Dear Friends,


I would like to share the job opening below in the School of Computer Science, Queensland University of Technology (AU).

While the position below is centred on cybersecurity or software development, the School of CS is home to one of the largest Australian groups working in all manners of HCI, interaction design, and participatory design, and a successful applicant from our HCI community would find here huge opportunities to thrive.


Feel free to get in touch for any further info, and please circulate through your networks if possible.


Many thanks,




Associate Professor Alessandro Soro | School of Computer Science

Unit Coordinator IFB398 (Capstone Project) and IFN692 (Interaction Design for  Emerging Technologies)

Academic Lead International & Engagement (School of Computer Science)

Faculty of Science | Queensland University of Technology

S Block, Level 10, Room 1050, Gardens Point Campus

E: | P: +61 07 3138 9569

CRICOS No. 00213J



From: Paul Roe <>
Sent: Thursday, 27 October 2022 9:14 PM
Subject: Level A/B/C position in Cyber Security or Software Development is now live


Hi Everyone,


Our new Associate Lecturer / Lecturer/ Senior Lecturer in Computer Science (Cyber Security or Software Development) is now live on QUT careers and soon SEEK.


Job Ref – 221162


Please encourage people to apply and distribute this position description; note this is intended to promote equal opportunity for women in STEMM and is open to women applicants only.







Professor Paul Roe

(Acting) Head of School – Computer Science 

Faculty of Science | Queensland University of Technology 

S Block, Level 10, 1034, Gardens Point Campus 

ph +61 7 31389323 | email 

CRICOS No 00213J