We are proud to announce that *Interaction Design & Architecture(s)
Journal *(IxD&A) has entered in its *third age*.
After /the paper age/ and the /electronic version age/, the journal made
a transition to an "*/e-paper + video/*" age on occasion of the special
issue N.47 (dedicated to "Tools, Pedagogical and Ludic Strategies,
Co-Design supporting Smart Learning Ecosystems and Smart Education"):
Issue N.47 - ToC
After the "/Meet the Authors/" event the videos of the introduction and
of the individual presentations have been linked to the ToC webpage and
to the webpages of the articles' abstract.
On the home-page of IxD&A you can find also a short updated video
presentation of the journal given at the "Meet the Authors" event.
On the occasion IxD&A Journal has inaugurated also its *youtube channel*
youtube channel <https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_F6Aa-zJERXS1H7IqbTtKA>
where you can find also the playlist of "Meet the Authors" N. 47
Next IxD&A issues are expected to adopt the same format of issue N.47
Looking forward your future submissions to IxD&A Journal and your
contribution to the third age of the scientific communication!