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International Journal on Interaction Design & Architecture(s) - IxD&A

- a SCOPUS and Web of Science - Emerging Sources (Thomson Reuters) indexed Journal -

This short message is to inform you that due to problems occurred, during the summer break, to the ojs management system used by the reviewing process of IxD&A Journal we had to upgrade it and now the system is available again at the following URL:


**apologize for the inconveniences that may have been experienced by some of you**

On occasion we remind you next journal deadlines:

September 2, 2020

special issue on
'Learning and learning ecosystems in the time of Covid-19'
focus session on
'Augmenting Space: The role of immersive technologies in future cities'

Always active the open call for 2021 special issues and focus sections
and the submission of regular papers (authors' guidelines).


Last available IxD&A issue that can be downloaded: issue n.44.

In preparation: issue n. 45
special issue on
'Designing for ownership in technology-enhanced learning (TEL): a core element for learners’ SRL and agency'
focus session on
'End-user development challenges for creative computing'