This year, CHItaly 2021 has several tracks, besides the track for doctoral consortium papers:
long and short research papers,
interactive experience,
*** ACM IUI 2021: Call for Participation ***
* Virtually hosted by Texas A&M University
* April 13-17, 2021
* Contact: registration2021(a)
## Registration deadline
April 9, 2021
## Registration link
## ACM IUI 2021
ACM IUI 2021 is the 26th annual premier international forum for reporting
outstanding research and development on intelligent user interfaces.
ACM IUI is where the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Artificial
Intelligence (AI) communities meet, with contributions from related fields
such as psychology, behavioral science, cognitive science, computer
graphics, design, the arts, and more. Our focus is on improving the
interaction between humans and digital technology, by leveraging both HCI
approaches and state-of-the art AI techniques from machine learning,
natural language processing, data mining, knowledge representation and
Broken Weblink to workshop homepage fixed! Sorry for the erroneous posting!
*International Workshop on Human-Centered Software Engineering for Changing
Contexts of Use* <>
*organized by IFIP Working Group 13.2 on Methodologies for User-Centered Systems
*August 31, 2021
*at INTERACT 2021 <>**- The 18th IFIP TC 13
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction***
*August 30 – September 3, 2021
Bari, Italy*
*Call for Papers*
*Submissions: **position papers reporting original academic or industrial
research relevant to the workshop's theme (PDF files, 6-10 pages in
LNCS format)*
*Deadline for submission: April 30, 2021*
The context of use plays an important role in Human-Centered Software
Engineering (HCSE) and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) research. Typically,
user, environment, and platform are considered to make up the core aspects of
the context of use. Changing the context of use, for example due to unplanned
circumstances like the current pandemic situation, has significant impact on how
we use systems, and how we adapt and adopt them even if the systems were not
designed for such usages. In HCSE research we have to account for this change,
making interactive system development context-aware or design and develop in a
way that systems can adapt for novel forms of usage. Recently, we observe
developments that strongly change contexts of use. For example, in the area of
industrial automation (Industry 4.0) work environments change, new kinds of user
assistance evolve, and workers are going to be supported by innovative types of
devices and digital assistance tools to accomplish their working tasks. Typical
examples are augmented, virtual, and mixed reality applications in training or
support situations. The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed where and the
way how we work, particularly in collaboration with others to keep distance and
increase personal safety. In contrast, the trend towards increasingly autonomous
systems and systems that use and provide artificial intelligence gives rise to
new kinds of interaction, particularly, human-machine interaction (HMI), in
areas such as autonomous driving or human-robot collaboration in different
domains such as industrial production, logistics, or health. These trends should
be accounted for in the way we design and build such interactive systems,
possibly coming to evolutionary or even revolutionary solutions. For example,
expected or unforeseen changes of usage scenarios and their context of use may
be accounted for by flexible and more resilient system solutions and be
reflected in the development practices and technical frameworks. Specific kinds
of interaction such as HMI, but also social and socio-technical interaction may
demand for more prominent and explicit consideration. Quality aspects such as
ubiquity, security, and safety may be seen in a different light. Changing
contexts of use may even have an impact on the way we think about user
motivation and user experience, away from short-term notions like emotions
towards long-term traits like users’ values. We want to specifically account for
these developments in addition to the general concerns of HCSE. Discussions and
interactive working sessions will particularly deal with these concerns.
In this workshop, we aim to broaden the traditional scope of the workshop series
of IFIP Working Group 13.2. We focus on the study of context of use, its
long-term evolutionary trends as well as its short-term design and management in
a user-centered design process, from a social and user-centered methodological
viewpoint as well as from a technical viewpoint. Our aim is to cover a large set
of user interface perspectives, aspects, and properties and fuel new ideas and
approaches for research and practice. The long-term perspective of this workshop
is to foster the development of theories, methods, tools and approaches for
dealing with the changing context of use and its impact on HCI and collaboration
that should be taken into account when developing interactive and
socio-technical systems.
This workshop is a follow-up of the successful workshops organized at INTERACT
2017 in Mumbai, India
<>and INTERACT 2019
in Paphos, Cyprus <>.
*Target Audience and Expected Outcomes*
This workshop is open to everyone who is interested in aspects of human-computer
interaction froma user-centered perspective. Typical contributions to this
workshop focus on user interface properties while designing and building
interactive systems and study associated methods, processes and approaches. We
expect a high participation of IFIP Working Group 13.2 members. We particularly
invite participants to present position papers describing real-life case studies
that illustrate the role of the context of use in HCI and its impact on
thesystem design and use. Any perspective and related aspects of user interface
design are welcome. However, we are especially interested in work that deals
with current trends that change the way how humans use, interact and collaborate
with technical components in socio-technical systems. We are also interested in
methods, theories and tools for managing context of use at design and run-time.
Position papers will be made available through the workshop website.
Furthermore, an extended version of selected papers will be considered for
inclusion in a Springer LNCS post-proceedings volume published in conjunction
with the other INTERACT workshops organized by the IFIP TC13 Working Groups.
*Workshop Format*
This full-day workshop is organized around presentation of position papers and
working activities in small groups. From the set of contributions, a subset of
selected case studies will be invited to be presented at the beginning of the
workshop and will be used to support the discussion that follows. The morning
session will be dedicated to welcoming participants and presenting case studies.
Participants will be invited to comment on the case studies and to report
similar experiences. The afternoon sessions will be devoted to interactive
sessions, where participants will be engaged to work in small groups and propose
solutions to the problems of the case studies seen in the morning. Solutions
proposed by the participants will be compiled and compared. Based on the lessons
learned, participants will be incited to draft an agenda of future work that can
be accomplished. We plan to run the workshop in a hybrid setting, allowing
attendees to participate both physically and remotely in the workshop. If
circumstances require it, we intend to switch to a completely digital format
that will be run online. We will continuously adapt to any decision regarding
the conference format by the INTERACT 2021 organizers.
*Submission Instructions*
In order to attend the workshop, participants are invited to submit position
papers reporting original academic or industrial research relevant to the
workshop's theme. These position papers (PDF files, 6-10 pages in Springer LNCS
including abstract) shall report practical experiences related to research
results on user-centered development processes for interactive systems with a
particular focus on context-of-use aspects and the impact on software
properties. Submissions are not anonymous and should include all author names,
affiliations, and contact information. Authors should also provide in their
submission a short summary of their experience in the field and their motivation
to participate in this workshop. Papers are submitted through the EasyChair
website <>.
Submitted position papers will be reviewed by an international program committee
comprising the organizers and selected members of IFIP Working Group 13.2 who
are experts in the field. Participants will be invited to attend the workshop
based on the result of the reviewing process. Accepted position papers will be
made available through the workshop website. Upon acceptance, at least one
author of each accepted position paper must register and attend the workshop.
Furthermore, an extended version of selected papers will be considered for
inclusion in a Springer LNCS post-proceedings volume published in conjunction
with the other INTERACT 2021 workshops organized by the IFIP TC13 Working Groups.
*Important Dates*
Deadline for submission: April 30, 2021
Acceptance notification: June 11th, 2021
Final version of position paper: June 28, 2021
Workshop date: August 31, 2021
*Organizers *
Stefan Sauer, Paderborn University, Germany (sauer[at]
Regina Bernhaupt, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Carmelo Ardito, Polytechnic University of Bari, Italy (carmelo.ardito[at]
The workshop will be hosted in the frame of the 18th IFIP TC13 International
Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, August 30 – September 3, 2021, in
Bari, Italy. Look at the main conference web site for further information
( <>).
*International Workshop on Human-Centered Software Engineering for Changing
Contexts of Use* <>
*organized by IFIP Working Group 13.2 on Methodologies for User-Centered Systems
*August 31, 2021
*at INTERACT 2021 <>**- The 18th IFIP TC 13
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction***
*August 30 – September 3, 2021
Bari, Italy*
*Call for Papers*
*Submissions: **position papers reporting original academic or industrial
research relevant to the workshop's theme (PDF files, 6-10 pages in
LNCS format)*
*Deadline for submission: April 30, 2021*
The context of use plays an important role in Human-Centered Software
Engineering (HCSE) and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) research. Typically,
user, environment, and platform are considered to make up the core aspects of
the context of use. Changing the context of use, for example due to unplanned
circumstances like the current pandemic situation, has significant impact on how
we use systems, and how we adapt and adopt them even if the systems were not
designed for such usages. In HCSE research we have to account for this change,
making interactive system development context-aware or design and develop in a
way that systems can adapt for novel forms of usage. Recently, we observe
developments that strongly change contexts of use. For example, in the area of
industrial automation (Industry 4.0) work environments change, new kinds of user
assistance evolve, and workers are going to be supported by innovative types of
devices and digital assistance tools to accomplish their working tasks. Typical
examples are augmented, virtual, and mixed reality applications in training or
support situations. The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed where and the
way how we work, particularly in collaboration with others to keep distance and
increase personal safety. In contrast, the trend towards increasingly autonomous
systems and systems that use and provide artificial intelligence gives rise to
new kinds of interaction, particularly, human-machine interaction (HMI), in
areas such as autonomous driving or human-robot collaboration in different
domains such as industrial production, logistics, or health. These trends should
be accounted for in the way we design and build such interactive systems,
possibly coming to evolutionary or even revolutionary solutions. For example,
expected or unforeseen changes of usage scenarios and their context of use may
be accounted for by flexible and more resilient system solutions and be
reflected in the development practices and technical frameworks. Specific kinds
of interaction such as HMI, but also social and socio-technical interaction may
demand for more prominent and explicit consideration. Quality aspects such as
ubiquity, security, and safety may be seen in a different light. Changing
contexts of use may even have an impact on the way we think about user
motivation and user experience, away from short-term notions like emotions
towards long-term traits like users’ values. We want to specifically account for
these developments in addition to the general concerns of HCSE. Discussions and
interactive working sessions will particularly deal with these concerns.
In this workshop, we aim to broaden the traditional scope of the workshop series
of IFIP Working Group 13.2. We focus on the study of context of use, its
long-term evolutionary trends as well as its short-term design and management in
a user-centered design process, from a social and user-centered methodological
viewpoint as well as from a technical viewpoint. Our aim is to cover a large set
of user interface perspectives, aspects, and properties and fuel new ideas and
approaches for research and practice. The long-term perspective of this workshop
is to foster the development of theories, methods, tools and approaches for
dealing with the changing context of use and its impact on HCI and collaboration
that should be taken into account when developing interactive and
socio-technical systems.
This workshop is a follow-up of the successful workshops organized at INTERACT
2017 in Mumbai, India
<>and INTERACT 2019
in Paphos, Cyprus <>.
*Target Audience and Expected Outcomes*
This workshop is open to everyone who is interested in aspects of human-computer
interaction froma user-centered perspective. Typical contributions to this
workshop focus on user interface properties while designing and building
interactive systems and study associated methods, processes and approaches. We
expect a high participation of IFIP Working Group 13.2 members. We particularly
invite participants to present position papers describing real-life case studies
that illustrate the role of the context of use in HCI and its impact on
thesystem design and use. Any perspective and related aspects of user interface
design are welcome. However, we are especially interested in work that deals
with current trends that change the way how humans use, interact and collaborate
with technical components in socio-technical systems. We are also interested in
methods, theories and tools for managing context of use at design and run-time.
Position papers will be made available through the workshop website.
Furthermore, an extended version of selected papers will be considered for
inclusion in a Springer LNCS post-proceedings volume published in conjunction
with the other INTERACT workshops organized by the IFIP TC13 Working Groups.
*Workshop Format*
This full-day workshop is organized around presentation of position papers and
working activities in small groups. From the set of contributions, a subset of
selected case studies will be invited to be presented at the beginning of the
workshop and will be used to support the discussion that follows. The morning
session will be dedicated to welcoming participants and presenting case studies.
Participants will be invited to comment on the case studies and to report
similar experiences. The afternoon sessions will be devoted to interactive
sessions, where participants will be engaged to work in small groups and propose
solutions to the problems of the case studies seen in the morning. Solutions
proposed by the participants will be compiled and compared. Based on the lessons
learned, participants will be incited to draft an agenda of future work that can
be accomplished. We plan to run the workshop in a hybrid setting, allowing
attendees to participate both physically and remotely in the workshop. If
circumstances require it, we intend to switch to a completely digital format
that will be run online. We will continuously adapt to any decision regarding
the conference format by the INTERACT 2021 organizers.
*Submission Instructions*
In order to attend the workshop, participants are invited to submit position
papers reporting original academic or industrial research relevant to the
workshop's theme. These position papers (PDF files, 6-10 pages in Springer LNCS
including abstract) shall report practical experiences related to research
results on user-centered development processes for interactive systems with a
particular focus on context-of-use aspects and the impact on software
properties. Submissions are not anonymous and should include all author names,
affiliations, and contact information. Authors should also provide in their
submission a short summary of their experience in the field and their motivation
to participate in this workshop. Papers are submitted through the EasyChair
website <>.
Submitted position papers will be reviewed by an international program committee
comprising the organizers and selected members of IFIP Working Group 13.2 who
are experts in the field. Participants will be invited to attend the workshop
based on the result of the reviewing process. Accepted position papers will be
made available through the workshop website. Upon acceptance, at least one
author of each accepted position paper must register and attend the workshop.
Furthermore, an extended version of selected papers will be considered for
inclusion in a Springer LNCS post-proceedings volume published in conjunction
with the other INTERACT 2021 workshops organized by the IFIP TC13 Working Groups.
*Important Dates*
Deadline for submission: April 30, 2021
Acceptance notification: June 11th, 2021
Final version of position paper: June 28, 2021
Workshop date: August 31, 2021
*Organizers *
Stefan Sauer, Paderborn University, Germany (sauer[at]
Regina Bernhaupt, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Carmelo Ardito, Polytechnic University of Bari, Italy (carmelo.ardito[at]
The workshop will be hosted in the frame of the 18th IFIP TC13 International
Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, August 30 – September 3, 2021, in
Bari, Italy. Look at the main conference web site for further information
( <>).
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<> info(a)<>
Hybrid Conference
11th International Conference in Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning<>
Salamanca (Spain) | 6th-8th October, 2021<>
Following the successful initiative from previous years, the International Conference in Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning (MIS4TEL) intends to host a number of workshops on different TEL-related areas also in the next edition of the conference. Therefore, the MIS4TEL 2021 Organizing Committee invites workshop proposals.
The aim of the workshops is to provide participants with the opportunity to present and discuss novel research ideas on emerging topics in the scope of the conference.
Workshop contributions should be full papers (10 pages) or exceptionally short papers (6 pages); papers must be formatted according to the Springer AISC template. Accepted workshop papers will be included in the MIS4TEL Proceedings published by AISC series of Springer Verlag ( At least one of the authors will be required to register and attend MIS4TEL 2021 to present the paper in order to have it included in the conference proceedings.
Please note that workshop organizers will be responsible for creating and advertising the Call for Papers, managing the review process and collecting the camera ready papers. A dedicated Easychair installation will be provided by MIS4TEL conference organizers (under a centralized management).
For each accepted workshop, one of its organizers will be invited to co-edit the proceedings of the conference.
* Workshop proposal submission deadline: April 9, 2021
* Workshop papers submission deadline: April 30, 2021 (recommended)
* Workshop camera-ready papers: June 28, 2021 (mandatory)
Please note that workshop proposals will be evaluated on a continuous basis and acceptance / rejection decisions will be sent to the workshop organizers within one week from submission. Early submissions are highly encouraged, so that workshop organizers have sufficient time to attract papers.
The proposals should be no longer than 4 pages and include the following information:
* Workshop title
* Workshop organizers' short bio (including prior experience in organizing workshops) and contact information
* Workshop description and topics
* Relevance of the workshop to the conference
* Information about previous editions of the workshop (if applicable)
* Program Committee members (tentative)
* Estimated number of submitted papers
* Draft CFP
Please submit your workshop proposal by email to info(a)<> (Subject: MIS4TEL 2021 Workshop Proposal). Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Zuzana Kubincova - Comenius University of Bratislava, Slovakia
Elvira Popescu - University of Craiova, Romania<> info(a)<>
Unsubscribe: info(a)<>
Alessandra Melonio, Ph.D.
Research fellow on a fixed-term contract (RTD)
Smart Data Factory - Technology transfer Lab
Faculty of Computer Science
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Office 112, Dominikanerplatz 3, Bozen, Italy
NOI Techpark Südtirol/Alto Adige, Office A1.4.29e, A.-Volta-Straße 9, Bozen, Italy
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Call for Papers
CoPDA 2021 - 6th International Workshop on Cultures of Participation
in the Digital Age: AI for Humans or Humans for AI?
July 6, 2021 - Limassol, Cyprus
In conjunction with IS-EUD 2021 (
This one-day workshop edition addresses the theme "AI for Humans or
Humans for AI?".
The workshop will explore the relationship between AI, aimed at
replacing human beings, and Intelligence Augmentation (IA), focused on
empowering human beings in their daily life and work. Balancing
between these two perspectives means changing the research paradigm
from traditional Human-Centered Design (HCD), to designing the
collaboration between humans and computers. This will foster
creativity, meaningful work, intersubjectivity, and learning, and
eventually improve the quality of life of individuals. However, a
variety of issues and ethical problems need to be addressed in this
new age – e.g., privacy intrusions, massive unemployment, knowledge
and competence loss, lack of control, autonomous weapons, etc. The
workshop organizers encourage researchers to submit position papers
that will consider these aspects.
In summary, the workshop will aim at discussing the importance of HCD
in the AI Age by considering several topics including (but not limited
- Cooperative problem-solving systems
- Collaborative learning
- Meaningful human control
- Distributed cognition
- Tacit knowledge and meaning making
- Multi-dimensional aspects of learning
- Big data and privacy
- Learning analytics
- Human-machine teaming systems
- Explainability and accountability of AI-based decisions
- Evaluation of AI-based systems
- End-User Development for AI-based systems
Topics and Keywords
The workshop will explore specific questions around the relationship
between AI and HCD, such as:
- Can we identify success stories and inspirational prototypes of
systems where humans and AI components have created unique
opportunities that neither one could achieve on their own?
- Can we identify failures of AI systems that we can learn from?
- How can we orient future development when considering the
differences and complementarity between adaptive systems (focus on AI)
and adaptable systems (focus on HCD)?
- Do the concepts of co-evolution and appropriation of human-machine
team-ing/cooperative systems change in the AI age?
- How can End-User Development methods and techniques be used in
AI-based systems to actively involve all stakeholders in design and
development process?
- How do we measure the overall benefits of AI decision-making support?
- What are examples of collective human-centered design environments?
- Do insights derived from AI systems (e.g., from Big Data analysis
and Learning Analytics) constitute unique contributions that humans
are not able to contribute on their own?
- Will the current understanding of advanced technologies help us
better under-stand who we are as human beings and what are our unique
Cultures of Participation (CoP); Artificial Intelligence (AI);
Intelligence Augmentation (IA); Human-Centered Design (HCD); Design
Trade-Offs; Quality of Life (QoL).
Authors are invited to submit a 5-page (including references) position
paper (LNCS format).
The papers can be submitted at:
All papers will be peer-reviewed by at least two members of the
Program Committee.
Important dates
- Apr 30th: Submission deadline for position papers
- May 15th: Notification of acceptance
- May 31th: Camera ready
- Jul 6th: CoPDA 2021 workshop
Organizing Committee
Barbara Rita Barricelli (Università degli Studi di Brescia, Italy)
Gerhard Fischer (University of Colorado, Boulder, USA)
Daniela Fogli (Università degli Studi di Brescia, Italy)
Anders Mørch (University of Oslo, Norway)
Antonio Piccinno (Università degli Studi di Bari, Italy)
Stefano Valtolina (Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy)
For any further information, please contact copda2021(a)
Barbara Rita Barricelli
Assistant Professor
Department of Information Engineering
Università degli Studi di Brescia
Informativa sulla Privacy:
Apologize for cross posting.
======= DEADLINE EXTENDED TO MARCH 31th ==========
The EICS’2021 Doctoral Consortium (DC) is intended to bring together PhD
students working on foundations, techniques, tools and studies in the
Human-Computer Interaction Engineering field. DC provides an opportunity
for doctoral students to present their research goals as well as
intermediate results, and to discuss them with leading experts in the field
as well as with peers.
Students can be in intermediate or advanced stages of their research, but
should not have completed their work yet, and should thus still be able to
take into account feedback from the DC.
The goals of the Doctoral Consortium are to provide PhD students with the
opportunity to:
- Receive constructive feedback and advice on their research,
- Meet experts with different backgrounds working on topics related to
the Human Computer Interaction Engineering field,
- Interact with other PhD students and exchange ideas and suggestions
among participants,
- Discuss concerns about research, supervision, job market, and other
career-related issues,
- Present their work as a poster at the EICS’2021 conference.
A submission consists of a short paper (max 4 pages standard ACM SIGCHI
format (2020), references excluded), a free-form CV of the PhD candidate
and a draft poster. Submissions must be submitted using the PCS system by
the deadline (see the firm deadline below). Papers suitable for (virtual or
presence) demonstration at the conference should also submit a
supplementary video of the system in action. The submission should not be
anonymous and must:
- identify a significant problem in the field of research,
- clearly formulate the research question,
- outline the current status of the problem domain and related solutions
(main related works)
- present clearly (preliminary) ideas, the proposed approach and the
results achieved so far,
- describe the research methodology that is applied or planned,
- make explicit the current status of the doctoral work (e.g. when
research started, how long to reach the end, papers already accepted)
- outline the expected contributions to the problem domain and highlight
their uniqueness.
Each submission will be reviewed by at least two members of the Doctoral
Consortium Program Committee. The main evaluation criteria are: relevance,
originality, significance, technical soundness, accuracy, and clarity.
Submissions must be made through the PCS system by the deadline (see the
Important dates section below).
In addition to the DC chairs, additional leading experts will be invited to
the DC to discuss the participants' research
DC participants will have their registration fee waived. The SIGCHI Student
Travel Grant (SSTG) program also be of interest to help covering traveling
expenses. For more information about this grant and for applying online,
please visit:…
# Important dates
Submission deadline: Friday, March 12, 2021 AoE (Anywhere on Earth)
Notifications: April 16th, 2021
Camera Ready: April, 30th, 2021
# Doctoral Consortium Chairs
Regina Bernhaupt (Technical University of Eindhoven, the Netherlands)
Kaisa Väänänen (Tampere University, Finland)
[image: photo]
Prof. Lucio Davide Spano
Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica
Università di Cagliari
Via Ospedale 72, 09124, Cagliari, Italy
Tel: +39 070 675 8760 | Skype: davide.spano5
Website <> | RG
<><> info(a)<>
Hybrid Conference
11th International Conference in Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning<>
Salamanca (Spain) | 6th-8th October, 2021<>
Education is the cornerstone of any society and it serves as one of the foundations for many of its social values and characteristics. State-of-the-art and novel methodologies and technologies allow researchers, designers, and domain experts to pursue Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) solutions targeting not only cognitive processes but also motivational, personality or emotional factors. Nowadays, we can identify two main legs, providing necessary and complementary strengths to a TEL oriented design process: appropriate technologies should be applied, and appropriate methods should guide such application. Technologies in TEL are capable of delivering smart, personalized, tailored, and motivating learning solutions. Methods are coming from different fields, such as education psychology, medicine, computer science, and from diverse communities, where collaboration and co-working is used, such as maker communities and participatory design communities. In addition, Learning Analytics can help manage available (big) data and allow to augment learning opportunities for learners and educators alike, for instance by supporting self-regulated learning or adaptation of the learning material.
As to these topics, the annual appointment of MIS4TEL established itself as a consolidated fertile forum where scholars and professionals from the international community, with a broad range of expertise in the TEL field, share results and compare experiences. The 10th edition of the conference calls for novel research in TEL and expands the topics of the previous editions, highlighting the role of the most recent methods and technological opportunities (ranging from Artificial Intelligence and agent-based systems to Robotics, Virtual Reality, Internet of Things and wearable solutions, among others) and looking for papers discussing how they can be employed to create novel approaches to TEL, innovative TEL solutions and valuable TEL experiences. As in the tradition of MIS4TEL, this edition aims at offering the different perspectives, and complementary voices, coming from the multidisciplinary field of TEL (e.g., engineering, computer science, education, medicine) from this multidisciplinary field.
MIS4TEL 2021 will be held in Salamanca (Spain) on October 6th-8th, 2021, in parallel with the PAAMS'21 International Conference<>.
Technologies and technology-based solutions for TEL
* AI technologies and tools for TEL
* Agent-based and multi-agent TEL systems
* Knowledge representation, reasoning and management systems for TEL
* Natural language systems for TEL
* Recommendation, personalisation and adaptation in TEL systems
* Social networks for TEL
* Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) for TEL
* Internet of things (IoT) solutions for TEL
* Smart solutions or environments for TEL
* Wearable technologies for TEL
* Robotics for TEL
* Virtual reality environments for TEL
* Games for TEL or gamified TEL
* Sharing and interoperability between TEL environments
* Making and fabrication for TEL
Learning analytics for TEL
* Big data and data visualisation in TEL
* Learning analytics for curriculum design
* Learning analytics for personalising the learner experience
* Learning analytics for predicting behaviour
* Learning analytics for designing learning interventions
* Learning analytics for stakeholders
Methodologies and experiences for TEL
* Methodologies for personalisation, user modelling and adaptation in TEL
* Methodologies for recommendation systems and user modelling in TEL
* Methodologies for fostering motivation and engagement in TEL
* Methodologies for the design of accessible and usable TEL systems
* Methodologies for including different voices in the design process of TEL
* Methodologies for informal learning for TEL
* Methodologies for fostering TEL in small, medium and large companies
* Methodologies, tools and frameworks supporting experiments in TEL
* Methodologies or approaches from game design and gamification for TEL
* Novel experiences and studies (e.g., case studies, ethnographic studies, field studies, experimentations) with methodologies for TEL
Authors of selected papers from MIS4TEL will be invited to submit an extended and improved version to special issue in different journals.
To Be Updated
Fernando De la Prieta
University of Salamanca
Rosella Gennari
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
Marco Temperini
Sapienza University, Rome
Tania Di Mascio
University of L'aquila
Pierpaolo Vittorini
University of L'aquila
Sara Rodríguez
University of Salamanca
Federica Caruso
University of L'aquila
Nestor Dario Duque Mendes
National University of Colombia
Alessandra Melonio
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
Demetrio Arturo Ovalle Carranza
National University of Colombia
Zuzana Kubincova
Comenius University of Bratislava
Elvira Popescu
University of Craiova
Cesar Alberto Collazos
Universidad del Cauca
Yves Demazeau
Senior Researcher at CNRS Grenoble
All papers must be formatted according to the AISC template, with a maximum length of 10 pages (Main track and Workshops), including figures and references:
Microsoft Word Format<>
Latex Format<>
All proposed papers must be submitted in electronic form (PDF format) using the MIS4TEL 2021<> conference management system.
Accepted papers will be included in MIS4TEL Proceedings. At least one of the authors will be required to register and attend the symposium to present the paper in order to include the paper in the conference proceedings.
Accepted papers will be published by Springer Verlag in the Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing series<>.
** Indexing: The books of this series are submitted to ISI Proceedings<>, EI-Compendex<>, DBLP<>, SCOPUS<>, Google Scholar<> and Springerlink<> **
Submission date
Notification date
Camera-ready deadline
Conference dates
30th April, 2021
7th June, 2021
28th June, 2021
6th-8th October, 2021<> info(a)<>
Unsubscribe: info(a)<>
Alessandra Melonio, Ph.D.
Research fellow on a fixed-term contract (RTD)
Smart Data Factory - Technology transfer Lab
Faculty of Computer Science
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Office 112, Dominikanerplatz 3, Bozen, Italy
NOI Techpark Südtirol/Alto Adige, Office A1.4.29e, A.-Volta-Straße 9, Bozen, Italy
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— Apologies for cross-posting —
ACM UMAP 2021: Final Call for Demo and LBR Papers
Important Dates
• Submission of demos and LBR papers: March 26, 2021
• Notification of acceptance: April 19, 2021
• Camera-ready versions of accepted papers: May 7, 2021
• Conference: June 21-25, 2021, online from Utrecht, the Netherlands
Note: The submissions times are 11:59 pm AoE time (Anywhere on Earth)
ACM UMAP 2021 – User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization is the premier international conference for researchers and practitioners working on systems that adapt to individual users, to groups of users, and that collect, represent, and model user information.
ACM UMAP 2021 invites Demonstrations and Late-Breaking Results (LBR) papers of innovative UMAP-based systems (including research prototypes). You are encouraged to submit your Demo or LBR by March 26th, 2021.
Submission formats
For more details, see below!
• Max. 3 pages + max. 1 additional page for references
• (Required) unpublished page describing how they would present the demo virtually and/or in person
• (Optional) video or external material demonstrating the system
• Publication in ACM UMAP 2021 Adjunct Proceedings
• Presentation as a virtual demo + poster at the conference
Late-Breaking Results
• Max. 7 pages + max. 2 additional pages for references
• (NEW: required) unpublished page with a list of questions the authors aim to get feedback on
• Publication in ACM UMAP 2021 Adjunct Proceedings
• Presentation as a virtual poster at the conference
Submission via
Demonstrations will showcase research prototypes and commercially available products in a dedicated session. Demo submissions must be based on an implemented and tested system that pursues one or more innovative ideas in the interest areas of the conference.
Demonstrations are an excellent and exciting way to showcase implementations and to get valuable feedback from the community. Each demo submission must make clear which aspects of the system will be demonstrated, and how these will be demonstrated on-site as well as online.
To better identify the value of demos, we also encourage authors to submit a pointer to a screencast (max. 5 minutes on Vimeo or YouTube) or any external material related to the demo (e.g., shared code on GitHub).
Descriptions of demonstrations should have a length of max. 3 pages + 1 page of references in the new ACM single-column style. On an extra page (not to be published), submissions should include a specification of the technical requirements for demonstrating the system at UMAP 2021. Given uncertainties surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, this extra page should also describe if/how the demo can be presented in a virtual setting (e.g. with a video or a live link to the system).
Late-Breaking Results
Late-Breaking Results (LBR) are research-in-progress that must contain original and unpublished accounts of innovative research ideas, preliminary results, industry showcases, and system prototypes, addressing both the theory and practice of User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization. In addition, papers introducing recently started research projects or summarizing project results are welcome as well.
We encourage researchers and practitioners to submit a late-breaking work as it provides a unique opportunity for sharing valuable ideas, eliciting useful feedback on early-stage work, and fostering discussions and collaborations among colleagues.
Late-Breaking Results papers have a length of up to 7 pages + 2 pages of references in the new ACM single-column style and will be presented to the conference as (in-person and virtual) posters. On an extra page (not to be published), submissions should include a list of questions that the authors aim to get feedback on during the poster session at UMAP 2021.
Submission and Review Process
Papers will be reviewed single-blind and do not need to be anonymized before submission.
Papers (demo and LBR) must be formatted according to the new workflow for ACM publications. The templates and instructions are available here:
Authors should submit their papers as single-column. The templates are available here (we strongly recommend the usage of LaTeX for the camera-ready papers to minimize the extent of reformatting):
• LaTeX (use \documentclass[manuscript,review,anonymous]{acmart} in the sample-authordraft.tex file for single-column):…
• Overleaf (use \documentclass[manuscript,review,anonymous]{acmart} for single-column):…
• MS Word:…
Note: Accepted papers will require a further revision to meet the requirements and page limits of the camera-ready format required by ACM. Instructions for the preparation of the camera-ready versions of the papers will be provided after acceptance.
Submit your papers in PDF format via EasyChair for ACM UMAP 2021 Demos and Late-Breaking Results at (choose “New Submission” and make sure to select “UMAP 2021 Demo and LBR”).
The review process will be single-blind, i.e. authors’ names should be included in the papers. Submissions will be reviewed by at least two independent reviewers. They will be assessed based on their originality and novelty, potential contribution to the research field, potential impact in particular use cases, and the usefulness of presented experiences, as well as their overall readability.
Papers that exceed the page limits or do not adhere to the formatting guidelines will be returned without review.
Publication and Presentation
Accepted Demo and Late-Breaking Results papers will be published in the ACM UMAP 2021 Adjunct Proceedings in the ACM Digital Library. All categories will be presented at the poster reception of the conference, in the form of a poster and/or a software demonstration following poster format. This form of presentation will provide presenters with an opportunity to obtain direct feedback about their work from a wide audience during the conference.
At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference and present the paper there.
Late-Breaking Results and Demo Chairs
• Bart Knijnenburg, Clemson University, South Carolina, USA
• Eva Zangerle, Universität Innsbruck, Austria