India HCI 2022 is the 13th edition of the international conference series on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). Sponsored by the HCI Professionals Association of India and in cooperation with ACM’s special interest group on computer-human interaction (SIGCHI), India HCI brings together researchers and practitioners from diverse areas that include traditional graphical & web user interfaces, tangible & ubiquitous computing, virtual & augmented reality, multimedia, new input & output devices, computer games, privacy, security, visualization, health, accessibility and aging, design, user modeling, engineering interactive systems, ICT for development, CSCW, and more. India HCI provides a special spotlight on papers that are relevant to South Asia, including those related to culture, language, socio-economic situations, and the industry of the region. The intimate size, single track, and comfortable surroundings make this conference an ideal opportunity to exchange research results and implementation experiences.


Significantly novel enabling technologies such as innovative input devices, displays, new interaction techniques, or new media that extend the boundaries of traditional interaction, such as natural user interfaces and interactions, mixed reality, mobile interaction, computer games, health, accessibility, and aging, user modeling.

1) User studies that engage qualitative research methods and/or offer critical perspectives on technology design, deployment, and/or use.

2) Engineering interactive systems design, ubiquitous computing (including wearables), social software, ICT for development (ICTD), and computer-supported collaborative work (CSCW).

3) Innovative user interfaces for difficult interaction contexts or challenging applications. Examples include managing large, complex information sets, usable privacy and security, multi-user interaction, crowdsourcing, automotive user experiences, and in-vehicle interactions (devices and interface automation, instrumentation evaluation, interactive systems, benchmarking driver performance and behavior), or techniques that span devices distributed in time and space.

4) Breakthrough user experiences leveraging techniques such as machine learning, computer vision, computer graphics, speech processing, networking, or human perception and cognition (e.g., analyzing driver distractions).

5) Innovative software architectures, design tools, toolkits, programming systems, and development environments that support the development and use of the above technologies in user interfaces.

6) User studies that engage qualitative research methods and/or offer critical perspectives on technology design, deployment, and/or use.

Important Dates:
August 3, 2022: Papers due
August 14, 2022: Notification of desk rejects/quick rejects
September 1, 2022: Authors will receive initial reviews of their papers
September 8, 2022: Rebuttals due
September 15, 2022: Authors will be notified of the committee’s decision
October 3, 2022: Paper needing shepherding decisions
October 5, 2022: Final camera-ready papers are due, and at least one author must register for the conference
(All deadlines close at 23:59 IST) There will be three independent reviewers for each paper. In addition, a meta-review will be done by a program committee member.

For more details, visit:

If you have any queries please contact the Paper Chairs:
Anirudha Joshi <>
Ishtiaque Ahmed <>
Pushpendra Singh <>
Doctoral Researcher 
Analytic Computing Group
University of Stuttgart
Skype: korok.sengupta
