*** Third Call for Paper Submission, Tools & Demos, and Workshop Proposals ***
19th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA 2025)
September 15-19, 2025, 5* St. Raphael Resort and Marina, Limassol, Cyprus
(*** Proceedings to be published by Springer in LNCS ***)
The European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA) is the premier European software
architecture conference, providing researchers, practitioners, and educators with a platform to
present and discuss the most recent, innovative, and significant findings and experiences in the
field of software architecture research and practice. The 19th European Conference on Software
Architecture (ECSA 2025) will be held from September 15 to 19, 2025. ECSA 2025 is planned as
an in-person conference taking place in the beautiful city of Limassol (Cyprus).
The theme for ECSA 2025 is “impactful software architecture”. The software architecture
discipline has had a critical role in shaping robust, scalable, and maintainable systems. We are
interested in learning about software architecture principles and practices, emergence trends
and case studies highlighting strategic architectural choices that can lead to enhanced
performance, improved collaboration, and long-term sustainability. The overarching question is
how these architectural principles and practices, both well-established and emerging, are
making an impact in real-world systems, and how that impact is being felt across various
domains, from enterprise systems to more novel areas like, e.g., AI-driven or autonomous
The Program Committee of the 19th European Conference on Software Architecture seeks
submissions of original and unpublished high-quality papers describing fundamental and
applied research; new methods, approaches, and processes; novel applications; education and
training in software architecture; and experience reports on all topics related to software
We particularly encourage papers that demonstrate that diversity in gender, culture, religion,
country, etc. are key factors for success and innovation in software architecture.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
• Foundational principles of software architecture
• Relationship of requirements engineering and software architecture
• Quality attributes and software architectures
• Architecture practices for secure, explainable, and trustworthy software
• Architecture design and analysis
• Architecture description languages and meta-models
• Architecture verification and validation
• Management of architectural knowledge, decisions, and rationale
• Architecture patterns, styles, and tactics; reference architectures
• Architecture viewpoints and views
• Architecture conformance
• Software architecture virtualization and visualization
• Architecture-centric process models and frameworks
• Software architecture and agile, incremental, iterative, and continuous development
• Component-based models and deployment; middleware
• Software architecture and system architecture
• Software tools and environments for architecture-centric software engineering
• Ethics, cultural, economic, business, social, human, and managerial aspects of software
• Architecture and technical debt
• Architecting for sustainable and environment friendly systems
• Applying AI and LLMs in software architecture and architecting for AI and LLM intensive
• Software architecture education
• Cross-disciplinary approaches to software architecture
• Architectures for reconfigurable and self-adaptive systems
• Architectural concerns of autonomic systems
• Software architecture applied to new and emerging areas, such as the cloud/edge, big data,
blockchain, cyber-physical systems, IoT, autonomous systems, systems-of-systems, energy-
aware software, quantum computing, AI-enabled systems
• Empirical studies, systematic literature reviews, and mapping studies in software architecture
• Diversity, equity, and inclusion in activities related to software architecture
ECSA 2025 seeks four types of papers for the research track:
• Research papers (max. 16 pages in LNCS style) which describe novel contributions to software
architecture research (submissions should cover work that has a sound scientific/technological
basis and has been validated)
• Education and training papers (max. 16 pages in LNCS style) that address methodologies,
experiences and best practices for teaching and training software architecture
• Experience reports (max. 16 pages in LNCS style) that cover innovative implementations,
novel applications, insightful performance results and experience in applying software
architecture research advances to practical situations and systems
• Short papers (max. 8 pages in LNCS style) that present novel and preliminary work-in-
progress or challenges in a topic of software architecture research, education, and training.
Submissions must have a sound basis, but not necessarily be validated in full.
All submitted papers will undergo a rigorous double-blind peer review process. Papers will be
selected based on originality, quality, soundness, and relevance. All contributions must be
original, not published, accepted, or submitted for publication elsewhere. Contravention of this
concurrent submission policy will be deemed a serious breach of ethics, and appropriate action
will be taken in all such cases. Plagiarism checking will be conducted and any paper reporting
more than a 20% match with published work will be desk-rejected.
To note is that research papers, education and training papers, and experience reports that are
rejected in their categories may be re-evaluated as short papers only if the committee decides
on rejection of the full paper on the basis that it presents preliminary work.
The research track of ECSA 2025 supports an Open Science policy. We encourage all
contributing authors to disclose (anonymized and curated) data/artifacts to increase
reproducibility. Note that sharing research artifacts is not mandatory for submission or
acceptance. Upon submission to the research track, authors are required:
• To make their artifacts available to the program committee (via a link to an anonymous
repository) and provide instructions on how to access this data in the paper; or
• To include in the paper an explanation as to why this is not possible or desirable; and
• To indicate why they do not intend to make their data or study materials publicly available
upon acceptance, if that is the case
While sharing research artifacts is not mandatory for submission or acceptance, authors are
required to include a Data Availability statement after the Conclusions section in a section
named "Data Availability". This statement should explain whether or not data and/or artifacts
are available or how they could be accessed (or not). Upon acceptance, papers with Open
Science artifacts (e.g., data, tools, etc.) will be invited to upload their artifacts into the ECSA
Zenodo community (https://zenodo.org/communities/ecsa/) to make them accessible and
visible to the ECSA community. Sharing artifacts via the ECSA Zenodo community is required for
authors to be eligible for the best Open Artifact award.
All contributions must be formatted according to the Springer LNCS style
Page limits include figures and references.
Contributions need to be submitted in PDF format via EasyChair to the ECSA 2025 Research
Track: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ecsa2025. Please select the “Research Track”
in EasyChair for your submission and click "Continue".
The proceedings will be published by Springer as part of the LNCS series. We also plan to
organize a Journal Special Issue on the theme of ECSA 2025 and to invite authors of selected
papers to submit an extended version of their research.
The Tools and Demonstrations (Tools & Demos) Track provides an opportunity for both
researchers and practitioners to present and discuss the most recent advances, ideas,
experiences, and challenges in the field of Software Architecture by means of Tools & Demos
Tools & Demos papers are intended to address any aspect of: (i) tool support for software
architectures, or (ii) demonstrate results about the application of architectural approaches.
Papers submitted to this track can belong to two distinct categories:
• Tool papers: These papers deal with the development and evaluation of tools to support
software architecture. They may present new tools, extensions to existing tools, or evaluations
of the effectiveness of tools. The aim is to provide a platform for the exchange of innovative
tools and techniques that help design, implement and analyze software architectures.
• Demo papers: These papers will demonstrate concepts, techniques or systems related to
software architectures. The focus is on presenting practical applications and implementations
of architectural approaches. Demo papers may include live demonstrations, prototypes or
simulations that emphasize the benefits and potential of specific architecture solutions.
Both Tool Papers and Demo Papers contribute to the advancement of the field by providing
insights, experiences and practical solutions related to software architectures. Tools and
Demos should not be used as a means for commercial advertisement.
We will strive to keep ECSA’s tradition to select the Best Tools & Demo Paper, awarded during
the conference. The selection of the best tool and demo paper will be made based on the votes
of the attendants of the conference.
Submissions of Tools & Demos papers should describe the work, how it relates to other
industrial or research efforts, including references, what the expected benefits are, a video of
the tool or demo (if one exists), and the web-page and/or open-source repository for the tool
(if one exists). All submissions must conform to the LNCS template and must not exceed 8
Tools & Demos submissions should provide a link to a video, with audio commentary, of a
maximum of ten minutes in length, with high resolution (e.g., details of the tool’s functionality
should be clearly visible). The video must be uploaded on a server (e.g., YouTube, Google
Drive, Dropbox), and the link must be included in the submission for its evaluation (as a
footnote on the first page of the submission or as links after the abstract of the submission).
In addition, it is possible to provide open material, e.g., source code and/or a running instance
of the tool. The links to the video and (if applicable) the additional material should be included
in the contribution after the abstract and before the introduction sections.
Paper submissions must be made electronically via the online EasyChair submission site for the
ECSA 2024 conference, selecting the “Tools & Demos Track”:
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ecsa2025 .
The selection criteria of Tools & Demos papers will consider their originality, relevance for the
ECSA audience, technical soundness, and presentation quality. Each submission will be
evaluated by at least two PC members, in a single-step review process.
The accepted papers will be included in the ECSA 2025 companion volume to be published in Springer LNCS series.
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit proposals for workshops and tutorials held
in conjunction with ECSA 2025. Workshops and tutorials will be held on September 15-16,
2025 (right before the main conference on September 17-19, 2025).
ECSA workshops allow researchers and practitioners to exchange and explore innovative
software architecture (scientific or engineering) ideas and challenges at an early stage.
Topics of interest are, but are not limited to:
• Software Architecture challenges for AI- and ML-based Systems
• Software Architecture challenges for Self-Adaptive Systems
• Software Architecture challenges for Cyber-Physical Systems
• Software Architecture challenges in Big Data and Cloud Computing
• Software Architecture challenges in IoT-based Systems
• Software Architecture challenges in DevOps and MLOps
• Software Architecture challenges in Blockchain Engineering
• Software Architecture challenges in Quantum Software
• Quality-of-service (QoS) measurements of Software Architectures
• Privacy and Security in Software Architectural Design
• Context-aware, Autonomous, and Smart Architectures
• Sustainability in Software Architectures
• Software Architecture Erosion and Architectural Consistency
• Technical Debt in Software Architecture Design
• Architecting the Digital Twin
• Continuous Architecting
• Agile Software Architecting
• Human Aspects of Software Architecting
• Software Architecture Assessment
• AI assisted Software Architecting
• Agile Modeling
All proposals must conform to a maximum of 8 pages following the LNCS format (see below),
including references, appendices, and figures.
The proposal must include the following information in the order specified:
• Workshop title and acronym
• Contact information for the workshop organizers (name, affiliation, email) and the main
• Abstract (up to 200 words) for the ECSA 2025 website (if the workshop is accepted)
• Motivation and Objectives
○ Relevance of the workshop to the field of software architecture
○ Anticipated goals and outcomes (e.g., open research problems to pursue, validation
objectives, empirical studies)
• Format
○ Workshop format (e.g., paper presentations, keynotes, breakout sessions, panel-like
discussions) and plans for generating discussions
○ Duration - half day, one day or two days
○ Preliminary workshop schedule
○ Special services, logistic and/or equipment constraints
• Participation
○ Target Audience and expected background
○ Plans regarding the mix of industry and research participation
○ Expected minimum and maximum number of workshop participants
○ Plans for participant solicitation and dissemination
• Submission
○ Types of contributions (e.g., extended abstracts, position papers, research papers, etc.) and
their estimated number.
○ Review and evaluation process deciding about the acceptance of submissions
○ Program committee, including tentative and already committed members
○ Strategy for the proceedings
• Organizers
○ Brief description of each organizer’s background, including relevant past experience in
organizing conferences and workshops
○ Brief organizers’ bios
• Previous editions
○ Where and when the workshop has been offered previously, the past numbers of submitted
and accepted papers, numbers of attendees
○ Number of registered attendees and websites of previous editions (if any)
• Draft Call-for-Papers (1 page)
Submissions must follow the LNCS style
All proposals should be submitted before the submission deadline (see below) using the online
submission site: EasyChair ECSA 2025 Workshop track
ECSA 2025 will use a single review process for workshop proceedings. For accepted papers, the
minimum number of pages for each workshop paper is 8 and the maximum is 16 pages in the
LNCS format. The proceedings of the workshops will be published by Springer in the LNCS series.
Main Conference
• Abstract submission: March 14, 2025
• Paper submission: March 21, 2025
• Notification: May 9, 2025
• Camera-ready paper: June 23, 2025
Tools & Demos
• Abstract submission: May 16, 2025
• Paper submission: May 23, 2025
• Notification: June 20, 2025
• Camera-ready paper: June 27, 2025
• Workshop proposals: February 15, 2025
• Workshop proposals notification: March 7, 2025
• Workshop papers abstracts: May 12, 2025
• Workshop papers submission: May 19, 2025
• Workshop papers notification: June 20, 2025
• Workshop papers camera-ready: June 27, 2025
• Workshop dates: September 15-16, 2025
Early/Author registration for all accepted contributions: June 27, 2025
All dates are 23:59h AoE (Anywhere on Earth).
General Chairs
• Cesare Pautasso, University of Lugano, Switzerland
• Vasilios Andrikopoulos, University of Groeningen, The Netherlands
Program Co-Chairs
• Nour Ali, Brunel University London, UK
• Jacopo Soldani, University of Pisa, Pisa
Tools & Demos Co-Chairs
• Mohamed Soliman, Heinz Nixdorf Institut, Paderborn University, Germany
• Use Zdun, University of Vienna, Austria
Workshop Co-Chairs
• Tommi Mikkonen, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland
• Jennifer Perez, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
Care Tutte e cari Tutti,
è con immenso piacere che faccio le mie congratulazioni a Franca Garzotto e
ad Alessio Malizia, che quest'anno hanno preso servizio come professori
ordinari. L'impegno che Franca e Alessio hanno profuso nell'area della *Human
Computer Interaction* vede oggi il giusto riconoscimento. Il loro successo
è motivo di orgoglio per la nostra comunità scientifica e sono certa che
entrambi continueranno a ispirare non solo i colleghi ma soprattutto i
giovani ricercatori che intraprendono questa strada e che accresceranno la
nostra comunità, contribuendo a far crescere ulteriormente questo ambito
così rilevante e stimolante.
In questa occasione speciale, desidero anche inviare a tutti voi i miei più
sinceri auguri di un sereno Natale e di un felice Anno Nuovo. Che queste
festività possano portarvi gioia, serenità e rinnovata energia per
affrontare con entusiasmo il nuovo anno.
Un caro saluto,
Prof. Giuliana Vitiello, PhD
Director HCI-UsE Lab
Department of Computer Science
University of Salerno
phone +39 089 963317
cell +39 3666758965
https:// <https://docenti.unisa.it/003730/home>
*** Second Call for Papers ***
37th International Conference on Testing Software and Systems (ICTSS 2025)
September 17-19, 2025, 5* St. Raphael Resort and Marina, Limassol, Cyprus
(*** Proceedings to be published by Springer in LNCS ***)
IFIP-ICTSS is a well-established conference where researchers, developers, testers, and users
from industry get together to present and discuss the most recent innovations, experiences
and open challenges related to testing software and systems and measuring software quality.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
■ AI for Software Testing and Testing of AI: the growing interest in the use of AI has also
spread in to various aspects of software testing. In addition, work is underway to test and
validate AI systems/applications (machine learning, expert systems, neural networks).
■ Aspects of testing: test derivation, test selection, test generation, test coverage, test
concretization, test implementation and execution, test result analysis, test oracle, verdict
computation, test management, active testing and passive testing, monitoring and runtime
■ Testing new technologies: this year we encourage submissions focused on testing Large
Language Models (LLMs), audit machine learning systems (especially for applications to Health)
and Quantum systems (programs, computers, and simulators).
■ Diversity on testing: diverse generation, selecting diverse test suites, foundations of testing
and diversity, applications of entropy and Kolmogorov complexity on test suite diversity.
■ Theoretical approaches: formalisms (such as automata, state machines, process algebra,
logics, Markov-chains...), testing frameworks, results for compositionality, refinement,
soundness and completeness, addressing complex systems, heterogeneous or hybrid systems.
■ Modelling languages (such as UML, MATLAB, Simulink, Modelica...) and associated
tooling for model-based testing: test generation from models, model-based oracles.
Scalability, traceability, quantification issues. Automated support of any parts of the testing
activities, testing processes, test-driven development, sound metrics and measurements.
■ Testing of quality aspects: Functional, interoperability, unit, integration, performance, load,
conformance, non-regression, reliability, robustness.
■ Security Testing: methodologies and techniques for continuous security assessment, security
monitoring, security review, penetration testing, verification of certification compliance;
automation of security testing processes.
■ Testing emerging technologies: quantum systems (programs, computers, and simulators),
genetic algorithms, metaverse, and any other technology in the early stages of testing.
■ Human Aspects of Testing: human psychology and management attitude play major roles
in formulating and adopting testing in practice.
■ Cross domains and combination of techniques: using other techniques such as proof,
model-checking, symbolic execution, abstract interpretation, static analysis, simulation,
model learning, ... to improve quality and reduce the effort in testing processes.
■ Cross domains and combination of techniques: using other techniques such as proof,
model-checking, symbolic execution, abstract interpretation, static analysis, simulation, model
learning, machine learning, expert systems, neural networks, genetic algorithms... to improve
quality and reduce the effort in testing processes.
■ Application aspects and case studies: Communicating systems such as cyberphysical
systems, systems of systems, embedded systems, web services systems, smart grids, cloud
computing systems, business information systems, real-time systems, distributed and
concurrent systems. Case studies and industrial applications involving qualified empirical
Full papers (12 to 15 pages plus at most 2 extra pages for references in the one-column
Springer LNCS format) describing original research contributions with sufficient evidence for
the interest of the proposed approach.
Industry papers (12 to 15 pages plus at most 2 extra pages for references in the one-column
Springer LNCS format) describing original research or experience report conducted within an
industrial environment or in collaboration with an industry partner.
Short papers or work-in-progress papers (up to 6 pages plus at most 1 extra page for
references in the one-column Springer LNCS format) describing academic work in progress or
tool implementations, as well as testing processes, achievements and feedback on testing
methods for industrial case studies.
Journal-First. The aim of the Journal-First (JF) submission category is to further enrich the
program of ICTSS, as well as to provide an overall more flexible path to publication and
dissemination of original research that is within the scope of ICTSS. A submission in this
category must adhere to the following criteria:
■ It should be clearly within the scope of the conference.
■ It should be recent: it should have been accepted and made publicly available in a journal
(online or in print) by January 1, 2023 or more recently.
■ It has not been presented at, and is not under consideration for, Journal- First tracks of other
conferences or workshops.
■ The submission has to be in the form of a 4-page extended abstract and has to provide a
concise summary of the published journal paper.
■ It must be marked as such in the submission’s, and must explicitly include full bibliographic
details (including a DOI) of the journal publication they are based on. Since the referenced
journal papers have already been reviewed and accepted by the corresponding journals,
submissions in the JF category will not be reviewed again for technical content. Submissions will
be judged on the basis of the above criteria, but also considering how well they would
complement the conference’s technical program. Accepted submissions in this category will be
part of the proceedings of ICTSS 2025, with the title equal to the original title of the article with
the prefix.
The submission link is: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=ictss2025
The papers will be published by Springer in the LNCS volume.
Authors should consult Springer’s Instructions for Authors of Proceedings
and use either the LaTeX or the Word templates provided on the authors’ page. Springer’s
proceedings LaTeX templates are available in Overleaf.
Authors are encouraged to include their ORCIDs in their papers.
Journal Special Issue
Best papers of the conference will be invited to submit an extended version of their article at a
special (topical) issue of the Springer Nature of Computer Science
(https://link.springer.com/journal/42979). Deadline will be near the end of December 2025
with a tentative publication date for the middle 2026.
ICTSS 2025 will be collocated with the 19th European Conference on Software Architecture
■ Paper Submission: May 19, 2025 (AoE)
■ Author Notification: June 30, 2025 (AoE)
■ Camera-ready Versions and Author Registration: July 14, 2025 (AoE)
Conference Chairs
■ Silvia Bonfanti, University of Bergamo, Italy
■ George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
*CFP: 1st International Workshop on Web3 Applications and the eVolution
of dEcentralized finance (WAVE) 2025 @ IEEE ISCC 2025*
2-5 July 2025, Bologna, Italy
Accepted papers will be published by IEEE and will be available via the
IEEE Xplore.
Motivation and Rationale
Web3 and Decentralized Finance (DeFi) are two key factors of the new
Internet era. They are redefining the landscape of digital
communications and distributed systems, offering new opportunities for
secure, resilient, and scalable applications. The worldwide adoption of
Web3 is reshaping how users experience Internet services by including
concepts such as decentralization, democratization and rewarding in
existing services. The main engine of Web3 is blockchain technology.
However, there are numerous areas where there is room for improvement.
To begin with, most Web3 applications revolve around DeFi, however, the
decentralisation offered by blockchain technology could help plenty of
scenarios. Promising scenarios are supply chains, health, decentralized
storage, data sharing, power grids, virtual worlds (like the Metaverse)
and many more. Additionally, there are other scenarios where Web3 could
have a meaningful impact, including IoT, vehicular networks, cloud and
edge computing, digital identities, intellectual property management,
digital twins, and integration with the physical world. DeFi is still
quite far from perfect. Indeed, fungible and non-fungible assets are
constantly evolving to include more advanced functionalities as so to
increase their adoption. Moreover, DeFi was shown to be susceptible to
malicious activity, including fake NFTs, sleepminting, washtrading, rug
pull, pump and dump, Maximal Extractable Value and other scams. Finding
solutions to foresee and prevent such malevolent practices becomes
crucial for the true adoption of this technology. Lastly, blockchain
technology has some inherent limitations that are still to be addressed,
including creating efficient consensus protocols for public blockchains,
and secure channels for transaction confirmation among others.
The Web3 Applications and the eVolution of dEcentralized finance (WAVE)
workshop analyses the technological challenges and the potential of Web3
and DeFi applications. By bringing together researchers and
practitioners, the workshop aims to attract contributions that can
discuss how these emerging technologies can shape the future of
blockchain, and address the challenges of their adoption. Papers on both
theoretical and design aspects are welcomed, which describe and evaluate
novel design methods and system prototypes. The workshop also welcomes
work-in-progress and position papers.
We welcome submission on a wide range of topics, including but not
limited to:
Web3 Applications and Technologies
Web3 storage decentralization and data sharing
Novel Web3 applications (IoT, networks, cloud computing)
DLTs and Blockchain Technology
Blockchain security and performance
Adoption of blockchain in innovative scenarios
Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and similars (e.g. GameFi, SocialFi)
Application of DeFi to novel scenarios
DeFi vulnerability identification and mitigation
New DeFi services
Decentralized Social Networking: analysis and applications
Decentralized Technology for the Metaverse
NFTs analysis and applications
AI for Web3 and DeFi
Privacy, scalability, and governance
Networking and communications for Web3 and DeFi
Solutions for safe online environments
Submissions will be made via EDAS.
WAVE'25 uses a double-blind review process. The workshop accepts
manuscripts up to 6 pages long in the IEEE double-column proceedings
format, including tables, figures and references.
Important Dates
Papers submission: January 10, 2025 (AoE, UCT -12) (to be extended)
Notification of acceptance: March 14, 2025
Camera-ready paper due: April 14, 2025
Workshop: July 2-5, 2025 (tbc)
/Apologies for unintended cross-mailing/
*10th International Conference on Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional
*2025:A decade of SLERD - facts and future directions
*June 12-13, 2025*
/*on-line format*/
www.slerd.org <https://www.slerd.org/>
1st: elvira [dot] popescu [at] gmail [dot] com /(Elvira Popescu -
conference chair)/
2nd: aslerd [dot] org [at] gmail [dot] com
Deadline for paper submission: *March 1, 2025
*call for papers <https://www.slerd.org/call-for-papers/>
*SLERD 2025 will host also the 6th edition of the *International*
*Student Design Contest* -> see call for proposal and demo
* *
*SLERD 2025* is organized by /University of Craiova /in collaboration
with /ASLERD/ <http://www.aslerd.org>/./
* /*Short Intro*/
On occasion of the 10th edition of the SLERD conference – themed “*/A
Decade of SLERD: Facts and Future Directions/*” – we intend to reflect
on a journey of impactful research, transformative insights, and
collaboration that followed the evolution of smart learning ecosystems.
Over the past ten years, SLERD has become a venue for academics,
practitioners, and students worldwide, fostering innovative approaches
to education that prioritize the human factor, social innovation,
inclusivity, and accessibility.
This milestone conference is an invitation to both celebrate the
achievements of the past decade and engage in discussions that will
define the future of smart learning environments. As SLERD 2025 unfolds,
participants will contribute to shaping a vision that aligns
technological advancements with the needs of diverse communities,
ensuring that the future of education is adaptive and inclusive.
The themes for this year’s conference emphasize the overarching nature
of smart learning ecosystems: /*places for smart education,
people-centered design, and supportive technologies*/. Through these
lenses, SLERD 2025 will address evolving models of institutional
learning, the role of design and co-creation, the integration of AI and
immersive technologies, and ethical considerations essential to a
sustainable educational future.
/*Topics of interests*/
*SLERD 2025* is proud to invite colleagues - researchers and
practitioners - from all over the world to share the efforts concerning
the development of smart learning ecosystems and, contributions on how
to build together a brilliant future, where smart learning ecosystems
and smart education will be even more central in the education of future
citizens, and in the promotion of social innovation and territorial
General topics of interests can be grouped under three big themes:
/*• places for smart education
* future of institutional learning
* interplay between formal and informal learning
* new educational models and settings
* continuity-discontinuity of time, technology, place/space, processes
in learning
* role of, and case studies of, games and gamification in smart education
* dual education and other alternation scheme approaches
* monitoring and benchmarking of smartness (individual, institution,
city, region)
/*• people in place centered design for smart education*/
* general frameworks and methodological advances
* design, data and other relevant literacies
* teachers’ and students’ continuous training (literacies, skills and
* initial teacher education
* smart citizens’ literacies, skill and competences
* communities and co-design in smart learning
* sharing & participatory practices
* open access to any resource and disparity
* educational design for all
* cultural influences
* ethical aspects in smart learning
/*• supportive learning technologies for smart education*/
* general frameworks and methodological advances
* design, data and other relevant literacies
* teachers’ and students’ continuous training (literacies, skills and
* initial teacher education
* smart citizens’ literacies, skill and competences
* communities and co-design in smart learning
* sharing & participatory practices
* open access to any resource and disparity
* educational design for all
* cultural influences
* ethical aspects in smart learning
/*Important dates:*/
• Deadline for papers submission: *March**1, 2025*
• Notification to the authors: April 1, 2025
• Camera ready paper: June 1, 2025
• Conference: June 12-13, 2025
Accepted papers also presented at the conference will be published in a
special issue of theIxD&A Journal
<https://doi.org/10.55612/s-5002-000>(https://ixdea.org/; ISSN
1826-9745, e-ISSN 2283-2998) indexed by SCOPUS and Emerging Sources of
Web of Science (Citescore: 2.5).
Papers should be written according to the Instruction for Authors
available athttps://ixdea.org/authors-guidelines/.
Accepted papers will be candidate to a/best paper award/in collaboration
with IAALDE.
Papers submission is handled through OJS
–https://ojs.ixdea.org/index.php/ixdea/about/submissions. SLERD and
IxD&A follow a double-blind reviewing process, thus papers need to be
fully anonymized.
Information about SLERD 2025 will continuously updated on the ASLERD
Linkedin page -> link <https://www.linkedin.com/groups/5103530/>
Facebook page -> link
See ASLERD website <http://www.aslerd.org> for
Request of membership, membership fees and legal
*Deadline extended*
The new submission deadline is December 29, 2024
*Call for papers*
First Workshop on "Social Interaction and Collaboration in eXtended Reality
To be held as part of IEEEVR25 https://ieeevr.org/2025/
32nd IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces
Saint-Malo, France
March 8-12, 2025
*Important Dates*
Submissions deadline: December 20, 2024 December 29, 2024
Notification: January 03, 2025 January 09, 2025
Camera-ready deadline: January 13, 2025
*Submission webpage*
Extended Reality (XR) technologies, including Virtual Reality (VR),
Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR), are profoundly reshaping the
way people interact and collaborate in the digital world, breaking down
physical barriers and creating new opportunities for social connection.
These immersive solutions offer experiences ranging from integrating
digital elements into the real world to building entirely virtual
environments, expanding the boundaries of human interaction. However, the
expansion of XR also brings significant challenges in terms of social
cohesion, collaboration, inclusiveness and accessibility.
The workshop Social Interaction and Collaboration in eXtended Reality
(SIC-XR) is an opportunity to explore the dynamics of social interaction
and collaboration in immersive technologies, with a specific focus on
eXtended Reality (XR) applications. As the use of these technologies
expands in contexts such as remote work, education, and healthcare, it is
essential to understand and optimize how people interact and collaborate in
virtual environments.
The goal of the workshop is to bring together researchers, practitioners,
developers, and interaction design experts to discuss current challenges
and future potential in the area of social interaction and collaboration in
The workshop aims to explore aspects of social interaction and
collaboration within the eXtended Reality by considering several topics,
including but not limited to:
- Social dynamics in XR
- Accessibility in XR
- Inclusivity in Immersive Technologies
- User Safety and Ethical Standards
- Designing for Engagement and Cohesion
- Emotional and Psychological Impacts of XR
- Educational and Collaborative Uses of XR
Andrea Antonio Cantone, *University of Salerno, Italy*
Giuliana Vitiello, *University of Salerno, Italy*
Pablo Cesar, *Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), The Netherlands*
Tanja Kojić, *TU Berlin, Germany*
Prof. Giuliana Vitiello, PhD
Director HCI-UsE Lab
Department of Computer Science
University of Salerno
phone +39 089 963317
cell +39 3666758965
https:// <https://docenti.unisa.it/003730/home>
*** Call for Workshop Proposals ***
20th International Conference on Persuasive Technology (PERSUASIVE 2025)
May 5-7, 2025, 5* St. Raphael Resort and Marina, Limassol, Cyprus
(*** Workshop proceedings to be published by Springer in LNCS ***)
In a world in which technology is increasingly present in people’s lives, and changing human
behavior and attitudes is often the key to solving many societal and personal problems,
studying how technology might be used to influence humans (in their behavior, attitudes and
information processing), is paramount.
Persuasive Technology is a vibrant interdisciplinary research field, focusing on the design,
development and evaluation of interactive technologies aimed at influencing people’s attitudes
and/or behaviors through persuasion, but not through coercion or deception. The research
community aims at enriching people’s lives in various domains such as health and sustainability
by supporting people in setting and achieving their own goals, thus helping them change their
The 2025 conference will be hosted in Limassol, Cyprus at the 5* St. Raphael Resort and Marina.
The previous successful conferences have been organized in Wollongong, Limassol, Eindhoven,
Stanford, Oulu, Claremont, Copenhagen, Columbus, Linköping, Sydney, Padua, Chicago,
Salzburg, Amsterdam, and Waterloo. The conference series seeks to bring together researchers
and practitioners from industry and academia working with various topics of persuasive
The scope of the conference includes (but is not limited to) the following topics:
• Persuasive systems’ design
• Behavior change support systems
• Interaction with persuasive systems, interfaces, visualization
• Interactive agents in persuasive systems
• (Generative) AI for persuasive technology
• Tailored and personalized persuasion
• Gamification for persuasion
• Evaluation and validation of persuasive applications
• Fitting methods for development, evaluation and implementation of persuasive systems
• Optimizing engagement with persuasive systems
• Software architectures and technical infrastructures for persuasive systems
• Smart environments, e.g. IoT, and persuasion
• Digital Marketing, eCommerce, eTourism and SMART ecosystems
• Motivational, cognitive and perceptual factors in persuasive technology
• Application domains for persuasive technologies such as safety, healthy living, sustainable
behaviors, learning and training, marketing and commerce, work environments, organizations
• Positive technology
• Humanizing and/or dehumanizing effects of persuasive technology
• Values and ethics in persuasive technology
• Privacy, perceived security and trust in persuasive technology
• Resilience and counter-persuasion
• Detecting persuasive strategies in social media posts
• Encouraging adherence to safety measures in pandemic situations
Questions that we hope to be addressed include, but are not limited to:
• How to recognize and demonstrate the real life effects of persuasive technology on people’s
attitudes and behaviours?
• How to conduct studies that not just show their effectiveness but are also able to explain in
more detail why a design or intervention works?
• How to design an evaluation study so that it yields insights that are applicable to other
designs or interventions?
• How theoretical insight can help improve application and/or intervention planning and design?
• How can design and intervention studies improve theory?
Workshops are meant to gather a number of people to work interactively on an emerging topic
and exchange ideas. Approved workshops will be announced on the conference website.
Workshops will take place during a half- or full-day session before the conference. If you want
to organize a workshop, please submit a proposal as a maximum 4-page description in
Springer LNCS format
including a description of the topic, motivation, organization (including the list of
organizing members, how the organizers will form a program committee), duration of the
workshop, expected outcome, and supporting materials (if applicable).
Accepted workshop papers will be included in the adjunct conference proceedings to be
published by Springer in LNCS (pending approval). Alternatively, the workshop organisers
have the option of publishing the accepted papers to their workshops in CEUR
Workshop organisers must commit to creating their Call for Papers and their website within
one week of the notification.
Please email your proposal by January 10, 2025, to the workshop chairs: Wenzhen Xu
(wenzhen.xu AT r.hit-u.ac.jp), Rhoda Abadia (Rhoda.Abadia AT unisa.edu.au), and Kaoru Sumi
(kaoru.sumi AT acm.org).
The organizing committee will review the proposals and communicate the results by January
17, 2025.
Workshop and tutorial proposals:
• Submission deadline: January 10, 2025 (AoE)
• Decision notification: January 17, 2025
Workshop papers submission:
• Submission deadline: March 1, 2025 (AoE)
• Decision notification: March 15, 2025
• Camera ready and author registration: March 28, 2025
General Chairs
• Evangelos Karapanos, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus
• George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Program Chairs
• Raian Ali, HBKU, Qatar
• Khin Than Win, University of Wollongong, Australia
Demo, Poster and Artefacts
• Ruben Hgouveia, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
• Hanne Spelt, Philips, Netherlands
Workshops and Tutorial Chairs
• Rhodora Abadia, University of South Australia, Australia
• Kaoru Sumi, Future University of Hakodate, Japan
• Wenzhen Xu, Hitotsubashi University, Japan
Doctoral Consortium Chairs
• Sriram Iyengar, University of of Arizona, USA
• Roberto Legaspi, KDDI, Japan
• Shahla Meedya, Australian Catholic University, Australia
Proceedings Chairs
• Elena Vlahu-Gjorgievska, University of Wollongong, Australia
• Kiemute Oyibo, University of York, Canada
Society for Persuasion and Technology Steering Committee
• Raian Ali – Chair
Professor, College of Science and Engineering, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar
• Luca Chittaro – General Member
Professor, Human-Computer Interaction Lab, Department of Mathematics, Computer Science,
and Physics, University of Udine, Italy
• Roberto Legaspi – General Member Research Scientist, Collaborative AI Lab, Human-centered AI Laboratories KDDI Research, Inc.,
• Harri Oinas-Kukkonen – General Member Professor, Information Systems Science and Dean of Graduate School, University of Oulu, Finland
• Kiemute Oyibo – General Member Assistant Professor, Interactive Systems Research Group, Department of Electrical Engineering
and Computer Science, York University, Canada
• Khin Than Win – Secretary
Professor at the University of Wollongong, Australia
*[Apologies for cross-posting]*
Please share widely with interested colleagues and networks!
# CALL FOR PAPERS: Adaptive eXplainable AI Workshop 2025
We are delighted to announce the second edition of the Adaptive XAI (AXAI) Workshop, to be held in conjunction with ACM IUI 2025. As the integration of Artificial Intelligence into daily decision-making processes intensifies, the need for clear communication between humans and AI systems becomes crucial. This workshop is dedicated to exploring the design and development of intelligent interfaces that adaptively explain AI's decision-making processes, with a strong focus on human-centric principles.
## Important Dates
* Submission Deadline: January 13, 2025
* Notification: January 20, 2025
* Camera Ready: February 10, 2025
* Workshop Date: March 24, 2025
## Submission Guidelines
* Length: 5-10 pages
* Format: CEUR-ART 1-column Template
* Submission Website: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/AXAI2025/
## Workshop Focus
In line with the human-centric principles of the Future Artificial Intelligence Research (FAIR) project, this workshop seeks to explore, understand and develop interfaces that dynamically adapt, thereby creating explanations of AI-based systems that both relate to and resonate with a range of users with different explanation-based requirements.
As AI's role in our lives becomes ever more embedded, the ways in which such systems explain elements about the system need to be malleable and responsive to the ever-evolving individual's cognitive state, relating to contextual needs/focus and to the social setting.
## Topics
Building on the success of our first edition, we welcome submissions that address, but are not limited to, the following emerging trends and challenges:
1. **Personalized XAI Interfaces**
* Adaptive systems responding to users' evolving needs
* Context-aware explanation mechanisms
* User modeling for explanation adaptation
2. **Novel Interaction Modalities for XAI**
* Multimodal explanation interfaces
* Immersive XAI experiences
* Visual Languages for AI interaction
3. **Ethical Considerations in Adaptive XAI**
* Transparency and trust
* User autonomy
* Fairness in adaptive systems
4. **Domain-Specific XAI Applications**
* Healthcare
* Finance
* Autonomous systems
5. **Evaluation Methodologies**
* Assessment frameworks for adaptive interfaces
* User studies and empirical evaluations
* Metrics for explanation quality
6. **Over-reliance and Automation Bias**
* Maintaining appropriate user skepticism
* Engagement strategies
* Balance between trust and critical thinking
7. **LLMs in XAI**
* Potential and limitations
* Human-understandable explanation generation
* Integration with existing XAI frameworks
8. **Interactive Machine Learning**
* User-in-the-loop systems
* Real-time adjustments
* Dynamic explanation generation
9. **Hybrid Decision-Making Frameworks**
* Human-AI collaboration
* Adaptive explanation support
* Knowledge integration
## Organizers
* Tommaso Turchi, University of Pisa
* Alessio Malizia, University of Pisa
* Fabio Paternò, CNR-ISTI, Pisa
* Simone Borsci, University of Twente
* Alan Chamberlain, University of Nottingham
* Andrew Fish, University of Liverpool
For more information, please visit our website at https://axai.trx.li or contact Tommaso Turchi (tommaso.turchi(a)unipi.it).
Join us in Cagliari, Sardinia (Italy) to shape the future of human-AI interaction!
We encourage you to forward this call to relevant mailing lists and share with colleagues who might be interested in contributing to this workshop!
Tommaso Turchi
Department of Computer Science
University of Pisa
*Call for Demo and Poster IUI2025*
*Important Dates*
* Submission Deadline: *January 7 (Tuesday), 2025*
* Notification to Authors: February 4 (Tuesday) 2025
* Camera Ready Deadline: February 10 (Monday), 2025
ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (ACM IUI) 2025 is the 30th
annual premiere venue, where researchers and practitioners will meet and
discuss state-of-the-art advances at the intersection of Artificial
Intelligence (AI) and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). Ideal IUI
submissions should address practical HCI challenges using machine
intelligence and discuss both computational and human-centric aspects of
such methodologies, techniques, and systems. We welcome contributions
from related fields such as psychology, behavioral science, cognitive
science, computer graphics, design, the arts, and more. Our focus is to
improve the interaction between humans and machines, by leveraging both
HCI approaches and state-of-the-art AI techniques from machine learning,
natural language processing, data mining, knowledge representation and
reasoning. ACM IUI welcomes contributions from all relevant arenas,
academia, industry, government, and non-profit organizations, and gives
its participants the opportunity to present and see cutting-edge IUI
work in a focused and interactive setting.
Posters provide an opportunity for sharing valuable last-minute ideas,
eliciting useful feedback on early-stage work and fostering discussions
and collaborations among colleagues. We invite submissions relevant to
all conference topics. All submissions should convey a scientific result
or work in progress that is not yet ready to be published as a
full-length research paper at a refereed conference.
The page limit for poster papers is 4 pages (references do not count
toward the page limit). Submitting a draft poster along with your
submission is not required but is recommended. Accepted poster papers
will appear in the companion proceedings of the conference. Each
accepted contribution is expected to be presented in person during the
poster session.
The demonstration track complements the overall program of the
conference. Demonstrations show implementations of novel, interesting,
and important intelligent user interface concepts or systems. We invite
submissions relevant to intelligent user interfaces and which address,
but are not limited to, the topics of the conference. All submissions
are intended to convey a scientific result or work in progress and
should not be advertisements for commercial software packages.
The page limit for demo papers is 4 pages (references do not count
toward the page limit). Authors further need to submit a video (max. 5
mins) along with their demo paper to showcase their work. Accepted demo
papers will be presented as interactive demonstrations at IUI and
published in the companion proceedings of the conference. Each accepted
contribution is expected to be presented in person during the demo sessions.
Authors who submitted a long or short research paper are welcome to also
propose a demo of their work to exemplify their work at the conference
(In this case, the paper will not be included in the ACM Digital
Library). Alternatively, the authors of accepted papers may also opt to
submit a regular 4-page paper for the demonstration, which will be
included in the ACM Digital Library if accepted.
In addition to the conference topics, we would like to encourage authors
to also consider the following topics:
* Enhance Web Accessibility through the AI
* Intelligent Human-Robot Applications
* Designing Interfaces for GenAI Systems
* Applications of Intelligent User Interfaces to Support
Underrepresented Users
* Societal and Ethical Considerations of Intelligent User Interfaces,
Particularly as Prompted by Emerging Technology such as GenAI
*Submission Instructions*
A video (up to 5 mins) is required for demo submissions. The video
should showcase the system that will be demonstrated during the
conference. Please follow the SIGCHI Technical Requirements and
Guidelines for Videos.
Please submit your demos and posters at
<http://new.precisionconference.com/~sigchi>under the IUI 2025 Demos and
Posters track. In PCS 2.0, first click "Submissions" at the top of the
page, from the dropdown menus for society, conference, and track select
"SIGCHI", "IUI 2025" and "IUI 2025 Posters and Demos", respectively, and
press "Go".
Looking forward to your submissions!
IUI’25 Organizers
[Apologies for cross-posting]
************WORKSHOP CALL FOR PAPERS**************
SOCIALIZE Workshop @ ACM IUI 2025
Fifth Workshop on SOcial and Cultural IntegrAtion with PersonaLIZEd Interfaces (SOCIALIZE)
March 24, 2025
Co-located with the 30th ACM International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI) 2025 (https://iui.acm.org/2025/) Cagliari, Italy, March 24-27, 2025
Workshop website: http://socialize2025.di.unito.it/
Submission: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=socialize2025
For any information: socialize2025(a)easychair.org<mailto:socialize2025@easychair.org>
******************Important Dates*******************
Submission deadline: January 15, 2025
Authors notification: January 20, 2025
Camera-ready: March 1, 2025
Workshop date: March 24, 2025
The SOCIALIZE workshop aims to bring together all interested in developing interactive techniques, including social robots, that can help promote social and cultural inclusion of a broad range of users, with a focus on vulnerable groups (e.g., children, elderly, autistic, and disabled people) and disadvantaged, at-risk categories (e.g., refugees and migrants).
The main topics of the workshop are (but not limited to):
• Multi-cultural system design;
• Empirical studies on the impact of culture on systems;
• Cultural and social influence in online learning platforms (e.g., MOOC);
• Cultural and social influence in recommender systems;
• Cultural and social aspects as contextual factors;
• Inclusive recommender systems;
• Methods for automatic assessment of social and cultural background from social media;
• Strategies for adapting systems to groups of users with different cultural and social backgrounds;
• Social-cultural integration and large language models;
• Cultural and social situation awareness;
• Cross-cultural analyses of trust in systems;
• Human-robot interaction and adaptation for cross-cultural users, including under-represented groups;
• Humanoid robots and social inclusion;
• Adaptation strategies for social human-robot interaction;
• Machine learning for social robots;
• Emotion, personality, and empathy detection in social human-robot interaction;
• Social robots as conversational recommender systems;
• Social robots in the real world;
• Social assistive robots (e.g., for elderly people or children with autism spectrum disorder);
• Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cultural and social inclusion;
• Algorithmic bias detection and mitigation for marginalized groups.
Papers should be submitted via Easychair (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=socialize2025) by January 15, 2024. All submissions will undergo a peer-review process. Reviewers will consider originality, significance, technical soundness, clarity, and relevance to the workshop’s topics.
At least one author of each accepted paper must register for and attend the workshop.
The papers accepted at IUI workshops 2025 will be published in common proceedings via CEUR-WS (please see https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3660/ for last year’s workshop proceedings).
- Paper template (single column): http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-XXX/CEURART.zip
- Regular papers need to be at least ten pages long (single column) to be published in CEUR-WS proceedings, and short papers need to have at least five pages (please see https://ceur-ws.org/HOWTOSUBMIT.html for more details).
For further questions, please contact the workshop organizers at <socialize2025(a)easychair.org<mailto:socialize2025@easychair.org>>.
Berardina De Carolis, University of Bari, Italy
Fabio Gasparetti, Roma Tre University, Italy
Cristina Gena, University of Torino, Italy
Styliani Kleanthous, Open University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Giuseppe Sansonetti, Roma Tre University, Italy