
volevo richiamare la vostra attenzione sulla Summer School di cui trovate sotto la call già fatta circolare da Franca Garzotto.

E’ una scuola incentrata su temi HCI, promossa dal SIGCHI Italy, con speaker internazionali di rilievo. E’ una delle poche opportunità di questo tipo in Italia.

Le iscrizioni sono ancora aperte. Non esitate a contattare me o Franca per qualsiasi informazione.


Cari saluti,




Dear Colleagues,


We are pleased to announce the International Summer School “Digital Interactive Smart Spaces” that will be held in Como and Milan in July 2022, organized by Politecnico di Milano in cooperation with the  Lake Como School for Advanced Studies and EIT Digital.

The School is devoted to Master/PhD students, researchers and professionals, who want to i) deepen their knowledge on Smart Spaces technology, and its potential/limitations; ii) to improve their competence on interaction design for Smart Spaces, and explore how applications can be developed to maximize usability, accessibility, and eectiveness; iii) better understand the business opportunities in this arena and the social challenges involved.

The Summer School is organized in 2 weeks.

The first week (July 11-15, 2022)  has a research focus, with outstanding speakers from prestigious universities and research centers in  Europe and abroad, and will be held on the Como Lake at Villa del Grumello ( .

The second week (July 18-22, 2022) has a business and industry perspective, with top-level speakers from large and medium companies in Italy and EU, and will be held in Milano at Politecnico Main Campus ( ).


It is possible to attend both weeks, or the first week only.

Please refer to the Summer School web site for the detailed program and further information


Thanks for your attention

Kind regards


Franca Garzotto and Maristella Matera




Maristella Matera – PhD

Politecnico di Milano

Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria